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FOX MEADOWS ELEMENTARY School-Wide Discipline Plan 2009 -10. 2960 Emerald Street Memphis, Tennessee 38115. Goals and/or Objectives. Goals: Increase parental involvement by 10% Reduce disciplinary referrals (misconduct) by 10% Reduce the number of student tardies to school by 10%
FOX MEADOWS ELEMENTARY School-Wide Discipline Plan 2009 -10 2960 Emerald Street Memphis, Tennessee 38115
Goals and/or Objectives Goals: Increase parental involvement by 10% Reduce disciplinary referrals (misconduct) by 10% Reduce the number of student tardies to school by 10% Reduce early student check-out by 10% Objectives: To provide an atmosphere conducive to parental involvement. To increase positive student behavior with engaging learning experiences. To develop and maintain an open line of communication with stakeholders. To have all stakeholders support all school programs.
MCS School-Wide Discipline Committee Worksheet2009-10 Name of School: Fox Meadows Elementary School School-Wide Discipline Committee is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Fill in the names of committee members and designate a Team Leader (TL)- Etta Gentry Rickey Jackson Kanekia Curry Cheryl Worthy Melony Shelton Cyndie Nash Arleda Sawe Jenny Harris Carolyn Brown Tiffany Reed *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract
School-Wide Discipline Committee • What needs to happen for this team to meet once every 2-4 weeks? Classroom coverage during the day • Someone on team designated to be responsible for data from Blue Ribbon Website - Etta Gentry • Complete Meeting Schedule for the year- Committee will meet every second Tuesday of the month
School Rules The Fox Five: 1. Be respectful • Be responsible • Be there, be ready • Follow directions • Hands/Feet to self
How we teach the rules and procedures • The first two weeks of school is designated to plan and introduce classroom, school-wide, and district rules to students. • School and district rules will be modeled and practiced daily. • Character Education is reflected in lesson plans throughout the school year (every nine weeks) to remind students of rules and procedures. Monthly Character words are recited daily over the intercom. • Educators and staff members monitor rules and behavior by taking advantage of teachable moments within the school day (i.e. transition times). • Rules are prominently posted in: hallways, classrooms, cafeteria, restrooms, and the office.
School Procedures Opening of School • All students must enter through their assigned grade door. • Breakfast students enter the breakfast door at 7:55 a.m. • Teachers monitor the grade doors, support staff monitor the cafeteria, and administration and parent volunteers monitor the outside premises. • Special education teachers, ELL teacher, and administrator are responsible for bus duty. • Classroom teachers will be responsible for their NCLB students reporting to the bus. • All homeroom teachers monitor the hallways and greet students at their door each morning at 8:20 a.m. Homeroom teachers rotate grade door duty during the school year. • Safety patrol students help monitor breakfast and grade doors (fifth grade students only). Closing of school • Students are dismissed at 3:15 p.m. and exit through their assigned grade door. • Daycare riders wait in the library (with the Instructional Resource teacher and PDSCC) and are escorted to their buses. Bus riders wait in the cafeteria (with the Media Specialist and ELL teacher) and are escorted to their buses. • Parents pick-up students in the outer circle of the driveway. Special education parents and buses are only allowed in the inner circle of the driveway. • SACC staff pick-up their students from the classroom at 3:10 p.m. • Administration, teachers, and parent volunteers monitor the premises every afternoon until 3:30 p.m. • The crossing guard, teachers and administration monitor the safety of those students that walk home. • High school and middle school student that pick-up their siblings have a designated location to wait until dismissal.
School Procedures Restrooms • Teachers escort students as a class to and from the restroom • In case of an emergency students may go to the restroom at the direction of the teacher Assemblies • Teachers escort their class to assembly and remain with their class • Students will sit in designated areas • Students will follow all rules/directions/instructions • Classes will be dismissed from all assembly programs by principal, assistant principal, or designee Referrals • Teachers write disciplinary referrals according to district procedures and the Blue Ribbon Plan • Students must bring their referral to the office • All referrals must be completed by the teacher indicating previous action taken • Teacher, school, and parent will receive a copy of the referral
School Procedures Passing of Classes • Teacher will escort students to and from support classes Lunchroom • Teachers escort students to and from the lunchroom • Students remain in line until called into the serving area • Students will follow directions of the dining room supervisors • Remain at your assigned table • If you need assistance, remain seated and raise your hand • Be respectful of everyone • Use good manners • Use quiet inside voices when talking • Leave tables and eating areas neat and clean • Do not take food out of the dining room • Trading or giving away food is not permitted • Leave quietly • Teachers will pick-up students from the assigned lunch room tables on time
Classroom Procedures Classroom school-wide procedures 8:20-8:30 Students enter the building and report to their homeroom class 8:30 – 9:00 Students will sharpen pencils for the day and work on 4-squares (literacy, math, science, and social studies in TCAP format) 8:45 Morning Announcements 9:00-10:30 Literacy Block 10:30-11:30 Math Block 11:15-12:45 Lunch for all classes 1:00-2:00 Science 2:00-3:00 Social Studies 3:00-3:15 Prepare for dismissal Each grade will attend Library Skills Classes weekly on a rotating basis. Students must have a hall pass to leave class for any reason. In order to leave your seat in class, students must receive permission from the teacher unless: (1) there is an emergency or (2) students are working at literacy stations or in cooperative groups. Students must raise their hands and show designated signs to ask questions. Students work in cooperative groups at least two weekly. Students are assigned jobs and task to perform in the groups to alleviate disciplinary problems. Homework will be turned in to the teacher at a designated location in the classroom. Students in all classes will receive a writing prompt daily beginning the second nine weeks.
