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The company KASI, spol. s r.o. built the new modern grey iron and ductile iron foundry in the industrial zone of Nový Bydžov – Zábědov in the years 2010 and 2011. . FOUNDRY Nový Bydžov . Fundamental data of the company b usiness name : KASI, spol. s r. o.
Thecompany KASI, spol. s r.o. builtthenewmoderngrey iron and ductile iron foundry in theindustrialzoneof Nový Bydžov – Zábědov in theyears 2010 and 2011. FOUNDRY Nový Bydžov
Fundamental data ofthecompany business name: KASI, spol. s r. o. legalform: Limited company firm domicile: Masarykovo nám. 1544, 53002 Pardubice judicature: Krajský soud v Hradci Králové register sign:C 2864 registrationnumber: 47470011 basic capital: 10 100 000 CZK executivehead: Ing. Stanislav Ulm, Přemyslova 347, 53501 Přelouč Ladislav Lhoták, Za Sokolovnou 764, 53341 Lázně Bohdaneč www.kasi.cz
Thecompany KASI, spol. s r.o. is engaged in development, production and sale of sewage products. • The biggest Czech producer of sewage casting • The biggest provider of sewage casting for construction of new Czech highways • Theaimofthecompany KASI, spol. s r.o. wastheconstructionofthegrey iron and ductile iron foundry and providingcastingsforitsown use and forcommercial use without dependence on theothersuppliersaccording to thelatesttrends, includingproductinnovation. www.kasi.cz
CAPACITY • 28000 tonsofmelted metal per annum • 22 000 tons castings per annum • automatic HWS moldingline has capacityof 200 completemouldsper hour • CASTedMATERIALs: • grey iron qualityČSN EN-GJL 200, 250, 300 (GG 20, 25, 30) • ductile iron qualityČSN EN-GJS 400, 500, 600 (GGG 40, 50, 60) www.kasi.cz
SPECIFICATION • dimensionofthecastings: max. Ø800 mm, height up to 280 mm • weightcategoryofthecastings: max. 60 kg/pc GG25 16,1 kg GG 25 9,3 kg GG 20 24 kg www.kasi.cz GG 25 10,1 kg GG 20 3,5 kg GG 25 24,6 kg
MELTING • meltingisprovided in thetwin medium-frequencyfurnacesystemwiththecapacity 2 x 6 tonswith a 4MWh powerdrain • meltingfurnaces are operated on theprinciple MELT & HOLD • meltingcapacityis 6 tons per hour and dailymeltingcapacityis 144 tons • hoodsofthefurnaces are equippedwithexhaustshutters, which are connected by pipeline to thefilter station • fortheproductionofductile iron anequipmentforthemodificationof metal throughthe use offilledprofile wasinstalled www.kasi.cz
MOULDING Theproductivityoftheautomaticmoulding line is 200 full mouldsper hour. Mouldingruns on the principle of compacted mould by pressed air with the following finish-pressing. Uniformbentonite mixtureproduced in thesand department in thecloseproximityofthe line isusedforthemolding. Casting operationisdone by theautomatic casting devicewhichisequippedwith a deviceforinoculationofthecast iron in thestreamofliquid metal. www.kasi.cz
CORESHOP Thecores are made by COLD-BOX technology on twoshootingmachinesLAEMPE 10th LL. www.kasi.cz
CLEANING SHOP Thefollow-up technology afterthemolding line is a coolingtunnel. Aftertheshake-outcastingsfollowa finishingoperationscycleaccording to thecustomers‘ requirements. Blastingisdone by continuousblastingunit. www.kasi.cz
QUALITY SYSTEM • Thecompany KASI, spol. s r.o. iscertificatedaccording to theISO 9001-2009 standards • Thequalityofcastingsis proved by proper documentation as it´srequired by our business partners. The basic methodsofmeasurementinclude: • measuringofdimensionsaccording to thedrawingdocumentation • tensile-strength test • Brinellhardness test (HB) • EvaluatingtheMaterial’sMetallographicStructure • checkofthemetallurgicmaterialcomposition • We use theadvantagesofthe program QuikCAST- simulation casting and solidificationofcastings. www.kasi.cz
advantageS: • latest accessible technology and production devicesin the Czech Republic • automatedprocessaimedattheserialproduction • highproductivity • ability to cast thin-walled castings • minimal intervention ofthe human factor into the production process • Preparationofthe documentation in 2D and 3D • Environmental-friendly www.kasi.cz
CONTACTS Invoiceadress: KASI, spol. s r.o. Masarykovo nám. 1544 Pardubice 530 02 Chiefexecutiveofficer: Ing. Jan Dašek +420 731 634 715 dasek@kasi.cz Office and foundry: KASI, spol. s r.o. Průmyslová zóna - ZábědovNový Bydžov 504 01 Tel: +420 495 496 072 Sales department: Jiří Dolének +420 606 720 929 dolenek@kasi.cz Ing. Iveta Urválková +420 733 611 901 urvalkova@kasi.cz www.kasi.cz