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Warm-up 10/23/12

Warm-up 10/23/12 . Teacher the Teacher: What is your least favorite food? Review: What is the independent variable?. The Periodic Table. Where elements come together. The Periodic Table. Periodic Table —an organized list of all known elements that are arranged according to their properties.

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Warm-up 10/23/12

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  1. Warm-up 10/23/12 • Teacher the Teacher: What is your least favorite food? • Review: What is the independent variable?

  2. The Periodic Table Where elements come together

  3. The Periodic Table • Periodic Table—an organized list of all known elements that are arranged according to their properties. • The 1st person to organize elements was Dmitri Mendeleev in the 1800s. • Mendeleev organized the elements by their atomic mass and left spaces for unknown elements.

  4. The Modern Periodic Table • Mendeleev’s table was mostly correct, but it is more accurate to organize elements in order of increasing atomic number.

  5. Protons = Atomic Number • Atoms get their identity and properties due to the number of protons they have • change the #p+ change the element • Electrons = Number of protons • For neutral atoms,ionsare different • Neutrons = Atomic Mass – Atomic Number • Atoms of the same element can have different masses. These are calledisotopes. The difference in mass is due to more or less neutrons

  6. Atoms: by the NUMBERS the element song

  7. Warm-up 10/24/12 • Teach the Teacher: If you had to be a teacher what subject would you want to teach? What subject do you think would be the hardest to teach? • Review: Is CO2 a compound or element, or mixture?

  8. Grade Sheet G1 • Important Mandala • Lab Rap • Supplies Extra Credit • Orange Sheet • People Bag • Ice Cube Labe • M&M Lab • Sponge Bob • Metric Mania • Disney SM S&R • US to Metric • SM Test • History of the World • Design Your Own Question • Ber. I’ll Fly • M, C, E Lab • Chem/PhyLab • Fireworks • Matter Mandala • Search and Rescue • Stuff that Matters Test

  9. Grade Sheet G3 • Important Mandala • Lab Rap • Supplies Extra Credit • Orange Sheet • People Bag • Ice Cube Labe • M&M Lab • Sponge Bob • Metric Mania • Disney SM S&R • US to Metric • SM Test • History of the World • Design Your Own Question • Ber. I’ll Fly • M, C, E Lab • Chem/PhyLab • Fireworks • Matter Mandala • Search and Rescue • Stuff that Matters Test

  10. Grade Sheet G4 • Important Mandala • Lab Rap • Supplies Extra Credit • Orange Sheet • People Bag • Ice Cube Labe • M&M Lab • Sponge Bob • Metric Mania • Disney SM S&R • US to Metric • SM Test • History of the World • Design Your Own Question • Ber. I’ll Fly • M, C, E Lab • Chem/PhyLab • Fireworks • Matter Mandala • Search and Rescue • Stuff that Matters Test • Letter To a Guardian

  11. Grade Sheet G4 • Important Mandala • Lab Rap • Supplies Extra Credit • Orange Sheet • People Bag • Ice Cube Labe • M&M Lab • Sponge Bob • Metric Mania • Disney SM S&R • US to Metric • SM Test • History of the World • Design Your Own Question • Ber. I’ll Fly • M, C, E Lab • Chem/PhyLab • Fireworks • Matter Mandala • Search and Rescue • Stuff that Matters Test

  12. Grade Sheet O3 or 7th • Important Mandala • Lab Rap • Supplies Extra Credit • Orange Sheet • People Bag • Ice Cube Labe • M&M Lab • Sponge Bob • Metric Mania • US to Metric • SM Test • History of the World • Design Your Own Question • Ber. I’ll Fly • M, C, E Lab • Chem/PhyLab • Fireworks • Matter Mandala • Search and Rescue • Stuff that Matters Test

  13. Grade Sheet O4 or 8th • Important Mandala • Lab Rap • Supplies Extra Credit • Orange Sheet • People Bag • Ice Cube Labe • M&M Lab • Sponge Bob • Metric Mania • US to Metric • SM Test • History of the World • Design Your Own Question • Ber. I’ll Fly • M, C, E Lab • Chem/PhyLab • Fireworks • Matter Mandala • Search and Rescue • Stuff that Matters Test

  14. Warm-up 10/25/12 • Teach the Teacher: What is the best outdoor winter activity? • Review: What is the group that you do nothing too?

  15. Flash Card On the Front Write: On the Back Write: Top number, tells the number of protons and electrons • Atomic Number

  16. Chemical Symbols (Scientist Texting) • Abbreviations for chemicals • Punctuation is KEY • Capital Letters big, little letters small • Spacing • Elements • ALWAYS Start with a capital letter • Symbols can be 1,2 or 3 letters • First letter is capitalized and 2nd & 3rd are lowercase

  17. Example of Messing up Chemical Symbol • CO doesn’t equal Co • CO = Carbon monoxide • Co = Cobalt

  18. Periods • Periods—horizontal rows of elements on the periodic table. • Periods are numbered 1-7 • Elements increase by one proton as you move from left to right across a period.

  19. Groups • Groups (or families)—vertical columns on the periodic table. • They are numbered 1-18. • Elements in each group have similar properties.

  20. Electrons & The Periodic Table • The periodic table organizes elements based on where their electrons are located. • Electrons (e-)—are located in different energy levels around the nucleus. • Elements in the same group have electrons arranged similarly which gives them similar properties.

  21. Solid, Liquid, or Gas?

  22. Electron Shells • The number of energy levels or electron shells is determined by the period number. • Period 1: 1 electron shell and can hold 2 e- • Period 2: 2 electron shells & can hold 8 e- • Period 3: 3 electron shells & can hold 16 e- • As you move down the periodic table, 1 electron shell is added each time. • The outer electron shell must be full (usually with 8 e-) to be stable.

  23. Warm-Up 10/26/12 • Teach the teacher questions: If you could get a gift card to any store in the mall, what store would it be? • Review: List as many elements as you can think of (you can use resources).

  24. Electron Dot Diagrams • You can show the number of electrons in the outermost electron shell by using an electron dot diagram. • Dot diagrams use valence electrons which are the electrons in the outer electron shell. • Electron Dot Diagram—uses the symbol of the element and dots to represent the valence electrons.

  25. Ions • atom or molecule with missing or extra electrons • Ions are charged particles (positive or negative) • charge = #protons - #electrons • charge given as a trailing superscript • positive ions are cationsX+ • negative ions are anionsX–

  26. Flash Card On the Front Write: On the Back Write: Bottom number, is the mass of protons and neutrons • Atomic Mass

  27. Flash Card On the Front Write: On the Back Write: Holds protons and neutrons • Nucleus

  28. Flash Card On the Front Write: On the Back Write: Periodic square information Atomic # Symbol Element Atomic Mass

  29. Warm-up 10/29/12 • Teach the Teacher: If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be? (example: bald eagle, hummingbird, penguin) • Review: What is all the information that is given to you on one square of a periodic table?

  30. Flash Card On the Front Write: On the Back Write: Number of electrons in the outer most shell • Valence Electrons

  31. Flash Card On the Front Write: On the Back Write: Elements in the same column, have similar properties Groups

  32. Flash Card On the Front Write: On the Back Write: Elements found in the same row • Periods

  33. Flash Card • On the front: • 1. Hydrogen • 2. Helium • 3. Lithium • 4. Beryllium • 5. Boron • On the Back: • 1. H • 2. He • 3. Li • 4. Be • 5. B

  34. Pillowcase Vocab

  35. Graffiti Notes What you need: Key saying what each color stands for 2 colors 1 to circle vocab words 1 to put an arrow  towards important info

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