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Coro Lake Elementary School-wide Discipline Plan 2008-09. 1560 Drew Road Memphis, Tennessee. Guiding Principles. Positive student behavior is vital in achieving academic success.
Coro Lake ElementarySchool-wide Discipline Plan 2008-09 1560 Drew Road Memphis, Tennessee
Guiding Principles • Positive student behavior is vital in achieving academic success. • Each student is a valued individual who will express themselves appropriately and respect the differences of others. • High expectations and standards will guide instruction and positive behavior in every classroom.
Vision Our vision at Coro Lake Elementary is to maintain a safe and diverse learning community that sets the standard for all students to achieve high academic, social and personal success.
Mission The mission of Coro Lake Elementary is to develop lifelong learners who are confident, competent and productive members of society.
Philosophy Statement Coro Lake Elementary School has an obligation to prepare its children to play a productive role in a democratic and technological society. We believe each child will have an educational opportunity that will develop his or her full and unique potential. All children have the right to receive instruction intended to maximize their special talents, skills and abilities. We recognize that individual differences exist and seek to address those differences by beginning an educational program that encompasses various learning styles.
Previous Results • Coro Lake’s 2007-2008 goals stated that at least 50% of students in each grade would receive an “E” in conduct weekly and that there would be a 50% participation rate in “E” Club by the 3rd six weeks. • Coro Lake’s 2007-2008 results were that more than 65% of students were invited to be in “E” Club at the beginning of the year. However, the numbers dropped to 50% by the 3rd six weeks and 45% by the 5th six weeks. • Because of these results we have decided to reevaluate our incentive program and goals for 2008-2009.
Coro Lake Elementary 2008-2009 Goals • 50% of all Coro Lake students in each grade will receive at least one “Knight’s Buck” per week. • 96% of all students will show perfect attendance throughout each 20 day period. • We will reduce our number of office referrals by 25% by the end of the 2008-2009 school year.
MCS Discipline Committee Worksheet2008-09 Name of School: Coro Lake Elementary Discipline Committee is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Jo’Quita Sanders (Team Leader) Alyson Leiva Regina Evans Claudia Hinson Lequite Manning Carmon Vaughn *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract
Discipline Committee • This team will meet after faculty meetings on the last Wednesday of each month that we are at school. • Jo’Quita Sanders and Alyson Leiva will be responsible for the data from the following website . . . (mcsprodweb.mcsk12.net/blueribbon) • Our meeting schedule was completed on September 22, 2008
Meeting ScheduleSee Next Slide for Further Instructions Revised 7/08
(A) Data should be entered promptly to enable review of accurate data. Deadline for data entry is the Friday following the end of the reporting period. Principal should identify person responsible for entering behavior data. Name and title of data entry designee: Mrs. Williams, General Office Secretary (B) Committee should meet within one week of final data entry for reporting period. Enter projected meeting dates in this column. Identify team member responsible for data summary to report to Discipline Committee. Name and title: Mrs. Alyson Leiva and Mrs. Jo’Quita Sanders Determine how you wish to examine your data: by location, by student, by infraction, by time of day, number of referrals per day per month. Also consider office referral procedures and data integrity. (C) Faculty meeting to discuss behavior should be held within a week of the Discipline Committee meeting. Enter projected dates in this column. Identify persons responsible for sharing data trends for previous reporting period with the faculty. Name and title: Mrs. Alyson Leiva and Mrs. Jo’Quita Sanders Team may wish to lead faculty in brainstorming intervention strategies based on data. Share successes and areas of continued efforts.
Monitoring Process • Data will be researched at the end of every 20 day period to evaluate our schools largest problem areas. Charts and graphs will be made to illustrate data each period and will then be presented to our entire faculty and staff. As a team, we will review the data and implement changes as needed to ensure success of our school wide behavior plan.
Summary of EBS Survey for 2007-2008 • 17 teachers, and 1 counselor took the 2007-2008 Effective Behavior Supports Survey so we do have a good representation from our school to summarize results. • The highest percentages were in Q3 (Expected student behaviors are rewarded regularly)and Q1 (A small number of positively stated expectations and rules are defined.) • The lowest percentages were in Q13 (Booster training activities for students are developed, modified, and conduced based on school data and Q12 (Staff receive regular feedback on behavior patterns.
