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Welcome to Curriculum Night at North Joshua Elementary

Mrs. Ayars – Language Arts/Social Studies Mrs. Blair – Science/Math Mrs. Logsdon - Reading Mrs. Tomchesson - Math. Welcome to Curriculum Night at North Joshua Elementary. Joshua ISD will be a highly acclaimed model of educational excellence. JISD Vision Statement (2015).

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Welcome to Curriculum Night at North Joshua Elementary

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  1. Mrs. Ayars – Language Arts/Social Studies Mrs. Blair – Science/Math Mrs. Logsdon - Reading Mrs. Tomchesson - Math Welcome to Curriculum Night at North Joshua Elementary

  2. Joshua ISD will be a highly acclaimed model of educational excellence JISD Vision Statement (2015)

  3. Joshua ISD develops productive citizens of exceptional character who are life-long learners JISD Mission Statement

  4. District-wide 5th grade science field trip to UNT

  5. District-wide 5th grade science field trip to UNT

  6. Permanently honor your outstanding student, favorite teacher, special family member or friend! From August 17 through September 30, leaves on the Ray Dane Tree of Excellence, located in the foyer of Acker Auditorium, will be available for purchase. During this special event, your $200 contribution will be acknowledged with an inscription on a leaf with your honoree’s name and/or your own.

  7. We will read from a variety of genres for a variety of purposes. • Students will develop higher level communication skills through writing, speaking, and listening. • They will conduct research using various resources, such as, encyclopedia, newspapers, magazines, interviews, the internet. • Your student will be expected to read independently and interpret text fluently, and demonstrate an understanding of the writing process for self-initiated and assigned writing. Reading

  8. Students will participate in our Accelerated Reader Program. Reading goals are individualized for each six weeks, and all students are expected to meet and exceed their set goals. Please make sure your student is reading for at least 30 minutes every night to ensure success in AR. Accelerated Reader

  9. We will visit our library weekly. Students may check out two books per week. Students will be responsible for lost or damaged books, whether they were borrowed from our library or classroom.Ask to see the books your student has selected…you may want to get in on the fun! Library

  10. Your student will use place value in whole numbers and decimals, fractions, estimation and addition, subtraction, multiplying and dividing 2-3 digit numbers • Use transformations (slide, flip, reflection), geometric definitions, and ordered pairs on a plane; use formulas to measure volume, area, perimeter along with applying measurement concepts • Convert fractions to decimals, solve proportions and ratios • Predict results in probability experiments and solve problems by interpreting data collected • Use mathematics to solve problems connected to problems in and outside of school Your student will be proficient in mathematical vocabulary, processes and procedures. Math


  12. Math Facts in a Flash-practice • Notify parents of grades on AR tests via e-mail • Notify parents when a level is mastered on Math Facts in a Flash via e-mail • Families may score AM exercises from home • Family may reprint outstanding exercises from home • AR tests cannot be taken at home • Look up AR books Home Connect Resources

  13. Students will have weekly spelling and/or vocabulary lists, and will be tested on Fridays. Students will be expected to use these words in sentences. The word list will be included in the weekly newsletter and will be posted on the website. This year’s focus will be on prefixes, root words, and suffixes. Please make sure your student is allotting time nightly for studying their word list. Language ArtsSpelling

  14. We will study World History: geography, governments, industries, and cultures. • By the end of the school year, your student will have greater awareness of the world’s countries, how they are governed, and their impact on different societies. Social Studies

  15. We will study cycles, matter, energy, adaptations, and the natural world. • Students will visit the science lab weekly, use tools correctly, be proficient with vocabulary, and use critical thinking skills to understand the world around them. • All Sixth Grade students are required to enter the NJE Science Fair. Science

  16. Grading policy can be found on the district website under Parents and Grading Procedures • It addresses: • Failing grades • Late work • Make-up work due to absences • Re-do work JISD Grading Policy

  17. All sixth grade students are required to use cursive handwriting on all papers. Handwriting

  18. Students have a STAR sheet which must remain in their expandable folder. Please check it daily and sign it at the end of every week. Three points will be deducted from the conduct grade for each conduct mark. Five late homework assignments will result in disqualification from Fun Friday and lower citizenship grade a letter. Lost conduct sheet will be an N on the report card. Discipline

  19. Interventions and support systems in place: • Math Lab • Science Lab • Success • Gifted & Talented GT nominations are on-going throughout the semester. Screening dates are posted on the JISD District website. Our sixth grade GT students attend the District GT Center on Tuesday’s. SUPPORT PROGRAMS

