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Illinois Mathematics And Science Partnership Program. Academic Improvement and Teacher Quality Programs. Program Description
Academic Improvement and Teacher Quality Programs Program Description This program is designed to improve the performance of students in the areas of mathematics and science by encouraging states, IHEs, LEAs, and elementary and secondary schools to participate in programs that • Focus and Improve the education of mathematics and science teachers. • Bring mathematics and science teachers together with scientists, mathematicians and engineers. • Develop more rigorous mathematics and science curricula to achieve standards expected for postsecondary study. Types of Projects The program supports projects to improve math and science education through partnerships, which include, at a minimum , a high-need LEA and the mathematics, science, or engineering department of an IHE. • Partnerships between high-need school districts and the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) faculty in institution of higher education are in these improvement efforts. Eligible Partnership • Shall include: A state educational agency and an engineering, mathematics , or science department of an institution of higher education and a high-need local educational agency. • May include: Another engineering, mathematics, science, or teacher training department of an institution of higher education or additional local educational agencies, public charter schools, or a consortium of such schools or a business or a nonprofit or for-profit organization of demonstrated effectiveness in improving the quality of mathematics and science teachers.
Summer workshop or institute It is conducted for a period of not less than 2 weeks, includes, as a component, a program that provides direct interaction between students and faculty and provides for follow-up training during the academic year that is conducted in the classroom for a period of not less than three consecutive or nonconsecutive days . Grants For Mathematics And Science Partnerships • Grants to partnerships For any fiscal year for which the funds appropriated under section 2203 are less than $100,000,000, the secretary is authorized to award grants, on a competitive basis. • Grants to State Educational Agencies For any fiscal year which the funds appropriated under section 2203 equal or exceed $100,000,000 • If an eligible partnership in the state was previously awarded a grant and the grant period has not ended, the secretary can reserve funds in sufficient amount to make payments to the partnerships in accordance with the terms of the grant. • The secretary is authorized to award grants to state educational agencies to enable such agencies to award sub grants, on a competitive basis. • Allotment The secretary shall allot the amount in proportion to the number of children. Aged 5 to 17 , who are from families with incomes below the poverty line and reside in a state for the most recent fiscal year, minimum allotment for any fiscal year is half of 1 percent of the amount made available under this part for such year. • The secretary shall award grants under this part for a period of three years.
Application Requirements Each application submitted shall include • The results of a comprehensive assessment of the teacher quality and professional development needs of any school with respect to the teaching and learning of mathematics and science. • A description of how the activities are carried out by eligible partnership will be aligned with challenging State academic content & student academic achievement standards in math &science. • Description of how the activities to be carried out by the eligible partnership will be based on a review of scientifically based research, and a explanation of how the activities are expected to improve student academic achievement and strengthen quality of mathematics and science. • Description of how the eligible partnership will carry out the authorized activities and the eligible partnership’s evaluation and accountability plan. • A description of how the eligible partnership will continue the activities funded under this part after the original grant or sub grant period has expired. Evaluation and Accountability Plan • Shall Include Measurable objectives to increase the number of mathematics and science teachers who participated in content-based professional development activities. • Shall Include Measurable objectives for improved student academic achievement on State mathematics and science assessments or, where applicable. • May Include Objectives and measures for increased participation by students in advanced courses in mathematics and science, and increased percentage of elementary school teachers with academic majors or minors, or group majors or minors, in mathematics, engineering, or the sciences and increased percentage of secondary school classes in mathematics and science taught by teachers with academic majors in mathematics, engineering and science.
Authorized Activities • Creating opportunities for enhanced and ongoing professional development of mathematics and science teachers that improves the subject matter knowledge of such teachers. • Promoting strong teaching skills for math and science teachers and teacher educators, including integrating scientifically based research teaching methods and technology based teaching methods. • Establishing and operating math and science summer workshops or institutes , including follow up training, for elementary school and secondary school mathematics and science teachers. • Recruiting mathematics, engineering, and science majors to teaching . • Developing more rigorous math and science curricula that are aligned with challenging state and local academic content standards and with the standards expected for post secondary study. • Establishing distance learning programs for mathematics and science teachers using curricula that are innovative, content-based, and based on scientifically based research that is current. • Designing programs to prepare a math or science teacher at school to provide professional development to other teachers at school and to assist beginning and other teachers at the school. • Establishing and operating programs to bring mathematics and science teachers into contact with working scientists, mathematicians, and engineers, to expand such teachers’ subject matter knowledge of and research in science and mathematics. • Designing programs to identify and develop exemplary mathematics and science teachers in the kindergarten through grade 8 classrooms. • Training mathematics and science teachers and developing programs to encourage individuals to pursue postsecondary degrees in majors leading to such careers. Report Each eligible partnership receiving grant or sub grant shall report annually to the secretary regarding eligible partnership’s progress in meeting the objectives described in accountability plan.