Action Steps • During the 2008-2009 school year the behavior support team will ensure that booster training activities for students are based on data and are in place. • The behavior support team will also ensure that faculty receives monthly reports on our schools behavior patterns during our faculty meeting. • The behavior support team will establish a budget for on-going rewards. • The behavior support team will ensure that all staff are involved directly or indirectly in school wide interventions. • The behavior support team will also ensure that consequences for problem behaviors are clearly defined.
Celebration • At Coro Lake Elementary we have many ways of celebrating student and school wide successes. The following are just a few: • We make announcements over the intercom congratulating classes who have earned 10 stars and get to have “jeans Friday.” • We have a bulletin board in the front hallway that displays photos of our “Students of the Week.” • The “Teacher of the Month” is announced during faculty meetings and awarded a gift card. • We submit information to MCS publications and media to highlight individual students and classes. • We sponsor events per semester for those students who have exhibited good behavior, attendance and honor roll. • Teacher appreciation luncheon is sponsored by PTO • Awards Day programs are done per semester and character awards are given out to students who have exhibited good behavior
School Rules Always be respectful I am in control and responsible. Make good choices, no excuses! For Excellence!
Classroom managed behaviors versus Office managed behaviors • Once the student’s behavior is observed, the staff will determine what level of discipline the behavior is warranting. If the behavior is serious enough for an immediate office referral, the staff will call the office, write the referral and escort the student to the office. • If the student’s behavior is not of a level that warrants an immediate referral, then the staff should follow through with Coro Lake’s intervention checklist. • The Intervention checklist includes: Explaining class/ school rules, changing student’s seat, checking cumulative folder for history, telephone conference with parent, parent/teacher conference, letter home concerning behavior, referral to guidance, referral to peer mediation
General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe problem behavior Find a place to talk with student(s), explain rules NO Is behavior major? Ensure safety & call office YES Problem solve Change seats, check cumulative folder Write referral & Escort student to office Problem solve Take student statements Determine consequence Contact parent, refer to counselor, Loss of recess, peer mediation Determine consequence Document and track procedure Follow documented procedure NO YES Does student have 3? Follow through with consequences Send referral to office File necessary documentation File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week
How we teach the rules and procedures at Coro Lake Elementary • School-wide Orientation (time set aside to teach rules and procedures) • First week of school all teachers are given lesson plans to follow that explain how to teach rules and procedures for our school • The first two weeks of school students practice following rules and procedures • Rules and procedures are posted in classrooms and throughout the building. • Teachers and staff are ALL involved in actively monitoring students to ensure behaviors follow the rules • A copy of the rules and procedures are sent home to parents School –wide and Ongoing • Knightly Newsletter • Daily intercom announcements that remind students of rules • Monitor and Practice • Parent Academy / PTO meetings • School Calendar
School Procedures • Entering School -Students enter the school through the front doors or cafeteria doors and file into the cafeteria where they eat breakfast and/or wait to be dismissed to class by teachers. • Closing School- Students who are bus riders or walkers exit the school through the front doors. Car riders and day care exit through cafeteria doors. Teachers escort students to appropriate locations. • Lunchroom- Students stay in a single file line until they get their tray. They are then seated with their class. They are expected to use inside voices while eating. They are also expected to practice good table manners. • Referrals • Restrooms • Hall passes • Etc… Revised 7/08
School-Wide Classroom Procedures • Each class has uniform hall passes that students must wear around their neck when in the hallway. • During morning procedures, students are required to place homework in designated area. • During direct instruction, students are to remain quiet and attentive. • Students are to remain in their seats and keep the classroom free from distractions. • Students are expected to work collaboratively on a daily basis. They are taught to use inside voices while working together. • Students are expected to raise their hand if they have a question or comment.
School Wide Incentives • Students will receive “Knight’s Bucks” for displaying rule following behavior including perfect attendance. Any adult may distribute these bucks. Bucks are tracked by carbon copies so that staff can keep up with bucks paid. Teachers are encouraged to give each student at least one buck per week. “Knight’s Bucks” may be used to purchase prizes in the book store. Carbon Copies will be put into a raffle per six weeks for entrance into a popcorn party. Top three earners per class will be announced over the intercom every six weeks. • Classes earn stars for good behavior while in support classes, lunch, or the hallway by staff other than the classroom teacher. 10 stars (5 from lunchroom, 5 from other areas) allows that class to have “Jeans Friday.” • Student of the Week- Student’s portrait is displayed in the main hallway of the school. Principal eats lunch with Student’s of the week on Friday. • Individual teachers recognize class wide good behavior and reward their students with stickers, healthy snacks, and verbal praise.
