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First results of the HRMT-09 tests on a LHC TCT collimator in HiRadMat Collimation WG Meeting 21.01.2013 Oliver Aberle on behalf of the Collimation team, special thanks to M . Cauchi , K . Weiss, R. Bebb and J. Lendaro. First visual inspection in B 867.
First results of the HRMT-09tests on a LHC TCT collimator in HiRadMatCollimation WG Meeting21.01.2013Oliver Aberleon behalf of the Collimation team, special thanks to M. Cauchi, K. Weiss, R. Bebb andJ. Lendaro Collimation WG Meeting
First visual inspection in B 867 RP check beforeinspection (Kurt Weiss):Dose rate is the highestunderthecollimatorbox, not in excessof 40 microSv/h @ contact. Contaminationfound, resultsavailablesoon Historycanbefound in Marija‘spresentation (CWG, 15.10.2012):Preliminary Results of TCT HiRadMat Tests Collimation WG Meeting
First visual inspection in B 867 * Pilot bunch: ~ 5 – 10 x 109 ppb; High-intensity bunch: ~ 1.3 - 1.5 x 1011 ppb Historycanbefound in Marija‘spresentation (CWG, 15.10.2012):Preliminary Results of TCT HiRadMat Tests Collimation WG Meeting
Some pictures • Particles and dust between jaws and behind RF fingers • Downstream side clean (on first glance) Collimation WG Meeting
Some pictures • Loose particles, fragments and droplets of different sizes. • Distribution could have been modified by transportation and manipulation.(Note: Jaws have been moved prior to inspection) Collimation WG Meeting
Impact side - Upstream UpstreamsideSpreaddroplets Large lipsofexcessmetal Collimation WG Meeting
Impact side - Upstream Debrisof largedimensions. Concentratedaroundtheimpactregion. Somedistantprojections? Collimation WG Meeting
Jawsopened Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Jawopenedtofullretractedposition (switches). Projectionsfromimpacttowards top andbottomplate (fromtest 3 towardsoppositejaw). Vaporisation depositaroundmoltenregion. Collimation WG Meeting
Leftjaw ~ 3 mm 34 mm • Deposition fromtest 3 Collimation WG Meeting
Rightjaw ~ 2 blocks (400mm) ~ 4 mm Collimation WG Meeting
Next steps Resultsfromsmear test to quantify and qualify contamination. Cross check the beam andimpactparametersandcomparewithsimulations. Better estimate ofdimensional extent of visible damage. Possibilityofinsertingtools? Access to the tungsten blocks, open the box? Collaborationwithexternalpartners (e.g. PSI)? Collimation WG Meeting