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NC Mathematics and Science Partnership Program

NC Mathematics and Science Partnership Program. Funded under NCLB (Currently under revision by current administration) North Carolina Title II B Mathematics & Science Partnerships (MSP) Beverly Vance, State Program Coordinator Bvance@dpi.state.nc.us. General Purpose of MSP.

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NC Mathematics and Science Partnership Program

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  1. NC Mathematics and Science Partnership Program

  2. Funded under NCLB (Currently under revision by current administration) North Carolina Title II B Mathematics & Science Partnerships (MSP) Beverly Vance, State Program Coordinator Bvance@dpi.state.nc.us

  3. General Purpose of MSP To improve academic achievement of students in mathematics and science by strengthening the quality of mathematics and science instruction

  4. General Purpose of MSP (continued) To encourage partnerships between institutions of higher education and high-needs schools

  5. Partnerships must include • An institution of higher education science, technology, engineering, or mathematics department (STEM) at 2 or 4 year institutions. AND • A high-need local educational agency- district, school • Non-public/Private Schools, for meaningful consultation

  6. Partnerships may include • Another higher education institution, department; • Additional LEAs, charter schools, public or private schools, or a consortium of schools; • A business; or • An organization dedicated to improving the quality of math/science teachers.

  7. Partnerships STEM can be an agent of change in schools and vice versa. As such we will be looking for a description of how the partners will share the work and how their work will be integrated into the on-going work of both the local schools and the STEM faculty

  8. NC MSP Projects All Current and New Projects will be posted online at NC DPI after the conference •RFP-Jan 2011 http://science.ncwiseowl.org/ http://math.ncwiseowl.org/ •Proposals Due-TBD (Please join listserv for updates) •Funding-June 2011-September 2012 (New and Continuing Grants)

  9. Produce a report, to include an asset map of current MSP sites, citing the results of monitoring and evaluation of project data to assist in the determination of the effectiveness of the MSP program as a statewide strategy to meet MSP program goals. New Partnership:NC DPI and NC STEM

  10. Typical questions include: Have MSP partners developed and implemented a comprehensive intervention plan targeting math and science instruction and achievement? If so, how? Has math and science instruction changed in districts where teachers have participated in MSP professional development (PD)? If so, how? Have student course selections in math and science changed in districts where teachers have participated in MSP PD? Overall, have MSP projects implemented a strong evaluation plan and how has that data influenced changes in PD models? Has any model demonstrated significant gains in teacher content knowledge that is supported by student outcomes? New Partnership:NC DPI and NC STEM

  11. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATHEMATICS (STEM) Our proposal will provide competitive grants to support the transition to higher standards by assisting states in strengthening their STEM programs and by providing substantial support to high-need districts in implementing high-quality instruction in at least mathematics or science and may also include technology or engineering. States will be required to develop comprehensive, evidence-based plans and to align federal, state, and local funds to provide high-quality STEM instruction. States may carry out strategies to improve STEM instruction statewide, such as partnering with statewide Race to the Top partnerships, supporting districts in identifying effective instructional materials, and improving teachers’ knowledge and skills in effective STEM instruction for all students, including English Learners and students with disabilities. A Blueprint for Reform (pg.26) The Reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act Why is this data needed?

  12. Funds for State Formula-Allocated and Selected Student Aid Programs: http://www2.ed.gov/about/overview/budget/statetables/11stbystate.pdf Updated: November 2, 2010 NC STEM’s Info will identify data driven models of SUCCESS! 2011budget for msp:$0.00

  13. Meet NC STEmFriday, 11:45 – 12:45Blue Ashe

  14. Detailed Scope of Work http://www.ncpublicschools.org/rttt/district/ Race to the top & acrehttp://www.ncpublicschools.org/rttt/http://dpi.state.nc.us/acre/

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