English for Tax Law III Revision. Wills and Inheritance. Inheritance Law ( sometimes called Wills and Probate) is concerned with the ___________ of a person ’s property following their death What is a will ?
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English for TaxLaw IIIRevision
WillsandInheritance InheritanceLaw (sometimescalledWillsand Probate) is concernedwiththe ___________ of a person’s propertyfollowingtheirdeath What is a will? A ___________ recording how a person’s property is to bedisposedafter his or her death.
InheritanceLaw (sometimescalledWillsand Probate) is concernedwiththe DISTRIBUTION of a person’s propertyfollowingtheirdeath A will is a LEGAL DOCUMENT recording how a person’s property is to bedisposedafter his or her death.
Who shouldbeappointedby a will? An ________ A person who makes a will is called a ___________. If a minorchild is involved, thewillshouldalsoappoint a _______________.
Who shouldbeappointedby a will? An EXECUTOR A person who makes a will is called a TESTATOR. If a minorchild is involved, thewillshouldalsoappoint a GUARDIAN.
TypesofEnglish Civil Law Which are subcategoriesofEnglish civil law? What is a tort? Whichtorts do youknow?
Which are subcategories of English civil law? Law of contract and law of tort. What is a tort? A civil wrong committed by one citizen against another; no criminal liability. Which torts do you know? Negligence, nuisance, trespass, trespass to the goods, defemation (slander and libel).
Completethefollowing: _______________ meansindirectinjuries to a person’s property or his or her enjoymentofproperty. ______________ meansdirectinterferencewiththe personal goods or landofanother.
NUISANCE meansindirectinjuries to a person’s property or his or her enjoymentofproperty. TRESPASS meansdirectinterferencewiththe personal goods or landofanother.
Translatethefollowing: Contractandtort are related to one another; a traderwhosellsdangerousgoodscanbesuedinnegligence for injuriessocausedandmayalsobeheldliablefor a breachof a contractualduty to seethathisgoods are ofmerchantablequality.
Contract Contract is a legally ____________ agreementbetweentwo or more partieswhichthecourtswill ______________. Which are requirements for a validcontract? If a contractlacks one ofessentialrequirements, it is ___________.
Contract is a legally BINDING agreement between two or more parties which the courts will ______________. Requirements: legal capacity, binding offer and acceptance, consideration, genuine agreement, particular form, legality If a contract lacks one of essential requirements, it is VOID.
Translatethefollowing: Hire-purchase contract Binding offer Bill of exchange Voidablecontract Breachofcontract
Hire-purchase contract – UGOVOR O KUPNJI NA OTPLATU Binding offer – OBVEZUJUĆA PONUDA Bill of exchange - MJENICA Voidable contract – POBOJAN UGOVOR Breach of contract – RASKID UGOVORA
Writethecorrectformoftheverbsinbrackets: Theformationof a contractcommonlyproceedsbywayofofferandacceptance. One manwillpropose to another ______________ (make) a promise to him, ____________ (ask) inreturn for thedoingof some act or themakingof a counter-promise. Such a proposal _____________ (call) anoffer. If more than a reasonable time elapsesbefore it ____________________ (accept), or ifeitherparty _______________ (die) beforeacceptance, it ____________________ (fail). Iftheoffer ___________________ (accept), it _______________________(convert) into a bindingpromise.
Theformationof a contractcommonlyproceedsbywayofofferandacceptance. One manwillpropose to anotherTO MAKE a promise to him, ASKING inreturn for thedoingof some act or themakingof a counter-promise. Such a proposal IS CALLED anoffer. If more than a reasonable time elapsesbefore it IS ACCEPTED, or ifeitherparty DIES beforeacceptance, it WILL FAIL. Iftheoffer IS ACCEPTED, it IS CONVERTED into a bindingpromise.
Translate the following: Premadefinicijiništetnisuoniugovorikoji ne proizvodepravne učinkekoje bi imalidanisuništetni. Pobojnisuoniugovorikojiproizvodepravne učinkekaoda je sve u redu, ali, ako u zakonskomrokubuduponišteni, smatra se datih učinakanijenibilo. NištetnisuugovoriprijesvegaonikojisuprotivniUstavuilimoraludruštva, što je dosta širokaformulacija pod koju se, posebno u dijelu o moralu, mnogo toga može podvesti.
Suggested translation According to the definition, void contracts are those that do not give rise to legal effects they would if they were not void. Voidable contracts give rise to legal effects as valid ones, but if they are set aside within the legally prescribed period of time, it is considered that there was no such legal effects. Void contracts are primarily those that do not conform with the Constitution or social morality, which is a wide formulation that, particularly in the part about morality, covers a lot.
Economicrights According to Article48 oftheConstitutionofthe RC, whicheconomicrights are guaranteed? What is forbiddenbyArticle 49? Whencanpropertyrightsberestricted?
Therightofownershipandtherightofinheritance Monopolies For thepurposesofprotectingtheinterestsandsecurityoftheRepublicof Croatia, nature, environmentandpublic health
Socialrights Completethefollowing: Therightsofemployeesandmembersoftheirfamilies to social _______ and __________, theformationoftrade ________, andtheprotectionoffamilies, childrenandpersonswith _________ are amongthe most importantsocialrights to whichcitizensofdemocraticstates are __________.
Therightsofemployeesandmembersoftheirfamilies to socialSECURITY andINSURANCE, theformationoftradeUNIONS, andtheprotectionoffamilies, childrenandpersonswithDISABILITIES are amongthe most importantsocialrights to whichcitizensofdemocraticstates are ENTITLED.
Culturalrights Right to ___________, scientificandartisticcreativity, physicaleducationandsports, as well as theright to a __________ lifewithanemphasis on theprotectionof __________, nature and _______________.
Right to EDUCATION, scientificandartisticcreativity, physicaleducationandsports, as well as theright to a HEALTHY lifewithanemphasis on theprotectionofPUBLIC HEALTH, nature andENVIRONMENT.
Judicial control of public authorities Complete the following: Ultra vires means.... Powers given to public authorities are always __________. A person directly affected may ask the court to ____________.
Ultra vires means BEYOND POWERS. Powers given to public authorities are always LIMITED. A person directly affected may ask the court to INTERFERE.
Police powers in Great Britain
Completethefollowing: Ifthearrest is lawful, thearrestedpersonwillbeguiltyofassaultif he usesforce to __________; thepoliceman, on theotherhand, isentitled to use such __________ force as maybenecessary to makethearrest.
Ifthearrest is lawful, thearrestedpersonwillbeguiltyofassaultif he usesforce to RESIST; thepoliceman, on theotherhand, isentitled to use suchREASONABLE force as maybenecessary to makethearrest. What is reasonableforce?