Annual Performance ReportIntroduction The legislation that authorizes the MSP program requires each of the projects funded by the States to submit annual report to the U.S Department of Education.General Instructions This reporting system is designed for MSP projects to provide information about Description of MSP partners , Roles and Responsibilities of Partners, Information for GPRA Reporting, Characteristics of MSP Participants, Professional Development Models, Program Evaluation Design and Evaluation Findings and Evidence of Outcomes.Completing the Reporting Form When you have completed the entire form send it to your State Coordinator , who will submit the final report form to the U.S Department of Education and Washington Software.Report Due Date Each MSP project is required to report its MSP activities during each 12-month period after the award of the MSP grant. You have60 days beyond the end of each 12-month reporting period for submitting the report to the U.S Department of Education through your State Coordinator. All reports for the preceding Federal Fiscal Year (July-June for MSP grants) must be submitted by November 30 of the following year.Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Reporting The MSP GPRA indicator for Teacher Content Knowledge is “the percentage of MSP teachers who significantly increased their content knowledge , as reflected in project-level pre-and post-assessments.”The MSP GPRA indicators for Student Achievement are 1)The percentage of students in classrooms of MSP teachers who score at the basic level or above in State assessments of mathematics or science and 2) The percentage of students in classroom of MSP teachers who score at the proficient level or above in State assessments of mathematics or science.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Center Grant Program • The National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) announces the availability of this Request for Proposal (RFP) for grants to states to engage in K-12 STEM education. • The STEM Center Grant Program offers governors the opportunity to create a new STEM Center, support the development of a network of STEM Centers or support the refocusing and repurposing of an existing STEM Center. • Focuses on postsecondary and workplace expectations, building capacity in STEM teacher quality and quantity, data systems, and public will for change to implement an aligned system, and identify emerging best practice models in STEM education and bringing them to scale. • The NGA Center will award up to six states grants of no more than $500,000 over two years.RFP released to states in before February 25, 2007, deadline for submission of proposals is May 15, 2007 and Grant award announced is July 2007. • Final decision of National Selection Committee will include the quality of state responses to this RFP ( total pts earned out of 100) , the extent to which the government and staff participates actively in NGA and if the state is in good standing with organization and factors valuing diversity. • Financial Reporting : The state files a progress report and a financial report on following schedule • Year One report through January 31, 2008 filed no later than February 28, 2008 • Year One report through July 31, 2008 filed no later than August 31, 2008 • Year two report through January 31, 2009 filed no later than February 28, 2009 • Year two final report through July 31, 2009 filed no later than August 31, 2009 The state’s progress report includes an evaluation of goals accomplished and tasks undertaken.
Non-Negotiable: Applications must describe how the state will engage in the following non-negotiable activities Adopt and implement the NGA Graduation Rate Compact , Actively participate in the National Educational Education , Create and execute a communications plan to build and sustain public support for K-12 STEM redesign, Develop and implement an aligned governance structure for P-16 education , and work with NGA Center staff to set specific 10-year performance goals for student achievement. Selection Criteria : Complete a GAP analysis of the state’s current policy landscape for K-12 system redesign to support the state economy’s innovation capability. Governors’ offices must submit their proposal packages by 5:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time on Tuesday, May 15, 2007 to Cardella Mingo , National Governors Association Center for Best Practices444 North Capitol Street, Suite 267Washington, DC 20001-1512 • Align Outputs( STEM competencies in high school graduates) and inputs( Expected STEM competencies in incoming students and employees) across the K-16 educational system and into the private sector. • Develop the necessary statewide capacity to implement an aligned and rigorous STEM system. • Identify emerging best practice STEM education models, evaluate new approaches , and bring proven models to scale.
General Information: Eligible applications are selected based on the criteria of selection. The LEA must be able to comply with the 3 standards to be eligible1) The annual trend data from the various tests like ISAT, PSAE and IMAGE show that the achievement in mathematics and science is falling below 60% of students meeting or exceeding the Illinois Standards as disaggregated by the factors such as socioeconomic, gender etc. 2) 15 % of the children served by LEA are from low income families.3) Also most of the teachers of LEA do not hold appropriate endorsements and are placed in assignments beyond their range.Deadlines are fixed for the cycles of grants and the various funds are released in accordance to the cycles. The amount for awards and the funds to be released are pre fixed. The letter f intent is to be mailed within the application deadlines. The future grant of funds depends on the success of previous cycle of similar funds.Two bidders conferences will be held and will enable the applicants to ask about the scope and intent of the RFP.Background: The basic intent is to provide funds and increase the basic teaching levels in the schools. For this various classroom activities, laboratory interactions between teachers and professionals from various other fields like engineering, medicine etc is encouraged.Program specifications: the prime aim is to increase subject matter knowledge among the teachers and hence increase the quality in fields like Mathematics, general science. Promote strong teaching skills by improved interaction. Through planning efforts of the successful applicants, ISBE anticipates the establishment of up to 30 graduate teaching programs in various areas, programs and various educational endorsements.
