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BMTM OPEN HOUSE. January 13 th , 2010. Tonight’s Roles. Chair: Patrick C. Table Topics Master: Patrick C. Table Topics Evaluator: Prepared Speech: Thomas L. Prepared Speech Evaluator: Grammarian: Timer: General Evaluator:. Introduction. What is Toastmasters? Format of Meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BMTM OPEN HOUSE January 13th, 2010

  2. Tonight’s Roles • Chair: Patrick C. • Table Topics Master: Patrick C. • Table Topics Evaluator: • Prepared Speech: Thomas L. • Prepared Speech Evaluator: • Grammarian: • Timer: • General Evaluator:

  3. Introduction • What is Toastmasters? • Format of Meeting • Introducing the Executives

  4. Table Topics: The Naughties

  5. Pick a Category: Skip Events Me, Myself, and I Entertainment Trends

  6. Events Back Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4

  7. Topic 1 Back • What was the most significant event of the 2000s?

  8. Topic 2 Back • How were you affected by 9/11?

  9. Topic 3 Back • Why do you think economic growth was so rapid in the developing world this past decade?

  10. Topic 4 Back • Was the “War on Terror” justified?

  11. Me, Myself and I Back Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4

  12. Topic 1 Back • Are you better off now than you were 10 years ago?

  13. Topic 2 Back • What has been your biggest accomplishment in the past 10 years?

  14. Topic 3 Back • What would you like to re-do from this past decade?

  15. Topic 4 Back • The world is actually about to blow up in 2012, and the audience is deciding who gets on the ark. Given your behaviour in the past decade, explain why you should be allowed to survive.

  16. Entertainment Back Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4

  17. Topic 1 Back • Lady Gaga: great musician, or greatest musician?

  18. Topic 2 Back • If you had to watch a marathon of one of these movie trilogies: • The Lord of the Rings • Spider Man • Pirates of the Caribbean • Shrek …which would you choose to watch?

  19. Topic 3 Back • What was the best Canadian TV show of the decade?

  20. Topic 4 Back • How were you affected by “nipplegate”?

  21. Trends Back Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4

  22. Topic 1 Back • Are you pro-hipster, or anti-hipster?

  23. Topic 2 Back • What are the pros and cons of shopping online?

  24. Topic 3 Back • Why aren’t we flying around on jetpacks and going on vacations to Mars yet?

  25. Topic 4 Back • Do you buy products labeled “fair trade” or “organic”? Why?

  26. Break

  27. Prepared Speech

  28. Evaluations

  29. Thank You Next meeting January 20th, 2010

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