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Posters Students 2. October 24, Wednesday. Fabrício Martins Lopes Brazilian Ph.D. in Bioinformatics at USP Professor at UTFPR - Federal University of Technology – Paraná Research interests: Bioinformatics, pattern recognition and image processing. . Current work. Biological Systems.
PostersStudents 2 October 24, Wednesday
Fabrício Martins Lopes Brazilian • Ph.D. in Bioinformaticsat USP • Professor at UTFPR - Federal University of Technology – Paraná • Research interests: Bioinformatics, pattern recognition and image processing.
Current work Biological Systems GNs Inference Curse of dimensionality: there are much more genes than features; Expression data are only part of the information. • Biological systems are complex; • Several physical interactions; • Components with different behaviors (functions); • Different interactions (protein-protein, protein-DNA, etc.). A possible way: • Data Integration
Gabriela RodriguesLuiz Brazilian Bachelor in Biological Science Ph.D student in Bioinformatics UFMG (University of Minas Gerais)
Expression profile of blood and culture trypomastigotes of Trypanosomacruzi by RNA-Seq The parasite Trypanosomacruzi is the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, a neglected tropical disease. Trypomastigotes are the bloodstream circulating form that infect a wide variety of nucleated host cells. Recent advances in high-throughput sequencing offers the ability to discover new genes and transcripts and measure transcript expression in a single assay. However, even small RNA-seq experiments involving only a single sample produce enormous volumes of raw sequencing reads. The volume and complexity of data from RNA-seq experiments requires powerful computational tools: scalable, fast and mathematically principled analysis. This methodology could reveal the real complexity of the dynamics of expression of this parasite.
GARISHA CHOWDHARY Junior Research Fellow, Machine Intelligence Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata Nationality:INDIAN
Application of Machine Learning Techniques and Graph Algorithms towards Analysis of Protein-Protein Interaction Network • Introduction and Objective: • emergent properties of biological entities not readily explainable by the their constituent parts • components are best characterized as interaction networks; interaction patterns being non-trivial and irregular • Further comparison of networks inform us with the shared functional modules in species as well as change in functionality within a species over time Data: Interaction collected from STRING database for Plasmodium Falciparum Phases-sporozoite, gametophyte Mapped Nodes Blast similarity Topology similarity Conserved Interaction Edge • Current Scope of Improvement: • Perturbation analysis • Improvise on similarity score including neighborhood, expression data, gene ontology • integrate tools into GUI • Acknowledgement • Dr. SaikatChakrabarti, Indian institute of Chemical Biology, for complete guidance and computational source • Prof. UjjwalMaulik, JadavpurUniverisity for thesis supervision
Name: GeizeclerTomazetto Nationality: Brazilian Institution: Campinas University (UNICAMP) PhD Student is supported by grants from FAPESP Supervisor: Valéria Maia de Oliveira
Diversity analysis and bioprospection of microbial metagenome in H2-producing biogas fermenter Characterization of the diversity: - Bacteria and Archaea Domains; - FeFe-hydrogenases. Bioinformatic: analysis of the community anaerobic, new hydrogenasesand enzymes for biotechnological application - Cloning and expression of hydrogenases Domestic sewage treatment plant at Water Supply and Sanitation Company (SANASA) • Construction fosmid library • Sequencing by means 454-pyrosequencing
GlaucoVitorPedrosaI am a PhD student in Computer Science at University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. My research area is Image Processing and my ongoing projects are concerning to feature detection and content based image retrieval systems.
GlaucoVitorPedrosa My ongoing PhD project aims at studying and exploring the Bag-of-Features approach to support content-based image retrieval for medical systems, considering the specialists' point of view and knowledge. The Bag-of-Features approach represents the image as an collection of local features. For this, first the image local features are extracted, and then they are assigned to their nearest matching term from a visual vocabulary. The image feature vector is represented by a histogram of features detected in the image.
GovindaMurali 4th year Undergraduate Student Department of Physics & Meteorology Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur India
Direct laser pruning of Nanostructures and study of their optical and electrical properties • Practical Applications • Photodetectors - Image sensing • Biophysics – optical tweezers used for study of extension and twisting of DNA & blood cells Under Dr. Sow ChorngHaur, Nanomaterials Research lab, National University of Singapore
General Information Name: Guilherme da Silva Pereira City: Campina Grande – State: Paraíba (Northeast of Brazil) Graduate in Biology State University of Paraíba (UEPB), Campina Grande, Paraíba Master’s degree in Genetics and Plant Breeding University of São Paulo (USP), College of Agriculture “Luiz de Queiroz” (ESALQ), Piracicaba, São Paulo PhD student in Genetics and Plant Breeding – USP/ESALQ
Current Work Title: QTL mapping in sweet sorghum and synteny with sugarcane Objectives: To found QTL related to production and bioenergy characters in sorghum To compare genomes (synteny) and QTL locations between both species Data: Sorghum population: 225 RIL (recombinant inbred lines) individuals Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) – Illumina Sugarcane population: 200 F1 individuals Genotyping by iPLEXMassARRAY – Sequenom Phenotypes: e.g. production, sugar and fiber contents, ethanol production
Lic. IntiAnabela Pagnuco • Ph.D. student in Electronic Engineering. Argentina School of Engineering, Mar del Plata National University, Argentina. National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, CONICET, Argentina.
