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This proposal presents the benefits of creating a new county, Siuslaw County, for the residents of the existing Lane County. It highlights the advantages such as local representation, improved governance, increased tax efficiency, and enhanced quality of life. The history of subdivisions and comparison with other counties support the feasibility of this project. Relevant information sources and statistics are provided to support the argument.
Siuslaw County Project A New County for a Bright Future – Today, Tomorrow, and Beyond! Prepared and presented by: Chief Petitioner: Keith Stanton
Benefits to Siuslaw Residents • Voice in how the County is administered • Reflect local values and attitudes • Taxes collected locally are spent locally • Responsive + Accountable to local problems • Encourage Personal Vitality (Quality of Life) • Encourage Economic Vitality (Business/Jobs) • Reduce waste, corruption, and incompetence • Eliminate need to impose new onerous taxes
Lane County > some Union States Rhode Island is 1,212 square miles Delaware is 2,044 square miles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combined is only 3,256 square miles Lane County is 4,610 square miles Connecticut is 5,018 square miles Hawaii is 6,470 square miles New Jersey is 7,787 square miles Massachusetts is 8,284 square miles
History Of Subdivisions 1818 – Oregon Country joint use Britain & America 1846 – N 49th parallel boundary Britain & America 1847 – Linn subdivided out of Champooick District 1851 – Lane subdivided out of Linn County Oregon 1852 – Douglas subdivided out of Lane County 1853 – Washington/Idaho Territories subdivide out 1853 – Lane County extended to Pacific Ocean as County based on Siuslaw Watershed 1854 – Wasco subdivided out of Lane and Linn resulting in Lane boundary in use today 2006 – Siuslaw subdivided out of Lane County (?)
Eastern Boundary Line Alma - town and all west of it on Siuslaw River Rd Blachly - town plus 2 miles further east on Hwy 36 Horton - town including all Horton Road also the starting homes on High Pass Rd Noti - 3 mi west town, roughly milepost 40 Hwy 126 Hwy 36 to approximately house number 21,300 Hwy 126 to approximately house number 22,000 Penn Rd to approximately house number 22,000
TRS System 17-07-25-00-00700 TT–RR-SS-MM-LLLLL If your xx-RR-xx is 07 or higher, you are Siuslaw County TRS chart shown available on web: SiuslawCounty.Org
Comparing 36 Counties • Landmass: 1,065 square miles 23 % of Lane County’s 4,620 sqmi 10 are smaller and mostly healthy • Population: 20,000 residents 6% of Lane County’s 329,400 souls 10 have fewer and most are healthy • Density: 18.8 people per square mile Lane has 71.3 (Eugene/Springfield) 15 have lower and still are healthy
Real Estate Wealth • Market Value: $1,823,000 (adjusted ‘03) 7% of Lane County’s $26,749,000 12 have less and are mostly healthy • Per Capita: $91,161 per person 112% of Lane’s $81,205 average 17 have lower values and are healthy • And was it mentioned Siuslaw County is experiencing a growth in spite of Lane County’s Public Works Dept?
Conclusion of Comparables Siuslaw County when compared has: • More Natural Resources • More Human Resources • More Wealth Resources • More Tax/other Revenues than 1/3rd of the 36 Oregon Counties! Siuslaw County is clearly very possible!
Information Sources Oregon Constitution & Revised Statutes 2005-2006 Oregon Blue Book 2005-2006 Lane County Budget (May 2005) 2005-2006 Lane County Tax Statements CD Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) Lane County Staff (numerous departments) Discussions with the other Oregon Counties Published reports of investigative journalists Reports of personal experiences with County
Big Business of LC is Government 1 Peace Harbor Medical 4,162 workers 2 University of Oregon 3,600 workers 3 Monaco Coach RV 2,200 workers 4 Weyerhaeuser Timber 2,122 workers 5 Eugene School District 1,990 workers 6 Country Coach RV 1,600 workers 7 Lane County Seat 1,531 workers 8 City of Eugene 1,390 workers 9 Lane Community College 1,335 workers 10 Springfield School District 1,300 workers 11 Hynix {high tech / computers} 1,037 workers 12 Bethel School District 600 workers
Lane County > some Union States Rhode Island is 1,212 square miles Delaware is 2,044 square miles ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Combined is only 3,256 square miles Lane County is 4,610 square miles Connecticut is 5,018 square miles Hawaii is 6,470 square miles New Jersey is 7,787 square miles Massachusetts is 8,284 square miles
Taxation With (?) Representation 217,000 Lane County Voters (estimated) 11,000 Siuslaw County voter component 5% of the vote, of the voice NO EFFECTIVE REPRESENTATION 11,000 Siuslaw County voters after transfer 11,000 Siuslaw County voting component 100% of the vote, of the voice TRUE REPRESENTATION AFTER 100 YEARS
County Reflects its Worker Base Lane County employees live and work in: EUGENE/SPRINGFIELD Only when our county workers: Live Locally Work Locally Play Locally Raise Families Locally Retire/Vote Locally will County respect our Values and Attitudes