Partnership composition: In order to consider the full range of options necessary to meet the diverse needs of the teachers and students of the state successful applicants must identify individuals to participate on planning team who demonstrate experience with creation of new and innovative projects which involve group and developmental works . During the term, additional schools and intuitions would automatically come in the fold. The initial planning team might include tenured and non tenured staff and faculty and might include other divisions of liberal art and educational research. During the planning schedule, collaborative meetings with selected grantees will help in clarification of the parameters necessary to meet planning, implementation and evaluation requirements. Each meeting lasts for 2 -3 days. various plans, goals and objectives are discussed.Program requirements and options: the design must take into consideration all the factors in the present day society and design accordingly. The design must incorporate options that are flexible so that the program can address actual and perceived needs of the teachers and the administrators. Various factors like comprehensive needs assessment, alignment to state and national standards, usage of technology. Connection to the work force, usage of data and assessments, leadership skills and talents, coordination of resources are considered. Proposal format: the format is as follows partnership cover pagepartnership commitmentsproposal abstract worksheetproposal narrative for planning phasebudget informationcertifications and assurances and general educationAfter sufficient review of all the criteria, the partnership can be extended and the vision and strategic plan of the partnership can be extended.
ISBE Web Application SecurityIntroduction: Many formerly paper based data collection forms are presently being filled out and reviewed online. The ISBE employees can use their online account to access these forms. The various steps are as follows:-Account creation: Use a internet explorer 5.5 or higher or an equivalent variant, select SIGN UP NOW from the left menu bar/ oval from the second column.On the registration screen, fill in all the required fields and take help by clicking on the question mark next to the field in case of a doubt.After selecting a unique login name and password, type in the correct E MAIL ID, SECRET QUESTION and ANSWER. E mail id will help in acquiring authorizations and updating information, even if your IWAS account has no inbox for messagesAfter pressing the continue screen, select a new id incase the id u have selected is all ready in use.The confirmation screen, indicates that the account has been successfully created. The continue button is to be depresses to move on to the next screen.It is to be noted that the IWAS information submission and retrieval has confirmation screens, and a confirmation mail is sent to both the IWAS and external e mail inboxes. This helps in communication between the person, school district, regional office and ISBE.After the new account establishment, the available systems can be viewed and the system on which the user desires to get an authorization can be selected by using the SIGN UP NOW button; of the corresponding system.
First time users may be prompted to provide their RDCT or school code. Click on these in the following order and fill up the fieldsREGION-> CATEGORY-> DISTRICT/ENTITY-> INSERT RDCT CODEIf required, locate your school code by clicking on the FIND SCHOOL link. From the drop down menu, select SCHOOL and select a school from the list and press INSERT SCHOOL CODE button. The school code will automatically be filled in.After filling up all the required fields, click on the submit button, refill in any missing info if the screen requests and click on the submit button again. The authorization request is to be filled up only on the first time, subsequently it becomes a part of the user’s profile and the future requests will be automatically filled up to use different systems. The users are to be authenticated and authorized by the district superintendent or their designee. Confirmation screen: The appearance of the confirmation screen indicates that the IWAS account holder’s request to use the system was processed and sent to the appropriate authority for approval. By clicking on the SYSTEM LISTING button, the user can proceed to the systems for which the authorization was applied. My systems and pending authorization: Here the approved or ‘waiting for approval’ list of systems are found. To exit IWAS, the LOGOUT link is to be pressed on the left menu bar. For another system, WANT TO SIGN UP FOR OTHER SYSTEM link on lower right hand side is to be pressed.Current users login: The log in and password are typed in normally, in case of loss of id/password, the FIND LOGIN/PASSWORD link can be used. Next press the LOGIN button to access IWAS. IWAS Homepage: change of password, read and unread message archive can be found on this page.System listing: Sample system: E report card: The access granted to a system can be inferred by having a glance at the color; when authorized the blue rectangle changes to green rectangle marked with authorized.
