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This training covers EVM Tracking Application functionalities including CU and BU management, conflict resolution, image uploading, and data entry. It guides users on physical verification, distribution, and monitoring of EVMs at warehouse and polling station levels.
Training on EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 1
Presentation Contents Inter State/Intra State/ Intra district transfer of CU and BU Resolution of Conflicts via image uploading Corrections for 89-90 Model data entry of CU and BU Intra District Transfer from Strong Room and Strong Room AC to Strong Room and Strong Room AC Physical verification process using barcode reader Distribution of CU and BU at Warehouse (AC Strong room type) and Polling Station level for elections Polling Station allocation by AC Strong room WI CEO level EP pending/not pending/disposed status update for CU/BU mapped with polling station in Strong room AC Transfer of duplicate CU/BU to ECI warehouse Transfer of CU/BU for repair to BEL/ECIL warehouses Various reports for monitoring status of EVM’s EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 2
INTRODUCTION • EVM Tracking entry application have centralized database for EVMS distributed across 35 states and Uts of India. • ECIADMIN/CEO/DEO/Warehouse In-charge/ Manufacturer(BEL/ECIL) levels. • It allows Tracking of Control Unit and Ballot Unit and their location. This application has the facility to create and enter the warehouse details and stock entry of CU and BU. • Transfer of CU and BU once entered will not require re-entry of data. • It also keeps the check of duplicate entry of CU and BU in all the warehouses across the country. • Various Status messages for the CU and BU are being provided. • Transfer of machines at the State level, District level and the warehouse level can be initiated by the authorized personnel. • Supply orders are generated for each transfer; the source and destination entities can access the order and proceed with the operation. All the officials assisting in this purpose must adhere to the process to accomplish successful transfer of both CUs and BUs. • For the purpose of elections, the CUs and BUs sent to the polling stations are randomized at two different levels – Warehouse (STRONG ROOM) level and Warehouse (STRONG ROOM AC). The machines which are working and successfully passed at both the first level and second level checks will be sent to the polling stations. • CU/BU can be transferred from Strong Room and Strong Room AC with status FLC OK/Election/Training-Awareness • Reports for monitoring purpose are available at WI/DEO/CEO/Admin level EVM Tracking Application
Checklist of IT Infrastructure required to run the application • One computer (Preferably P4 and higher configuration) • Operating System : Windows 2003 or above • Install .NET Framework - Available for download at http://eci.nic.in/, Click on “election commission Officers Page” and login using original CEO/DEO username and password • Install Crystal Reports Runtime - Available for download at http://eci.nic.in/, Click on “election commission Officers Page” and login using the original CEO/DEO username and original password which is also used for downloading the EVM Data Entry application • Internet broadband connection • Barcode Reader EVM Tracking Application 4
1. Download EVM Application from http://eci.nic.in/, Click on “Election Commission Officers Page” link on this page and 2. Login using EVM Application original DEO/CEO username and original password .3. Under the heading Downloads - Click on “EVM Data Entry Application ” link to download.4. CEO/DEO will further distribute the installers to WI. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 5
Update to latest Version:If you see message shown below, that means a new version of application is launched and the new version will automatically download for you. If for some reason the automatic update is unsuccessful, please download the new version manually from ECI website. First uninstall the older version and then install the Latest EVM Tracking Application. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 6
To Install double click the installer file “EVMDataEntry.msi”- Open Application from(A Shortcut will also be created automatically in Desktop)All Programs->EVM Tracking EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 7
Login Screen: It begins with validation page where the credentials entered by the WI/DEO/CEO/Admin. You can access the manual by clicking on “User Manual” link EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 8
If wrong Username/password is entered, then user has to input text from the image along with username and password. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 9
