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ADOLESCENCE EDUCATION SCHEME OF CONTENT. CONTENT. GROWING UP HEALTHY PREVENTION OF SUBSTANCE MISUSE HIV/AIDS. 1. GROWING UP HEALTHY. PRIMARY. Objective - To enable children to identify situations which make them uncomfortable and express to a trusted adult. Specific Objectives
Objective - To enable children to identify situations which make themuncomfortable and express to a trusted adult SpecificObjectives • To identify different body parts • To enable them to adopt healthy hygienic practices • To enable children to understand an elementary concept of friendship • To develop among children an ability to express their feelings and experiences Content Outline • Hygiene and genital hygiene • Healthy eating habits • Student activities to identify qualities of a friend • Awareness about behaviors – touch, cajole, remarks • Student activities to identify feelings of discomfort e.g. smoking • Expression of feelings without fear and shame
Objective 1- To understand and accept the various physical andpsycho-social changes and development during adolescence SpecificObjectives • To understand the physical and psycho-social changes during adolescence • To be aware of nutritional needs during adolescence to enable adoption of healthy eating practices • To understand and be prepared for the various psycho-social changes Content Outline • Physical changes in girls and boys during adolescence • Hormonal changes and development of • secondary sexual characteristics • Menstruation among girls, nocturnal emission among boys, genital hygiene. • Individual variations in reaching developmental milestones
SpecificObjectives Content Outline • Nutritional needs, mal-nutrition, anaemia, healthy eating practices, gender, nutritional discrimination • Psycho-social changes (infatuation, attraction, sexual advances) • Myths and misconceptions related to menstruation, masturbation, wet dreams
Objective 2 - To enable young people to understand relationships with peers, family and society and make informed choices with respect to different relationships SpecificObjectives • To enable children to understand the nature of relationships with neighbourhood. • To enable children to identify positive and negative influence of classmates • To enable children to understand different ways of dealing with good and bad influences of classmates • To develop among children an ability to express empathy and solidarity in friendships Content Outline • Nature of relationship between family and neighbourhood. • Student activities on developing skills to distinguish between good and bad influences • Varied experiences of dealing with good and bad influences of classmates • Different ways of expressing one’s feelings of friendship.
SpecificObjectives • To develop an attitude of disapproval of exploitative/disrespectful relationships Content Outline • Importance of expressing one’s feelings boldly and with confidence in the family and in the school. • Awareness about exploitation of children
Objective 3 - To understand basic concepts, stereotypes and inequalities related to gender and sexuality SpecificObjectives • To build understanding on gender and sexuality including roles, stereotypes and diversity· • To clarify myths related to gender and sexuality Content Outline • Concepts of gender and sexuality • Irrationality of roles, and stereotypes related to gender and sexuality • Myths related to gender and sexuality
Objective 4 - To build awareness of various kinds of violations SpecificObjectives • To understand the nature of discrimination, sexual misuse/harassment and violation • To be able to communicate feelings and experiences of violations • To develop confidence to protect oneself Content Outline • Nature and forms of discrimination- disability, gender and sexuality • Awareness about sexual harassment, exploitation and violence· • Student activities to help share feelings/ experience of discrimination with peers, teachers and parents • Students activities to build confidence to overcome fear, shame, self- blame and hesitation
Objective 1 - To enable adolescents to understand physical andpsychological changes during adolescence and be comfortable with them SpecificObjectives • To be aware of physical changes and nutritional needs • To deal effectively with psycho-social development during adolescence • To enable adolescents to make informed decisions related to their sexual and reproductive health choices • To enable adolescents to clarify myths and misconceptions related to growing up Content Outline • Physical and psychological changes during adolescence: hormonal changes of development of secondary sexual characteristics • Onset of puberty • Menstrual cycle, menstrual hygiene: shame & taboos • Sperm production, nocturnal emissions, genital hygiene • Nutritional needs during adolescence, mal-nutrition, anaemia and nutritional discrimination
SpecificObjectives Content Outline • Personal eating habits and healthy eating choices. • Individual difference in reaching developmental milestones • Body image consciousness • Psychological changes influencing relationships (romantic feelings, infatuation, unwanted sexual advances) • Myths and misconceptions related to growing up