Illinois Mathematics and Science Partnerships (IMSP) Grant budget formsThe following information is provided as a guide for IMSP grantees to complete the Budget Summary and payment schedule and budget narrative forms effectively.Fiscal information: In order to cover the personal expenses of conducting a focuses, high quality planning process, which includes obtaining resources and approvals, the state board of Education approved a grant of 6,000,000. Separate budgets for each year must be submitted between may1,2007 – august 31,2007.The allowable expenditures may include General administration activities for projected administrative responsibilities, reasonable and customary planning for salaries and increments and perks, intra and inter-partnership meeting expenses, costs for maintenance of a representative team which has to attend an out of state coordination meeting, preparation of MSP evaluation portfolio and state/federal reports, LEA team costs.No indirect costs are allowed. Funds received must be used to supplement not supplant funds that would be used otherwise for proposed activities. Applicants are advised that funding is completely federal for compliance with section 511 of P.L. Electronics forms are self calculating, a precise & meticulous report is presented regarding each item.The individual cots are automatically calculated by the budget narrative form and recorded on the budget summary and payment schedule. The total budget and the payment schedule must tally.For programs starting June and September 2007, separate reports are to be submitted, between may1, 2007 – August 31, 2007 from June and September 1 2007 – August 31 2008 for September 2007
Specific instructions and advice: The totals are all checked and double checked to avoid errors. Function 2210: This is open for projects that are approved to begin delivery of training to teachersFunction 2300:Records of costs associated with maintenance of employed staff, their benefits, administrative charges for maintenance of the services, materials and supplies must all be mentioned. This function is capped at 10% of project budget.Function 2620: This function if for all the planning, research and evaluation activities. Costs associated with staff, research activities, compensation benefits must be explained. Function 4100: The items in this function cell may be nominally associated with the previous 2 functions. The expenses here are paid to another governmental agency. Check list to prevent unnecessary approval delays: This section is provided with the checklist of all the necessary information. This is used to check if all the necessary data has been set in correctly and no data is missing. It can be mainly divided into 3 categories: for budget narrative pages, for budget summary pages and for other attachments.The final plan submitted for IHE, IBHE and ISBE approvals for funding implementation requests must clearly explain about the data analysis from needs assessment and how the activities are expected to strengthen the quality of mathematics and science instruction to improve student achievement. A description of how and the 3 goals of IMSP will be accomplished and roles of mathematics, science and other experts must be provided. The projected timeline is also included.A plan to encourage the program as a career long program for the teacher and a detailed plan to evaluate the impact of graduate teaching program for partnership, that would include scientifically based research methodology and metrics used, is encouraged.When designing the IMSP graduate teaching programs, the 3 objectives of, improving the teacher’s knowledge level, promoting their knowledge skills and increasing their understanding and application of scientifically based educational research, must be incorporated.
The final plan submitted forapprovals must include the following:A clear explanation of how the analysis, review and teaching standards led to proposed partnership design, and how they will affectively address three IMSP program goals and how the participant teachers will receive a masters degree. A Description of how the partnership will accomplish the goals through its content focuses strategies, endorsement required activities and delivery methods. The project time line is also to be included.The detailed plan to evaluate the impact fro the partnership, the IHE and LEA shall include the methodology, data to be collected, benchmarking checkpoints and measures to gauge progress, and any necessary refinements to be made.IMSP Design Elements for master’s degree programs leading to STEM ED endorsements includes the following:Interwoven elements (research, strategies, teacher leadership, companion administrator stand, use of data)Legislated Elements( build up of content expertise, teaching skills through STEM, needs assessment etc).Illinois specific requirements (math and scientific enquiry, understanding and applying SBR action research, frontier science, meeting of endorsements requirements etc. ).Teaching and learning strategies, (for providing distance learning, meeting needs of high needs teachers, administrators, defining symbiotic partnerships etc. )IMSP Design elements from the point of view of schools and teachers: Impact on school thinking(50% increase in STEM support, administrators academy with 100 hour activity over 3 years, 50% increase in collaborated decision making with collegial connections).Impact on students(30% increase in meets, exceeds, students classroom demonstration of mastery.)Long term/ short term considerations (questions like availability of critical mass for change, willingness of aim for that, willingness to commit, to leverage, support of board, union and administrators etc )Question of eligibility (socio economic< 15% FRL, student achievements > 60% meet/exceed, teacher quality issues).Tentative IMSP planning: Planning phase: progressive updates on the status of emerging design plan will be expected throughout the term of planning phase to insure commitment for expedited IBHE and ISBE consideration.
The corresponding schedule of important dates representing the timeline is provided.Proactive Issues for IMSP consideration: Questions like how would you define an innovation and how you could identify one, and how you would make an innovation even better;How far the envelope for what defines a course or credit that meets endorsements requirements and how absolute is the envelope etc.Any other innovative designs that are to be included in the design, the possibility of any change in the ideas for better results etc.How IMSP can initiate changes in policy at Certification Board level, State board level, ISBE level, IHE level, LEA levels.Requirements of any common word to identify or describe IMSP programs.What STEM and STEM ED technologies should embrace more effectively, and requirement of IMSP programs to have a capital outlay expenditures.Need for MSP network to be more substantial and how professional organizations can be involved, how recourses can be tapped etc.requirement of a common graduate program admission waivers and the analysis of critical mass for greater impact at the LEA level.How commitments to partnerships can be refined, process of division of common comparison group, process of dealing with drop outs, professional development needed to do best, process to publicize the success achieved, and how the needs are assessed, addressed and reassessed.How the IHEs justifies the cost for tuition & delivery of courses used in development of IMSP funds.FAQs: What are the requirements for reporting pragmatic process, budgetary reporting and how can the budgets be amended? What are the meetings mandatory for project contacts? How and what ISAT/PSAE data can be accessible? What web based resources are available, could be useful, in what ways? How/when we shift from the planning phase to implementation phase?
