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CRUHSD Advisory Program

CRUHSD Advisory Program. Phillip Andreas Vanessa Buus Delina Duchanieau Riley Frei Anthony Galvez David Miller Doug Nicolai Kelly Riney Amber Stumpf Cassie Vroegh. Purpose of Advisory Period. To provide students with the time to interact with people who care about their success.

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CRUHSD Advisory Program

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  1. CRUHSD Advisory Program Phillip Andreas Vanessa Buus DelinaDuchanieau Riley Frei Anthony Galvez David Miller Doug Nicolai Kelly Riney Amber Stumpf Cassie Vroegh

  2. Purpose of Advisory Period • To provide students with the time to interact with people who care about their success. • To build a framework of trust and support for each and every student. • To aid students in gaining skills that are essential to their success both in academics and the real world.

  3. How it will Work

  4. Overall Vision • Throughout the course of 4 years students will build a portfolio that will document their “Proficiencies”, which will include: • Skills they have learned • School assignments they have put forth significant effort on • Career/College options they have explored • Financial aid options

  5. Measurement of Success • Each year there will be proficiencies that students will have completed and checked off by their Advisor. • Through the completion of the checklist each year students will experience the benefits of setting goals and self analyzing where they stand in the reach to attain these goals. • Ultimately, they will create a portfolio that they can use in both applying to college and for employment.

  6. Details, Details, Details • The Advisory period will be a 35 minute period 2 days a week (Tuesday/Thursday) between 2nd and 3rd hours. • Every teacher will take a grade level and be assigned 20-25 students in their Advisory. • Each grade level will have a calendar of proficiencies to cover and assessments for each proficiency, along with curriculum resources to help teach those proficiencies.

  7. So what are “Proficiencies”? • Proficiencies are goals and standards that the students should master in order to be successful inside and outside of school.

  8. Freshman Proficiencies Calendar The goal of freshman advisory is to equip students with the knowledge they need to adjust to high school and grow academically and socially.

  9. Sophomore Proficiencies Calendar The goal of sophomore advisory is to provide students the opportunity to see what they are interested in, what skills they possess, where they stand in the scheme of graduation and ways to deal with the events of life.

  10. Junior Proficiencies Calendar The goal of junior advisory is to provide students with the resources and time to prepare for graduation and college applications.

  11. Senior Proficiencies Calendar The goal of senior advisory is to give students the tools they need to apply for college, for financial aid and the tools to be financially prepared to venture out into the world.

  12. So what exactly will we be expected to Do?

  13. “My Accomplishments” • Each year/grade there is a checklist of proficiencies for each student. • For each proficiency students can earn a ‘Mastery,’ ‘Proficient’ or ‘Incomplete’ • As the Advisor, you will sign off each student as they complete the given assessment for each proficiency.

  14. Grading • The Advisory period will be a Pass/Fail class. • Grades are based off a rubric for each proficiency. • Earning a ‘Mastery’ or ‘Proficient’ will allow a student to pass the class. • Students who earn a ‘Mastery’ in all proficiencies will earn an honor cord to wear at graduation.

  15. Proficiency Assessments • For each proficiency there is a standard district-wide assessment that the students will complete and the advisor will sign off on. • Some assessments are stand-alone, and others will require students to attach examples of their own work as part of the assessment.

  16. Proficiency Curriculum • Curriculum resources will be provided for each proficiency to help you cover the material, but what you use and how you teach is up to you. • As students complete each assessment, it will be added to their portfolio, which will follow them through high school.

  17. Proficiency Curriculum • This is a building process, as we develop the program we will be building teacher resources and tuning the program, with the underlying goal to track and assist every student and to help the students know where they are and what they need and to provide a teacher for each student where they know they can go to for help and guidance.

  18. Proficiency Curriculum • We want to promote partnership and communication, so if you have any great resources that you think would be beneficial to this program, we would love input and sharing in order to build this into a successful program.

  19. Other Benefits  • The state of Arizona requires all students to have an online digital portfolio of certain accomplishments recorded on AzCIS, which lines up with our proficiencies and can be completed in this Advisory period. • The Advisory period will also provide built-in time for assemblies, pep rallies and other events. • The Advisory schedule will provide a perfect opportunity to implement a re-teach program at both the schools.

  20. Questions?

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