School Wide Incentives Our school celebrates successes with visible signs, banners, intercom congratulatory announcements, t-shirts displaying success, and a school-wide outside activity. Students that behave are allowed to attend a no-tardy, E or S party where healthy treats are provided. Principal List students have an activity every six weeks with the Principal. Honor Roll students receive coupons and discount cards each six weeks. Students that make the honor roll must maintain an E or S in conduct. Students names are placed in the monthly Howard’s Herald newsletter. Our adopters (Asbury United Methodist Church, Verso Paper, Johnson-Bryce, Inc. and The Red Hat Ladies Society) provide tickets to professional sports activities, t-shirts, pencils, and other items to students for their successes. Classes/Grades that behave in the cafeteria during breakfast and lunch for a nine weeks are named class of the month. Daily class recognition is given for positive behavior. Students that show improvement in behavior throughout the year are recognized at the grade awards banquet and by the Principal and their teacher. Homerooms with weekly perfect attendance or 4 out of five days will receive first or second place ribbons.
Teacher Incentives The principal recognizes all staff members birthdays each month. Intercom recognition is given to staff for professional and personal achievements. Teachers that have perfect attendance at the end of the year will receive a certificate and a Wal-Mart gift card. To keep morale up, administration provides an end of the year celebratory luncheon for faculty and staff. Parents keep classes for teachers. Teachers also receive prizes for classes that raise the most money on fundraisers.
Resources for Incentives Our adopters (Asbury United Methodist Church, Verso Paper, Johnson-Bryce, Inc. and The Red Hat Ladies Society) provide tickets to professional sports activities, t-shirts, pencils, and other items to students for their successes. They also provide breakfast and lunch during holidays for faculty and staff and assist in programs throughout the school year. McDonald’s provides coupons for student achievement in academics and behavior. Fundraisers provide prizes and/or awards for students/classrooms that have the most participation. PTO provides monetary donations for students to receive incentives.
General Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors Observe problem behavior Is behavior major? Find a place to talk with student(s) NO YES Ensure safety Problem solve Write referral & escort student to office Problem solve Determine consequence Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented procedure NO YES Does student have 3? Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week
Character Education • Key terms are incorporated and Implemented into the six weeks lesson plans • A Key Character Education term is chosen each nine weeks and used within the classrooms and school. • A speaker will highlight a key term each nine weeks. • Professional School Counselor conducts sessions on Character Education within the classrooms. • Character Education terms are highlighted in the Howard’s Herald (monthly newsletter to parents and the community). • Key character word is reinforced each day during the morning announcements. • Character Education is continued in support classes. Character Education is conducted by the guidance counselor monthly. The counselor conducts age-appropriate workshops incorporating the terms with the subject matter, ex. Drug abuse – responsibility.
Harassment and Bullying Prevention • Date annual harassment training is done with faculty – Faculty Meeting – Nov. 18th • Training with faculty regarding prevention including defining bullying/intimidation, recognizing early stages, providing strategies for addressing
School Safety Plan Fox Meadows Multi-Hazardous Emergency School Plan and Recovery Guide was submitted on October 3, 2009. Dates for Drills Fire Drills 1. August 27, 2009 6. February 18, 2010 2. September 20, 2009 7. March 11, 2010 3. October 08, 2009 8. April 07, 2010 4. November 12, 2009 9. May 04, 2010 5. January 14, 2010 Earthquake Drills – November 19, 2009 and February 24, 2010 Severe Weather Safe Area – November 11, 2008 and February 24, 2010 Other Drills or Practice – October 1, 2009 (lockdown) and January 7, 2010(Bomb Threat) Dates for training – In-Service Week August 4 – 8, 2009 Dates for plan review – Once each semester (September 2009and February 2010)
Monitoring Process The Blue Ribbon Website is a vital tool in helping to disaggregate student data. The SART team looks at student attendance and categories students absences based on highest to lowest. The team follows the 10-step process set-up by Pupil Services. The Blue Ribbon Team looks at the number of disciplinary referrals based on grade level, students, and teacher. Administration meets with teachers with a high number of disciplinary referrals to talk about intervention strategies that need to be implemented. Attendance charts are posted in the office each nine weeks. Each classroom has the “Fox Report” – the percentage of students present for the day, number of referrals to the office, and percentage scores on Reading and Math.
