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Group Enterprise

GOOD NEWS!!. GOOD NEWS!!. GOOD NEWS!!. pekost2all@gmail.com. Group Enterprise. Under PRE-LAUNCH…in INDIA. pekost2all@gmail.com. Group Enterprise. … & majority of the Mobile Phone Operaters worldwide are our clients !.

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Group Enterprise

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  1. GOOD NEWS!! GOOD NEWS!! GOOD NEWS!! pekost2all@gmail.com Group Enterprise Under PRE-LAUNCH…in INDIA

  2. pekost2all@gmail.com Group Enterprise … & majority of the Mobile PhoneOperaters worldwide are ourclients!

  3. pekost2all@gmail.com • Multi-Millionaire Market... • Global... • High Consumption Service ... • ALREADY you do ... • 1) RECHARGE your mobile • Phone and also • 2) RECOMMEND frequently • Products/Services! • But You never Earn Money?

  4. SERVICES pekost2all@gmail.com The MEMBERSHIP*includesthefollowing: A Virtual Back Office, E-Shop to purchase TALK/AIR-TIME (uponusingour Online Store, theaffiliateearnsonhis DIRECT affiliates a 2% in Talk-Time each, in thesamewayoneveryrechargewhichshould be a MINIMUM of US$100.00), 3. AnAPP to recharge in more than 85 countrieswith more than 250 mobile operaters, 4. Transfer Services, 5. VOIP APP. 6. Right to receive RECHARGE, 7. Right to EARN commisionsfor recommendingour Company & itsservices. *Conditions & Restrictions apply.

  5. pekost2all@gmail.com • has developedanIngenious Concept of FidelitybyputtingTalkTime in yourmobilephoneswithattractivecommisions. • Through a payment of JUST US$27.00 a ONE-TIME MEMBERSHIP. • Withthispaymenttheaffiliate/membersecures a position insidetheingenious Network Marketing System. 2 IN 1 only… US$27.00 JUST ONCE! 27 USD 2 USD + Taxes/AdminCost

  6. FAST START RECHARGE BONUS US$2.50 US$2.50 Forevery DIRECT affiliateyoubring in, youreceive 1-TIME Talk-Time worth US$2.50. CORRECT pekost2all@gmail.com

  7. pekost2all@gmail.com • Ourintelligentsystem Works basedon FORCED 2x2 MATRIX which once filled in, you RE-ENTER (cycle) in thesamePhase UNLIMITED times. • MEANS: 2 personswhoalsojoin in 2 people in 2 levels. i.e. YOU & your 6 affiliates. • Uponcompletion of everycycleormatrix, yougenerate/earndifferentbenefits in each of the 5 Phases. RE-ENTRY

  8. pekost2all@gmail.com THE 5 MECHANISMS • FOLLOW-ME… • SPILL OVER... • SPILL UP (FOUNTAIN)... • Cross-Lines... • WORKING TOGETHER…

  9. pekost2all@gmail.com • Justpay ONCE US$25.00 • FastStartRechargeBonus US$2.50 x DIRECTs. • The 2nd LEVEL generates • Detailed as: • Uponcompleting 1st Matrix ( US$) • SponserBonus3 • 1 position in PEKCELL 2 • Re-Entry in nextTITANIUMPhase25 • EarningsuponPhasecompletion • (just ONCE) to actívate Phase 2 CHROME60 • Uponcompletion of 2nd matrixonwards… • Same as above. • Mobile Talk-Time 10 • Earnings in CASH fromMatrix N°. 2 • onwards... 60 #1 TITANIUM 100 USD 25 USD RE-ENTRY 25 USD

  10. pekost2all@gmail.com #2 CHROME • 1-time payment of US$60.00 (fromTITANIUMearnings) • The 2nd Levelgenerates • Detailed as: • Uponcompleting 1st matrix ( US$) • Mobile Talk-Time 5 • SponserBonus5 • 1 position in Pekcell 2 • Re-entry in nextCHROMEPhase60 • EarningsuponPhasecompletionjust • once to actívate Phase 3 TIN168 • Uponcompletion of 2nd matrixonwards… • Same as above. • Earnings in CASH fromMatrix N°. 2 • onwards... 168 240 USD 60 USD RE-ENTRY 60 USD

  11. pekost2all@gmail.com • 1-time payment of US$168.00 (fromCHROMEearnings) • The 2nd Levelgenerates • Detailed as: • Uponcompleting 1st matrix ( usd$) • Mobile Talk-Time 10 • SponserBonus 32 • 1 position in Pekcell 2 • Re-entry in nextTiNPhase 168 • EarningsuponPhasecompletionjust • once to actívate Phase 4 PLATINUM460 • Uponcompletion of 2nd matrixonwards… • Same as above. • Earnings in CASH fromMatrix N°. 2 • onwards... 460 #3 TiN 672 USD 168 USD RE-ENTRY 168 USD

  12. pekost2all@gmail.com #4 PLATINUM • 1-time payment of US$460.00 (fromTiNearnings) • The 2nd Levelgenerates • Detailed as: • Uponcompleting 1st matrix (US$) • Mobile Talk-Time 10 • SponserBonus300 • 50 positions in Pekcell 100 • Re-entry in nextPLATINUMPhase460 • EarningsuponPhasecompletionjust • once to actívate Phase 5 COLTAN600 • 02 NEW TITANIUMs50 • 12affiliations of PEKOST as Company 300 • ADMIN COST 20 • Uponcompletion of 2nd matrixonwards… • Same as above. • Earnings in CASH fromMatrix N°. 2 • onwards... 600 1840 USD 460USD RE-ENTRY 460 USD

