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PSC Annual Business Meeting 2019

Dive into the Papanicolaou Society's annual business meeting for insights on clinical practice, education, and research. Explore elected officials, financial reports, and scientific presentations.

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PSC Annual Business Meeting 2019

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  1. Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology • Dedicated to Clinical Practice • Clinical Education  Clinical Research • George N. Papanicolaou • 1883-1962 PSC Annual Business Meeting 2019 March 16th, 2019 Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, Maryland Room: Chesapeake GHI 4:00 – 5:00 P.M.

  2. Welcome David Chhieng M.D. President Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology

  3. Secretary’s Report Momin T. Siddiqui MD

  4. Nominees, President Elect – 2 (1) Claire Michael M.D. Momin Siddiqui M.D. Treasurer – 1 (1) David Chhieng M.D. Nominees for Members at Large – 5 (4) Lester Layfield M.D. Oscar Lin M.D. Sara Monaco M.D. Aziza Nassar M.D. Anjali Saqi M.D. PSC EB Nominations ( ): Positions available

  5. President - Elect Claire Michael M.D. (52%) Treasurer David Chhieng M.D. (88%) Members at Large Lester Layfield M.D. (80%) Oscar Lin M.D. (68%) Sara Monaco M.D. (68%) Aziza Nassar M.D. (88%) PSC Election Results – 25 ballots Election Proctor: Britt-Marie Ljung M.D. (PSC, Treasurer)

  6. President Matthew Zarka M.D. (2019-2021) President-Elect Claire Michael M.D. (2019-2021) Treasurer David Chhieng M.D. (1st term, 2019-2022) Secretary Momin T. Siddiqui M.D. (2nd term, 2017-2020) Past President David Chhieng M.D. (2019-2021) Members-at-Large Andrew Field M.D. (2nd term, 2018-2021) Lester Layfield M.D. (2nd term, 2019-2022) Oscar Lin M.D. (1st term, 2019-2022) Sara Monaco M.D. (1st term, 2019-2022) Aziza Nassar M.D. (1st term, 2019-2022) Binnur Onal M.D. (1st term, 2017-2020) Esther D. Rossi M.D. (1st term, 2017-2020) Emilio Madrigal M.D. (Ex-officio, 2018-2020) PSC Executive Board 2019

  7. Constitution and By-laws Committee • Momin Siddiqui (chair), Tarik Elsheikh, Claire Michael, Laura Tabatabai, David Chhieng • Committee not tasked to review any constitutional by-laws by the EB for 2018.

  8. Treasurer’s Report Britt-Marie Ljung MD

  9. FINANCIAL ACTIVITY SUMMARY JANUARY 1, 2018 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2018 BEGINNING OF YEAR BALANCE SHEET ASSETS (CASH BALANCE) as of 12/31/2017 $ 8,319.06 LIABILITIES as of 12/31/2017 NONE INCOME Membership dues $ 16,421.75 2017 Total Income: $ 16,421.75 US/Mexican members: price $160; cost $110; net revenue $50 less transaction fees Canadian member: price $170; cost $115.00; net revenue $54.50 less transaction fees ROW members: price $200; cost $170; net revenue $30 less transaction fees


  11. EXPENSESWiley $14,670.00 2018 PSC AV equipment $ 464.26 2018 PSC cocktail reception $ 300.00 Visual Flair Design (website) $ 900.00 ICPI $150.00 Bank Fees $417.85 Illinois Secretary of State $ 15.00 Illinois INCORP Services, Inc $ 99.00 2018 TOTAL EXPENSES: $ 17,016.11 2018 NET INCOME: $ -594.36 END OF YEAR BALANCE SHEETASSETS (CASH BALANCE) as of 12/31/2018 $ 7,724.70 LIABILITIES as of 12/31/2018 NONE

  12. Scientific Program Committee Lester Layfield MD

  13. Scientific Program Committee2017 to 2019 Lester J. Layfield, MD (Chair) Zubair Baloch, MD David Chhieng, MD Andre Moreira, MD Liron Pantanowitz, MD Matthew Zarka, MD

  14. 2019 Scientific Session Program The PSC Guidelines for Respiratory Cytology; Diagnostic Categories and Criteria Biomarker Testing in Lung Carcinoma Cytology Specimens Pleural Fluid Cytology Differentiating Lung Carcinoma Types by Cytology

