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ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. Emma Owdom Economics/Supply and Demand 6 th Grade What Effects the Price?. ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Emma Owdom Economics/Supply and Demand 6th Grade What Effects the Price?
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: Students will explain the difference between supply and demand. Students will gain an understanding on why certain goods are priced high when others are priced low. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: Students will be able to explain the main points that effect the economy. Process/Skills: Students will create a music video modeling all of their knowledge on supply and demand. Values/Dispositions: Students will be able to participate in conversations about our nation’s economic status because they will know how supply and demand curves work.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: Students need to learn about the economy and what effects it. By students learning about supply and demand, they will have a better understanding on why certain items are priced as they are. Standards: State – Illinois Common Core or Learning Standards 15.B.2b Explain the relationship between the quantity of goods/services purchased and their price. 15.C.2a Describe the relationship between price and quantity supplied of a good or service. National – NCSS Themes 3. People, Places, Environments 7. Production, Distribution, Consumption
Logical/Mathematical • Students will research about supply and demand using the delicious links. Students will write a one page double spaced summary on what the supply and demand is. • Resources: Computer, internet access, delicious links. • http://images.clipartpanda.com/research-clipart-RcdKAKEgi.gif
Verbal/Linguistic • After students complete the Visual learning activity, they will explain their supply and demand curves to their peers. • Resources: 3 supply and demand curves from the visual learning activity • http://www.clker.com/cliparts/W/H/g/N/Q/Y/teacher-explaining-chart-md.png
Musical/Rhythmic • Students will be split up into groups of four. Each group will create a music video about supply and demand. Students will use vocabulary words, as well as include the graphs they had created in the visual learning activity. Students are to be creative as much as possible with this activity. • Resources: research information, graphs form visual activity, video camera, musical instruments, youtube. • http://dir.coolclips.com/clipart/150/vgjm/tf05179/CoolClips_vc014409.jpg
Visual/Spatial • Students will be paired up to create three graphs. Students will be assigned three different products. They must graph the supply and demand curves for each of the three products. • Resources: Computers, internet, graph paper, colored pencils. • http://resourcesforhistoryteachers.wikispaces.com/file/view/supply_and_demand.gif/327401004/supply_and_demand.gif
Body/Kinesthetic • Students will be actively involved during the music video. The music video will also be the kinesthetic activity. • Resources: same as music activity (since it is the same activity) • https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b4/ce/9a/b4ce9a8b8eaf2339f2dedcf6f2b52d35.jpg
Interpersonal • Students will be working together to complete the music video activity. Students will also be working in pairs to create their three graphs of supply and demand. • No additional Resources. • http://technologyintegratedlanguagearts.wikispaces.com/file/view/Collaboration.jpg/506155300/200x156/Collaboration.jpg
Intrapersonal • Students will be working independently during research and when they verbally explain their graphs to the class. • No additional resources. • http://www.msrossbec.com/sc2cl14c.gif
Naturalistic • A representative from the local Ford dealership will come and explain how supply and demand effects the sales of larger items, like different types of vehicles. The representative will also explain what factors effect sales. When the representative leaves, students will write two to three sentences on what they learned. • Resources: representative. • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-p3dF8nl6aso/UtIz9IY1PRI/AAAAAAAAFKc/OltYdhWEfGs/s1600/9349488-car-dealer.jpg
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual Learning and Assessment: Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Assessment: 1. Students will be informally assessed on participation throughout the lesson. Students will be formally assessed on the music video, the research page, three graphs, and their two to three sentences about the car supply and demand. Online Resources: 1. https://delicious.com/eowdom/Economics%20Lesson%203