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DWH Science Summit LSU Science in Support of DWH Oil Spill. Minerals Management Services June 3, 2010. Immediate Science Actions (since incident).
DWH Science Summit LSU Science in Support of DWH Oil Spill Minerals Management Services June 3, 2010
Immediate Science Actions (since incident) MMS is providing scientific experts and technical direction in the development and participation in Response Teams and the Unified Command for DWH oil spill with multiple agencies. MMS is providing extensive data and model results for the prediction of the spilled oil to aid response and clean up planning and response. Collection of reports and data from MMS Gulf of Mexico Studies for baseline assessment and extensions of ongoing projects Lophelia II Project with NOAA – 2008-2009 Deep Water Corals for baseline data. Deep water circulation and Loop Current Studies
Immediate Science Actions (since incident) • Oceanographic Models and Measurements • MMS participated in an interagency oil spill model review team to ensure the highest confidence in the results. • Dispersant Studies • MMS provided information and references from funded TAR and ESP studies including two NRC books. • Passive tracer modeling at the surface and 800 m depth; conducted sub-surface sampling to detect the fate and concentration of DWH oil and dispersants • Magnitude of the DWH Spill • MMS is participating in the Flow Rate Technical Group (FRTG) which will provide scientifically validated information to determine the volume of DWH oil flow and spill.
MMS - NOAA/AOML Airborne Survey of Loop Current using airdrop probes • MMS - NOAA/AOML ongoing airborne surveys of Loop Current (LC) for use in oceanographic models and hurricane study. • MMS provided an additional $100K for spill response and deployed 180 AXBT and 60 AXCTD since DWH spill. http://www.aoml.noaa.gov/ Deployment of bathythermographs
MMS - NOAA/AMOL Airborne Survey Flight Patterns over Loop Current • Recent survey (5/21) reveal that LC may be in the process of shedding Loop Current Eddy (LCE); surveys will continue. SSH Image from University of Miami
Near-Term Science Actions(1-6 months) • Modification of MMS ongoing contracts to target DWH spill issues have been initiated • Socio-economic Studies • MMS/LSU conference (5/26-28, 2010) in Gulf of Mexico Region to discuss baseline socio-economic data and planning for study design • Dispersant Studies (providing technical direction) • Exposure studies to better understand the impacts if dispersants on biota
Near-Term Science Actions (1-6 months) • MMS Loop Current Study (contract with SAIC) • Extensive mooring arrays have been deployed in the center of the LC to investigate its dynamics; first year data will be available for hindcast modeling • Water samples will be collected and analyzed at the mooring sites during the rotation to track the extend of DWH spilled oil
Near-Term Science Actions(1-6 months) • Ongoing interagency MMS/NOAA OER/USGS study (NOPP) of deep-water coral habitats (Lophelia II) identified as invaluable source of pre- post-spill data • Existing photomosaic images acquired at sites near and distant to DWH oil spill location • Currently operating sediment/larval traps near and distant to DWH oil spill location • MMS/NOAA OER/USGS Lophelia II study contractor has been identified for NRDA proposal on deep coral habitats to include rapid response field sampling cruise
Near-Term Science Actions(1-6 months) Study sites for ongoing MMS/NOAA OER/USGS Lophelia II project Lophelia deep-water coral Photomosaic of deep-water coral Madrepora Block GC 852, 4,625 ft depth. Operating time-series sediment traps, one located directly under DWH oil spill and one located outside: both at deep coral sites
MMS Environmental Studies Program Gulf of Mexico Projects LSU Coastal Marine Institute Partnership Effects of Loop Current and Loop Current Eddies - Analysis Using the Real-time MMS ADCPs from Oil Platforms Multiple Deep Water Studies concluding through 2010. MMS contractors – SAIC, LSU, TAMU, CICESE, Evan-Hamilton, Inc, Princeton University Climatological, Bio-Physical and Deep water Models in development with multiple partners and contractors.
Effects of Loop Current and Loop Current Eddies - Analysis Using the Real-time MMS ADCPs from Oil Platforms – Coastal Marine Institute, Louisiana State University http://www.ndbc.noaa.gov/maps/ADCP_WestGulf.shtml
Long-Term Science Actions (2 mos. to decades) MMS Studies Plan Development • Coastal and At-Sea Gulf Coast Spill Impacts • Impacts of the DWH spill on sea turtles • Impacts of the DWH spill on productivity, nutrient cycling and species composition of Gulf Coast marshes • Long-term Monitoring • Hydrocarbon monitoring studies at the surface and in the deep sea communities • Residual effects of dispersants and dispersed oil in the environment and target species
Long-Term Science Actions (2 mos. to decades) • Contract modification to existing MMS/NOAA OER/USGS Lophelia II project to address DWH spill impacts • Additional field sampling 2010 and adding 2011 • NOAA OER expected additional contribution of ROV in 2011 • Continued improvements of ocean models and oil spill trajectory methods • AMAPPS –Marine mammal, sea turtle and sea bird mapping program, utilizing historic and new data for species mapping expanded to Gulf since DWH spill.
Long-Term Science Actions (2 mos. to decades) PARTNERSHIPS Research, Coordination, Information & Dissemination* MMS/LSU Coastal Marine Institute NOAA, USGS, Navy IOOS, GCOOS, SECOORA National Ocean Partnership Program Cooperative Ecosystem Study Units *MMS uses Cooperative Agreements and Contracts to facilitate the timely delivery of information.