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Welcome to Eastcombe Primary School. New Parents’ Meeting. Reception Staff. Mrs Scott/Ms Bashford Mrs Fowles /Mrs Hunt . Class Teachers Teaching Assistants . What is the EYFS?.
Welcome to Eastcombe Primary School New Parents’ Meeting
Reception Staff Mrs Scott/Ms BashfordMrs Fowles/Mrs Hunt Class Teachers Teaching Assistants
What is the EYFS? The EYFS document combines Early Years and Foundation Stage. This creates a national curriculum for 5s and under 6 areas of learning are focused upon through child initiated and directed activities. All areas of learning are reflected inside and outdoors.
PSEDPersonal, Social and Emotional Development Making friends Learning rules Learning daily routines Learning about other cultures and respect Understanding boundaries Making relationships with adults
PSED - How can you help? You can help by encouraging your child to use the toilet independently, wash their hands, put on and fasten their coats. Playing games which encourage sharing and turn taking will help your child to build their social skills.
Physical Development Gross and fine motor skills Malleable area Mark making area Shoes and coats PE – getting changed too Dance Outdoor area Pencil control
Physical Development – How can you help? Give children time to run, jump, climb and play outdoors Encourage children in activities such as building, drawing, threading beads,or filling and emptying containers in the water – all of which develop manipulative skills.
CLLCommunication, Language and Literacy Phonics Recognising and writing name Speaking Listening Reading Writing Role play
CLL – How you can help? Reading books (stories, information books, newspapers, magazines, comics etc), encouraging your child to join in and talk about books Singing songs and nursery rhymes Modelling correct letter formation and pencil grip Taking time to listen to them talking about things they’ve done and answeringtheir questions
Numeracy Counting Recognising numbers and what they mean Calculation Shape Pattern Problem solving Measuring
Numeracy -How can you help? Talk about the shapes you can see in the environment Comparing things which are heavy and light or long and short Pointing out numbers all around Singing counting songs and rhymes Counting, adding and subtracting anything and everything - socks, cars, shopping, cutlery, fingers and toes!
Creative development Role play Art Painting Drawing Dance Music Singing Story Imagination
Creative development – How can you help? Talk with your child abouttheir imaginative play andjoin in if possible! Encourage them to be flexiblein their thinking and use ofmaterials and praising themfor their efforts or ideas aswell as the end product
Knowledge and Understanding of the World Exploring Investigating Learning about other cultures, places, things that happened in the past and living things ICT Constructing Educational visits Outdoor area
Talk with your child about the places they go and things they see in the world around them Answering and asking questions - what if…? Why do you think…? How did you…? Letting children join in with everyday activities - washing up, cooking, shopping, helping in the garden... If possible let them have access to ICT,CD players, mobile phones, computers etc Knowledge and Understanding of the World – How can you help?
Monitoring Progress Each of the 7 areas of learning has its own set of Early Learning Goals’ which determine what most children are expected to achieve by the endof Reception Class. Children are assessed at the end of the year as to whether they are meeting, exceeding, or not yet reaching (‘emerging’) in relation to the early learning goals. Parents Contribution The Learning Journey is a very useful tool in assessing and tracking children’s progress. We ask that parents make an active contribution to the learning journey of their child.
The First Few Weeks We will find out what the children already know and can do and use this information to help us develop an individual learning programme for each child. We would value any contributions you would like to make in helping us get to know your child’s needs. You will be invited to discuss your child’s progress & adjustment to school within the first term at parents evening.
What can you do to prepare your child for school life? • Please make sure your child is able to go to the toilet by themselves. • Make sure your child is able to eat independently. • Enable your child to spend time with others of his/her own age • . • Make sure they can dress themselves. • Make sure they have regular bedtimes.
Uniform Girls: • Wellies, and waterproof trousers for outside learning are really useful. • Apron (old adult shirt/t-shirt) for art.
Uniform Boys: • Wellies, and waterproof trousers for outside learning are useful. • Apron (old adult shirt/t-shirt) for art.
PE Kit • All Uniform and PE kit must be named. • PE takes place on a Wednesday
A typical day in Squirrel Class... 8.50-9.05 Come in, morning activities and register 9.30-10.30 English/phonics 10.30-10.45 Outdoor Play Sticky Kids 10.45-11.00 Snack Time 11.00-12.00 English/Maths Activities 12.00-1.00 Lunch time 1.00-1.30 Assembly 1.30-2.45 Topic work 2.45-3.15 Story/singing/circle time
Snack Time • One piece of fruit is provided free on a daily basis to all children as part of a government scheme. Children are welcome to bring in a extra snack. • If you would like your child to receive free milk until the term they turn 5 then please speak to the office. This can then be paid for after they turn 5 if you wish.
Lunchtimes • Free warm school lunches are offered for all children in Reception, Year 1 and 2. They are provided by Thomas Keble School and work from a three week menu cycle. • Children have the option to bring a packed lunch from home if they would prefer. Packed lunches should be brought in a suitable container such as a lunch box.
Starting School Process Children start part time and increase their hours over the first weeks until they are full time. We will send the dates soon. We find children settle quickly if school staff bring the children into the classroom from the play ground at the start of the day.
Starting School • When your child starts school they will receive a free book bag and water bottle provided by Eastcombe School Association. (E.S.A) • Their water bottle should be in school everyday and is available to them throughout the day in the classroom. Water only please! Please name it clearly. • Book bags should also come everyday containing their school reading book. Please hear them read and/or practise their sounds every day.
Practical Details • If, for some reason, someone different is picking your child up, please let me know. We need to know if they are going home with someone else. • Children will be very tired initially, school is hard work when you are 4.
Medical Matters • Any sickness, diarrhoea, must be followed by 48 hours absence. • Head lice are common! Please check regularly and treat as recommended. • Any absence requires a note or telephone call explaining why first thing in the morning. • Please let us know about allergies and medical issues. • Any medicines can only be administered by prior arrangement with Mrs David or Mrs Ulett (School Secretaries).
New Class Day • We do try and encourage the children to stay without their parent if possible. • The children will play, look around and meet the other children in the class as well as the adults. • We usually offer a home visit in September.
And Finally… • If you would like to come in to school to help out in Squirrel we are always grateful for volunteers!!! Keep a look out for a letter in September • If you have any worries or concerns please come in and see us and we will do our best to help you • Reminder: Eastcombe Gnome Hunt is this weekend. School Production is 17/18th July.