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Welcome to 3 rd grade. Mrs. Crowley’s Class 2013-2014. Open House. Come meet Mrs. Crowley and see your classroom at our school open house.
Welcome to 3rd grade Mrs. Crowley’s Class 2013-2014
Open House • Come meet Mrs. Crowley and see your classroom at our school open house. • It will be held this Thursday, August 22, 2013, from 2:00 to 4:00 P.M. The school will be open for students and parents to visit their classrooms and meet their teachers. • P.T.A. will have sign-ups and information about school activities and programs sponsored by P.T.A. • Check out our school website for more dates and information about our school. http://www.davis.k12.ut.us/Domain/4975
My Philosophy • I believe that students build self esteem when they are learning and growing. It is my job to make our classroom a place where students can build confidence by building on successes. My goal is to provide a kid friendly, safe environment with high expectations, hard work, and fun. Our classroom motto is: Do your best, with the emphasis on your, because each student’s best is unique to them.
What to expect • Third grade teaches important concepts that become a foundation for the intermediate grades. Your child is making an important transition this year from a primary to an intermediate level student. With this transition you will see a change in emphasis in reading from decoding words to comprehending text. In writing we will go from making and combining sentences, to making and combining paragraphs. We will help your child learn regrouping in addition and subtraction, multiplication and division facts, measurement and other math skills. We will broaden their view of the world with science, health, art, music, mapping skills, earth, and community concepts.
Parent Volunteers • I have been lucky to have wonderful parent volunteers in past years. They do a lot to enrich our classroom. If you would like to help by assisting with a reading or math group, by making up Tuesday folders, or by helping correct or record scores, or planning parties and activities, we can use you. An hour a week of your time can make a big difference to us.
Specialty Classes • We have Specialty Classes that your child attends each day from 12:25 to 1:10 P.M. • Monday—Library • Tuesday—Music/Art • Wednesday—P.E. • Thursday—Computer
Materials Donations • Some people like to donate to our classroom. Some things we can make use of are: • Baggies of different sizes • Pencils • Wide ruled paper • Clorox wipes • Hand sanitizer • Tissue • Treasure Box prizes • Watercolor markers
Discipline Policy • Our school has a school wide Discipline Policy which outlines the procedures to be taken for bullying, hitting, non-compliance to rules, and other issues. • In each case, the parents will be notified of the offense and the consequence, and the student will have an in school consequence, such as loosing recess time. • In class, good behavior and student effort will be rewarded with tickets and points, which will be exchanged for Treasure Box drawings and Preferred Activity Time, which we call P.A.T. time.
Coming Attractions • Tuesday Folders • Team shirts • Field Trips • Fund Raisers • Class Parties • Extra-curricular: Choir, Reflections Contest, Spelling Bee, Class Play, School Garden, Field Day