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Cold War Crisis Points

Cold War Crisis Points. China to Terrorism. China Civil war in ’30s Nationalists v. Communists Joint Effort v. Japan in WW2 Civil War resumes ’40s Cold War. Nationalists Chiang Kai- Shek Corruption Ineffective Leader Support of USA Loses, flees Republic of China aka Taiwan. Communists

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Cold War Crisis Points

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  1. Cold War Crisis Points China to Terrorism

  2. ChinaCivil war in ’30sNationalists v. CommunistsJoint Effort v. Japan in WW2Civil War resumes ’40sCold War • Nationalists • Chiang Kai-Shek • Corruption • Ineffective Leader • Support of USA • Loses, flees • Republic of China aka Taiwan • Communists • Mao Zedong • Long March • Peasant support • Support of USSR • Wins 1949… domino • People’s Republic of China… mainland

  3. Communists vs. Nationalists Jiang Jieshi (a.k.a. Chiang Kai-shek) Mao Zedong

  4. Communists vs. Nationalists • Civil War Resumes • Economic problems cause Nationalist soldiers to desert to Communists • Mao’s troops take control of China’s major cities • In 1949, People’s Republic of China is created • Nationalists flee to Taiwan

  5. The Two Chinas Affect the Cold War • The Superpowers React • U.S. supports Nationalist state in Taiwan, called Republic of China • Soviets and China agree to help each other in event of attack • U.S. tries to stop Soviet expansion and spread of communism in China

  6. The Two Chinas Affect the Cold War • China Expands under the Communists • China takes control of Tibet and southern Mongolia • India welcomes Tibetan refugees fleeing revolt against Chinese • China and India clash over border; fighting stops but tensions remain

  7. The Communists Transform China • Communists Claim a New “Mandate of Heaven” • Chinese Communists organize national government and Communist Party • Mao’s Brand of Marxist Socialism • Mao takes property from landowners and divides it among peasants • Government seizes private companies and plans production increase

  8. The Communists Transform China • New Policies and Mao’s Response • China and Soviet Union clash over leadership of communist movement • Strict socialist ideas are moderated, Mao reduces his role in government • Red Guards—militia units formed to enforce strict communism in China

  9. The Communists Transform China • The Cultural Revolution • Cultural Revolution—movement to build society of peasants and workers • Red Guards—groups of violent and radical youth—close schools and execute or imprison many intellectuals • In 1968, Chinese army imprisons, executes, or exiles most Red Guards who have been labeled by the government “Counter Revolutionary.” • However, the Cultural Revolution continues until Mao’s death in 1976.

  10. The Red Guards: China’s Teenage Police Force Between 1966 and 1976, students in China’s Red Guard waged a Cultural Revolution on teachers and professionals that left a million people dead and the country in chaos.

  11. Red Guards holding Mao’s “Little Red Book” of his sayings during the cultural revolution.

  12. Korea: Cold War by Proxy • Korea Divided @ 38th ││ • USSR > N. Korea • USA >> S. Korea • NK invades SK • UN Police Action • US troops • Douglas MacArthur • Stalemate • Armistice 1953 • Was it worth it?

  13. War in Korea • Standoff at the 38th Parallel • In 1950, North Koreans invade South Korea with Soviet support • South Korea requests UN assistance; 15 nations send troops • Douglas MacArthur—leads UN forces against North Koreans • North Koreans controls most of the peninsula when MacArthur attacks • Half of North Korea’s army surrenders, the rest retreat

  14. War in Korea • The Fighting Continues • UN troops push North Koreans almost to Chinese border • Chinese send 300,000 troops against UN forces and capture Seoul • MacArthur calls for nuclear attack and is removed from command • In 1953, cease fire signed and border established at 38th parallel

  15. War in Korea • Aftermath of the War • North Korea builds collective farms, heavy industry, nuclear weapons • South Korea establishes democracy, growing economy with U.S. aid

  16. The Khrushchev Era & De-Stalinization • Stalin dies ’53 • Nikita Khrushchev emerges • De-Stalinization • Secret Speech ’56 • Denounce Stalin • Remove Stalin supporters • Purge Memory of Stalin • Destroy monuments • Peaceful Competition

  17. The Cold War Divides the World • The Threat of Nuclear War • Soviet Union explodes its first atomic bomb in 1949 • U.S. and Soviet Union both develop the more powerful hydrogen bomb • Brinkmanship—policy of willingness to go to the edge of war • Increasing tensions lead to military buildup by U.S. and the Soviets