Current work: Supervised classification techniques applied to high density genetic data. Advantages of balanced classifier design on microarray data classification Decision Making for the Semi-automatic Clustering of large Protein Superfamilies Email: intipagnuco@fi.mdp.edu.ar
Ivo Koga koga@ic.unicamp.br LIS-IC-UNICAMP BRAZIL
Ivo Koga – LIS – IC – UNICAMP - BRAZIL Problem - heterogeneity and data deluge from environmental monitoring scenarios Objective – use Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Complex Event Processing (CEP) to integrate and process events from sensor data
Thanks! Ivo Koga koga@ic.unicamp.br Advisor: Claudia Bauzer Medeiros cmbm@ic.unicamp.br
Jayanta Kumar Pal Junior Research fellow Indian Center for Soft Computing Research Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata, India
Current Research Area • MiRNA and its role on cancer • Computational Approaches for Identifying Cancerous miRNAExpressions • miRNA selection for cancer classification
Name: Joana E. Gonzales Malaverri • Advisor: Claudia M. Bauzer Medeiros • Nationality: Peruvian • Academic institution: Institute of Computing, UNICAMP
A Provenance-Based Approach: helping to measure the quality of data • Goal: Present an approach based on the use of provenance that help on the measurement of the quality of a data product. • Laboratory of Information System (LIS) www.lis.ic.unicamp.br
Juliana M Prado, PhD FoodEngineer Brazil LAboratoryofSupercriticalTechnology: Extraction, FractionationandIdentificationofVegetableExtracts
Subcritical hydrolysis with water/CO2 of agricultural residues for the production of fermentable sugars Sugarcane bagasse Pressed palm fiber Coconut husk Defatted grape seed
Eng. Julio César Santos dos Anjos Master in Computer Science at UFRGS/2012 PhD Student at UFRGS GPPD Member MapReduce Research Group Member Nationality: Brazilian
MapReduce on Heterogeneous Environments + Volatility + Stochastic Schedulers = MR-S++ MapReduce with Tasks Stochastic Scheduler
Jurandy Almeida REasoning for COmplexData – RECODLab Institute of Computing, University of Campinas – UNICAMP Campinas, SP – Brazil jurandy.almeida@ic.unicamp.br
e-phenology e-phenology: The application of new technologies to monitor plant phenology and track climate changes in the tropics* Patrícia Morellato Phenology Laboratory Dept. ofBotany UNESP, Rio Claro, SP Ricardo Torres RECOD Lab InstituteofComputing UNICAMP, Campinas, SP • use of new technologies of environmental monitoring - remote phenology monitoring systems • provide models, methods, and algorithms to support management, integration, and analysis of remote phenology data • create a protocol for a future Brazilian Network - long term phenology monitoring program *Supported by the FAPESP-Microsoft Research Virtual Institute
Sílvia Cristina Dias PintoPostDoc Institute of Mathematics and Statistics – IME University of São Paulo – USP Brazil
3D Shape Analysis using Wavelets • 3D Facial Expression (ICIP 2011) • Supra-orbital Margin Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security
Kartick Chandra MONDAL Nationality: INDIAN 4th Year PhD Student I3S Laboratory (CNRS/UNSA UMR-7271) University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France https://sites.google.com/site/mrkartickchandramondal/ Supervised by: Nicolas PASQUIER Head of KEIA Team, Pole GLC, Laboratory I3S, UNSA
Current research interest: Developing new closure based approaches for frequent pattern mining, association rule mining and biclustering in one run. Analyzing images using our own closure based approaches. Finding unknown Protein Interactions from HIV-Human Protein Interaction Data. Using different data mining task, finding the relationships between ontological terms and gene annotation from integrated gene expression data. Finding biclusters and ranking genes from gene expression data using multi-object methods. Thank you for your kind interest!!!
KattiFaceli Associate professor – DepartmentofComputing Federal Universityof São Carlos (UFSCar) at Sorocaba Brazil
Mainresearchproject: • Anhybridintelligent system for clusters’ identification, whichintegrates ensembles, multiobjectiveoptimizationandmodelselectionstrategies • Othercurrentworks: • Complexityof gene expression data andmodelselection for clustering • Visualizationof a set ofclusteringsolutions • Classificationof e-tongue sensor data
Name: Leonardo Galindo Gonzalez Nationality: Colombia Institution: University of Alberta, Canada
Flax genome sequencing and annotation Transposable element studies Reverse genetics to find mutations in fiber development genes
Lucas Antiqueira PhD Computational Physics, MSc/BSc Computer Science Post-doctoral associate at: Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC) Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Carlos, Brazil
Current work • Neuroinformatics • Brain sampling through functional networks • Bioinformatics • Integrated analysis (transcriptome + metabolome + proteome) • Natural language processing • Text analysis for, e.g., authorship identification and automatic summarization Complex networks
Declarative queries for Information Retrieval over graph databases Luiz Gomes – UNICAMP (Brazil)
Defining GIRDBs – Graph Information Retrieval DataBases • Representing structured (e.g. relational) and unstructured (e.g. documents) data as graphs • Mapping IR metrics (relevance, reputation, similarity, etc.) into graph analysis tasks • Integrating the metrics in a declarative query language • Optimizing/Processing queries • Applying the framework to CMSs, e-health, biodiversity, recommendation systems, etc.
Lumin Zhang Industrial Engineering and Operation Research University of California, Berkeley I am originally from China. Focusing on data analysis research.
Data Analysis of Building Plug Load On-going research project Berkeley Architecture Department Building Data of every plug load in the 4th floor for each minute Analysis Applying clustering to detect the pattern. Time Series Analysis
Maiana de Oliveira Cerqueira e Costa M.Sc. in Computational Modeling at LaboratórioNacional de ComputaçãoCientífica (Petrópolis, Brazil). B.Sc. in Biological Sciences at Universidade Federal da Bahia (Salvador, BA).
Current work and interests Previous works Comparative genomics of Staphylococcus aureusST239 clinical isolates. • Participated in the annotation of a database dedicated to type IV secretion systems (http://www.t4ss.lncc.br); • Performed phylogenetic studies on theevolution of Gymnotiformes.