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The Trait Perspective on Personality: From Trait Identification to Trait Theories

Explore how personality traits have evolved from ancient Greek humors to modern trait theories such as Allport's Trait Theory, Cattell's Sixteen Traits, Eysenck's Trait Model, and the Big Five/FFM. Learn how traits influence behavior and emotions, and understand the difference between traits and states.

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The Trait Perspective on Personality: From Trait Identification to Trait Theories

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  1. The Trait Perspective on Personality From Freud, psychoanalysis and the un-measurable unconscious to rock solid traits and characteristics

  2. The Trait Perspective • People have tried to classify and label people’s personalities for thousands of years • It all started with the Ancient Greeks • Labeled people and personality in terms of humors or the type of body fluid flowing in a person 4 types • Blood – Sanguine – cheerful and passionate • Black Bile – Melancholic – unhappy and depressed • Yellow Bile – Choleric – angry and hot-tempered • Phlegm – Phlegmatic – dull and unemotional

  3. Identifying Traits • Eventually people moved on from “humor” to body type as a measurement of personality • However, most psychologists realized that this was an oversimplified way of looking at personality • So they went about finding new ways to define personality

  4. Trait A relatively stable set of characteristics that influences your thoughts, feelings, and behavior • Believed to be found in your Genes and DNA Trait vs. States What is the Difference?? trait = stable and consistent over time state = a temporary emotional condition dependent on situation and motive May have trait of calmness but be in a state of anxiety UNDERSTAND THE DIFFERENCE!!

  5. How do we measure or find out our personality traits? Objective Tests • a questionnaire where people respond to different items attempting to measure aspects (traits) of their personality • Yes-no, true-false, agree-disagree • Also called Personality Inventories

  6. MMPI Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory: • the most widely used personality inventory test. • 567 questions • Originally used to identify emotional/mental disorders. Now used for screening purposes.

  7. Advantages and Disadvantages of Objective Tests • Get standard answers to standardized questions • However, contain transparent questions • Often will include lie detectors • Social desirability bias • people might state what they wish were true rather than what IS true • BAD !!! – Objective Tests don’t tell us WHY we behave the way we do – they just tell us HOW we behave

  8. The Theories Behind the Tests

  9. Gordon Allport’s Trait Theory • Believed traits were inherited but influenced by experience • Believed some traits were more important than others • Central Traits or Source Traits • Easily recognized and have a strong influence on personality • example – competitiveness, generosity, independence • Secondary Traits or Surface Traits • More specific to certain situations and have less effect on personality • traits like personal styles and preferences (particular styles of clothing or types of music that affect behavior in fewer situations) • Allport believed in total there were around 16,000 different types of traits

  10. Raymond Cattell’s Sixteen Traits Believed that Allport went to far with his traits • Identified only 16 fundamental traits that all people posses • Each trait is represented on a continuum (scale) and they are found in every person to some degree on the continuum • To measure these traits Cattell used a test called the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF for short) 16 personality factors However, many psychologists still thought this was still too many traits

  11. Hans Eysenck: A simpler Trait Model 3 major traits • Introversion – Extraversion • Are people outward or inward focused? • Neuroticism • Emotional instability or stability • Psychoticism • Cold and hostile, or warm and concerned with others The combination of these produced 4 basic personality types

  12. Extraverted-Neurotic Introverted-Neurotic Introverted-Stable Extraverted-Stable

  13. 16 to many - - 3 to few The Big Five - Five-Factor Model (FFM) • Openness (to experience) • imaginative, curious, intellectual, open to nontraditional values vs. conforming, practical, conventional • Sample Openness items • I am full of ideas. - I am quick to understand things. - I have a rich vocabulary. I have a vivid imagination. – I prefer practical ideas (reversed) - I do not have a good imagination. (reversed) - I have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. (reversed) • Conscientiousness • organized reliable, hardworking • Sample Conscientiousness items • I am always prepared. - I am exacting in my work. - I follow a schedule. - I get chores done right away. - I like order. - I leave my belongings around. (reversed) - I make a mess of things. (reversed) - I often forget to put things back in their proper place. (reversed)

  14. Extraversion • Active, energetic, affectionate • Sample Extraversion items • I am the life of the party. - I don't mind being the center of attention. - I feel comfortable around people. - I start conversations. - I am quiet around strangers. (reversed) - I don't like to draw attention to myself. (reversed) - I don't talk a lot. (reversed) - I have little to say. (reversed) Agreeableness • Forgiving, generous, trusting • Sample Agreeableness items • I am interested in people. - I feel others’ emotions. - I have a soft heart. - I am not really interested in others. (reversed) - I feel little concern for others. (reversed) - I insult people. (reversed)

  15. Neuroticism • (our level of emotional instability/stability) anxious, tense, vulnerable • Sample Neuroticism items • I am easily disturbed. - I change my mood a lot. - I get irritated easily. - I get stressed out easily. - I am relaxed most of the time. (reversed) - I seldom feel blue. (reversed) Remember by = OCEAN

  16. Personality by Birth Order • Modern theories • Myers-Briggs

  17. Personality Tests • http://theinkblot.com/index.htm • online inkblot test – fun to take but don’t make much of the results • http://www.personalitypathways.com/type_inventory.html • get a myers-briggs personality type – good test with good summaries • http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp • Jung personality profile – great, in-depth test • http://similarminds.com/cattell-16-factor.html • Cattell’s 16 Factor Test • http://www.matthewbarr.co.uk/simpsons/ • - find out what Simpson you most resemble

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