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Attention Deficit Disorder. Attention Deficit Disorder. Symptoms Children do not pay attention to details and have problems following instructions Often fidget with hands and squirm in seats Often interrupt and have trouble waiting their turn
Attention Deficit Disorder Symptoms • Children do not pay attention to details and have problems following instructions • Often fidget with hands and squirm in seats • Often interrupt and have trouble waiting their turn • Often blurt out answers before a person finishes asking a question. • Biological: Brain areas differ from that of a normal child (smaller right anterior frontal) • May be due to fast paced culture because the brain accommodates itself much more prevalent in the U.S
Treatment • Stimulants increases the ability to focus but only for a short period of time. • Stimulants work best when combined with behavior therapy
Bipolar Disorder Symptoms • Brain disorder that causes a shift in a person’s mood, energy, and ability to function • There are 2 parts of the disorder: Mania & Depression • Mania- racing thoughts & speech, grandiose self-esteem, highly distractible, poor judgment & impulsive • Depression- pervasive sadness, feel anxious, guilty, and worthless, usually feel helpless and unable to improve life
Treatment • Lithium is a medicine that reduces symptoms of bipolar disorder • Anti-convulsive medications are used when lithium doesn’t work (neuron tin) • No permanent
Borderline Personality Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder Symptoms • Strong mood shifts that last only a few hours (emotional liability) • Anger that is inappropriate, intense or uncontrollable • Self destructive behaviors ( self-mutilation) • Instability in identity including self-image, sexual orientation, career choice, and long term goals • Chronic feelings of emptiness • Relationships tend to be intense, chaotic, and unstable • Person makes frantic efforts to avoid abandonment • Short term dissociative thoughts and actions
Treatment • Maintain open communication • Maintain an emotional distance • Prepare for “emotional splitting” • Drug therapy (mixed results)
Bulimia Nervosa Symptoms • Recurrent episodes of binge eating during which the person eats excessive amounts and feels a lack of control over their behavior • Recurrent inappropriate behavior including: self-induced vomiting, fasting, excessive exercise and abuse of laxatives and diuretics • Individual is preoccupied with body shape and weight • Most common in teens and women • Can cause more serious health problems such as osteoporosis, heart problems, kidney damage, or death
Treatment • Professionals develop a care plan to fit the needs of the individual • Medication and psychotherapy
Dysthymic Disorder Symptoms • A depressed mood that is present most of the time and that persists for at least 2 years • The presence of 2 or more of the following: -poor appetite/over eating -insomnia or hypersomnia -low energy or fatigue -poor concentration or difficulty making decisions -feelings of hopelessness • During 2-year period the person has never been without the symptoms for more than 2 months • No major depressive episode or manic episode has been present during the first 2 years of disturbance
Treatment • Psychotherapy and medications sometimes reduce symptoms • Prozac and trofanil
Major Depression Symptoms • A person must express 5 of nine symptoms(need to occur for at least 2 weeks) -depressed mood -reduced level of interest in activities -a considerable change in body weight -change in appetite -sleep difficulties -agitated or slow behavior -thoughts of worthlessness or guilt -cognitive abilities diminished -frequent thoughts of death or sucide
Treatment • Antidepressants • Psychotherapy
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Symptoms • The presence of obsessive thoughts, images, impulses • The person is unable to ignore the thought and it causes the person anxiety • The person feels compelled to perform the action • Performing the action is intended to reduce stress or prevent some dreaded event • The individual recognizes that the actions are excessive or unreasonable • The obsessions occupy significant amounts of time and interfere with the person’s life • Experts believe that it is due to lack of serotonin
Treatment • Educating the individual on the disorder can help a person manage their tendencies • Medications that inhibit serotonin reuptake • Response prevention
Panic disorder W/ Agoraphobia Symptoms • Recurrent Panic attacks • Individual is anxious about going places where escape might be difficult or embarrassing, or where they will be unable to receive assistance in case of an emergency
Treatment • Medications • Psychotherapy
Paranoid Schizophrenia Symptoms (must persist for at least 1 month and some must remain present for at lest 6 months) • An Expression of 2 or more of the following: -Hallucinations -Disorganized speech -Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior -Negative symptoms( flat affect, lack of speech or action) • These symptoms must significantly interfere with a persons work, relationships and self-care • Symptoms must be unjustifiable by another medical or psychological effect
The Many Faces (delusions) • Erotomanic: Believes another person (famous) is in love with him/her • Grandiose: over-inflated sense of self worth, power, knowledge or identity • Jealous: believes his/her spouse or partner is unfaithful • Persecutory: believes they are being mistreated • Somatic: believes he/she has a physical defect • Mixed: two or more of the above
Treatment • Narcoleptic drugs (mitigate symptoms) • Includes Thorazine, Haldol, Prolixin
Post Traumatic Stress disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms • A person has been exposed to one or more traumatic events in which he/she is confronted with events that involved the threat of death or serious injury to themselves or others and the person’s response involved fear, helplessness, or terror • The traumatic event is consistently re-experienced by distressing recollections or dreams. • Person feels distress in stimuli that remind them of the event • Avoidance of that stimuli • Increased levels of arousal including: insomnia, irritability ,and hyper vigilance
Treatment • Trauma therapy • Systematic desensitization • Stress Management • Cognitive techniques
Substance Abuse Symptoms • The person experiences a maladaptive pattern of substance use which leads to 3 or more of the following: -person experiences drug tolerance(increased amounts of drug to achieve intoxication” -person experiences drug withdrawal -person takes substance in doses that are larger than the intended amount and over a longer time than intended -person has made unsuccessful efforts to quit -Person gives up social and professional opportunities because of the substance -The person continues the use of the drug in spite of negative consequences
Treatment • Psychological interventions • Detoxification
Tourettes Syndrome Symptoms • The presence of multiple motor ties and one more vocal ties or more vocal ties • These ties most appear many times a day • The onset of the disorder must occur before the age of 18 years old • The disturbance causes marked distress or significant impairment in social functioning
Treatment • No cure • Medications can reduce symptoms