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Chapter 12 Section 3 The Cold War Expands

Chapter 12 Section 3 The Cold War Expands. 1950’s. US and USSR most powerful nations in the world! Great fear now since USSR dropped an A-Bomb in Siberia US thought they were years away!. 1952. First H-Bomb created in US Next year Soviets made one

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Chapter 12 Section 3 The Cold War Expands

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  1. Chapter 12 Section 3 The Cold War Expands

  2. 1950’s • US and USSR most powerful nations in the world! • Great fear now since USSR dropped an A-Bomb in Siberia • US thought they were years away!

  3. 1952 • First H-Bomb created in US • Next year Soviets made one • Arms Race – Contest between US and USSR – who could create most powerful weapons • Over the decades, both stockpiled!

  4. Mutually assured destruction – a policy in which the US and USSR built up tons of weapons hoping to deter a war

  5. 1952 • Truman decides not to run • Eisenhower wins election – Remember??? • Led the allied invasion of North Africa • FIRMLY believed in containing Communism • John Foster Dulles – Secretary of State • Both focused on stockpiling weapons

  6. Massive Retaliation • Policy formed by Dulles • Policy of threatening to use massive force if need be • Brinkmanship – going to the brink of war could protect the US and prevent war

  7. Stalin dies • March 5, 1953 • Nikita Krushchev – new leader of Soviet Union • Much more peaceful than Stalin • Improved relations with the west

  8. Suez Crisis • Cold War tensions continue to rise • Suez Canal located in Egypt – important trade route • Had always been open for all to pass through • Egypt’s president Nassar wanted to build a dam.

  9. US and Britain said they would fund it • Nasser decided to recognize China and USSR • Eisenhower livid and withdrew offer • Threatened oil trade

  10. Eisenhower Doctrine • January 1957 – Promised to help any Middle East country threatened by Communism

  11. CIA • An intelligence-gathering agency • Created to help curb Communism

  12. Sputnik • Soviets launched a satellite – Sputnik (1957) • Following month – Launched a much larger satellite. Carried Laika

  13. NASA • National Aeronautics and Space Administration • Created to improve space related efforts for scientists and military

  14. Red Scare • The overall fear that Communists wanted to destroy America!

  15. Smith Act • Made it unlawful to teach about the overthrow of the American government

  16. Blacklist • People that “supposedly” had ties to Communism. • Hollywood

  17. Alger Hiss – Charged with being a Soviet spy • 5 years in prison • Rosenbergs – Same…found guilty and sentenced to death

  18. Assignment • In your notebook explain the following: • Eisenhower Doctrine • Central Intelligence Agency • Sputnik • Laika • NASA

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