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United Centers for Spiritual Living Leadership Brand Research Survey Report December 16, 2007

2. Overall Project Goals

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United Centers for Spiritual Living Leadership Brand Research Survey Report December 16, 2007

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    1. United Centers for Spiritual Living Leadership Brand Research Survey Report December 16, 2007 6144 Wahl Road Freeland, WA 331-6667 cpettis@brand.com www.brand.com

    2. 2 Overall Project Goals & Objectives Define, communicate, and live a compelling, credible, trusted, and unified leadership identity across all leadership levels and activities within our organization. Help leaders, managers, staff, ministers, practitioners and members better understand the purpose and role of leadership. Get all leaders across our organization on the same page. Become more clear and effective in all leadership activities. Help attract and retain high-quality leaders. Establish specific leadership characteristics and best practices along with tangible behaviors to help build a world-class leadership team that is able to produce world-class performance. Increase the reputation, image, and perceived value of the United Centers for Spiritual Living brand. Be a great organization.

    3. 3 Project Methodology

    4. 4 Primary Role in Position at United Leaders were asked what they see as their primary role at United Centers for Spiritual Living. Ministers, generally speaking, see their role as teaching Science of Mind, and to be a living example of its principles. Practitioners see their role as supporting the ministers and the congregants, and to also live the principles. Several said their role is to “walk the talk.”

    5. 5 Primary Role in Position at United - Ministers

    6. 6 Primary Role in Position at United - Practitioners

    7. 7 Primary Role in Position at United – Other Leaders

    8. 8 Effective Management Traits Leadership was asked to choose the five management traits they think United Centers for Spiritual Living should emphasize in order to make it a great organization. As the table on the next slide shows, “Visionary – vision is a regular part of our agenda,” and “Open and frequent communications,” are the two management traits mentioned most often as the most important to emphasize in order to make United a great organization. Ministers are much more likely than practitioners or “others” to mention “visionary.” The rest of the traits are mentioned fairly consistently across the three leadership types. (Note: only those traits with 20% or more are listed).

    9. 9 Effective Management Traits

    10. 10 Effective Management Traits When asked which one management trait is most important, “visionary,” “open and frequent communication,” and “unconditional love” are the three most frequently chosen.

    11. 11 Why “Visionary” is Important - Ministers

    12. 12 Why “Visionary” is Important - Practitioners

    13. 13 Why “Visionary” is Important - Others

    14. 14 Why “Open & Frequent Communication” is Important - Ministers

    15. 15 Why “Open & Frequent Communication” is Important - Practitioners

    16. 16 Why “Open & Frequent Communication” is Important - Others

    17. 17 Why “Unconditional Love” is Important - Ministers

    18. 18 Why “Unconditional Love” is Important - Practitioners

    19. 19 Ineffective Management Traits “Poor communication” is the management trait mentioned most often as one to avoid by United leadership. “Adversarial,” “Judgmental,” and “Resistant to change” are the next most frequently mentioned traits to avoid. The results are fairly consistent across leadership types.

    20. 20 Ineffective Management Traits “Poor communication” and “adversarial” are the two most mentioned traits when leadership was asked to choose the one trait most important to avoid, with “judgmental,” “negative” and “disconnected” following.

    21. 21 Why “Poor Communication” is Important to Avoid – Ministers

    22. 22 Why “Poor Communication” is Important to Avoid – Practitioners

    23. 23 Why “Poor Communication” is Important to Avoid – Others

    24. 24 Why Adversarial” is Important to Avoid – Ministers

    25. 25 Why “Adversarial” is Important to Avoid – Practitioners

    26. 26 Why “Adversarial” is Important to Avoid – Others

    27. 27 Goals Leaders were asked to choose the two goals from a list of five that they are most passionate about United Centers for Spiritual Living excelling at. “Creating and providing spiritual tools to transform lives and make the world a better place,” and “Teaching the principals and practices of Science of Mind” are clearly the top two goals leadership would like to see United Centers for Spiritual Living excel at.

    28. 28 How Define “Great” Leaders were asked how they would define “great” for United Centers for Spiritual Living. While there were a lot different answers, the one that came up most often is to have a positive impact in the world. A related answer pertained to being recognized worldwide, gaining widespread visibility, and other similar answers.

    29. 29 How Define “Great” - Ministers

    30. 30 How Define “Great” - Practitioners

    31. 31 How Define “Great” – Other Leaders

    32. 32 Big Goal Leaders were asked which one of nine “big goals” they think is most inspiring, motivating and could be achieved if all of the leaders at United Centers for Spiritual Living worked together. Clearly, “Touch and transform 100 million lives (through prayer, web site visits, downloads, book sales, magazine subscriptions, more communities, larger communities, etc.) is the top “big goal.”