Professional development means instructional activities that are based on scientific research, state academic standards, student academic standards; are sustained, intensive and classroom focused in order to have a positive and lasting impact on classroom instructional activity of the teacher.Improve the ability of the teacher and make them focus on concepts principals and process of problem solving and enquiry, and technical design to the standard of Illinois learning standards.Enhance the ability of the teacher to understand and scientifically based educational research and improve the quality of instructional leadership.Result in an increase in the quality, quantity of professional development experience for teaches and also result in demons ratable improvement in student academic achievement in mathematics and science.Activities beyond course work requirements like collaborative planning, professional improvement teams, peer review, peer coaching, business school or community partnerships, workshops, seminars, conferences, institutes, symposia s; work-learn programs or internships, presentations at workshops, seminars, conferences, etc; curriculum development or assessment activities ; team or departmental leadership etc are to be included in combination.Role of Scientifically based educational research is two fold. It is based on the research of improving student academic achievement and strengthening the quality of mathematics and science instruction. Scientifically based research means that the research involves rigorous systematic and objective procedures and needs to obtain reliable and valid knowledge relevant to educational activities and programs. For this, it requires: Employment of schematic and empirical methods for experimental and observational data analysis, and rely on the methods for reliable and valid data across evaluators and observers.
Evaluation by designated and assigned personnel , who work according to the environment they are assigned to and ensure that the experimental studies are presented in sufficient detail and clarity to allow for replication, and have also been accepted by a peer reviewed journal or approved by a panel of independent experts through a comparable rigorous objective and scientific review.The overall goal of IMSP (Illinois Mathematics and science partnership program ) is to enable the teachers to obtain highly qualified status and help them in achieving a masters degree. Benchmarks are provided to evaluate the impact of graduate teaching programs.Teacher-leader participants: It was observed that a 50% increase in mathematical, scientific and engineering expertise, including pedagogical content knowledge, cumulative increase in confidence, effectiveness, utility of pertinent science, cumulative increase in application of findings evaluation of personal utility and a 100% of participating teacher reaching status of highly qualified by receiving master’s degree.Partnering local education agency: by 2011 a 100% participating LEAs will employ mathematics and science teachers who are qualified, 30% increase in student performance, 30 increase in students demonstration of achievement in the “meets expectations”, “exceeds expectations” sections respectively and a 30%trend analysis of class room based through high quality formative assessment.50% increase in administrative program support and collaborative decision making measure to improve mathematics and science teaching and learning quality.Institutions of higher education: 30 cohorts of 25 teaching certificate holders with and 80% completion rate for teacher participants, with necessary endorsements achievements, contributing to high quality education. Set up of a number of schools and programs that contribute to improvement in educational levels; Inter and intra college dept. administrative support which is documented by meeting minutes, letters of continuing support.
Features of Transformative professional Development: The prime features are to create a sufficiently high level of cognitive dissonance to disturb the equilibrium between the existing beliefs and their experience with the subject on the other hand.Provide them with time, contexts and support to think and resolve using discussions and co ordination and ensure that the dissonance correction is connected to the teacher’s own student or context.Provide a way for helping in the cycle surfacing of new issues that arise from classroom activities and translating new ideas into performance and recycling, and provide the teachers to have a repertoire for practice that is consistent with new understandings that teachers are building.Acknowledgement of Federal funds: The funds obtained from the federal government must be acknowledged of. Grantees shall clearly state the total cost of the program and the corresponding federal grants received.For Illinois mathematical partnerships program: it is a part of the Illinois mathematics science, the percentage funding received through this source is designed to provide rich professional development to teachers of mathematics and science.Analytic protocol draft :Criterion 1: Sufficient evidence is provided to indicate the oversight, composition, expertise and commitments of the partnerships can extend and refine the vision and strategic plan of the partnership with direct correlation to the visions of the institution of partnerships.Criterion 2: The outline of the program has likelihood of being implemented and proposes evaluative measures that would help in assessment of the impact of the program on the quality of education.Criterion 3: The proposed budget and rationale are consistent with the proposed activities and appear to be a cost effective investment given the scope of the proposal.
