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ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences. Taylor Berkseth History/Civil War 5 th Grade Civil War Presented in Many Ways. ETE 335. Elementary Social Studies Lesson
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Taylor Berkseth History/Civil War 5th Grade Civil War Presented in Many Ways
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Goals: Provide students with knowledge on Civil War figures Students will be exposed to researching war facts Students will be introduced to the Civil War, regarding what it is, causes, battles, and what it mean for the American people. Objectives: Content/Knowledge: SWBAT answers questions regarding the Civil War topics covered. Process/Skills: SWBAT research relevant information on their own, determining what is useful/not useful. SWBAT work together in groups to find information, as well as analyze it. Values/Dispositions: SWBAT use their own values and judgments when analyzing many of their projects. As well as, choosing which Civil War figure was the most influential/important.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Rationale: It is important for students to learn about the Civil War so that they are able to know why the United States is the way it is today. Standards: • State – • 16.A.2b Compare different stories about a historical figure or event and analyze differences in the portrayals and perspectives they present. 16.A.2c Ask questions and seek answers by collecting and analyzing data from historic documents, images and other literary and non-literary sources. Identify major political events and leaders within the United States historical eras since the adoption of the Constitution, including the westward expansion, Louisiana Purchase, Civil War, and 20th century wars as well as the roles of Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, and Franklin D. Roosevelt. National – NCSS Themes 1A Explain the causes of the Civil War and evaluate the importance of slavery as a principal cause of the conflict. 2A Analyze the purpose, meaning, and significance of the Gettysburg Address. Historical Thinking Standard 2,3,4
Logical/Mathematical Teaching: teach students how to find percents, and information using textbooks and computers. Helping them see the amount of casualties and how that could affect a nation. Learning activity: One of the hardest things to understand is the amount of casualties that occurred in the Civil War. Students will research the amount of soldiers that fought in the war and many casualties there were in many different wars. Using this information, students will comprise graphs using percentages they find. With these graphs, what do you think happened to American society? Resources/Materials: Sources with the information on soldiers and casualties, graph paper, calculators, pencils.
Verbal/Linguistic Teaching: Students will learn about what the battles were like first hand from the soldiers, imagining what reporters would be asking, and utilizing their Civil War knowledge to do so. Learning Activity: The Civil was the first war to be completely covered by the press. This was one of the only ways war news was delivered to the people. Imagine you are a Civil War reporter risking your life to get information on the battle and you only have 10 questions to ask a soldier. What questions would ask? Using research, what would be the answers the soldier would have given? Resources/Materials: books and online resources on the Civil War battles, the information that reporters delivered, and what war was like for the soldiers.
Musical/Rhythmic Teaching: Students will use Civil War music to connect it to the battles occurring, and the moral of the people. Learning Activity: Several Civil War songs are still sung today, for example: “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again.” Students will research songs from the Civil War era (if they choose they can perform them in class). Once students have found a song, they should use the information we learned about what was going on with the people and soldiers, and analyze the songs. By analyzing they will find the true message of the story and explain what part of the war does this song relate to and why. Resources/Materials: Civil War music links, computer, LOC Civil War music webpage.
Visual/Spatial Teaching: Students will learn the components of each side, they will learn why the war started, and they will learn more about the people regarding in each area. Learning activity: Both the North and South citizens had pride for their states. Part of the pride was shown in their flags. Using the information about the opposing sides, come up with a map that embodies the nature of each side. Think of why the war started in the first place; compare/contrast the concept of slavery and the importance it held for each side. Your flag is to be a representation of the ideas you come up with. Resources/Material: Paper, markers, information on the causes of the Civil War
Body/Kinesthetic Teaching: Students will learn about the Gettysburg Address, why Abraham Lincoln was giving it, and what it meant for the future of this country. Learning activity: Students will read the Gettysburg Address, and as a group they will work line by line to analyze what President Lincoln was saying in their own words. Students will create props/costume and the speech will be broken up so that everyone has a chance to perform it imitating Lincoln. Resources/Materials: costumes, supplies for props, the Gettysburg address.
Interpersonal Teaching: Students will have to collaborate in order to agree on which information about their figure is the most important to introduce to the class. Learning activity: Students will work in groups of 4 or 5, and in these groups they will be assigned a significant Civil War figure to research. Together they will create a newscast on this person in order to educate the other students on their figure. Resources: Books on figures, computers, props for newscast
Intrapersonal Teaching: Students will have to reflect on all of the information they learned throughout the lesson, deciding why this person was the most influential, giving evidence while they do so. Learning activity: After watching all of the newscast and taking notes, including their own, the student will work on their own to determine who they believe was the most influential figure of the Civil War. They are to use reflective processes to find this answer on their own, while providing evidence as to why they think this. Resources: Paper, newscasts
Naturalistic Teaching: Students will learn what makes a war site, and the war site is a good or bad one. Learning Activity: Students will analyze photos of a particular battle in the Civil War of their choosing. Using the photo, they will take note of all the natural elements as well as the man made ones. For examples, hills, bunkers, flat land and etcetera. With this information students will recreate the battle in a model of some sort. They will also compare their war sites to others to see what they have in common, and if they, personally, would prefer this war site if they were in war compared to another. Resources/Materials: Photos of war sites, shoe boxes, building materials.
ETE 335 Elementary Social Studies Lesson Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences Visual Learning and Assessment: Visual Learning, Assessment, and Online Resources: Visual Learning: Assessment: 1. To assess students at the end of the chapter, they will take an assessment and they will also create portfolio of everything we did today. They will conference with me to see what they learned, and receive credit for the work they did based off of rubrics, checklists and etcetera. Online Resources: 1. http://delicious.com/tjberkseth/History