  20. 7:50-8:30 Band/Homeroom 8:35-9:50 9:50-11:00 11:00-11:10 11:10-11:40 Lunch 11:40-12:10 Recess 12:10-1:10 1:10-2:20 2:20 Homeroom 2:20-3:10 Specials 3:10-3:15 Homeroom/Dismissal Our Schedule

  21. This year your student will be taking a timed Math and Reading STAAR test. We will administer three benchmark tests throughout the year and provide assistance through tutoring. We will work to make sure all students are confident in their abilities to be successful on these very important academic assessments. STAAR Test

  22. On-going nominations are available throughout the school year. The screening calendar is located on the JISD website. Students are served daily by differentiating the curriculum to challenge students. GT students also take part in a district wide program for grades 1-6 that meet once a week per grade level at the GT Center. Gifted and Talented Program

  23. NJE will compete in UIL. • All students are encouraged to participate in this exciting and challenging academic competition!! • Details will go home and will be posted on our class websites. UiL

  24. School doors open at 7:20am • Breakfast is available until 7:45 • Classrooms open at 7:50am • The back doors will lock at 8:00 am • Students will be dismissed at 3:15pm • Students are required to have a book in their backpack to read while waiting for classrooms to open and while waiting at dismissal time. The wait time will be better utilized by silent reading. General Information

  25. Feel free to contact us via e-mail, telephone, notes, or by scheduling a conference. We will be happy to meet with you during our conference time (2:20-3:10). Communication

  26. Grades are posted throughout each six weeks on the internet. Please visit our district website for links to Skyward Family Access, Home Connect, and our school/teacher websites at your convenience for updated information on all things pertaining to your student. www.joshuaisd.org E-mail us at: ayarsk@joshuaisd.org blairm@joshuaisd.org logsdont@joshuaisd.org tomchessonw@joshuaisd.org Internet Access

  27. It is imperative that your student be at school and on time every day. • If your student is sick, please notify the front office. • Three tardies/early dismissals are equivalent to one absence. • Please try to schedule appointments for your student after school hours, or during our school days off. Attendance

  28. No flip-flops are allowed. • Skirts, dresses and shorts must be no shorter than 5” above the knee. • Clothing with holes are not allowed. • No make-up is allowed. • For boys: hair should not be longer than the bottom of the collar of their shirt, or fall below their eyebrows or ears. Dress Code

  29. You may access your student’s meal account by visiting RevTrak Meal Pay on our district website: www.joshuaisd.org. There you are able to view the status of the account and make payments. If you choose to send in payments, please make sure the money is secured in an envelope and labeled with your student’s name. Meal Payments

  30. Water bottles are allowed in the classroom and must be thrown out or taken home daily for sanitizing. • If you would like to bring or send cookies or cupcakes for your student’s birthday, please make sure they are store bought and wrapped. The students will enjoy the snack on the playground during recess. • Winter Party, Valentine’s Day, Spring Party…..sweets are allowed. During Pumpkin Carving and Track Meet, we must follow FMNV rules. • Room mothers are needed for each class. Snacks and Class Parties

  31. To qualify for Fun Friday, your student must have an “A” average and all “E”s in citizenship for both Music and PE for the entire six week period. Five late homework assignments will result in disqualification. • To qualify for Perfect Attendance, your student must have no absences and no more than three tardy days (includes morning late arrivals and early dismissals). • We will enjoy a grade level field trip as well as the 6th grade Track Meet! • Criminal history forms are available in our office for $1.00 for parents interested in volunteering on our campus and in our classrooms. • JISD siblings are not allowed to attend our field trips. FIELD TRIPS

  32. Academic “J” Award Poetry Award A/B Honor Roll Perfect Attendance Bell Math Award Bluebonnet Award AR Award All-Star Student Reading Award Citizenship Award President’s Education Award Music/Physical Education/Computer Awards A description of each award can be found in the student handbook. All students are eligible for the following awards at the end of the school year: Awards

  33. If your student has a change in transportation for the day, please make sure you send a note, or call the front office and the teacher will be notified, otherwise students will go home as usual. • Please make sure you have your student’s pick-up card at dismissal. • Please use the proper lane for drop-off to keep things running smoothly. • Please remain in your car and allow us to load and unload your child. • Parents/visitors may only enter our building through the front entrance; all other doors will remain locked (Senate Bill 11). You must sign in at the front office in order to gain access to the classrooms and cafeteria. Please be prepared to leave your driver’s license or other personal item in the office while you visit, and make sure your yellow visitor sticker is visible at all times while in the building. Safety and Security

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