1. Climate Change and Food Security Polly Ericksen
Environmental Change Institute
University of Oxford
2. Food security… Main point is that food security encompasses much more than just available food production.Main point is that food security encompasses much more than just available food production.
4. Examples of human activities leading to GEC:
6. Climate Change Impacts on Grain Yields Changes in temperature, changes in precipitation. Also impact of more CO2.Changes in temperature, changes in precipitation. Also impact of more CO2.
7. Figure 5.4. Major impacts of climate change on crop and livestock yields, and forestry production by 2050 based on literature and expert judgement of Chapter 5 Lead Authors. Adaptation is not taken into account.
MESSAGE is increased regional disparitiesFigure 5.4. Major impacts of climate change on crop and livestock yields, and forestry production by 2050 based on literature and expert judgement of Chapter 5 Lead Authors. Adaptation is not taken into account.
MESSAGE is increased regional disparities
8. Negative impacts where food insecurity high What are we worried about?
Millions are hungry – 854 million according to this FAO report
Mainly in Africa and South Asia
Many of them childrenWhat are we worried about?
Millions are hungry – 854 million according to this FAO report
Mainly in Africa and South Asia
Many of them children
9. Land use for agriculture
10. Water use in agriculture About 70% of global freshwater withdrawal is for agriculture
Compared to 20% for industry and 10% for municipalities
However, 55% of the gross value of crop production grown under rainfed agriculture on 72% of harvested land.
11. Global GHG emission sources
13. 2008: vulnerable food systems
14. Access is critical to food security I want to emphasize how these food price increases affect the poor. Graph shows that poorer people spend a larger proportion of their income…more than half in many countries, on food. These are the most vulnerable to the increases in food prices unless there are entitlements to assistance or land.
Plus often markets don’t work well for food.I want to emphasize how these food price increases affect the poor. Graph shows that poorer people spend a larger proportion of their income…more than half in many countries, on food. These are the most vulnerable to the increases in food prices unless there are entitlements to assistance or land.
Plus often markets don’t work well for food.
15. Multiple Exposure: Food insecurity arises from overlapping and interacting stressors Meta analysis of food economy studies in Southern Africa reveals that although environmental stresses are important they are never the only reason for a food insecure situation. Other stresses are always involved.Meta analysis of food economy studies in Southern Africa reveals that although environmental stresses are important they are never the only reason for a food insecure situation. Other stresses are always involved.
18. Main message is that the same GEC issue can result in two different vulnerabilities for different food security determinants. Milk availability, which adds diversity to the nutritional value of the diet, is very affected by a drought because there is no local market. Access to purchase of lentils, on the other hand, is less affected because lentil crops are not as sensitive to drought and also there is a strong local market. So the primary protein is not very vulnerable.Main message is that the same GEC issue can result in two different vulnerabilities for different food security determinants. Milk availability, which adds diversity to the nutritional value of the diet, is very affected by a drought because there is no local market. Access to purchase of lentils, on the other hand, is less affected because lentil crops are not as sensitive to drought and also there is a strong local market. So the primary protein is not very vulnerable.
19. Making sensible adaptation choices in food systems Fair trade or food miles?
Cheap meat for all or luxury meat for a few?
Localized food systems in every country or increased trade?
Sustainable agriculture or industrial production?
Corn for ethanol or corn for animals and sweeteners?
20. Which features would be important in your food system?