    33. 33 Evidence/Benefits of Achieving “Touch & Transform 100 Million Lives - Ministers

    34. 34 Evidence/Benefits of Achieving “Touch & Transform 100 Million Lives - Practitioners

    35. 35 Evidence/Benefits of Achieving “Touch & Transform 100 Million Lives - Others

    36. 36 Best Method for Driving the Resource and Economic Engine Leaders were asked which of four methods for driving United Centers for Spiritual Living’s resource and economic engine would be most effective. By far, leadership says that visibility, brand awareness and reputation is the best way to drive the organization’s resource and economic engine.

    37. 37 Primary Purpose of United’s Leadership Leaders were asked what they think should be the primary purpose of United Centers for Spiritual Living’s leadership. Providing organizational and spiritual direction is the most often mentioned, with carrying forth the vision, and model spiritual living following.

    38. 38 Most Important Beliefs and Best Practices Leaders were asked what they think are the most important beliefs and best practices that should be personally adopted by all leaders and leadership Cores of United Centers for Spiritual Living. Having a deep, spiritual practice is by far the belief/best practice that leaders choose as the most important. Open, authentic communication is the second most important belief/practice, but it is far behind deep, spiritual practice.

    39. 39 What Do to Prove “Deep, Spiritual Practice” is Being Put Into Effect - Ministers

    40. 40 What Do to Prove “Deep, Spiritual Practice” is Being Put Into Effect - Practitioners

    41. 41 What Do to Prove “Deep, Spiritual Practice” is Being Put Into Effect - Others

    42. 42 Category Descriptor There is no clear consensus on the best category descriptor. The “Spiritual Leadership Team” of United Centers for Spiritual Living, and The “Leadership Team” of United Centers for Spiritual Living, get about the same percentage. However, for practitioners, The “Spiritual Leadership Team”…is preferred.

    43. 43 Positioning Statements

    44. 44 Final Comments from Ministers

    45. 45 Final Comments from Practitioners

    46. 46 Final Comments from Other Leaders

    47. Summary of Findings

    48. 48 Findings & Conclusions Top Leadership Goals Creating and providing spiritual tools to transform lives and make the world a better place. Teaching the principles and practices of Science of Mind. Leadership Values, Ethics & Behaviors to Emphasize Have a deep, personal spiritual practice. Open, clear and frequent communication & listening. Act with unconditional love, kindness and compassion. Visioning is a regular part of our agenda. Leadership Behaviors to Be Avoided Poor and infrequent communication. Adversarial (us vs. them). Judgmental.

    49. 49 Findings & Conclusions Primary Purposes of Leadership Provide organizational and spiritual direction & vision. Be an exemplary example of “spiritual living.” Our “Big Goal” Touch and transform 100 million lives. How We Define “Great” and Great Results Become a “household” name. Be recognized as a great spiritual & religious organization. Be a force for positive change in the world. Method for Driving our Resource and Economic “Engine” Increase the visibility, brand awareness, and reputation of United Centers for Spiritual Living.

    50. 50 Findings & Conclusions Brand Archetype (our “personality”) The Leadership Team is a combination of the Magician and Disciplined Achiever archetypes – a Disciplined “Magician” Achiever United Centers for Spiritual Living’s organizational brand archetype is “Magician” with attributes of: catalyst for change & transformation, visionary, spiritual, and healer. The Leadership Team brings the discipline and focus (“Disciplined Achiever”) needed to achieve the organization’s goals through vision, accountability, and by assessing needs and developing and assigning resources. needs and developing and assigning resources. Category Descriptor (what we call ourselves) The “Leadership Team” of United Centers for Spiritual Living. The “Spiritual Leadership Team” of United Centers for Spiritual Living. Positioning Statement for the Leadership Team (our most repeated message about “what we do”) The Leadership Team (of United Centers for Spiritual Living) teaches the principles and practice of the Science of Mind for personal and global transformation.

    52. 52 Recommendations from BrandSolutions Encourage all leaders to have and build an even stronger spiritual practice. Be exemplary examples of “spiritual living.” Communicate, communicate, communicate. Use your “Big Goal” as a focal point for organizational change and excitement. Develop and execute an aggressive integrated marketing communications program to increase visibility and brand awareness of United Centers for Spiritual Living. Use the Leadership Brand Identity to identify, evaluate, and review current and future leaders. Create an organizational chart of your Leadership Team to clarify everyone’s role and position in the organization. Integrate United Centers for Spiritual Living and Religious Science International into one great organization.

    53. 53 Thank You! For the opportunity to be of service.

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