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EU-CORD Country Conversation Toolkit

Welcome to the EU-CORD Country Conversation Toolkit, designed to facilitate introductions, discussions, and mapping of resources and relationships within the European Christian Organizations in Relief and Development network. Engage in exercises to identify working regions, target groups, resources, and donors. Reflect on building better relationships and explore collaboration opportunities. Close with a discussion on next steps and expressing gratitude for participation.

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EU-CORD Country Conversation Toolkit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Country Conversation Toolkit

  2. Welcome and Introduction • Introduction of the facilitator • Administration information • Introduction to EU-CORD • Purpose of the meeting • Explanation of the agenda / timings • Expectations Exercise • Ask people to write down expectations of the day on post-it notes.

  3. Introduction of the Facilitator

  4. EU-CORD – an Introduction

  5. EU-CORD • European Christian Organisations in Relief and Development • 22 organisations from 12 European countries • Working in 99 countries • Through over 1000 local partners • Shared Values • Relationships • Cooperation • Quality • Christian • Integrity • Accountability • Professional

  6. Ice Breaker • Which organisation has been the longest/shortest in the country? • Without talking, ask people to form a line from the oldest to the youngest organisation • What regions/districts are you working in? • Write the names of the district/regions on pieces of card and have people stand next to the place where they work. Then ‘change’ as some will work in more than 1 location, keep going until everyone has covered all their bases • Have a large map of the country and ask people to put a pin in the locations where they work (and perhaps a different coloured pin for where they want to work) • Do you target any special target groups? • Give everyone some balloons, a pen and a piece of string. Blow up the balloon, write name of any special target groups on the balloon and when everyone is finished group like targets groups together

  7. Resource Map • People Expertise • Relationships with • Partnerships/collaboration with • Existing connections • Mapping of informal relationships between individuals • Funding from • Information/publications • Accommodation/Offices • Sectors and specialisms

  8. Donor Mapping • Write the name of the donor at the top of a flip chart paper and place on table. Do this for each donor + have some blank paper. • Then include the following headings: • Organisations being funded by the donor (directly, indirectly) • Level of contact (good, ok, none) • Sectors/geographic interest of the donor • Application procedure • Funding Scale/Grant Size (indication if known)

  9. Reflection If collaboration and partnership is helped by having good relationships, what can we do to build better relationships? Do I see opportunities (sharing information, joint working) that will help my organisation to meet its aims in this country? Is there anything we want to do as a group to make use of the opportunities? If yes – in what areas, what tools do we need and how do we organise ourselves?

  10. Conversation Close • Check the expectations and to what extent they have been met • Summarise the agreed next steps • Thank everyone for the time and participation

  11. Equipment • Flip chart paper • Thick writing pens • Pens, pencils • Name badges/stickers • Large post-it notes • Balloons • String • Scissors • Large map of the country split into regions/districts • Pins/stickers (to place on the map)

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