Action Steps • List steps you have chosen to prioritize for the 2009-10 school year based on the Effective Behavior Survey (EBS) and the Team Implementation Checklist • Complete Action Plan Based on the findings from the 2008 -2009 EBS we feel that disruptive behavior or continued misconduct and immoral disreputable conduct are 2 areas that we must provide intervention strategies by: 1. Reinforcement of rules 2. Parental contact 3. Guidance counselor/sessions 4. Social worker – sessions provided based on need 5. Outside services and resources.
ACTION PLAN GOAL – To decrease the amount of referrals (misconduct) by 10%. ACTION STEPSTIMELINEPERSON RESPONSIBLECOSTMONITORING STRATEGY Stakeholders will provide August 2009- Principal Donations SMS incentives for good behavior May 2010 Assistant Principal PTO Report Cards School-Wide Discipline Team Teachers will make positive Each nine weeks Teachers None Telephone Parent Log telephone calls to parents Parents will participate in September, January, PDSCC professional development April Guidance Counselor District Parent Survey sessions for behavioral interventions Provided Parent Attendance Report Cards Teacher Observation
Prevention Programs • Program Elements Character Education Kids on the Block Peaceable Schools Career on Wheels Peer Mediation Red Ribbon Week Bullying Prevention Programs Conflict Resolution • Implementation Jenny Harris, School Guidance Counselor, will conduct age-appropriate classes to grade levels each six weeks.
InterventionPlan • Students that have been referred to the office a number of times will be given the following intervention plan: (1) student conference with teacher, guidance counselor and/or administration, (2) parent conference, (3) guidance referral, (4) behavioral contract, (5) S-team meeting, (6) peer mediation, (7) group counseling with social worker, and usage of the Behavior Intervention Manual. • After all interventions have been utilized, suspension is the last resort.
In-SchoolSuspension Plan • Describe In-School Suspension Plan • Procedures for use, referral, monitoring • Activities in room, problem solving plan, re-entry plan • Student support
In-School Suspension Plan Fox Meadows Elementary School has an in-school suspension (ISS) room in the Media Center. Teachers refer students to the office and depending on the severity of the offense, students spend from 1 hour to 1 day in ISS. Students bring their class work with them and assignments must be completed. The amount of class work given is based on the time spent. The ISS teacher monitors students. The problems are solved through discussion, scheduled sessions with the social worker, guidance counselor, or psychologist upon parent approval and permission. A follow-up is done with the student and possible S-team if applicable.
Secondary InterventionEvaluation • To evaluate the progress of students using secondary intervention we will use the following: (1) Teacher input and feedback, (2) School-Wide Disciplinary Information, (3) Social Worker and Guidance Counselor Evaluations, and (4) Parent feedback and input. • Indicators of student progress include improvement in student behavior based on report card, progress report, visible behavior, and data collected from intervention stakeholders.
Tertiary Interventions • How your School Support Team identify and plan for these students Students are identified based on the number of referrals, teacher/parent/administration recommendations, and observation • Number of Functional Behavior Assessments and Comprehensive Behavior Intervention Plans 10% of the student body • How you monitor success of intervention Classroom and other settings; observations
Results • Your results so far toward your school wide goals • List graphs and short explanations. • You will have data from REA so you can compare last year’s numbers with the previous year’s The first six weeks of school was a change in the school culture. There was an increase in the number of referrals, however, referrals are declining due to an emphasis placed on school and classroom rules, character education, and increased communication with parents.
Green zone 0 – 1, yellow zone 2 – 5, red zone 6+ office referrals CONTINUUM OF SCHOOL-WIDE INSTRUCTIONAL & POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT Tertiary Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior 6-8 % Secondary Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior 10-12% Primary Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings % of Students
Celebration • Our school celebrates successes with visible signs, banners, intercom congratulatory announcements, t-shirts displaying our success, and a school- wide outside activity. • On the staff level, we have a reception or after-school activity involving all staff. Plaques or trophies are given to each grade level teacher and/or staff member for outstanding performance. • Students are usually given a classroom activity sponsored by parents and/or teacher. • Principal List students have an activity every six weeks with the Principal. Honor Roll students receive coupons and discount cards each six weeks. Pictures of these students are placed on the Honor Roll board in the hallway. Also, the district provides congratulatory ribbons for Principal’s List, Honor Roll, Perfect Attendance, and Most Improved Students each six weeks. Students that show signs of improvement throughout the school year are rewarded by the Principal and/or their teacher. • Our adopters (Asbury United Methodist Church, Verso Paper, Johnson-Bryce, Inc. and The Red Hat Ladies Society) provide tickets to professional sports activities, t-shirts, pencils, and other items to students for their successes. • Ties for Tuesday reinforces a positive self-image for males and encourages responsibility and self-respect.
Conclusion • Anything you want
Plan for Support & Monitoring • End of October submit School-Wide Discipline Plan to District Coach and Academic Superintendent for your area. Includes: • Team Members and Team Leader • Meeting Schedule for year • TIC (also submitted to Coach Oct., Jan., Apr.) • Action Plan Ongoing training for Team Leaders and others will be provided throughout the school year