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I. Section 1 Water to Drink

I. Section 1 Water to Drink. A. Sources of Drinking Water. Freshwater found on the surface May rely on rivers and lakes or groundwater Public or private supplier Collect treat and distribute water Smaller communities rely on wells. B. Treating Drinking Water.

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I. Section 1 Water to Drink

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Presentation Transcript

  1. I. Section 1 Water to Drink

  2. A. Sources of Drinking Water • Freshwater found on the surface • May rely on rivers and lakes or groundwater • Public or private supplier • Collect treat and distribute water • Smaller communities rely on wells

  3. B. Treating Drinking Water • Needs treatment to ensure safety • Cloudiness, color, odor are three factors that affect water quality • Water quality- the measurement of substances in water besides water • pH-how acidic or basic the water is • Hardness- level of calcium and magnesium- high content- hard water

  4. B. Treating Drinking Water 5. Presence of disease causing organisms 6. EPA-protects water quality 7. Concentration- amount of one substance in the volume of another 8. EPA sets concentration limits to ensure safe water

  5. C. A Typical Treatment Plant • Filtration- allows water but not larger molecules • Flocs- alum is added to water and forms flocs and sink to the bottom to be removed during coagulation • Chlorinate the water- kills disease causing organisms • Water is tested frequently

  6. D. Water Distribution • Goes to central pumping station • Water mains branch off into smaller pipes • Water pressure causes the water to move

  7. E. Treating Wastewater • Sewage- waste water and different kinds of waste • Sludge- deposits of fine solids-used to as fertilizer • Bacteria can break down sludge

  8. F. Septic Systems • Some people are not connected to sewer lines • Septic tank-an underground tank containing bacteria that treat wastewater as it passes through • Leach field- area around a septic tank breaks down naturally

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