Collaboration Sessions Section The Final Plan: The final plan submitted must include the following • Review of scientifically based educational research, and partnership design and how that will effectively address the three IMSP program goals for the teachers who will participate in the graduate teaching program and receive a master’s degree. • The roles and responsibilities of its mathematics, science and engineering experts must be provided, and the projected timeline for program implementation will be included. • The plan to sustain the program over time as career-long intellectual growth for the teachers as leaders in their home schools/districts and to build on federal, state, and local initiatives and programs so that the impact of the IMSP is leveraged more effectively. • A detailed plan to evaluate the impact of the graduating teaching program for the partnership, should include scientifically based research methodology and metrics to be used, data to be collected, formative benchmarking checkpoints, and measures to gauge progress and fidelity of implementation, and make necessary refinements. IMSP Three goals : • Improve teachers’ subject matter knowledge, promote student academic achievement in math and science. • Promote strong teaching skills through access to expertise, their technologies and resources, including integrating reliable scientifically based and technology-based teaching methods into the curriculum. • Increase the understanding and application of scientifically based educational research pertinent to mathematics and science teaching and learning. The final plan worksheet: • Bullet one : Need + Research + Standards + Goals = Achievement. • Bullet Two : Requirements and Responsibilities. • Bullet Three : Sustainability • Bullet four : Evaluation
IMSP Design Elements For Master’s Degree Programs Leading to STEM-Ed Endorsements Interwoven Elements : • Scientifically based research, Differentiated curricular/instructional/assessment strategies, STEM and Ed technologies, Teacher leadership, Companion Administrator Strand, Connections to current and future workforce and Use of data. Legislated Elements : • Build content expertise, Build teaching skills through STEM access, Comprehensive needs assessments, Rigorous evaluation plan, IHF divisions of LAS/E/Ed, High-need LEAs and Standards-led. Illinois-specific requirements: • Processes of mathematical inquiry & problem-solving & scientific inquiry & technological design, include pedagogical content knowledge, Understand and apply SBR, Frontier science and mathematics, Action research, Meet endorsement requirements and innovative content, structure and logistics. Teaching and Learning Settings, “pushing the envelope” for : • Providing distance-learning, seminars, study groups, immersion, etc. , Meeting the needs for high-needs teachers, administrators, students, classrooms, schools, Building teacher-leadership opportunities, Defining meaningful, symbiotic partnerships and Sustainable impact within and beyond partnership.
IMSP Design Elements From the point of view of schools and teachers. Impact on school thinking: • 50% increase in administrative STEM support ,50% increase in collaborative decision-making with collegial connections. Impact on students: • 30% increase in meets, exceeds , students’ classroom demonstration of mastery. Impact on teachers: • Highly qualified status in content area endorsement, Teacher-leader endorsement, More highly effective, 50% increase in my content expertise, 50% increase in my confidence and effectiveness and 50% increase in applications of real research that can help me. Long and short-term considerations: • Do we have the critical mass for change? , what are we willing to commit, leverage ?, will the board , administration and union support us? And how will our classrooms be supported?. Are we eligible? • Socio-economic<15% FRL • Student achievements>60% meet/exceed • Teacher quality issues.
Tentative IMSP Timeline Planning Phase • June 27-29, 2007 – Collaboration Meeting #1-Models and Paradigms • July 25-27, 2007 - Collaboration Meeting #2- Needs Assessments and Evaluation Protocol Training. August-September – Amend program/budgets for FY 2008 funding • September 28-29, 2007 Collaboration Meeting #3- Consortia Building. • By September 30, 2007 Expenditure Report Due, On-Line, for expenditure and obligations through 8-31-07 • By September 30, 2007 Final Liquidation for FY 07 expenditures through 8/31-07 • September – May 2008 Design and institutional/agency approval process. • Nov 15, 2007 Core needs assessment completed by LEA participants. • By 12-31-08 Performance Report – format to be sent by 11-1-07 • By January 31, 2008 Expenditure report due, on-line , for expenditures and obligations through 12-31-07 • By April 30, 2008 Expenditure and obligations through 3-31-08 , Performance report sent by 2-1-08. • By July 31, 2008 Expenditure report due, on-line for expenditures and obligations through 6-30-08 Prior to transition from planning phase to implementation phase: • Summer 2008 Implementation phase begins, Pending approval process Inter-partnership collaborative meeting. • Fall –Spring: Details for Capitol Showcase will be developed and disseminated during planning phase. • Summer-: Summer professional development sequence , Inter-partnership collaborative meeting. • BY December 31, 2011 Projected closure for evaluation analysis, findings and applications for sustainability. • Submission and approval of amended budget for fiscal year activities beginning September 1 with projected budget for next year fiscal year , ending the following August 31 , grant agreement amendment process initiated and completed for each year , beginning in August.