  18. The Cold War Divides the World • The Cold War in the Skies • In 1957, Soviets launch Sputnik, first unmanned satellite. THE SPACE RACE BEGINS! • In 1960, Soviets shoot down American spy plane (a U-2), increasing tensions

  19. A replica of Sputnik 1

  20. U-2 spy plane similar to the one shot down over the U.S.S.R.

  21. Francis Gary Powers with a model of a U-2 spy plane.

  22. Wreckage of Gary Powers’ U-2

  23. Cold War Crisis Points • Hungarian Uprising 1956 • Imre Nagy • Sought greater independence from USSR • Sought coalition with non-communists • Sought Hungarian neutrality • Seizure • Protesters seize radio station… HELP! • No US response…?? • Soviet response • Soviet tanks crush uprising • Nagy executed > New Pro-Soviet leader Janos Kadar • Result • Cold War boundaries solidified in E. Europe • US - Soviet spheres accepted in Europe

  24. Cold War Crisis Points • Sputnik ’57 • Soviet victory = Western fear • Kitchen debates w/ Nixon • U-2 Incident • US spy-plane shot down • US lies > no apology > ↑ tension • Communist Split • Soviet vs. Chinese • Doctrine & Spheres of Influence • Berlin Wall ’61 • Vienna Conference w/ JFK • US response > Wall • Cuban Missile Crisis ’62 • Soviet nukes in Cuba > “Quarantine” • Khrushchev ‘resigns’

  25. Confrontations in Latin America • Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution • Fidel Castro—leads revolt in Cuba against dictator supported by the U.S. • By 1959, Castro in power, nationalizes economy, takes U.S. property • In 1961, Castro defeats U.S. trained Cuban exiles at the Bay of Pigs

  26. Fidel Castro

  27. Confrontations in Latin America • Nuclear Face-off: the Cuban Missile Crisis • In 1962, U.S. demands removal of Soviet missiles in Cuba • Soviets withdraw missiles; U.S. promises not to invade Cuba • Cuban economy is left dependent on Soviet support

  28. From Brinkmanship to Détente • Brinkmanship Breaks Down • Brinkmanship cause repeated crises; nuclear war a constant threat • John F. Kennedy—U.S. president during the Cuban Missile Crisis • Lyndon Johnson—president who increases U.S. involvement in Vietnam

  29. From Brinkmanship to Détente • The United States Turns to Détente • Vietnam-era turmoil fuels desire for less confrontational policy • Détente—policy of reducing Cold War tensions to avoid conflict • Richard M. Nixon—U.S. president who launches détente • Détente grows out of philosophy known as realpolitik—”realistic politics”—recognizes need to be practical and flexible

  30. Cold War Crisis PointsThe Brezhnev Era • Policy Changes • ↑repression ↓freedoms • Arrest of A. Solzhenitsyn • Czechoslovakia 1968 • A. Dubcek softens Czech communism • Soviet invasion >> Brezhnev Doctrine • Détente • Ike, JFK, LBJ = Brinkmanship • Nixon = realpolitik + détente>> ↓ tension • Nixon visits China & USSR >> SALT ITreaty • Afghanistan 1979 • Muslim revolt vs. Afghan Communist regime • Soviet invasion >> 10 Year War >> Soviets leave ’89 • Moscow Olympics boycotted by US & allies • Ruins Soviet economy • US supports Taliban & Osama Bin-Laden vs. USSR

  31. From Brinkmanship to Détente • Nixon Visits Communist Powers • Nixon visits Communist China and Soviet Union, signs SALT I Treaty • SALT—Strategic Arms Limitation Talks—limits nuclear weapons

  32. Nixon visiting China

  33. The Collapse of Détente • Policy Changes • Nixon and Gerald Ford improve relations with Soviets and China • Jimmy Carter has concerns about Soviet policies but signs SALT II • Congress will not ratify SALT II due to Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

  34. Confrontations in the Middle East • The Superpowers Face Off in Afghanistan • Soviets invade Afghanistan to help Communist government against rebels • Muslim rebels fight guerilla war against Soviets with U.S. weapons • U.S. stops grain shipments to Soviet Union • Soviets eventually withdraw in 1989