  15. Lester J. Layfield, MD Professor Department Of Pathology and Anatomical Sciences University of Missouri Sinchito Roy-Chowdhuri, MD Assistant Professor The University of Texas-MD Anderson Cancer Center Ashish Chandra, MD, DNB, FRC Path Guy’s and St. Thomas, National Health Service Andre L. Moreira, MD, PhD. Professor of Pathology New York University/Langone Health

  16. Scientific Program Presentations 2018 American Society of Cytopathology, Washington, D.C. American Society of Clinical Pathologists, Baltimore, M.D. Symposium on Cytopathology, Hanoi, Vietnam USCAP Scientific Session European Congress of Cytology, Madrid, Spain

  17. Editors:Lester J. Layfield, MDZubair Baloch, MD Authors: Zubair Baloch, MD Tamar C. Brandlor, MD Allen C. Barks, MD Leslie G. Dodd, MD Ioannis Ioannidis, MD Jalal B. Jalaly, MD Lester J. Layfield, MD Andre L. Moreira, MD Esther D. Rossi, MD Sinchita Roy-Chowhuri, MD NikolettaSidiropoulos, MD Gordon Yu, MD

  18. International Scientific Program and Relations Committee Zubair Baloch MD (Co-Chair) Fernando Schmitt MD (Co-Chair)

  19. Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING 2019 International Scientific Program and Relations Committee Fernando Schmitt & Zubair Baloch

  20. International Scientific Program and Relations Committee Zubair Baloch (Co-Chair) Fernando Schmitt (Co-Chair) Andrew Field David Chhieng Binnur Önal Mauro Saieg

  21. International Scientific Program and Relations Committee Charges • This committee will focus on developing companion scientific programs with international pathology societies and organizations. • It will also foster strong relationships with pathology organizations as well as organizations which focus on providing/improving the quality of much needed basic cytology screening services and education.

  22. 2018 Meetings Organized

  23. Multimodal Approach to Cytopathology Diagnosis: More Norm Than a Rarity Multi-Faculty Session Sponsored by Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology Moderators: Zubair W. Baloch, MD, PhD, Fernando Schmitt, MD, PhD. Scheduled for Tuesday June 12th, 2018 Today’s screening techniques have led to frequent discovery and sampling of lesions of various organs systems, causing a rapid rise in the number of fine needle aspiration specimens, a routine part of cytopathology practice. The cytopathologists are not only required to provide morphologic interpretation but to also incorporate the up to date knowledge of molecular events responsible for the pathogenesis of many of these neoplastic proliferations. Therefore, it is no surprise that the cytopathologist being the keeper and interpreter of limited tissue samples plays a crucial role in the clinical team to manage patients according to the current management and therapeutic standards. In this session the faculty with expertise in various organ systems will provide a focused update on the classification schemes, diagnostic terminologies and diagnostic modalities that are crucial in keeping up with the current standards of managing various routinely encountered pathologies in everyday practice of cytopathology. Program Agenda: Topics and Faculty Moderators: Zubair Baloch, MD – baloch@pennmedicine.upenn.edu Fernando Schmitt, MD - fernando.schmitt@ipatimup.pt

  24. CS05-18Cytologic Diagnosis “Atypical”: Criteria and Controversies.Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology Companion Session Moderator Zubair W. Baloch, MD, PhD

  25. Faculty & Session Objectives Illustrate examples of nuclear and/or architectural atypia encountered during the “everyday practice” of cytopathology. Describe the role of clinical history, radiologic findings, morphologic clues and special studies that can be helpful in arriving at a management based diagnosis and ultimately lead to improving quality and patient safety. Provide and discuss the diagnostic framework /classification schemes that address and include the diagnostic category “Atypia or Atypia of Undetermined Significance”. Lester Layfield Zahra Maleki Christopher VandenBussche Michelle Reid

  26. 8th Turkish National Congress of Cytopathology, Izmir, Turkey 14th-16th December 2018 • PSC Companion Session • Lester Layfield, MD: • The Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology Guidelines for Respiratory Cytology Samples • 2. A Pattern Approach to the Cytologic Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Lesions and the Utility of the Milan System • David Chhieng, MD • 1. Update on thyroid cytology

  27. 2019 Meetings Planned and in the Process of Being Planned

  28. The committeealreadycontacted the organizers and scheduledour satellite symposiawith EFCS.

  29. Advantages & Disadvantages of ROSE of Fine-Needle Aspiration Specimens Moderator: Fernando Schmidt Faculty: Diana Esther Rossi Andrew Field Lester Layfield