Sample “Knight’s Buck” “Knight’s Bucks” Student Name___________ Staff Signature___________ Date issued _____________
Teacher Incentives • “Knight’s Bucks are awarded by principal to teachers for outstanding service and perfect attendance. Bucks may be exchanged for 1 hour lunch, leave 30 minutes early, arrive 30 minutes late, 1 duty free week, or one blue jean day. • Teacher of the month- Teachers are voted for by staff and receive a gift certificate • National teacher’s Appreciation day honored by PTO • Luncheon’s honoring special occasions • Verbal praise and recognition
Sample Teacher Recognition Revised 7/08
Resources for Incentives • Fundraisers • Parent organization • Adopters • Community agencies & businesses
Character Education • Daily morning inspiration which include a monthly character word, the thought for the day (which relates to the character word), our mission and Coro Lake Creed • Honor Roll, Attendance, Citizenship, Principal’s List and “Knight’s Bucks” incentives • Classroom guidance meeting held every other week for each class, taught by Alyson Leiva, Professional School Counselor
ATOD Prevention • Red Ribbon Week (October 20-24) is dedicated to teaching students to “Just Say No to Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco” • Classroom guidance lessons using Mendez “Too Good For Drugs” curriculum • Morning Announcements teach character building and deal will respect and peer pressure Implementation • Classroom Teachers (through Health) • Mrs. Leiva, School Counselor (during guidance class held every other week)
Sexual Harassment Prevention • Annual harassment training will be completed with faculty on October 29, 2008. • Training is also done with students using MCS Video Library as a source. This is done during guidance lessons.
Bullying Prevention • Professional Development Training with faculty regarding prevention of bullying will be addressed on October 13, 2008 by Alyson Levia. • Bully Prevention is taught to students by Alyson Leiva, School Counselor. Guidance classes are held every other week and Olweus Bullying Prevention Program is used. • Bully Prevention is also reinforced by classroom teachers when needed.
Violence Prevention Programs • We at Coro Lake Elementary use several methods to address violence such as Mendez Too Good for Drugs, Responsive Classroom, bullying prevention programs, Peer Mediation, conflict resolution, and Peaceable Schools • These lessons are taught by Alyson Leiva through classroom guidance, small groups and individual counseling.
Multi-hazard Emergency School Plan • Our plan will be submitted on October 22, 2008 • Dates for all drills 8/19, 9/23, 10/14, 11/4, 12/9, 1/20, 2/17, 3/10, 4/7, 5/5. • Dates for training 11/05/08 • Dates for plan review 02/23/09
Intervention Plan • Secondary interventions for students who have been referred to the office 2 - 5 times, are as follows: • group counseling (on behavior, anger and social skills with Alyson Leiva (School Counselor), Elaine Sherrod (Social Worker), or Ralph Rogers (Psychologist) • Mentoring program “The Kid I Love the Most” • behavior plans for repeated minor infractions (using BIM and other resources) • Behavioral S-Team meetings
In-School Suspension Plan • Coro Lake’s ISS Specialist is well trained in conflict resolution, counseling and managing at risk student behaviors. His expertise will help our students learn the necessary skills to prevent them from continuing to exhibit inappropriate behavior. • Our goal is to create an educational environment where students are held accountable for their actions, learn the skills and attitudes necessary to act appropriately and prevent future misbehavior when they return to the regular classroom. • Students may receive an ISS referral for violations of the MCS code of conduct level 1-3. Sample offenses include: repeated violations of classroom and or school wide rules, defiant or disrespectful behavior, inappropriate gestures, gang related actions, excessive tardies or early checkouts. • The program structure is as follows: • Students in ISS will participate in delineation of classroom rules • Classroom/ academic assignments • Conflict resolution and behavior modification strategies Upon completion of the program students will receive an exit form indicating the readiness to return to the regular classroom or recommendations to stay in ISS.
