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The Bolsheviks in Power

Explore the Bolshevik Revolution of November 1917, Lenin's rise to power, War Communism's effects, Lenin's death, and the Russian Civil War. Learn about Bolshevik strategy to tackle Czarist problems and establish a communist regime.

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The Bolsheviks in Power

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  1. The Bolsheviks in Power Civil War, War Communism and the Rise of Lenin

  2. The Provisional Government Topples • November 1917-Red Guards storm the Winter Palace • Took over govt & replaced officials • Bolsheviks promise “Peace, Land & Bread”

  3. End of Czar Nicholas THE MAD MONK WAS RIGHT! • March 1917-Placed under house arrest after abdication • July 1917-family moved to Urals • November 1917-Bolsheviks come to power • Stricter rules • July 1918-Entire family is executed

  4. Lenin & the Bolsheviks are going to look to the philosophy of what thinker for their new government? Karl Marx Let’s look at his philosophy once more…

  5. Marxism/Socialism There has NEVER been a truly Communist nation.

  6. People Look to Marx • Why didn’t Marxism/Socialism take hold in Europe during the Industrial Revolution? • Reform movements changed/solved the problems of the workers • No need for a revolution

  7. Lenin’s Communism vs Marx’s Communism COMMUNISM Marxism/ Socialism Totalitarianism

  8. The new Bolshevik government

  9. Inherited Problems • Need to solve problems left over from Czarist rule What were some of those problems?

  10. PROBLEM Peasants granted ½ of land & had to pay for 49 yrs LENIN’S SOLUTION Redistribution of land Land Distribution

  11. PROBLEM Dangerous for workers Little pay Child labor LENIN’S SOLUTION Control of factories given to workers Factories

  12. PROBLEM Russia involved in WWI Millions die Famine Unemployment LENIN’S SOLUTION Signed a truce w/ Germany March 1918-signed Treaty of Brest-Litovsk Gave land to Germany World War I

  13. New Problems for the Bolsheviks • Terms of treaty angers ppl • Discontent w/ Bolsheviks • Needed to get rid of enemies at home • White Army • Those w/in Russia against Bolsheviks • Aided by many western nations including US

  14. Russian Civil War: Whitesvs. Reds • 1918- Red Army (Bolsheviks) vs White Army • ~15 million people died • Left Russia in chaos • 1920-Red Army won • Showed Bolshevik ability to take & maintain power

  15. Lenin’s Version of Communism • War Communism • Controlled industry • Told factories what to produce • Forced peasants to give grain • Banned private trading • Trade unions were banned

  16. Effects of War Communism • Cities in chaos • Orphaned children • High crime rates • Currency collapse • Payments=food & fuel • Agricultural collapse • 5m die of starvation

  17. What do you think is going on in the bottom of this picture? • The famine affected both the countryside and the cities. There were reports of cannibalism in some districts. • This was written 1922 "Sometimes mothers and fathers feed their children human meat as a last resort. Sometimes a starving family eats the body of one of its junior members. Sometimes parents at night seize part of a body from a cemetery and feed it to their children”.

  18. How does Lenin deal? • The New Economic Policy (N.E.P) • Small scale version of capitalism • Aspects of the N.E.P. • Sell surplus cropsProfits • Govt controls of lg industries, banks & communications but allowed small private ownership • Encouraged foreign investment

  19. Lenin’s Political Reforms • Nationalism=THREAT to govt • Many self-governing republics under 1 central government • 1922-Russia is renamed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) • Bolsheviks renamed the Communist Party • Est a dictatorship of Communists, not a dictatorship of proletariats like Marx had wanted

  20. Lenin’s Death • Lenin would not live to see the economic recovery • Had several strokes • Last 18 months- semi-invalid • 1924-Lenin dies • Power struggle for control of the party/country

  21. What do these two things have in common?

  22. Imagine that you are a reporter investigating Russian responses to the N.E.P. Write a ‘sound bite’ for each of the characters below. An Industrialist A Communist Party Member A Private Trader A Russian Peasant

  23. Using your notes and/or textbook, place the following events on a timeline Bloody Sunday Alexander II announces decree to free the serfs Russo-Japanese War Russia is renamed the United Soviet Socialist Republic Nicholas II moves to front lines Rasputin is murdered March Revolution Nicholas II bring Russia into WWI Vladimir Lenin returns November Revolution Lenin dies Russian Civil War begins Russian Civil War ends Russian History Timeline

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