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Welcome to Naburn Primary School

Important information for parents about daily organization, class organization, first day procedures, clothing requirements, snacks, and ways to support your child's learning and development at Naburn Primary School.

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Welcome to Naburn Primary School

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  1. Welcome to Naburn Primary School

  2. Staff • Mrs Walton- Class Teacher • Mrs Pemberton- Classroom Teaching Assistant for the mornings

  3. Daily Organisation • School gate opens at 8.45. • Registration takes place in the classroom at 9.00 • Morning Playtime at 10.30 for 20 minutes • Lunchtime 12.15-1.15 • Home time 3.05. Children will be brought out to the school gate where you will meet them. Children travelling on the school bus will be escorted to the bus by a member of staff. • If, for some reason, someone different is picking your child up, please let me know.

  4. Class Organisation • Reception will be part of a mixed age group class this year to create a R/Y1 Class.

  5. First Day On the first morning find your child's peg in the cloakroom. These are clearly marked with your child's name. If your child has a lunch box, please store this on the shelf above your child’s coat peg. Book bags are kept in coloured boxes in the classroom. The school day will start with a register at 9.00a.m. You are welcome to stay as long as you feel necessary. • Children will be very tired initially, school is hard work when you are 4! * All children will be paired up with a Year 6 Buddy on their first day.

  6. Clothing The school has a dress code and we ask all children to come suitably dressed. Uniforms can be purchased online (see school website) and at many leading stores / supermarkets. P.E bags, book bags, winter jackets and caps with the school logo are available to buy at the school office. P.E clothes: shorts, red / white t-shirt, suitable footwear e.g. black plimsolls, spare pair of pants and socks in the P.E bag – for every eventuality!! You might also want to include a black pair of tracksuit bottoms for the winter months of P.E. and trainers for outside PE.

  7. Snacks Your child can bring in a healthy snack if you wish. Fruit, vegetables and cheese are all suitable. All infant children currently receive a piece of fruit or vegetable each morning as part of the national School Fruit and Vegetable Scheme.

  8. What you can do to help! • Continuing to encourage independence – getting changed. • Encouraging an enjoyment of books and stories; visiting the local library and sharing stories with your child. • Encouraging your child to join in with favourite rhymes and songs. • Providing your child with a variety of writing equipment to encourage drawing and writing skills, labelling your child’s pictures with his / her name and perhaps some writing. Your child may want to copy your writing if they are at that stage of development.

  9. What you can do to help! • Encourage children to draw, paint etc • Show children your writing, shopping lists, things to do, birthday cards. • Make scrap books, write postcards, party invitations. • Develop fine motor skills by cutting, sewing, dot-to-dots etc. • Point out numbers around you, on houses, cars, television channels, cookers and microwaves, • Helping your child with simple mathematical skills e.g. matching sorting everyday objects, counting objects or playing with water – pouring, filling and emptying.

  10. In General • We operate an open door policy and are always pleased to see any parent requiring information or advice. • Transition Afternoons • Learning Journals • Curriculum Meeting – September • Parent Consultations – October • School Website – www.naburnschool.com

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