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Energy Detection UWB Receiver Design using a Multi-resolution VHDL-AMS Description

UWB4SN: Workshop on UWB for Sensor Networks Lausanne, 2005, Nov 4th. Energy Detection UWB Receiver Design using a Multi-resolution VHDL-AMS Description. Mario Casu, Mariagrazia Graziano VLSI Lab - Dip. Elettronica POLITECNICO DI TORINO. Outline. Why Energy Detection Receiver?

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Energy Detection UWB Receiver Design using a Multi-resolution VHDL-AMS Description

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  1. UWB4SN: Workshop on UWB for Sensor Networks Lausanne, 2005, Nov 4th Energy Detection UWB Receiver Design using a Multi-resolution VHDL-AMS Description Mario Casu, Mariagrazia Graziano VLSI Lab - Dip. Elettronica POLITECNICO DI TORINO Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  2. Outline • Why Energy Detection Receiver? • Why should I use VHDL-AMS? • How does the receiver work? • How do I simulate it? • Some answers… • Ongoing work • Conclusions Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  3. Why ED Receiver? • Applications: WPAN with localization capabilities, low power constraints, moderate (low) data-rate • Match IEEE 802.15.4a objectives • UWB impulse based enabling technology • Coherent receivers aren’t low power nor low complexity • indoor multipath ~100 replicas = ~100 Rake fingers? • need Nyquist sampling… ~10 GHz low power? • …or need analog template (impulse response) = simple? • Energy Detection is (relatively) simple • Square, Integrate & Dump, Sample (at pulse repetition rate!) • Trade performance with simplicity • GOAL: CMOS technology fully integrated ED receiver Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  4. 2 PPM modulation, including white noise and multipath 0 0 1 0 1 ( · ) 2 and integrate in proper windows 0 0 1 0 1 10.3 3.4 9.7 3.4 3.4 10.5 6.8 3.4 3.4 9.1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 max max max max max 0 1 0 0 1 Energy Detection: example Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  5. RECEIVER BLOCKS RF Analog Mixed Digital LNA Transceiver architecture MAC PROC Pulse Gen Mod & Coding Channel Coding BP Filter ( )2 dt & H N-bit ADC Demod & Decoding CCA SYNCH RANGING Power Management Unit CTRL Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  6. Why VHDL-AMS? • The receiver contains RF, analog, digital and mixed blocks • A powerful co-simulation environment (e.g. ADMS™) enables simultaneous simulation of • VHDL (digital) • VHDL-AMS (analog/mixed) • Spice (circuit level) • Approach followed in this work: • Build a behavioral system using VHDL and VHDL-AMS • Check consistency w. higher level simulation (Matlab) • Refine the description using more accurate models • Substitute analog and mixed blocks with Spice transistor-level models Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  7. RECEIVER BLOCKS RF Analog Mixed Digital LNA Example: LNA entity LNA is port ( terminal input, output: electrical); end LNA; architecture behavioral of LNA is begin end behavioral; MAC PROC Pulse Gen Mod & Coding Channel Coding BP Filter ( )2 dt & H N-bit ADC Demod & Decoding CCA SYNCH RANGING Power Management Unit CTRL Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  8. RECEIVER BLOCKS RF Analog Mixed Digital LNA Example: LNA entity LNA is port ( terminal input, output: electrical); end LNA; architecture behavioral of LNA is quantity vin across input to electrical_ref; quantity vout across iout through output to electrical_ref; begin vout == vin * gain; end behavioral; MAC PROC Pulse Gen Mod & Coding Channel Coding BP Filter ( )2 dt & H N-bit ADC Demod & Decoding CCA SYNCH RANGING Power Management Unit CTRL Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  9. RECEIVER BLOCKS RF Analog Mixed Digital LNA Example: LNA entity LNA is port ( terminal input, output: electrical); end LNA; architecture behavioral of LNA is quantity vin across input to electrical_ref; quantity vout across iout through output to electrical_ref; begin if (abs(vin'Ltf(num,den)*gain+vos) < vsat) use vout == vin'Ltf(num,den)*gain+vos; else-- saturation vout == vsat *sign(abs(vin'Ltf(num,den)*gain+vos); enduse; end behavioral; MAC PROC Pulse Gen Mod & Coding Channel Coding BP Filter ( )2 dt & H N-bit ADC Demod & Decoding CCA SYNCH RANGING Power Management Unit CTRL Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  10. No loss in accuracy CPU Time: MATLAB 1 VHDL-AMS-1 16.2 VHDL-AMS-2 1.53 Matlab vs VHDL-AMS Simple 2-PPM with Channel Model IEEE 802.15.3a Matlab VHDL-AMS-1 continuous-time VHDL-AMS-2 discrete-time Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  11. How does the receiver work? • Listen to channel, measure noise energy (in Tbit) and set noise threshold Nth • If channel energy (in Tbit) < Nth then goto 1, else • Adjust gain • Coarse synchronization • Concurrent demodulation and fine synch • If Two-Way-Ranging (TWR) command, prepare for packet reply • Send coarse & fine synch info in replied packet payload Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  12. LNA Clear Channel Assessment ( )2 dt & H N-bit ADC Demod & Decoding input CCA CTRL SYNCH RANGING Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  13. Integrate CK from Synch strobe from CTRL Noise Integrated and Dumped ADC output NOISY (INPUT)2 Noise Estimation Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  14. strobe from CTRL ADC output Integrate CK from Synch Non-modulated (INPUT)2 (INPUT)2 integrated and dumped Preamble Detection Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  15. 