  35. Cold War Crisis Points Poland & 1980s Solidarity Movement • Economic Failure of Communist Party • Food & Product Shortages • Pope John Paul II– Polish Pope – Paves Way for Reform • ↑ Meat Prices >> Protests >> STRIKES! • Aug 80 • Lech Walesa & Workers gained right to organize • Independent union – Solidarity - formed • Sept 80 • Polish Communist Leadership replaced • Solidarity officially recognized • Radio broadcast of Catholic Mass –WOW! • Summer 81 • Secret Ballot Elections held… WOW! • Crackdown! • Martial Law declared by Gen. Jaruzelski 1981 – 83 • Avoided Soviet invasion

  36. The Collapse of Détente • Reagan Takes an Anti-Communist Stance • Ronald Reagan—anti-Communist U.S. president takes office in 1981 • Reagan increases military spending and proposes a missile defense program • In 1985, new Soviet leadership allows easing of Cold War tensions

  37. Confrontations in Latin America • Civil War in Nicaragua • Anastasio Somoza Debayle—Nicaraguan dictator supported by the U.S. • Daniel Ortega—leads Sandinista rebels who take power in Nicaragua • U.S. and Soviet Union both initially support Sandinistas • Sandinistas aid Communist rebels in El Salvador • U.S. helps anti-Communist Contras in Nicaragua to assist El Salvador • In 1990, Nicaragua holds first free elections, Sandinistas lose

  38. Anastasio Somoza Debayle (U.S. supported president of Nicaragua from 1967-1980) Daniel Ortega on Time magazine, March 31, 1986

  39. Cold War & De-ColonizationTransforming Colonies to Countries • GB & India • Mohandas K Gandhi • Passive Resistance – Civil Disobedience • 1920s – 1940s >> Indian Independence • Indian National Congress • Textile Boycott & Salt March • Indian Independence & Partition • Muslim League – Muhammad Ali Jinnah • Pakistan = Muslim / India = Hindu • Tensions persist … Kashmir

  40. France & Vietnam: Cold War by Proxy • French Indochina • WW2 = J takes it! • Post-WW2 • F wants it back! • Ho Chi Minh + Vietminh seek independence • Dien Bien Phu = F lost • Geneva Conference ’54 • Split @ 17th║ • US backs Ngo Dinh Diem (SV) • Ho Chi Minh (NV) • US involvement … ’61 thru ’73 • Advisors > Air > Infantry Escalation > Vietnamization > Withdrawal • SV surrenders 4/30/75 • Vietnam remains Communist

  41. War Breaks Out in Vietnam • The Road to War • Ho Chi Minh—Vietnamese nationalist, later Communist leader • The Fighting Begins • In 1954, French surrender to Vietnamese after major defeat • Domino theory—U.S. theory of Communist expansion in Southeast Asia Ho Chi Minh

  42. The War in Vietnam, 1957-1973 Note the Ho Chi Minh Trail through Laos and Cambodia

  43. War Breaks Out in Vietnam • Vietnam—A Divided Country • International peace conference agrees on a divided Vietnam • Ngo Dinh Diem—leads anti-Communist government in South Vietnam • Vietcong—South Vietnamese Communist guerillas fighting against Diem Ngo Dinh Diem

  44. The United States Gets Involved • U.S. Troops Enter the Fight • In 1964, U.S. sends troops to fight Viet Cong and North Vietnamese • U.S. fights guerilla war defending increasingly unpopular government • Vietcong gains support from Ho Chi Minh, China, and Soviet Union

  45. The United States Gets Involved • The United States Withdraws • War grows unpopular in the U.S.; in 1969, Nixon starts withdrawing troops • Vietnamization—Nixon’s plan to withdraw U.S. from war gradually • Last U.S. troops leave in 1973; South Vietnam overrun in 1975

  46. Postwar Southeast Asia • Vietnam after the War • Saigon renamed Ho Chi Minh City; Vietnam united as Communist nation • About 1.5 million people flee Vietnam, some settling in the U.S. and Canada • In 1995, United States normalizes relations with Vietnam

  47. Postwar Southeast Asia • Cambodia in Turmoil • Khmer Rouge—Communist rebels who take control of Cambodia in 1975 • They slaughter 2 million people; overthrown by Vietnamese invaders • In 1993, Cambodia adopts democracy, holds elections with UN help Pol Pot, leader of the Khmer Rouge (Cambodian Communist Party, literally “Red Khmers”) in 1977 at the height of his power

  48. Postwar Southeast Asia • The Killing Fields were a number of sites in Cambodia where large numbers of people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during its rule of the country from 1975 to 1979, immediately after the end of the Vietnam War.

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