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ETE 501 Technology Strand Dr. Aries Cobb

ETE 501 Technology Strand Dr. Aries Cobb. Cooperative Learning q. Cooperative Learning.

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ETE 501 Technology Strand Dr. Aries Cobb

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  1. ETE 501 Technology Strand Dr. Aries Cobb Cooperative Learning q

  2. Cooperative Learning Cooperation is working together to accomplish shared goals. Within cooperative situations, individuals seek outcomes that are beneficial to themselves and beneficial to all other group members. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s learning. (Johnson, Johnson, & Holubec 1998 p.1:5).

  3. The benefits of Cooperative Learning 1 • Pro – Allows for the development of critical thinking and affords people the opportunity to develop new methods of problem solving (Gokhale,1995)

  4. 2 • Con – Quiet or Shy people may not function well or contribute (Gokhale,1995) (Middlecamp,1997) • Pro – Becoming familiar with a few people by working in a small group can help make a person more comfortable in the larger class (Johnson & Johnson,1989)

  5. 3 • Con – People may not be as committed or want to pull their own weight (Middlecamp,1997) • Pro (K12) – When working in groups, kids generally won’t want to be a burden on their friends and/or be reported to a teacher; (college and professional) – People will do work because they want to maintain their reputation and excluded from group work.

  6. 4 • Pro – Learn to Socialize (K12) or Networking/enculturation (College or Professional) • An example for this would be English as a Second Language student getting more practice speaking English (Wichadee & Orawiwatnakul,2012)

  7. 5 • Pro – Cooperative Learning can reduce the number of resources required for education (Cobb,2010)

  8. Group Conclusion • Cooperative learning is overall beneficial • Skills identified in the readings, we adapted even in this project • Critical thinking is always important • Our group has international students, they feel more comfortable in the small group • How we as a group used cooperative learning and resources

  9. References * Cobb, A. (2010). To Differentiate or Not to Differentiate? Using Internet-Based Technology in the Classroom. The Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 11(1), 37-45. * Gokhale, A. (1995). Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking. Journal of Technology Education, 7 (1), 1045-1064. 1-3. Retrieved from http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JTE/v7n1/gokhale.jte-v7n1.html * Johnson, & Johnson. (1989). Builds Self-Esteem in Students. Benefits of Collaborative Learning. Retrieved from http://tep.uoregon.edu/resources/librarylinks/articles/benefits.html * Middlecamp, C. (1997). Teaching Stories: Students Speak out on Collaborative Learning. Retrieved from http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/archive/cl1/cl/story/middlecc/TSCMD.htm * Wichadee, S., & Orawiwatnakul, W. (2012). Cooperative Language Learning: Increasing Opportunities For Learning In Teams. Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 9 (2), 93-97. Retrieved from http://journals.cluteonline.com/index.php/TLC/article/view/6903

  10. Thanks for listening Jeremy Auerbach Marion Edwards Adhwaa Ali M Alahmari Yasser Alghofialy Samer Alhomaid

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