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NRHS Raider Pride Make it Happen

NRHS Raider Pride Make it Happen. October 2007. The Six Pillars of Character. Trustworthiness Respect Responsibility Fairness Caring Citizenship. Get in the Habit. “We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” English Poet Definition: Habits are things we do repeatedly.

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NRHS Raider Pride Make it Happen

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  1. NRHSRaider PrideMake it Happen October2007

  2. The Six Pillars of Character • Trustworthiness • Respect • Responsibility • Fairness • Caring • Citizenship

  3. Get in the Habit “We first make our habits, then our habits make us.” English Poet Definition: Habits are things we do repeatedly. Activity: Fold your arms. Now try folding your arms the opposite way. How does that feel?

  4. Paradigms Definition: the way you see something, your point of view, frame of reference or belief. Focus Question: Are your paradigms of yourself, others and life helping or hindering you?

  5. Top All-Time Dumb Quotes • “There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home.” - Kenneth Olsen, Founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977. • “Man will never reach the moon regardless of all future scientific advances.” – Dr. Lee DeForest, 1967. • “Television won’t be able to hold on to any market it captures after the first six months. People will soon get tired of staring at the a plywood box every night.” – Darryl F. Zanuck, Head of 20th Century Fox, 1946.

  6. Top All-Time Dumb Quotes 4. “For the majority of people, the use of tobacco has a beneficial effect.” Dr. Ian McDonald, Los Angles Surgeon, Newsweek, 1969 5. “The earth is the center of the universe.” Ptolemy, Egyptian Astronomer, Second Century 6. “ Nothing of importance happened today.” Written by King George III of England on July 4, 1776

  7. Paradigm Activity Take a look at the first picture. What do you see?

  8. Paradigm Activity Look at the second picture. What do you see now?

  9. Paradigm Activity What’s different in the pictures? What’s the same in the pictures? How did your perspective change?

  10. Paradigm Activity Read the following short story. How did the woman’s perspective change?

  11. A friend of mine, returning to South Africa from a long stay in Europe, found herself with some time to spare at London’s Heathrow Airport. Buying a cup of coffee and a small package of cookies, she staggered, laden with luggage, to an unoccupied table. She was reading the morning paper when she became aware of someone rustling at her table. From behind her paper, she was flabbergasted to see a neatly dressed young man helping himself to her cookies. She did not want to make a scene, so she leaned across and took a cookie herself. A minute or so passed. More rustling. He was helping himself to another cookie. By the time they were down to the last cookie in the package, she was very angry but still could not bring herself to say anything. Then the young man broke the cookie in two, pushed half across to her, ate the other half and left. Some time later, when the public-address system called for her to present her ticket, she was still fuming. Imagine her embarrassment when she opened her handbag and was confronted by her package of cookies. She had been eating his. Dan P. Greyling Reader’s Digest

  12. Paradigms based upon PillarsThe Six Pillars of Character • Trustworthiness • Respect • Responsibility • Fairness • Caring • Citizenship

  13. Pillars Rule! How does your perspective shape your attitude or everyday life?

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