Home Rule Applies Since 1990 1913 – first attempt to form Siuslaw County, fails as it requires passing a Legislative Act ???? – every couple decades idea resurfaces, fails as no Legislative Act or Lane gives offer 1975 – Mapleton considers Siuslaw, got suckered, Lane offers to return coastal services (temp) 1984 – last attempt using McCall name to get political pull, fails to get Legislative passage Since – Oregon Revised Statutes are changed, extend Home Rule to forming new County
The Process of Formation • Criteria – 400+ sqmi and 1200+ residents • Petition – signed by 50%+1 of voters in area have 1 year from approval (27 Sept ‘05) • Validation – Lane County has 90 days for signature validation and placing on ballot • Election – 50%+1 of votes by voters in area • Proclamation – by Governor within 30 days
Under New Management • Board – Gov apts Judge + 2 commissioners • Staffing – Board apts sheriff, county clerk, county assessor, county treasurer, county surveyor, elected/needful positions • Transfer – Board meets with Lane County to determine what assets, revenue, liabilities, staffing, codes, manuals, software, etc….. • Elect – At next Nov election, all elected office apts replaced by elected representatives
Possible Transfer Scheme • Funding for a area-specific program goes there • Funding related to voters means 5% to Siuslaw • Funding related to people means 6% to Siuslaw • Funding related to area means 23% to Siuslaw • Funding divided by geographic areas: examples 10% of property tax + 37% of timber receipts • Proration of facilities and equipment with that in Siuslaw County transferred or compensated • Proration $110-130M reserve account (fund dep) • Proration of liability related to Siuslaw area • Potential transfer/rehire of workers in Siuslaw
Oregon Districting System Districts overlap; but, responsibilities are separated. Also separate funding & elected Board of Directors.
County Services • Law & Order – Courts, Sheriff, District Attorney, Corrections, Jails/Prisons/Holdings, Animal Regulation • Public Services – Land Use, Roads, Parks, Building/Safety, Children/Family/Human Services, Waste • Administration – Commissioners/Administrator, Personnel, Facilities, Data Proc, Tax Assess/Collection • Special Programs – Business/Workforce Partnership, Fair, etc…
Published Budget Not in Real $ • Some have heard the Lane County Budget as: • $473,377,037 FY05-06 Budget # used in Public • This number is for internal use for it is misleading to the rest of us normal citizens. It must be adjusted: • - 7,080,350 pass through property tax to ESDs • - 7,536,000 non-county obligations in trust • - 30,158,947 internal loan/transfers dept<->dept • - 90,446,629 double/triple/… dollar accounting • - 107,110,432 continuing reserve for future needs • These are given in appendix B to finally arrive at: • $231,044,679 REAL DOLLAR BUDGET FIGURE
Lane Payroll Costs (Real$) Budget Exp FTE ave/emp Department/Division/+ 4,328,461 59.0 73,364 Assessment & Taxation 2,998,787 29.5 101,654 BCC, Admin, & Counsel 532,743 6.5 81,960 Children & Families 8,417,676 84.3 99,854 Data Processing Svs 6,225,823 72.0 86,470 District Attorney 21,999,397 285.8 76,975 Health & Human Svs 6,288,572 81.8 76,877 Management Services 30,444,041 389.4 78,162 Public Works Dept. 35,395,078 385.9 91,721 Sheriff’s Office 6,011,595 70.9 84,789 Youth Correctional Svs 5,203,831 68.6 76,295 Fair, Justice Court, WP ========== ===== ====== 127,846,004 1533.7 83,357 Total + aver cost/worker
Manpower Budget Entries Example of Public Works, 389.48 FTE staffing: 17,083,984 56.1% Hired Worker Salaries 11,542,372 37.9% Hiree Benefits (68% * salary) 550,116 1.8% Extra Help & Unclas Temps 380,616 1.3% Overtime Pay 317,566 1.0% Reduce Unfunded Vacation 176,808 0.6% Compensatory Time 104,741 0.3% Salary Offset 287,838 1.0% Risk Management Benefits ========= ===== ($78,166+ payroll/worker) 30,444,041 100% Total PW Manpower Cost
Non-Working Paid Days Exempt worker - holiday, sick, vacation, personal,… workingdays month+week+day non-exempt Starting 32 = 1mon + 2wks + 2days 29 >1 year 36 = 1mon + 3wks + 1days 32 >2 years 40 = 2mon + 0wks + 0days 35 >4 years 44 = 2mon + 0wks + 4days 38 >9 years 48 = 2mon + 1wks + 3days 41 >14 years 52 = 2mon + 2wks + 2days 44 >19 years 56 = 2mon + 3wks + 1days 47
Lane County Manpower Dec’05 Job Title Salary Health PERS Other Total Probation Officer 1 9K 4K 2K 1K 15K Trash Fee Collector 21K 15K 4K 2K 42K Custodian 29K 15K 6K 4K 54K Tire Repairman 39K 15K 9K 5K 69K Deputy Sheriff 2 52K 16K 14K 25K 107K Veg Coordinator 63K 17K 13K 7K 100K Sheriff Lieutenant 79K 17K 21K 30K 147K County Lobbyist 81K 18K 19K 17K 135K Uncl Professional 94K 18K 20K 9K 141K Health Center Off 120K 19K 26K 10K 175K Mental Health Off 143K 21K 31K 10K 205K
Entry Level Comparison Private Flor-City Lane-C Siuslaw-C Days off 10 35 32 15 * $ Salary 15K 24K 15K 16K % Benefit ** 8% 56% 73% 20% $ Benefits 1K 14K 18K 3K $ Total 16K 38K 26K 19K Cost/Hr 8 21 14 10 * 15 days = 5 holidays, 5 vacation, and 5 sick ** benefits: health, pension, SS, UnEmp, WC,...
