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Posters Students 1. October 24, Wednesday. Aécio Solano Rodrigues Santos Brazil Master Student in Computer Science Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) Computer Science Department Laboratory for Treating Information (LATIN) Recommender Systems Information Retrieval.
PostersStudents 1 October 24, Wednesday
Aécio Solano Rodrigues Santos • Brazil • MasterStudent in ComputerScience • Federal Universityof Minas Gerais (UFMG) • ComputerScienceDepartment • Laboratory for TreatingInformation (LATIN) • Recommender Systems • InformationRetrieval
Web Search Engine: • Web Crawling, Indexing, Query Processing... • Web Crawler is a software that automatically discovers Web pages and downloads those into a local repository • Given resources are limited, it is not possible to download all pages • Web Crawl Scheduling: • What pages should be downloaded first? • When a page should be updated?
AlineDuarte Bessa (Brazilian) MSccandidate at Federal University of Minas Gerais
I am currently involved with the generation of useful movie • recommendations for users. In my research, I investigate a bayesian • probabilistical framework that takes into account: • The fact that, in a recommended movie list, the utility of movies interfere with one another; • the fact that a recommended movie list should maximize the probability of having at least one item that is actually selected by an user; • the fact that the recommended movie list should cover, as much as possible, all different hues present in a particular user tastes. I am currently mining ratings patterns at the MovieLens datasets (http://www.grouplens.org/node/73).
About me Name: Anderson Chaves Carniel Nationality: Brazilian Academic Institution: Federal University of São Carlos
Research Databases Data Warehousing and OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Geographic Data Warehousing My current research in the master’s program: Incorporating vague spatial data in geographic data warehouses
Arimatéa de Carvalho XIMENES Brazilian Carioca PhD candidate in Science (Biology) Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) joint PhD at Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Granteed by: Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) M.Sc. Remote Sensing (National Institute for Space Research - INPE) Specialization of Enviromnent and Analysis Assessment (PUC-RJ B.Sc. Biological Science (University of Santa Úrsula - USU)
Determine global analysis of threats of mangrove plant species using socio-environmental indicators. Macroecology of mangroves • Biogeographical and ecoregions regions • of mangroves using species distribution • and environmental variables . Mangroves Self-Organizing Maps Crisci et al., 2006
Name: Arthur FernandesSiqueira Brazilian Research StudentSoil Biotechnology Lab – EmbrapaSoja Biotechnology Master’s Degree at UniversidadeEstudual de Londrina (“State University of Londrina”)
Current Research Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste Embrapa Cerrados LNCC Embrapa Soja UFPR Campus Palotina Embrapa Roraima Sctructuralandfunctionalgenomicsofdiazotrophsallowedfor commercialinoculantsproduction in Brazil UEL FEPAGRO IPA Main Project 9 research groups in association Roth, E. and G. Stacey (1989) StructuralandfunctionalgenomicsofBradyrhizobiumjaponicum (CPAC 7 and CPAC 15 strains) Sub-Project 9 reasearchers MariangelaHungria (Supervisor) Bioinformatics Genomeannotation My work! Membranetransport
Asher Watts, Canadian MSc. in Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Alberta
General Interests: • Computation Intelligence • Energy and the Environment Research Areas: • Energy Harvesting Systems • Power Management • Remote Monitoring
Name: AvatharamGanivada Nation: India Academic Institution: Indian Statistical Institute
Title:Granular Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition and Granular Mining • Classification and clustering of real life data sets, including microarray gene expression data, based on the proposed granular neural networks. • A new fuzzy rough entropy measure for validating the clustering solutions is proposed by comparing the existing measures, Beta–index and DB-index. • Future Work: - Proposing a new granular neural network for selecting salient features of real-life data sets.
Student Presentation My name: Bernardo Gonçalves My nationality: Brazilian My institution: LNCC, in Petrópolis/RJ, Brazil – National Laboratory for Scientific Computing DEXL LAB – Extreme Data Lab Prof. Fabio Porto
PhD Project, supervised by Prof. Fabio Porto (LNCC)A Database Model for Scientific Hypotheses Introduction of hypotheses, models and phenomena data representations into the eScience framework; Investigation of the conceptual structure (db-model) of scientific research life-cycles from the perspective of the scientist; Development of a db-model (both DDL and DML) for the effective representation and management of those entities all together with data.
