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American Nationalism

American Nationalism. Forces of Unification. Rising Nationalism. Following the War of 1812 the United States experiences a massive surge of nationalism Growth of strengthening of the nation Growth in national pride A force of national unit

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American Nationalism

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  1. American Nationalism Forces of Unification

  2. Rising Nationalism • Following the War of 1812 the United States experiences a massive surge of nationalism • Growth of strengthening of the nation • Growth in national pride • A force of national unit • Driven by Henry Clay, John Q. Adams, & John Marshall

  3. Clay’s American System • Speaker of the House Henry Clay developed the American System to make the U.S. self-sufficient • Previously dependent on England for goods • Americans produce the goods that the United States needs

  4. The American System • Created the Second Bank of the United States (1816-36) • To provide loans for business and to build factories • Aided the northern states • Protective Tariffs (Tariff of 1816) • To make foreign good more expensive so people will buy American & protect American factories 2) Aided the north but hurt southerners 3) The national government will build Internal Improvementsto improve transportation • Roads, canals, bridges • Needed by the west

  5. Roads • National or Cumberland Road • First “interstate” from Potomac River to Mississippi • Toll road or turnpike • Macadamized road • Meant to connect the Potomac River to the Mississippi River but stopped in Vandalia, Ill. • 620 miles long

  6. Internal Improvements • Erie Canal (1817-21) • 363 miles long • Connects Great Lakes with Hudson River • Goods of the Midwest shipped out of New York City • Cut shipping cost 95% • Made NYC the economic center of the U.S.

  7. The Greatest Secretary of State • James Monroe (1817-25) elected POTUS in 1816 • John Quincy Adams as Secretary of State • Nationalistic foreign policy • Purpose to strengthen the U.S.

  8. Adams Diplomatic Moves • Treaty of 1818 • US & England set the Canadian border at the 49 parallel of latitude • Agree to Jointly share Oregon • Rush-Bagot Treaty (1818) • U.S. & England establish a demilitarized border between the U.S. and Canadian border

  9. Jackson Invades Florida • Georgia facing attacks from Seminoles & escaped slaves from Florida • Gen. Andrew Jackson invades Florida in 1818 and defeats the Indians/fugitives • Spain demands Jackson be arrested

  10. Gaining Florida • Adams negotiates the Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) • Spain cedes Florida to the U.S. • Spain gives up claims on Oregon • U.S. gives up claims on Texas

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