Objective 2 - To enable adolescents to be aware of implications of child marriage adolescent pregnancy/parenting SpecificObjectives • To enable adolescents to make informed decisions related to their sexual and reproductive health choices Content Outline • Social and Health consequences of child marriage, marriage without the consent of partners, teenage pregnancy and parenting, unsafe abortion • Responsible Sexual Behaviour • Pregnancy and Contraception
Objective 3 - To enable young people to understand inter personal relationships with peers (including opposite sex), sibling, parents, teachers & others in the community SpecificObjectives • To enable young people to maintain harmony in relationships • To enable young people to be aware of positive and negative peer pressure and develop skills to make informed choice • To recognize the changing relationship with parents and teachers and the need to develop skills to negotiate more space and autonomy on issues that concerns them Content Outline • Nature of different relationships between self and others • Importance of the need to develop empathy and solidarity in relationships • Relationship with peers - positive and negative influence • Changing relationship with parents and teachers – few examples Positive & exploitative/disrespectful aspects of relationships – their distinctions
SpecificObjectives • To enable young people to be aware of positive and exploitative/disrespectful aspect of relationships and develop skills to deal with them • To enable young people to bring about harmony and synthesis between their own rights and those of others Content Outline • Importance of mutually respecting rights of each other • Importance of sharing one’s feelings and experiences with sibling and parents
Objective 4 - To empower adolescents to understand and challenge existing norms and inequalities related to gender and sexuality SpecificObjectives • To understand gender and sexuality • To examine one’s own beliefs and attitudes related to norms of gender and sexuality • To analyse the implications of gender inequalities • To develop skills to overcome shame and fear • To enable adolescents to challenge existing stereotypes and myths related to gender and sexuality Content Outline • Concept of gender and sexuality, stereotypes, roles and diversity • Prevailing societal values/norms and beliefs related to gender and sexuality, influence of socialization in creating norms related to gender and sexuality • Demonstration of changing norms related to gender and sexuality, impact of stereotypes on health and wellbeing, issues generating shame and fear • Myths & misconceptions related to gender, sexuality
Objective 5 - To enable young people to understand various kinds of discrimination and violations and develop skills to counter/seek redressal SpecificObjectives • To understand root causes of social discrimination and develop skills to resist bias, intolerance, and bullying • To build awareness on different forms of violation· • To understand forms of gender based violence including dowry harassment, sex selective abortion, domestic violence, coercive/forced relationships Content Outline • Causes of social discrimination on the basis of disability, HIV status and gender • Different forms of violation: bullying, sexual abuse, harassment, in both in-school and outside school settings, and redressal mechanisms • Gender-based violence including dowry harassment, sex selective abortion, domestic violence, coercive/forced relationships and redressal mechanisms • Reporting violations
SpecificObjectives • To enable adolescents to overcome attitudinal social barriers (honour, shame, self blame etc) in reporting violations • To build awareness on right to adolescent friendly services including counseling, health services, legal and other facilities Content Outline • Adolescent friendly services, counseling, health services, legal and other facilities • Skills to identify trusted sources of help and seek redressal in case of violation
Objective - To enable students to know situations that make themuncomfortable and enable them to express themselves to a trusted adult SpecificObjectives • To be aware of physical discomfort from passive smoking • To build confidence in children to express their discomfort regarding • Requests from adults to buy addictive substances like cigarettes Content Outline Experiences that makes them uncomfortable
Objective - To enable students: To be aware of the reasons andconsequences of substance misuse and be able to effectively protectthemselves SpecificObjectives • To be aware about substance use and misuse • To be able to identify factors that make adolescents vulnerable to substance misuse • To be able to understand the consequences of substance misuse • To be able to protect themselves from substance misuse • To be able to empathize with a peer/s who may be abusing a substance Content Outline • Meaning of substance use and misuse • Commonly abused substances like Tobacco, Gutka, Alcohol, solvents, inhalants, whitener, cough syrup etc • Family: use and abuse within family, culturally acceptable within families, belonging to a dysfunctional family, Social sanction, Popular culture, Media influence that glamorizes substance misuse
