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Effect of HO in MET resolution in 2012 data. Jet/Run2012A/RECO CMSSW_5_3_2 GR_R_52_V9 JetHT/Run2012B,C,D/RECO CMSSW_5_3_4_patch2 GR_R_53_V16 Standard json Standard Jet/MET filter
Effect of HO in MET resolution in 2012 data • Jet/Run2012A/RECO CMSSW_5_3_2 GR_R_52_V9 • JetHT/Run2012B,C,D/RECO CMSSW_5_3_4_patch2 GR_R_53_V16 • Standard json • Standard Jet/MET filter • primaryVertexFilter, noscraping, HBHENoiseFilter, CSCTightHaloFilter, hcalLaserEventFilter, EcalDeadCellTriggerPrimitiveFilter , goodVertices, trackingFailureFilter, eeBadScFilter + • No correction on Jet/MET, after inclusion of HO, one need to recalculate everything again. • Preselected events with • No noisy Readout Module (based on Run2012A) • Atleast one jets with Pt>50 GeV and ||<1.7 • Atleast one HO tower with Energy >5.0 GeV, irrespective of any jet in that direction or not. Typical fraction of event (Jet2012A) : Out of 1M events only 31617 events survived these criteria (430K for only Jet crit).
Event selection • Further selection of events with 0.1<EMFrac<0.9 for leading jet, to remove ECAL/HCAL noise • Events with at least two jets (Pt>50 GeV and ||<2.9) and |12| > /2 • Events are categorised into three parts • Signal : Behind a jet (pt>50, |R|<0.3 • Background : Outside any jet (R|>0.7) of Pt >40 GeV • Others • HO time profile with reduced/increased MET value • MET, with and without HO
Average HO signal peak and RMS (in GeV) 2012B 2012A 2012C 2012D RMS is increased with time
Noisy Readout Module (2012A) • Looked for number of channels with different energy threshold in a readout module (RM), there are 18 towers in each RM in Ring1 Remove events if any of these RM has more than 8 towers with E>2 GeV
HO signal/background spectrum 2012B Normalised signal and noise shape in different rings • Noise shows larger energy spectrum. Thus used threshold 200 and 150 GeV for Ring0 and Ring1 respectively. • Low energy, behaviour is slightly different Ring 0 Ring 1 Ring+1 Signal Noise
HO signal/background timings 2012B Normalised signal and noise time in different rings • For ring1, -20<time<40 Ring 0 Ring 1 Ring+1 Signal Noise
HO signal/background spectrum 2012A 200C • Noise shows larger energy spectrum. R1 has lower tails in timing Normalised signal and noise shape in different rings R0 R1 R+1 R0 R1 R+1 Normalised signal and noise timings in different rings
HO DIGI signal in 2012A : Ring 1 Signal background, inter for various energy range of HO tower [0-10] [10-20] [20-30] [20-40] [40-50] [50-60] [60-70] [70-80] [80-90] [90-100] [100-110] [>110] • There is no difference in shape HO signals/background, noise in photo-electron level or in previous stage, which is less likely
HO DIGI signal in 2012A : Ring +1 Signal background, inter for various energy range of HO tower [0-10] [10-20] [20-30] [20-40] [40-50] [50-60] [60-70] [70-80] [80-90] [90-100] [100-110] [>110] • There is no difference in shape HO signals/background, noise in photo-electron level or in previous stage, which is less likely
HO DIGI signal in 2012A : Ring 0 Signal background, inter for various energy range of HO tower [0-10] [10-20] [20-30] [20-40] [40-50] [50-60] [60-70] [70-80] [80-90] [90-100] [100-110] [>110] • There is no difference in shape HO signals/background, noise in photo-electron level or in previous stage, which is less likely
HO DIGI signal for change in MET (without – with HO) Atleast one HO tower with energy >30 GeV 2012A Ring-0 Highest, Ring-0 others, Ring1 Highest Ring1 others 100:80 <100 >100 80:100 • No correlation with MET
PF Jet/MET reconstruction • Use standard PFAlgorithm, where HO are included, but thresholds of HO are not optimised yet. • Use different thresholds for seed tower and different for Ring-0 and Ring 1 (in GeV) Effort from GM S. Ghosh P. Janot Def RECO : CMSSW_5_2_x : Without HO CMSSW_5_3_x : With HO (Ring0 and Ring1)
Calo Jet/MET reconstruction • One can not use standard algorithms, which included all HO towers in MET • Modify reconstruction code with a bias. • Use only HO towers, which are behind (|R|<0.5) a jets of Pt>50 GeV • Use different thresholds for Ring-0 and Ring 1 (in GeV), need to modify reco code to have different threshold for Seed towers and others for clustering Do not use calo object with HO in default reconstruction It includes all HO objects irrespective of it is associated with any HCAL tower or with any tracks, which enhance the noise rates In PF Algorithm, a HO tower is used only when it is associated with a HB cluster
PFMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012B) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> For low MET value, HO does not have any effect. Jet/Met resolutions are much larger than average HO signals
PFMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012B) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> At this level of MET, we see some effects with HO, but this is negligible fraction
PFMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012A) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> At this level of MET, we see some effects with HO, but this is negligible fraction
PFMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012C) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> At this level of MET, we see some effects with HO, but this is negligible fraction
Characteristics of an event, where HO increases the MET value (Both Jets have shower leakage) Jet1 Jet2 Noise (in One HPD, but pixels are geometrically far apart) Details are in attached file (hocond_526_time.pdf)
An interesting event : PFRootEvent Display No track (Pt > 500 MeV) along HB+HO jets No track (Pt > 2GeV) in this event
Conclusion • Signal and noise shape in HO are nearly same. Thus timing/shape might help to remove HO noise. Can not utilise shape to reduce background/noise • Use HO with energy threshold as low as 2 (5GeV) in Ring-0 (1) towers • Preferable to use only Ring-0 towers, with maximum signal in one tower is 200 GeV • For Ring1, threshold is 150 GeV, beyond that do not expect any signal and also timing is restricted between 15ns to 40ns • Need proper cleaning/noise filter, RM/RBX • Improvement of Jet/MET performance with HO, though effect is very little. But, can be use only in search, where events has large MET or Jet Pt imbalance. That also gives a bias in search result. • This can be a starting point for 13-14 TeV run, where HO will be more useful and HO was built for that energy. Will document all these as a DN
CaloMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012B) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> For low MET value, HO does not have any effect. Jet/Met resolutions are much larger than average HO signals
tcMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012B) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> For low MET value, HO does not have any effect. Jet/Met resolutions are much larger than average HO signals
CaloMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012B) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> At this level of MET, we see some effects with HO, but this is negligible fraction
tcMET with and w/o HO for criteria (2012B) MET without HO -----------------------------> MET with HO -----------------------------> At this level of MET, we see some effects with HO, but this is negligible fraction
HO signal and pedestal in few Ring 0 towers • Looks a fine Signal noise
HO signal and pedestal in few Ring1 towers • Looks a fine Signal noise