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Food Security and Climate Change

Food Security and Climate Change. UNDAF Workshop Amman Jordan 15 December 2009.

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Food Security and Climate Change

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  1. Food Security and Climate Change UNDAF Workshop Amman Jordan 15 December 2009

  2. Food security exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. (World Food Summit, 1996)

  3. Availability Accessibility Purchasing power Market Integration Access to Market Infra structure Income Production Imports/Exports Stocks Stability Health care Water Quality Sanitation Food Safety & Quality Hygiene Utilization

  4. Role of the United NationsSupport Governments Visions and Strategies on Food Security • Integrate national priorities to achieve Millennium Development Goal 1 (Eradicate extreme hunger and poverty-2015) • Align national Food Security strategies and provide hunger solutions • Promote and advocate for the Right to Food based approach • Advice on agriculture production and provide support through rural development • Mitigate disasters and strengthen national capacities • Coordinate with other partners

  5. Distribution of Natural Disasters in MENA Region Number of events Source: EM-DAT: The OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database - www.em-dat.net - Université Catholique de Louvain - Brussels - Belgium More than 80 % of natural disasters were caused by Weather-related hazards.

  6. Increasing Risks Associated With Climate Change

  7. Issues of food security, hunger and climate change • UN support to governments in • Managing the risk of Climate Change Adaptation Advocacy (Information and monitoring) Creation (Innovative schemes) • Strengthening resilience Strengthening Social protection system Improving food supplies and markets Increasing food production • Mitigating Climate Change Establishing early warning system Enhancing emergency preparedness and response Establishing disaster management institutions

  8. Issues of food security, hunger and climate change • A development challenge for countries of the region. • Emphasizing on access issues • Focusing on trans-boundary & cross-border cooperation • Human conflict • National and international policies gaps in addressing migration

  9. Issues of food security, hunger and climate change • Supporting governments political commitments • Addressing food security as a national responsibility • Promoting agricultural sustainability • Addressing gender and other social inequalities • Advocating for the empowerment of young people

  10. Issues of food security, hunger and climate change • Planning for emergencies • Embedding disaster risk reduction into development (adaptation) strategies & programmes. • Funding of mitigation and adaptation programmes • Establishing safety nets and social protection systems • Improving education about nutrition and food fortification

  11. ‘There can be no food security without climate security’ Ban Ki-moon

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