Average Worker Comparison Private Flor-City Lane-C Siuslaw-C Days off 15 40 40 20 * $ Salary 25K 46K 50K 46K % Benefit ** 12% 54% 66% 20% $ Benefits 3K 25K 33K 9K $ Total 28K 71K 83K 55K Cost/Hr 14 40 47 28 * 20 days = 5 holidays, 10 vacation, and 5 sick ** benefits: health, pension, SS, UnEmp, WC,...
Administrator Comparison Private Flor-City Lane-C Siuslaw-C Days off n/a 40 40 30 $ Salary n/a 82K 114K 100K % Benefit n/a 52% 69% 20% $ Benefits n/a 43K 79K 20K Total (S&B) n/a 125K 193K 120K # Workers n/a 53 1534 86
District Management Forms Common form is elected stipend-paid Board with appointed full-time/paid District Manager Works best with populations under 100,000 Basic County is: 1 Judge and 2 Commissioners where Judge must be full/part-time paid and remaining Commissioners can be either Lane County has a full time paid Administrator, Judge, + 5 Commissioners (aver $132K+ ea) Several Oregon counties have no Administrator
BOD/Councilman/Commissioner Charity Florence Lane-C Siuslaw-C Days off 0 0 32 0 $ Salary 0 0 73K 0 % Benefit 0 0 69% 0 $ Benefits 0 0 50K 0 Total (S&B) 0 0 123K 0 # Commish ? 5 5 2 # Citizens Ea ? 1.5K 66K 10K
Siuslaw Manpower Adjustments • Use non-paid Commissioners like most Districts • Reduce benefits 66% X salary to private sec 20% • Reduce average pd days off of 40 to private 20 • No need for as many costly managers (86 staff) • Cost of living in Mapleton area ?may? be a factor • Rural communities have high volunteerism; but, insufficient data to determine the affect here • For 6% services need 6% “production” workers
Siuslaw Payroll Costs (Real$) Lane County FTE Department Transfer Siuslaw 4,328,461 59.0 Assess & Tax 3.2 157,320 2,998,787 29.5 Admin+Counsel 3.0 201,318 532,743 6.5 Child & Family 1.0 54,079 8,417,676 84.3 Data Proc Svs 4.7 306,547 6,225,823 72.0 District Attorney 4.0 227,075 21,999,397 285.8 Health&Human 15.8 800,859 6,288,572 81.8 Management 4.5 228,768 30,444,041 389.4 Public Works 21.5 1,108,861 35,395,078 385.9 Sheriff Office 21.3 1,289,215 6,011,595 70.9 Youth Correct 3.9 218,654 5,203,831 68.6 Court & WP 3.8 189,251 127,846,004 1533.7 (SC cost 3.7%) 86.7 4,781,947
Siuslaw Expenses (Real$) Lane County Define Transfer Siuslaw gets 127,846,004 Payroll (S&B) 3.7% 4,781,947 60,300,818 Mat & Services 6.0? 3,618,049 33,520,788 Capital Costs 6.0? 2,011,247 9,377,069 Fiscal Transfer 6.0? 562,624 ========== ========= 231,044,679 average x 4.7% = 10,973,867
Siuslaw Revenues (Real$) Lane County Define Transfer Siuslaw gets 34,326,806 Property Tax 9.8% 3,364,027 26,690,506 Federal Fund 6.0? 1,601,430 41,600,000 (timber O&C) 37.0% 15,392,000 85,084,934 State Funds 6.0? 5,105,096 5,544,861 Local G/R 6.0? 332,692 3,266,198 License/Permit 6.0? 195,972 3,736,539 Fines/Penalties 6.0? 224,192 89,478,270 Fees/Charges 6.0? 5,368,696 -84,065,839 Internal Adjust 6.0? -5,043,950 ========= ========= 205,662,275 average x 12.1% = 26,540,155
Siuslaw Budget (Real$) From SC Revenue Slide (12.1%): 26,540,155 From SC Expense Slide (4.7%): -- 10,973,867 ----------------- Surplus revenue (after 11M in bills ): 15,566,288
Siuslaw Budget (Real$) From SC Revenue Slide (12.1%): 26,540,155 From SC Expense Slide (4.7%): -- 10,973,867 ----------------- Surplus revenue (after 11M in bills ): 15,566,288 If O&C timber funding cut in half: -- 7,696,000 ----------------- Surplus revenue (after 11M in bills): 7,870,288