  13. pekost2all@gmail.com #5 COLTÁN • 1-time payment of US$600.00 (fromPLATINUMearnings) • The 2nd levelgenerates … • Detailed as: • Uponcompleting 1st matrix ( US$) • Mobile Talk-Time 10 • SponserBonus420 • 50 positions in Pekcell100 • Re-entry in nextCOLTANPhase600 • EARNINGS AvailableImmediately900 • 02 NEW TITANIUMs50 • 12affiliations of PEKOST as Company 300 • ADMIN COST 20 • Uponcompletion of 2nd matrixonwards… • Same as above. • Earnings in CASH fromMatrix N°. 2 • onwards... 900 2400 USD 600USD RE-ENTRY 600USD

  14. pekost2all@gmail.com Phase 1 TITANIUM Phase 2 CHROME Phase 3 TiN Phase 4 PLATINUM Phase 5 COLTÁN US$ 25 Re-entry TITANIUM • US$100.00 • US$10.00 MOB.RCHGE • US$ 3.00 SponserBonus • US$ 2.00 1 PekCell Share • US$25.00 Re-Entry TITANIUM • US$60.00 CASH Earning

  15. pekost2all@gmail.com Phase 1 TITANIUM Phase 2 CHROME Phase 3 TIN Phase 4 PLATINUM Phase 5 COLTÁN U$ 25 U$ 60 U$ 168 U$ 460 Re-entry Re-entry TITANIUM CHROME TIN • U$100.00 • U$ 10 MOB.RCHGE • U$ 3 SPON.Bonus • U$ 2 pekcell share • U$ 25 Re-entry • U$ 60 cash earning • U$240.00 • U$ 5 MOB.RCHGE • U$ 5 SPON.Bonus • U$ 2 pekcell share • U$ 60 Re-entry • U$ 168 cash earning • U$672.00 • U$ 10 MOB.RCHGE • U$ 32 SPON.Bonus • U$ 2 pekcell share • U$168 Re-entry • U$460 cash earning

  16. pekost2all@gmail.com Phase 1 TITANUM Phase 2 CHROME Phase 3 TIN Phase 4 PLATINUM Phase 5 COLTÁN U$ 25 U$ 60 U$ 168 U$ 460 Re-entry Re-entry Re-entry Re-entry PLATINUM • US$370 B/F • US$ 20 ADM COST • U$1,840.00 • U$ 10 MOB.RCHGE • U$ 300 SPON.Bonus • U$ 100 50 pekcell • U$ 460 Re-entry • U$ 600 cash earning

  17. pekost2all@gmail.com Phase 1 TITANIUM Phase 2 CHROME Phase 3 TIN Phase 4 PLATINUM Phase 5 COLTÁN U$ 25 U$ 60 U$ 168 U$ 600 U$ 460 Re-entry Re-entry Re-entry Re-entry PLATINUM COLTÁN • US$370 B/F • US$ 20 ADMIN • US$2,400.00 • U$ 10 MOB.RCHGE • U$ 420 SPON.Bonus • U$ 100 50 pekcell • U$ 600 Re-entry • U$ 900 cash earning • US$1,840.00 • U$ 10 MOB.RCHGE • U$ 300 SPON.Bonus • U$ 100 50 pekcell • U$ 460 Re-entry • U$ 600 cash earning U$ 50 2 TITANIUM U$300 12 TITANIUM PEKOST

  18. EARNINGS summary… US$2,188.00 TOTAL earningson MY 5 PHASES. (US$60.00 + US$168.00 + US$460.00 + US$600.00 + US$900.00) US$ 85.00 TOTAL Mobile-Recharge (AIR-TIME) BONUS. EVERYDIRECT earns YOU JUST in theSponserBonus (SP. BONUS) US$760.00 (US$3.00 + US$5.00 + US$32.00 + US$300.00 + US$420.00) so, 12 DIRECTS x US$760.00 = US$ 9,120.00 + Your OWN 5 cycles =US$ 2,188 .00 TOTAL EARNINGS = US$11,308.00 = Rs.6,78,480/- ================= pekost2all@gmail.com

  19. BENEFITS SUMMARY pekost2all@gmail.com

  20. pekost2all@gmail.com WHY you should be with of • 1-timepayment • MassiveConsumingService • Multi-millionaireIndustry • A REALService, satisfyinga REAL necessity! • Economical & Accesible • Simple &Duplicable • Hereditary • Easy to FOLLOW • A Systemwhichguarantees it’spermanency & CONSTANT growth. • You can consume ourservice EVERYTIME you RE-CYCLE your matrix. • EarnREFERRAL commisions.

  21. pekost2all@gmail.com You can pay DIRECTLY through your Debit/Creditcard

  22. JOIN PeKostbyPekCell& weshall show youhowtoconvertyourmobilephoneintoyour OWN office... Contact at Email at- pekost2all@gmail.com Directcall at +91-9810398642 Visit my ownwebsite www.pekostindia.jimdo.com JOIN US N O W !!!

  23. pekost2all@gmail.com THANKS!!

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