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Workplace-Based Assessments and their Role in Training

Understand the importance of workplace-based assessments in medical training, including key assessment methods such as OSATs, Mini-CEX, CBD, and NOTSS tools. Learn how to utilize WPBA evidence for professional development and progression. Access top tips for successful assessment navigation.

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Workplace-Based Assessments and their Role in Training

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  1. Workplace-Based Assessments and their Role in Training Dr Sonji Clarke Deputy Head London School of

  2. Why this is important…. Final report of the Curriculum Review Group, 2015- Definition of a Consultant “A highly skilled obstetrician and gynaecologist with the appropriate knowledge and attitudes to lead and deliver high quality care; taking account of patient’s needs and advocating for women’s healthcare. This will involve a questioning approach to research and quality improvement. Working well in teams is essential for safe, effective patient care; obstetricians and gynaecologists must be good communicators, supporters of staff and happy to share their expertise and experience as well as being open to the views of others. On completing training the individual will be prepared for lifelong learning, which will allow them to be adaptable and flexible for a modern NHS.”

  3. Professional Identities and Capabilities in Practice • Healthcare professional- 5 CIPs 1-5 • Researcher/educator/scholar – 3 CIPs 6-8 • Clinical expert- 4 CIPs 9-12 • Champion for women’s health 2 CIPs 13-14 This incorporates the structure of the whole curriculum

  4. WPBA’s- What are they? Reflective Practice –Increased emphasis in the new curriculum and CPD framework OSATS- Mini CEX CBD Non Technical skills (NOTSS tools) MSF (Multisource Feedback) Self-assessment

  5. Your Educational Supervisor Will use your WPBA’s and other evidence to make a global assessment of your progress and development in CIPs and with your procedures. An assessment will also be made of your non technical skills You will be expected to self assess on your multisource feedback The RCOG or local School Matrix should guide both you and our educational supervisor relating to appropriate progression.

  6. WPBA’s as evidence • Self-assessment • ES uses evidence to make global judgment on progress • Summative assessment- • MRCOG part 1 • MRCOG part2 • MRCOG Part 3 • OSATS • Formative assessment • CbD • Mini CEX • OSATS • TO1’s and SO • NOTSS • ESR • Reflective Practice is included in the WPBA’s

  7. OSAT-Objective structured assessment of technical skills May be for assessment of competence (summative) Or used for assessment of development (formative)- type must be declared in advance Used to assess procedural skills i.e. Caesarean section, laparoscopy, ECV, MVA There are still some procedures that need 3 osats to demonstrate competence-

  8. RCOG Matrix

  9. Mini-CEX- Mini clinical evaluation exercise • Formative assessment which may be used for observing: • Taking a history • Clinical examination • taking consent • Patient communication • Professional/interpersonal skills • Expected to last 20 minutes • Should be declared in advance • Ideally in obstetrics and gynaecology- • Remember they are evidence to be used for fulfilling the CIP requirements

  10. CbDs- Case-based discussions • Formal documentation of case discussions between trainee and trainer • Used to formatively assess: • Clinical decision making • Knowledge • Knowledge application • Available for gynaecology and obstetrics, • Perfect for clinic or ward round discussions, or in the emergency areas of Early pregnancy or Labour ward.

  11. NOTSS tools • You will be expected to have assessments for your non technical skills • The NOTSS tool will be completed, particularly for Labour Ward, but also when running a theatre list. • Examines situational awareness • Leadership and communication skills • Teamwork • Decision making

  12. Multisource Feedback TO1’s You will be asked to self- assess Then a range of your colleagues will complete a form looking at largely non clinical skills and attributes. A minimum of 10 completed forms will be collated twice yearly by your educational supervisor You should be making contact with your ES approx. 10 times per year

  13. Annual Appraisals If you do not participate in local ARCPs you will be required to complete an annual Trust appraisal This is for the purpose of revalidation with the GMC Ensure that you find out about this at the earliest opportunity through the College Tutor or ES Please find a Mentor who can help you navigate the new eportfolio and the WPBA’s

  14. Access the RCOG eResources ASAP https://elearning.rcog.org.uk/new-curriculum-2019-training-resource/introduction

  15. TOP TIPS

  16. TT’s • Watch the RCOG eResource on the New Curriculum asap • Access the new eportfolio soon after 31st October • Ask for a trainee mentor who can walk with you through the portfolio • Start collecting the evidence for your CIPs asap • Don’t be afraid to ask • Meet with your ES within 2 weeks and record your meetings on the portfolio • Don’t leave your portfolio untouched for more than 2 weeks- it will not go well with you!

  17. Good Luck!

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