Siuslaw Budget (Real$) From SC Revenue Slide (12.1%): 26,540,155 From SC Expense Slide (4.7%): -- 10,973,867 ----------------- Surplus revenue (after 11M in bills ): 15,566,288 If O&C timber funding cut in half: -- 7,696,000 ----------------- Surplus revenue (after 11M in bills): 7,870,288 DON’T FORGET SHARE OF THE RESERVE Reserve Fund (6% of 132,492,836): +7,949,570
Other County Boards Lake Crook Mulheur Clatsop Coos Pop 7,400 20,300 32,000 36,300 63,000 Area 8,359 2,991 9,926 843 1,629 Judge FT 67,265 52,416 FT 57,000 Com1 24,450 29,619 15,976 9,000 same Com2 same same same 6,000 same Com? Just2 Just2 Just2 Five Just2 Admin none 67,265 55,731 92,251 none Employ 109 195 185 238 425 Budget 34M 144M 24M 50M 135M Healthy No Yes Yes Yes Yes
Oregon Districting System Districts overlap; but, responsibilities are separated. Also separate funding & elected Board of Directors.
County Services • Law & Order – Courts, Sheriff, District Attorney, Corrections, Jails/Prisons/Holdings, Animal Regulation • Public Services – Land Use, Roads, Parks, Building/Safety, Children/Family/Human Services, Waste • Administration – Commissioners/Administrator, Personnel, Facilities, Data Proc, Tax Assess/Collection • Special Programs – Business/Workforce Partnership, Fair, etc…
Siuslaw County Facilities Siuslaw County residents have paid through taxes to build various facilities throughout Lane County of which the transfer will include either take-over, lease, anor compensation for. • Administrative/Sheriff Offices (initially lease) • Court House (lease Florence Justice Center?) • Jails/Prisons (lease LC’s unused capacity +?) • 911 Dispatch (existing facility in Florence) • Road Crew (existing facility north of Florence) • Parks (existing facilities throughout Siuslaw)
Cost Saving Suggestions • Pay for an administrator and not commissioners • Have functions compete with private providers • Make jobs competitive, stop lavish benefit progs • Make PW code enforcement not revenue collect • Move toward user fee versus general tax funding • Seriously consider eliminating non-funded progs • Facilitate/enable volunteer involvement/services • Focus living within means not revenue expansion • Encourage cost saving suggestions from citizens
PC Survey Questions Rate Lane County as relates to you Bad<->Good • Sheriff coverage + fighting crime: 17.4 of 100 • Build & maintain public facilities: 33.2 of 100 • Protect your rights (eg pvt prop): 15.2 of 100 • Improve public safety (hom/bus): 10.3 of 100 On formation of Siuslaw County No<->Yes • County offices closer to people? 90.2 of 100 • Should coastal area break away? 95.1 of 100 • Would you sign a petition for it? 93.5 of 100 • Would you vote for it if on ballot? 94.6 of 100
What Can I Do To Help? • Sign the petition tonight (if in doubt – sign) • Take blank petitions home to gather signatures • Spread the word by talking to family & friends • Visit SiuslawCounty.Org for updates/contacts • Offer your expertise as a consultant • Offer your time as a volunteer (need all levels) • Offer your dollars to help offset our expenses • Write “Letters to the Editor” giving your views • Line up presentations at your club meetings
Benefits to Siuslaw Residents • Voice in how our County is administered • Reflect local values and attitudes • Taxes collected locally are spent locally • Responsive + Accountable to local problems • Encourage Personal Vitality (Quality of Life) • Encourage Economic Vitality (Business/Jobs) • Reduce waste, corruption, and incompetence • Eliminate need to impose new onerous taxes