SpecificObjectives • To be able to empathize with a peer/s who may be abusing a substance Content Outline • Myths and misconceptions related to success, acceptance in peer group, performance based anxiety at school and outside • Information on both short and long term consequences of addiction • Potential sources of help: Family, friends, teachers, counselors • To be able to counter myths related to commonly abused substances • Positive and supportive environment at home and schools
Objective 1 - To enable the learners to understand the dynamicsand critically analyze the implications of experimentation, use,abuse and addiction to various habit forming substances SpecificObjectives • To be aware of the difference between use, abuse and addiction to drugs • To be aware of the commonly abused substances • To understand the common reasons why young people take to substance misuse and be able to reduce/eliminate these reasons • To be able to recognize common symptoms and consequences of substance misuse Content Outline • Stages of drug misuse: experimentation, use, abuse and addiction • Commonly abused legal and illegal drugs/ substances, for example, tobacco, gutka, alcohol, opium, cannabis, heroin, cocaine, solvents, inhalants, cough syrups etc • Family: use and abuse within family, culturally acceptable within families, belonging to a dysfunctional family
Specific Objectives • To have accurate information on the laws to prevent substance misuse Content Outline • Social sanction, Popular culture, Media influence that glamorizes substance misuse, expression of adulthood/sexuality performance based anxiety at school and outside • Common symptoms of substance use, misuse and addiction • Information on both short and long term consequences of addiction • Effect of substance misuse on activities that are important to young people • Laws to prevent substance misuse
Objective 2 - To develop appropriate attitudes and skills to deal effectively with situations that increase young people’s vulnerability to substance misuse SpecificObjectives • To be able to identify and access a safety net for support in case one feels pressurized to experiment/ misuse substances • To develop self esteem and confidence to seek help in case one develops addiction to any of the harmful substances • To be able to empathize, support and facilitate appropriate linkages • To develop awareness and skills to prevent becoming a conduit for drug trafficking Content Outline • Potential sources of help: Family, friends, teachers, counselors, health professionals and other professionals at de-addiction and rehabilitation centers • Information and supportive/ positive environment in schools and at home
Objective - To develop understanding of modes of HIV transmission andits prevention and empower adolescents to practice informed andresponsible behaviors SpecificObjectives • To develop awareness on HIV/AIDS and its effect on the immune system • To identify ways and means of HIV transmission and prevention • To enable them to clarify myths and misconceptions related to HIV and AIDS • To enable adolescents to appreciate special needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and empathize with them Content Outline • Meaning of HIV and AIDS and effects on immune system • Modes of transmission of HIV • Prevention of HIV transmission and protection • Myths and misconceptions related to HIV • Individual and social responsibility towards People Living With HIV and AIDS (PLWHA)
Objective - To develop understanding of HIV epidemic and empoweradolescents to practice informed and responsible behaviors SpecificObjectives • To develop awareness about RTIs/ STIs and their linkages with HIV infection • To develop an understanding about HIV and AIDS epidemic and its prevalence in India • To analyze how gender inequalities and socialization impact the vulnerabilities in the context of HIV epidemic Content Outline • Linkage between STIs and HIV infection • Basic facts about HIV and AIDS epidemic • HIV prevalence in India • Difference between HIV infection and AIDS • Effects on immune system • Reasons for increased vulnerability of adolescents to HIV
SpecificObjectives • To identify ways and means of HIV transmission and prevention • To enable adolescents to protect themselves from HIV infection • To inform and enable adolescents to access services • To enable them to clarify myths and misconceptions related to HIV and AIDS • To enable adolescents to appreciate special needs of people living with HIV/AIDS and empathize with them Content Outline • Modes of transmission of HIV • Prevention of HIV infection • Transfusion of tested blood and blood products, responsible sexual behavior, use of sterilized needles & instruments, prevention from mother to child • Promotion of voluntary blood donation • Information on services available at ICTC, and other support services • Myths and misconceptions related to HIV and AIDS • Individual and social responsibility towards People Living With AIDS (PLWA)
THANKS! ANAHITA SINGH anahita@udayapublicschool.edu.in