Memphis City Schools IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION PROGRAM Student Intervention and Behavior 416-4240 Location 146SS Goal:To create an educational environment where students are held accountable for their actions, learn the skills and attitudes necessary to prevent misbehavior and act appropriately when they return to the regular classroom. Objectives 10% reduction in the amount of suspensions as compared to the previous school year. Each six weeks there will be a 2% decrease in the number of repeat offenders, resulting in a 10% decrease by the final six weeks period. Components Academics – Students will complete academic assignments while assigned to ISS to ensure continued academic progress. Social Skills – Students will receive social skills/character education training by ISS teacher, professional counselor and/or other mental health professionals. All ISS teachers will receive training in the MCS Character Education Model. Service Learning – Students will participate as resources are available in their school community. Alternative Student Transition – Student will spend a specified period in the ISS program upon their return from the Alternative Program. This period will allow students to receive orientation regarding policies/procedures, strengthen pro-social skills, and form a positive relationship with school staff. This will afford administrators, teachers and counselors the opportunity to plan appropriate interventions for students and integrate them back into the school community. Reconnection – Students will have an opportunity to reconcile with the adult and/or student with whom they had conflict. This can be facilitated through written communication and/or a mediation session. Evaluation – The following areas will be formally evaluated: recidivism rate, ISS teacher/administration satisfaction, individual teacher referral rate, and suspension rate. MCS Research and Evaluation will assist with the design of this component. Revised 7/08
Selection of Students Students will be assigned to an In-School Suspension for an infraction that warrants an out of school suspension. Only administrators can refer students to the ISS program. ISS should be utilized as one of the interventions available in the disciplinary continuum. Students should be assigned for a period of 1-3 days. Conditions Administrators have the discretion to increase the length of stay or utilize other disciplinary actions if a student does not adhere to ISS rules and regulations. ISS capacity should not exceed 15-20 students per day. Conclusions The Memphis City Schools ISS Program is an extension of the classroom/school discipline plan which seeks to help students improve behavior while remaining in an educational setting. This strategy provides a specific disciplinary action a school can utilize to assist with students displaying inappropriate behavior. ISS is a positive approach that prioritizes the needs and long-term goals of students. Revised 7/08
Procedure for Use • Administration determines ISS referrals. • Teachers will send daily assignments. • ISS Assistant monitors and evaluates student progress • ISS Assistant will spend their day performing duties related to the operation of the ISS program. All other extended assignments (i.e. substitute teaching, cafeteria duty, and hall monitoring) should be paid using school budget. • Administrators should make provisions (internet access) to support daily or weekly data entry by ISS Assistants Revised 7/08
ISS Assistants should received the 30 minute duty-free lunch as outlined by Human Resources. • ISS staff will assist student with re-entering regular classroom setting. • Special Education students will receive services mandated in their IEP during the suspension period. • ISS Assistants should be evaluated at mid-year and end-of-year intervals. • Administrators should communicate with ISS Coordinator regarding program implementation as necessary. Revised 7/08
Secondary Intervention Evaluation • Evaluation of our Secondary Interventions is done by tracking discipline referrals and classroom conduct, as well as following the BMI plans in place. • Indicators of progress would be a decrease in the amount of office referrals, an improvement in classroom conduct as well as a BMI that seems to be working for the student.
Tertiary Interventions • The School Support Team (S-Team) will identify students who are academically low by using data from the Formative Assessments, report cards, and teacher referrals. The S-Team will use behavior indicators such as discipline referrals, weekly conduct grades and ISS referrals to identify students who may need to be S-Teamed for behavior. • We have 3 students who have a Behavior Intervention Plan • Success is monitored by S-Team, professional school counselor, social worker, classroom teacher and administrative staff • Student conduct data is compiled and graphed to behavior sheets. • Positive gains made by the student are acknowledged and rewarded.
Green zone 0 – 1, yellow zone 2 – 5, red zone 6+ office referrals CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior % Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior % Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings % of Students Revised 7/08
Computation for Triangle • Number of students with 6+ office referrals (red zone)= Divide this number by total enrollment for % in red zone • Number of students with 2 – 5 office referrals (yellow zone)= Divide this number by total enrollment for % in yellow zone • Number of students with 1 office referral= • Add together totals from 1, 2, & 3 and subtract from total enrollment to get students with 0 office referrals • 0–1 office referral (green zone)=add totals from 3 & 4. Divide by total enrollment for % in green zone • Total students referred (total of first 3 lines)= Divide by total enrollment body for % students referred Computation template on MCS website Revised 7/08
Plan for Support & Monitoring • Middle of September submit Discipline Plan electronically to District Coach and Academic Superintendent for your area. Includes: • Team Members and Team Leader • Meeting Schedule for year • EBS Summary • Action Plan (based on EBS results) • TIC (also submitted to Coach Oct., Jan., Apr.) • Ratification-acceptance form faxed 416-4221 Ongoing training for Team Leaders and others will be provided throughout the school year Revised 7/08