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An integrated approach to the management in prevention and fighting against forest fires

An integrated approach to the management in prevention and fighting against forest fires. Camilo Vázquez Bello Directorate -General on Civil Protection and Emergencies Ministry of Interior, Spain.  FOREST FIRES. A MAJOR RISK FOR SPAIN.

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An integrated approach to the management in prevention and fighting against forest fires

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  1. An integrated approach to the management in prevention and fighting against forest fires Camilo Vázquez Bello Directorate-General on Civil Protection and Emergencies Ministry of Interior, Spain

  2.  FOREST FIRES A MAJOR RISK FOR SPAIN • Forest area: 14,4 Millions Ha (30% of the territory of Spain). • 66% private property. • 30% Municipalities property. • 4% Regions property. Forest fires by Municipality (2000-2010).

  3.  FOREST FIRES • ÁREAS IDENTIFIED AS OF HIGH RISK OF FOREST FIRES • 50% of Spanish forest territory has been declared area of high risk forest fires • Each field or forest of high risk is covered by a Forest Management Plan • Central Administration and the regional governments have a common Civil Protection Emergency Plan against Forest Fires (from 1994)

  4.  STATISTIC EVOLUTION (2001-2011) NUMBER OF FOREST FIRES. 25.000 20.000 15.000 10.000 5.000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

  5.  STATISTIC EVOLUTION (2001-2011) BURN FOREST AREAS (HA) 175.000 150.000 125.000 100.000 75.000 50.000 25.000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

  6.  CAUSES AND MOTIVATIONS PREVENTIVE MEASURES Public awareness XIncreased use of forest areas Lack of danger awareness from urban population Training, education, media and prevention culture Preventive forestry XFuel building up Rural area's depletion Harvesting and use of Biomass Low forest productivity Sustainable forestry and forest management Early Warning XClimate Temperature, humidity, wind Remote sensing Daily risk maps

  7.  CAUSES AND MOTIVATION PREVENTIVE MEASURES Surveillance and prosecution XMotivation Conflicts over protected areas Penalties Labor conflicts Conciliation of interest Revenge Burning procedures regulation • XUncontrolled burning Pasture regeneration Risk Maps Extensive agriculture Technical counseling Decreased surveillance

  8.  EARLY WARNING INDEX Early satellite detection 1 Confirmation of departure point and its development 2 Scenario analysis through cartographic data bases 3 Identification of the population potentially affected and of the vulnerability of essential services 4 5 Dissemination of reports, alerts and monitoring

  9. Space detection based upon Modis (UN/FAO) and Meteosat satellites. Integration of data on topography, meteorological forecast, fuel models and satellite observation on humidity though geographical information systems. Estimation of the potential fire path and evaluation of potential effects on population and properties. METEOSAT  EARLY WARNING SATELLITE DETECTION 1 2

  10.  EARLY WARNING CONFIRMATION OF THE FIRE AND ITS DEVELOPMENT Automatic e-mail reception of reports and modelling results 2

  11.  EARLY WARNING SCENARIO ANALYSIS 3 & 4 Automatic e-mail reception of reports and modeling results


  13.  EARLY WARNING ALERT DISSEMINATION (I) Dissemination from the National Emergency Center 5 Government Gobierno Members of the national coordination center 13 Organizations in charge at regional level. Representatives of Central Government, in regions and provinces To the population through media and Web portals

  14. Publication of daily forecasts on the meteorological and fire risks webs and media  EARLY WARNING ALERT DISSEMINATION (II) 5 www.proteccioncivil.es www.inforiesgos.es mass media

  15. Annual timetable from 15th June to 30th October 11 Ministries of State Regions UME (Military Emergency Unit)  COORDINATION NATIONAL COMMISSION: ANNUAL PLAN ON FIGHTING AGAINST FOREST FIRES

  16.  FIGHT AGAINST FOREST FIRES ASSETS AND HUMAN RESOURCES CENTRAL GOVERNMENT ASSETS Human resources: about 500 persons Aerial means: Total 62 TOTAL OF SPANISH ASSETS Human resources: 20.916 Aerial assets: 286 REGIONAL ASSETS

  17.  FIGHT AGAINST FOREST FIRES MILITARY EMERGENCY UNIT Human resources: 30 sections: 1.500 personnel + 1.500 personnel support. Assets Fire fighting vehicles: 170 Feeders: 42 Helicopters: 3 Command, control and logistic support equipment Santander Vizcaya Guipúzcoa Asturias Coruña Lugo Álava Navarra León Pontevedra Burgos BIEM V Logroño Ourense Palencia Huesca Girona BIEM IV Zamora Lleida Valladolid Soria Barcelona Zaragoza Segovia Tarragona Salamanca Guadalajara Teruel Ávila Madrid Cuenca Castellón Toledo Islas Baleares Cáceres Valencia Albacete BIEM III Ciudad Real Badajoz Alicante COMMAND AND HQ Córdoba Murcia BIEM II Jaén UCG Huelva Sevilla BIEM I Granada Almería Málaga Gran Canaria Tenerife RAEM Cádiz AGRUMEDA Los Rodeos Ceuta Gando Melilla BIEM II “GANDO” & “LOS RODEOS” DETACHMENT

  18. www.proteccioncivil.es

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