Near Future Resources and Alliances School Recruitment Opportunity For Illinois Mathematics And Science Partnership Participation Opens This grant program will provide opportunities to receive Masters‘ degree that includes endorsements in specific mathematics and science fields up to 750 teachers in schools that meet the eligibility requirements. Who is Eligible It is determined if all of these conditions are met,Annual or trend data from ISAT, IMAGE, PSAE, norm-reference tests, and/or criterion-referenced tests show that achievement in mathematics and/or science is falling below 60% and 15% or 6,500 children served by the LEA are from low-income families and Teachers of mathematics and science hold full or appropriate endorsement or they are placed beyond their expertise and experience levels. What is the program about Three program goals for all Illinois partnerships • Improve teachers’ subject matter knowledge and promote student academic achievement. • Promote teaching skills through access to expertise of mathematics, science, engineers, their technologies and resources, including integrating reliable scientifically and technology based teaching methods into curriculum. • Increase the understanding and application of scientifically based educational research . Generalized benefits to you During implementation phase, teachers will be provided with varying perks for participation, such as stipends, tuition waivers, etc. During implementation funding will be directed through the partnership, itself. How do we apply? The application packet includes: • Cover letter from district, assuring support. • Signed DRAFT Commitment Form. • Answers with supporting documentation to following 3 requirements 1) Provide documentation of meeting criteria for eligibility . 2) Provide commitments from district and/ or building that leverage resources for the partnership’s success. 3) Provide teachers commitments. Application must be posted no later than August 21, 2007.
Stanford School Leadership Study Developing Successful Principals Innovative leadership and effective leadership practices: making a difference in school improvement. • Practice effective leadership strategies and lead teachers to improve instruction. • Facilitate student learning and Facilitate teachers’ professional development, and • Use data to monitor the school’s progress. Potential Roles for Teacher Leaders • Mentor or coach new teachers and develop professional development activities. • Lead curriculum standards committees to develop curriculum, school improvement Initiatives. • Serve as department chairs, Serve on leadership teams and become a union chapter leader. • Serve on committees, task forces and respond to crises in the schools • Collect assessment data and help administrators and teachers use it for school improvements. Louisiana: Teachers must complete 2 courses which articulate into a full educational leadership program , the endorsement allowed teacher leaders to understand principal’s role and its needs. Georgia: Facilitate the development, articulation, implementation and stewardship of a shared vision, and promote a positive school culture, provide an effective instructional program, apply research best practices, and design comprehensive professional growth plans for staff. New York Region One : Classroom teachers take courses in teacher leadership, curriculum and instruction, and staff development , after completion they participate in one of following : Principal Institute Program, National Board Certification or continue to refine their leadership skills. San Juan Unified School District, California: Establishes leadership teams, teachers are required to engage in a collaborative activity with their colleagues to improve student achievement , develop the agenda and activity.
Prism management tools for monitoring progress towards actualizing the MSP 5 key featuresThe awardees of National Science Foundation grants under the Mathematics and Science Partnership (MSP) program are required to actualize these key features. In Georgia MSP is called Partnership for Reform In science and Mathematics (PRISM)1. Partnership Driven – PRISM is intended to involve significant number of teachers and professionals from core partner universities and school districts.2. Teacher quality, quantity and diversity – PRISM is intended to enhance the quality, quantity and diversity of the teachers in mathematics and science.3.Challenging courses and curricula – primary aim is to ensure that all the students are prepared and have access to challenging mathematics and science courses.4.Evidence based design and outcomes – current literature on learning and teaching are embedded in the PRISM design and these are intended to be shared researched and documented by the partners.5. Institutional change and sustainability - core partner schools and districts are to connect PRISM on ongoing efforts, thereby extending current work to improve student learning and the teaching of science and mathematics, kindergarten through college.Regional coordinating committees and the leadership team are collective entities responsible for coordinating PRISM toward meeting goals and deliverables at the regional and state levels, respectively.Ratings are entered each year using a designated scale. Ratings were first completed in year 2.charts are prepared based on state level, northwest region, partnership driven.Rubric: rubric is a series of narrative statements which describe the levels of quality of a product or performance. It helps in defining quality within area being rated, articulation of same target goals, tracking change or improvement, as communication tool etc.
A table indicating the correspondence between the vision, goals, communication, decision making, responsibility, and the progress in various stages like the beginning, emerging, developing, accomplished is provided.An pictographic representation, promoting the website www.mathssciencesucess.org is provided.State & federal grant administration policypurpose statement:The primary purpose is to ensure a complete understanding of the policies, communicate with the clients and inform them about the grants, the procedures and guidelines, to ensure sound accounting practices.State and federal grant administration policy:All the state projects are to be initiated by 30th of June and no increase in budget is allowed after that. Ending date is never extended after 31st of august. Budget amendments are to be received 30 days prior to the deadline, failure of which will result in no final funds release.A completion report is due 30 days after project ending date, and final expenditure report must be submitted not later than 90 days after project ending date in case of a completion report filed with outstanding obligations.For state and federal projects, the beginning date cannot precede the receipt of a substantially approvable request for funds. For all state programs, equipment purchased is to be retained by the fund recipient.State programs generally follow federal grant provisions unless a separate policy/law is stated.Equipment deletion/transfer: equipment is any item, instrument, machine which does not loose identity, lasts longer than a year, retains it appearance after use etc.