0111 1111 LUT gain 0 gain 1 DAC gain 7 gain 15 LNA VGA Gain Adjustment ( )2 dt & H 4-bit ADC Demod & Decoding CCA gain 7 SYNCH RANGING CTRL Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  16. data coarse Locked! fine Synchronization • ~ IEEE 802.15.4 packet • Simple 2 PPM : 1 pulse/symbol • Non modulated preamble is used for coarse synchronization • Must finish before Start of Frame Delimiter (SFD) • When locked, Fine Synchronization starts • Extends over non modulated pulses 4 bytes 1 1 variable length preamble SFD payload FL Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  17. Non-modulated preamble: ( · ) 2 and integrate with a sliding window 10.5 6.0 3.4 9.7 6.8 4.5 t0+dt t0 t0+2dt t0+3dt t0+4dt t0+5dt max SYNCH TIME: t0+2dt Synchronization of 2-PPM signal 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fine synch similar with finer increment step around coarse lock point Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  18. ADC output Incremental delay System CK Integrate Strobe Coarse Synch simulation Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  19. 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Start of Frame Delimiter Frame Length = 10 Bytes 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 Demodulation Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  20. Gain Set Synch Search Putting it all together (INPUT)2 (Noise)2 SFD Preamble Detect Noise Estimate Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  21. Lessons learned • Ideal simulations show system functionality • Problems arise when simulating effects like saturation and limited A/D resolution • Need for a reliable AGC. Example: • Given pulse energy and A/D N-bit, gain too low leads to bad synch (impossible to resolve integrated signal) • Gain too high leads to saturation: Same problem! • Ranging requisites stricter in terms of A/D resolution • OK 4 bits for coarse synch & demod • 1 more bit for fine synch and thus ranging Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  22. ~1ns Ongoing Work • Transmitter design • Almost digital operation • Found sequence of pulses that best matches FCC/ETSI mask • Two Way Ranging Simulation • Old 802.15.3a CM used • Preliminary results show ~ns accuracy Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  23. Conclusions • Status of the work • Build a behavioral system using VHDL and VHDL-AMS • Check consistency w. higher level simulation (Matlab) • Refine the description using more accurate models • Substitute analog and mixed blocks with Spice transistor-level models Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  24. Conclusions • Status of the work • Build a behavioral system using VHDL and VHDL-AMS • Check consistency w. higher level simulation (Matlab) • Refine the description using more accurate models • Substitute analog and mixed blocks with Spice transistor-level models Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  25. Conclusions • Status of the work • Build a behavioral system using VHDL and VHDL-AMS • Check consistency w. higher level simulation (Matlab) • Refine the description using more accurate models • Substitute analog and mixed blocks with Spice transistor-level models Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  26. Conclusions • Status of the work • Build a behavioral system using VHDL and VHDL-AMS • Check consistency w. higher level simulation (Matlab) • Refine the description using more accurate models • Substitute analog and mixed blocks with Spice transistor-level models Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  27. Conclusions • Status of the work • Build a behavioral system using VHDL and VHDL-AMS • Check consistency w. higher level simulation (Matlab) • Refine the description using more accurate models • Substitute analog and mixed blocks with Spice transistor-level models • So far, VHDL-AMS proved to be effective in managing the design complexity at system simulation stage Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  28. Conclusions • Status of the work • Build a behavioral system using VHDL and VHDL-AMS • Check consistency w. higher level simulation (Matlab) • Refine the description using more accurate models • Substitute analog and mixed blocks with Spice transistor-level models • So far, VHDL-AMS proved to be effective in managing the design complexity at system simulation stage • Next: Tracking IEEE 802.15.4a PHY Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

  29. That’s all Folks… THANK YOU! Lausanne 11/4/05, UWB4SN

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