BoonFei Tan Home: Malaysia; Similar to Brazil in many aspects… Second home: Edmonton, Canada
Project member of Hydrocarbon metagenomics projectPh.D candidate in Microbiology and biotechnology Oil sands tailings pond Next-generation sequencing Surface mining of oil sands Using system biology approaches in understanding degradation of hydrocarbon pollutants In the lab, I do: Bioinformatics --Metagenomics and genomics --Metatranscriptomics B) Bench work
Bruno Brandoli, Brazilian Ph.D. Student Department of Computational Physics USP - University of São Paulo, Brazil
My research topic is Texture Modeling • Swarm Intelligence • Fractal Geometry • Complex Network • Plant Pathology Identification • Nanomaterial Quality Assessment
CailletDornellesMarinho Brazilian Degree in agronomy (University of Viçosa - Brazil) Specialist in Biotechnology (University of Maringá - Brazil) M.Sc. in Genetics and Plant Breeding (University of North Fluminense - Brazil) D. Sc. in Genetics and Breeding (in progress) (University of Viçosa - Brazil)
Breeding Program of Sugarcane – University of Viçosa Rede Interuniversitária para o Desenvolvimento do Setor Sucroalcooleiro - RIDESA (Interuniversity network for the development of the sugar-energy Sector) Project: Early identification of potential clones of sugarcane under different selection strategies Focus: Genome Wide Selection (GWS)
CamilaPinto daCunha Brazilian nationality PhD student Program of Genetics and Molecular Biology Institute of Biology - University of Campinas (UNICAMP) Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marcelo Menossi Teixeira Scholarship: CNPq (140767/2012-6) and FAPESP (2012/13920-8) Project title: “Transcriptomic analysis of the effect of the hormone ethylene in sugarcane ripening”
Thehormoneethylene in sugarcaneripening • Developmentalstages Technologicalparameters Hormoneprofiles Photosynthesis Ligninandcellulose Enzymology 8-10 months (ripening) RNA-Seq HPAEC-PAD GC-MS Collaborationsandco-workers: UNESP (Dr. Marcelo Silva) IAC (Dra. Ana LagôaandMs. Guilherme Roberto) USP (Dra. Glaucia Souza, Dr. Marcos Buckeridge, and Dr. Igor Polikarpov). de novo reference • Mainanalysis work flow Assembly Normalization Differential gene expression RT-qPCRvalidation gene onthology
Cristiane Pontes de Oliveira Brazilian PostDoc at Chemistry Institute of São Carlos, IQSC University of São Paulo, USP
Name: Cristiano Premebida Nationality: Brazilian Affiliation: Institute of Systems and Robotics (ISR), University of Coimbra
Research work summary: In general, I have developed research work on the field of mobile robotics, autonomous vehicles, object tracking, and machine learning. In particular, my recent research topics of interest are: perception systems for robots and autonomous vehicles Sensor fusion, e.g. LIDAR, GPS and cameras pattern recognition
Daniel S. Lara – Microfabrication – Center for Semiconductor Components – Campinas State University (Unicamp) Silicon Processing Photolithographic masks Micro fluidics
Daniel S. Lara – Microfabrication – Center for Semiconductor Components – Campinas State University(Unicamp) Use the Silicon processing potentialities for ethanol fermentation monitoring
David A. Monge Information and Communication Technologies ResearchInstitute ITIC, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo Mendoza, Argentina Candidateforthedegree of Ph.D. In ComputerScience,Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina Ph.D.FellowshipgrantedbytheArgentineNationalScientific and TechnicalResearch Council (CONICET)
My Current Work Scheduling of Workflow applications on Distributed Computing environments Performance prediction methods Applications in the areas of Computational Mechanics and Bioinformatics Parameter Sweeping of Necking Problems (Engineering Faculty, UNCuyo) Predictive Classification of Gene Expression Samples (CTU, IDA, Czech Republic) Cross-gene cross-organism microarray analysis (CTU, IDA, Czech Republic)
Eng. Diego Sebastián Comas • Current Position • Ph.D. student in Electronic Engineering. • Member of Digital Image Processing Group. • Institutions • School of Engineering, Mar del Plata National University, Argentina. • National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, CONICET, Argentina. • Email: diego.comas@fi.mdp.edu.ar
Eng. Diego Sebastián Comas • Current Work • Type-2 Fuzzy Logic models applied to medical image segmentation FuzzyPredicates • Extension of predicates logic to Type-2 Fuzzy Sets; • Knowledge extraction from data for automatic design of fuzzy classification systems.
Edgar Andrés Ochoa Cruz Bogotá – Colombia PhD in Biotechnology Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
Sugarcane Genomics Synthetic Biology Energy and biofuel applications Molecular tools (Plug&Play plasmid) Reverse bioinformatics (Computation in biological organisms)
About Me Eduardo Cotrin Teixeira, Brazilian Ph.D. Student (since 2011) in Computer Science at Institute of Mathematics and Statistics (IME) - University of São Paulo (USP) Supervisors: João Eduardo Ferreira / Kelly Rosa Braghetto – Database Group Assistant Professor (since 2007) at Federal University of Technology – Paraná (UTFPR)
My Current Work Models and tools for Workflow management Scientific Workflows Databases (and Cloud Computing)
Eduardo de Paula Miranda eduardo.dpm@gmail.com (Brazilian) State University of Campinas
Problem Wide variety of information systems aimed at cataloging phenotypic descriptions of living beings, which adopt heterogeneous models, hampering data integration. Goal To Integrate phenotype-related heterogeneous models via alignment of their metamodels. Contributions Semi-automatic approach to connect free text phenotypic descriptions to equivalent ontology-based descriptions; Automated integration of the large volume of existing phenotypic descriptions.
Universidad de los Andes, Colombia ElianaBohórquez Physicist and Computer Science MSc student
Current Work Multidisciplinary projects: HPC and Scientific Research Computational support: Adaptation and use of infrastructure – Parallel Apps. CagA Project Docking and MD A: A CagA(1-876) dimer in thecrystal - Hayashi et al, 2012
Doctorate student : Esther Camilo Nacionality: Brazilian Institution: Univ. EstadualPaulista “Júlio de MesquitaFilho” Bioscience Institute – Physics Department Botucatu – São Paulo – Brazil
Project:Prediction of phenotypes in Escherichia coli using machine learning Keywords: Decision trees, essential genes, synthetic lethality, FBA experimental data + centralities MODEL + predictoralgorithm
Euripedes Garcia Silveira JuniorDourados, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil Graduate Degree in Biology Preparation of broth for the production of sugar Production of Ethanol Great Expectations Development Sector in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul
Post-Graduate: Mestrado em Recursos Naturais Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul Programa Interdisciplinar: Physics: FTIR, NMR, GC, RI Chemistry: Physicalchemistry Biology: BotanicalAspects Search: Production of biodiesel by oil sources. The horse-peanut (Arachis hypogaea var. Virginia L.) Evaluation of yield esters by base catalysis and heterogeneous