The acquisition cost, current fair market value are all to be considered and accounted for.When an equipment is no longer needed it is to be either retained, sold or otherwise disposed off with no further obligation to federal/state agency.For units with cost more than $5000, the equipment details are to be put up online for bidding, an authorization from the state board is to be achieved, $100, or 10% can be detained for handling charges. In case of loss or theft, official investigation by proper authority is to be conducted. Set procedure is to be followed for proper equipment transfer.Interest Income Requirements:these primarily include, Federal funds and State funds.Interest earned must be returned to the federal or state sources respectively.Checks must be accompanied with the statement identifying the program and the program year.All the funds acquired and all the funds utilized must be in recorded form. The corresponding copies/ receipts are to be mailed in to the sources. The responsibility of retention and destruction of records are to be done promptly.Budgeting: The approved budget connects the proposed expenditures to program activities and objectives. All the regulations, restrictions, and expectations are to be understood and a proper budget is to be prepared.The salaries, expenses and monthly monetary requirements are to be utilized from the funds and must be recorded in the expenditure reports.No revision of final expenditure report is accepted unless extenuating circumstances warrant revision.Excess funds are termed as carry over. Cary over is not allowed in State funds, but they can be included in budget amendment and used in the Federal funds.To release payments that have been withheld, an interim expenditure report may be submitted indicating excess funds have been expended or obligated.
Obligation: An outstanding obligation is any debt for which funds were requested prior to the end of reporting period and are expected to be paid within 90 days of the project end date.Various funds distributions are described, like; Unemployment compensation, workers’ compensation, teachers’ retirement system, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, social security, retirement, termination and severance pay cost etc.Indirect Costs: These are costs that are incurred but cannot be directly related to any particular grant projector institutional objective.The factors influencing mainly include, restricted and unrestricted plans, calculation of rates, indirect cost rates for local education agencies, limitations of Recovery of indirect costs, rate application and capital outlay, direct vs other ‘administrative overhead types’ of costs, cost allocation plan.Auditing is required to maintain a check on the funds and their usage. The costs associated with the audit are charged from funds.
A Taxonomy of Teaching and Learning Implications for Teaching • Teachers must work with prior knowledge, teach subject matter in depth and metacognitive skills (students take control of their own learning) should be integrated into the curriculum . Design Classroom Environments • Schools and classrooms must be learner centered, Assessment centered, Knowledge centered and Community centered. Report • Continue to build on how people learn. • Synthesize research on pre-kindergarten through 8th grade learning . • Provide research-based recommendations for teaching, teacher education, and curriculum. • Identify areas where research is needed. Professional Development: Supporting Effective Science (Mathematics) Instruction • Develops teachers’ knowledge of science, of students’ learning, and of pedagogy in science. • Is on-going, rooted in the science that teachers teach, and relevant to their classroom contexts. • Provides opportunities to think and work collectively on instructional problems. • Sensitizes teachers to the capabilities of all learners and provides them with strategies for reaching a diverse student population.
The Effect of STEM Faculty Engagement in MSP: A Longitudinal Perspective Project Goals • Understand how STEM faculty members are involved in MSP, and Examine the effect of STEM faculty engagement on K-12 teachers, students, themselves and theirinstitutions. Research Activities • Document reviews, interviews (PI, STEM faculty, education faculty, IHE dean/chair, teachers, principals), classroom observations. • Analysis of project-collected data. • Qualitative and Quantitative analyses. • IHE faculty survey • IHE institution survey • K-12 district survey and teacher survey • Descriptive, co relational analysis. High STEM involvement projects • Institutional and structural support • High profile of key players • Critical mass of STEM faculty • STEM faculty provide instruction. • True collaboration and Looking Ahead.
Bridging the Gap between Research & Practice in Professional Development Evaluation Tools and Designs Several professional development programs are described below • Eisenhower Professional Development Program and the Title I program • Data on Enacted Curriculum ( DEC ) data-based model. • Surveys of Enacted Curriculum (SEC). • Professional Development Activity Log (PDAL) system. • Dual County (FL) School District snapshot system of monitoring. Several research papers describe different development programs for the improvement of mathematics and science teaching and learning techniques for improving quality of teachers to improve student performance. Several research papers are publish on evaluation tools and designs, research of particular approaches to professional development , evaluation of programs, and science research design in education where different professional development program techniques are discussed.
Online MSP APR System Purpose • Online System more efficient. • Allows Department of Education to aggregate information across projects • Allows us to understand more fully the impact nationwide of MSP projects. Timing for use of New System • Anticipate that all projects will begin using form as soon as the system becomes active. • Multi-year projects that have used the “old” form in the first years of their efforts, should also use the new system. Overview of System • Projects enter information and data about completed project. • Once complete, the form is submitted to the State Coordinator. • State Coordinator will “approve” or “reject” the report. • If rejected, the project will need to revise and resubmit. • When approved, the State Coordinator will submit the completed report to the Department of Education. Features of System • Allows you to monitor progress of report completion. • Gives you mechanism to review, request additional information, and approve the report. • Gives you a mechanism to submit the report to the U.S Department of Education.