  30. ASCP Annual Meeting 2019, Phoenix, AZ PSC Companion Session Multimodal Approach to Cytopathology Diagnosis: More Norm Than a Rarity Faculty: • Christopher Griffith • Ricardo Lastra • Zubair Baloch

  31. ESP congress Nice, France 2019; September 7th-11th PSC Companion Session in Collaboration with SFCC has been accepted From morphology to the ancillary techniques and molecular cytopathology Faculty to be decided with Dr. Cochand-Priollet

  32. Membership Committee Claire Michael M.D. (Co-chair, USA & Canada) Esther Diana Rossi M.D. (Co-chair, International)

  33. Esther Diana Rossi, MD (Co-chair, International) Claire Michael (Co-chair, USA and Canada)Angelique W. Levi, M.D.Tamar Giorgadze, MDMomin Siddiqui, MDBeatrix Cochand-Priollet, M.DMichael Yang, MD Membership Committee

  34. Membership 2018 • Total Members 2018 : 104Members + 1 emeritus/fellow USA (88), Canada (2), Australia (4), (1), Brazil (1), Italy (1), Switzerland (1), Luxembourg (1), Finland (1), Germany (1), New Zealand (1), Turkey(1), South Africa (1); India (1), 1emeritus/fellow Previous years • Membership 2017- 131 Members • Membership 2016- 139 Members • Membership 2015- 129 Members • Membership 2014- 122 Members • Membership 2013- 160 Members • Membership 2012- 204 Members • Membership 2011- 135 Members • Membership 2010- 256 Members • Membership 2009- 235 Members

  35. Membership Committee Charges 1. Flyer distributed at the 2018 Meetings and international meetings in different countries 2. Having Sponsorized the USCAP 2018 PSC Evening Companion Meeting ( Vancouver, Canada) 3. Communication with membership regarding PSC initiatives and announcements 4. Membership updates for renewal of membership 5. Draft of a letter for renewal of membership 6. Evaluation of the paying members

  36. Membership Committee • Our committee focused on distributing the society flyers with all the cytological and pathological societies and organizations • We foster these flyer distribution with pathology organizations in order to increase memberships • We evaluated the number of paying members

  37. Membership Committee • We discussed about the members who are/were not renewing their membership • Need to solicit members ( Inclusing EB and Committe) to pay the annual fee

  38. Membership CommitteePossible ideas • Our major goal is to assure that, as happens for ALL the scientific societies, members who want to be lively and active part of the society, regularly pay the annual fee • we can suggest/propose PSC activities in the different national/international meetings on social media • Stronger interaction with the social media committee to promote the society • Adv of the PSC sections in the different meetings and with social media

  39. PSC Website Committee

  40. PSC Website Committee Andre L. Moreira MD, PhD

  41. Laura Tabatabai, MD Education and Training Taskforce Committee

  42. Education and Training Taskforce Committee Members Laura Tabatabai (chair) Rita Abi Raad Magda Esebua Dianne Grunes Manju Harshan Eric Huang Carlie Sigel Zesong Zhang

  43. Education and Training Taskforce Committee Charges • The Committee evaluates the effectiveness of the overall PSC CME & CE Programs in coordination with the scientific program committee • The Committee is also responsible for reviewing the evaluations from the PSC educational activities and relaying any topics, changes, or improvements for the overall CME Program to scientific program committee. • The members of this committee are also responsible for soliciting educational content for the PSC case of the month series.

  44. Education and Training Taskforce Committee Case Contributions Rita Abi Raad– October 2018 (published) Dianne Grunes– November 2018 (published) Carlie Sigel– December 2018 (published) Magda Esebua– January 2019 (published) Zesong Zhang– March 2019 (pending publication) Laura Tabatabai– May 2019 (pending publication) Manju Harshan– July 2019 (pending publication) Eric Huang– September 2019 (pending publication) Volunteers for case submissions are most welcomed and highly encouraged! Please contact laura.tabatabai@ucsf.edu

  45. Education and Training Task Force– current and future directions • Work with the PSC President and respective Committee Chairs to: • Facilitate access to and review of evaluations of all programs offered by PSC at USCAP and other PSC companion meetings • Develop guidelines and timeline for PSC Case of the Month content and coordinate with Website Committee and Webmaster to develop a standardized online case submission form for PSC members to submit cases. • Utilize Social Media to disseminate Case of the Month and other educational content.

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