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Enc 1102 agenda for march 25. Daily Objective: To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poems.
Enc 1102 agenda for march 25 • Daily Objective: • To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poems. • To appreciate great works of British literature by reading and analyzing a novel on our own. • Daily Assignments: • Turn in notebook • Quiz on your British Literature book • Work on your project on your British Literature book when finished (p. 39); it is due at BEGINNING of period next class. • Remember to bring in a FOOD SOMEHOW RELATED TO YOUR BOOK next class period as well (or a story about the kind of food someone in your book ate/would eat that is 350-500 words)
Enc 1102 agenda for march 27 • Daily Objective: • To appreciate poetry during Socratic Seminars and other critical analysis methods; to become a better writer by modeling one’s poems after the works of significant poems. • To appreciate great works of British literature by reading and analyzing a novel on our own. • Daily Assignments: • Share how food relates to book and then put it on table • Share project • Participate in our Book Talk as we eat food and discuss books in a civilized manner • Remember next period we will work on the rough draft of our poem analysis
Ap agenda for march 24 (B Day) • Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. • Daily Assignments: • RLARS for part of class(I will verify book you are reading) • Work on Great Test Makers are Great Test Takers Assignment (due April 2) using my laptops if finished with book; remember you must cover the ENTIRE book in MC questions; template is on my website • Work on Project on RLARS book on p. 370b (due March 28) • Remember your notebook is due March 26 AND your quiz on your book is March 26! • SCHEDULING IS ALSO DONE MARCH 28!
Ap agenda for march 25/26 • Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. • Daily Assignments: • Turn in notebook • Quiz on RLARS book • When finished with quiz, work on: • Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers (due April 2) in Rm. 213 • RLARS Project on p. 370b (due at the BEGINNING of next class period)
Ap agenda for march 27/28 • Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. • Daily Assignments: • Scheduling is completed • Turn in project on RLARS book • Work on Great Test Makers Are Great Test Takers Assignment in Rm. 213 (this will be our last in-class time on this) • Remember to bring in a food related to your book (or a story about the kind of food someone in your book ate/would eat that is 350-500 words) on April 2/3
AP Agenda for March 31/april 1 • Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. • Daily Assignment: • Pass out agendas through May 9; pass back OMAM exam; go over sample essays • Complete Reflection on Of Mice and Men exam using template on my website in Rm. 214 during 4A, 1B, 2B (3B uses my laptops); due April 1 at 11:59 pm to turnitin.com • Remember to bring in a food related to your book (or a story about the kind of food someone in your book ate/would eat that is 350-500 words) next class period for our Book Talk
AP Agenda for april 2/3 • Daily Objective: To appreciate works of nonfiction through the independent reading and analysis of a book of one’s choosing. • Daily Assignment: • Share how food is related to book • Read samples from Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanackand his Autobiography as you eat • Participate in Book Talk • As you finish Book Talk, in your group create a Life’s Little Instruction Book according to p. 380a; you will share your best advice when finished
AP Agenda for April 4/7 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. • Daily Assignments: • Read “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”; discuss; do questions • Read Patrick Henry’s “Speech to the Virginia Convention”; discuss; do questions • Assign Persuasive Speech; due April 21(A)/April 22(B) • Warning: We will taken ANOTHER “REAL” AP EXAM on April 10/11 (Synthesis and Rhetorical Essay) and April 14/15 (MC and Argument Essay) on American Revolutionary Writings. It will be worth 200 points. It will be partially on nonfiction readings we have covered in-class or on topics covered in class. It will be challenging.
AP Agenda for April 8/9 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. • Daily Assignments: • Read Thomas Paine’s “The Crisis” and do questions; discuss • Read excerpts from Of Plymouth Plantation; discuss • Read Dave Barry’s take on the American Constitution from Hits Below the Beltway; in a group come up with 10 Other Amendments you would add to the Constitution; be ready to share your best ones! • Remember next class period we will begin another AP Exam on American Revolutionary Writings.
AP Agenda for april 10/11 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. • Daily Assignments: • Write Synthesis and Rhetorical Analysis Essay on American Revolutionary Writings
AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 14/15 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. • Daily Assignments: • Write Argument Essay and complete MC questions on American Revolutionary Writings • Next class period, we will register in the Smith Center for the AP exam; we will also do research on our Persuasive Speech, which will be presented on April 21/22.
AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 16/17 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. • Daily Assignments: • Register for the AP Exam in the Smith Center • Work on persuasive speech in Rm. 213; it is presented next class period; transcript of speech is due to turnitin BY THE TIME CLASS STARTS
AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 21/22 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. • Daily Assignments: • Present Persuasive Speeches; turn in transcript when finished
AP agenda for april 23/24 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of early Americans by reading works that led to the success of the American Revolution. • Daily Assignments: • If necessary, finish persuasive speeches • Pass back AP Exam on American Revolutionary Writings • We will then have some people using laptops and some people doing work in the guidebook. This is your assignment for the rest of the period: • Work on Reflection of AP Exam on American Revolutionary Writings (on p. 390a and 390b) and Emerson Quoting Activity (p. 307-); turn in by end of period • Write final draft of essay using my laptops (labs not available due to FCAT); due April 25 at 11:59 pm
AP Agenda for april 25/28 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of American writers who wrote in the 1800s. • Daily Assignments: • Pass out literary terms to be covered in May 1st/2nd Literary Terms Quiz #2 (will do skit activity to review before then); Pass out illustrations of literary terms from 1st semester (which never came in until way after your took your quiz) • Read excerpts from Ralph Waldo Emerson on p. 240-248 • You will then be broken up into groups to cover a concept to present to the class, such as diction, imagery, argumentative techniques, etc. • A leader from each group will present why your technique was so strong in the middle during a “EMERSON BATTLE”; we will then decide which group was most persuasive • When finished, watch clip to Alive Inside • We will work on our Emersonian/Thoreauvian Song Presentation using laptops in the same groups (p. 432)
AP AGENDA FOR APRIL 29/30 • Daily Objective: To appreciate the works of American writers who wrote in the 1800s. • Daily Assignments: • In a group, create analysis questions on an Early English Language passage (instructions on p. 433) and post it to turnitin • When finished, make two copies of it. • Trade with another group and answer the other group’s questions. • If time, trade with a second group and do the activity again.
AP AGENDA FOR MAY 1/2 • Daily Objective: To work on skills to ensure success on May 9th’s AP Exam. • Daily Assignments: • Create skit on literary terms you have been assigned and present it to the class; this will aid you in studying for next class’ quiz • Read sample essays from 1995-1998 and annotate; you will then be assigned to a group and brainstorm on how to respond to a few of them
AP Agenda for May 5/6 • Daily Objective: To work on skills to ensure success on May 9th’s AP Exam. • Daily Assignments: • Go over instructions for next class period’s Amazing Race • Take Literary Terms Quiz #2 • Pass out multiple choice passages to take home and study; answer key for passages is on p. 441a
AP Agenda for May 7/8 • Daily Objective: To work on skills to ensure success on May 9th’s AP Exam. • Daily Assignments: • Welcome to the 7th Annual Amazing Race