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New England & the Middle Colonies. Objectives. 1. List the geographical conditions that determined the economy of the New England Colonies. 2. Summarize how life in the Middle Colonies differed from life in the New England Colonies. Farming. NE had diverse economy
New England & the Middle Colonies Objectives 1. List the geographical conditions that determined the economy of the New England Colonies. 2. Summarize how life in the Middle Colonies differed from life in the New England Colonies.
Farming • NE had diverse economy • Small, subsistence farms- used what they grew
Fishing & Whaling • Fishing- major industry • Grand Banks- abundant fish • Grand Banks just north of NE
Lumbering & Shipbuilding • Mountains are close to coast- means many streams • Makes sawmills plentiful • lumbering industry + good harbors= shipbuilding as a major industry
Government • Life centered on church (Puritans) • Towns very important • Common people participated in govt. • Town meeting • First, everyone comes, then elect officials to represent them
Puritan Society • Puritan homes located near church (meetinghouse) • Strict, rigid rules were enforced • Puritans did have fun (bright clothes, played games)
Triangular Trade • NE produces little goods • Want manufactured goods from England • NE traded fish & lumber with Caribbean for sugar • Either got sugar or bills of exchange • Buy English goods with sugar • Sell English goods for fish & lumber • Another Triangular trade: • NE gives rum to W. Africans for slaves • Slaves to Caribbean for sugar • Sugar to NE for lumber (makes rum)
New Urban Society • Increase in trade makes port cities grow • Upper class- merchant (small portion)-controlled trade • Middle- artisans (skilled workers) and shopkeepers (50%) • unskilled labor (dock workers, etc (30%) • Lowest social class- indentured servants (10- 20%) • Slaves- (not a social class)(10-20%)
Growth of the Middle Colonies • Main crop (wheat)- sold to Caribbean • Good rivers made shipping to coast easy • Shipping made New York & Philadelphia largest cities in English colonies
The Wheat Boom • Early 1700s- population boom in middle colonies (land still available) • Wheat boom + cheap, poor labor force made some wealthy • New wealth produced new capital to invest in industry ( capitalists and entrepreneurs) • Very few farmers got rich (mainly due to technology)