The application opens main page to display the following options under Data Entry Form This page provides the menu to navigate through the application. Following are the menu items:Reports for monitoring purpose are available only at WI/DEO/CEO/Admin level ECI ADMIN LEVEL CEO LEVEL DEO LEVEL WARE HOUSE INCHARGE (Strong Room) WARE HOUSE INCHARGE (Strong Room AC) EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 10
Warehouse Master Invoked at DEO level: - DEO ->Warehouse Master>Enter Round Schedule. This form provides following facilities: a. Enter new warehouse details.b. Search an existing warehouse.c. Modify the details of an existing warehouse.d. Can create 3 types of Warehouses (Warehouse, Strong Room and Strong Room for AC) EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 11
Master Stock Register Data :It is evoked at DEO and WI level: - DEO/Warehouse >>Master Stock Register Data Entry ->> This form provides following facilities: a. Enter new master stock data.b. Search an existing master stock data.c. Modify the details of an existing master stock data EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 12
Creation of Warehouse In-charge id:The data entry of CUs and BUs which was earlier done at the DEO level will now be done by the warehouse in-charge only. The user id of the warehouse in-charge will be generated by the DEO. The password can also be reset by the DEO. Hence any requests for resetting the password of the warehouse in-charge must be sent to the DEO only.1. Once the DEO successfully logs into his account, he can go to the Create and Update users sub-menu of the DEO menu on the main menu page. He will then be able to see a list of warehouses under his district. He can create the user-id of the warehouse in-charge.2. The DEO can click on the Create User Button to create the user id of the warehouse in-charge. He can also reset the password by clicking on the reset password button. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 13
Transfer of CU & BU: Inter-State transfer of CU/BU is initiated by the EVM ADMIN at the Commission’s office. Inter – State Transfer of CU/BU EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 14
Transfer of CU & BU: Inter-State transfer for loaning of CU/BU to SEC is initiated by EVM ADMIN at the Commission’s office. Inter – State Transfer of CU/BU EVM Tracking Application 15
Intra – State Transfer of CU/BU –a. Intra-State transfer of CU/BU refers to the transfer of CU and BU from one district to another. This process is initiated by the CEO of the state.b. successful login, the CEO can choose the New Supply orders option from the sub-menu of CEO on the main menu page and then select the Intra – State Transfer tab. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 16
Intra – District Transfer of CU/BU : Intra-District transfer of CU/BU refers to the transfer of CU and BU from one warehouse to another. This process is initiated by the DEO of a district. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 17
Warehouse (Strong Room Type):During elections, Dist warehouses will transfer CUs/BUs to the district level Warehouse (strong room type) where they are checked by the engineers (BEL/ECIL). 1. DEO will be creating a new warehouse ( STRONG ROOM-dist level) and Strong AC – Ac level2. DEO will generate Intra-district transfer order for transferring CU/BU from normal warehouse to Warehouse(STRONG ROOM) for FLC(First Level Check)3. Warehouse In-charge can select in bulk number of CU/BU against intra district transfer order for sending CU/BU to Warehouse(STRONG ROOM) EVM Tracking Application 18 EVM Tracking Application
First Level Check [FLC] :During elections, warehouses will transfer CUs/BUs to the district level Warehouse (STRONG ROOM) where they are checked by the engineers (BEL/ECIL). 1. Once all the CUs and BUs have been checked, the warehouse In-charge (STRONG ROOM) will mark CU/BU’s as FLC failed (As shown in Screenshot). By default all the CU/BU’s transferred to STRONG ROOM will be marked as FLC OK.2. CU/BU list with FLC OK status should be exported into excel file for importing into NIC software for First Level randomization.3. DEO creates new warehouses (STRONG ROOM AC) for all the AC’s 4. DEO generates Intra District transfer order for transferring CU/BU ids as per the approved First randomized list From Dist level Warehouse(STRONG ROOM) to AC level warehouses[STRONG ROOM AC] located in each Assembly Constituency from where they will be allocated to the polling stations of that AC for the elections after SLC and second level randomization. EVM Tracking Application 19 EVM Tracking Application
First Level Check : BU and CU Unit details can be viewed after marking FLC FAILED1. The list of BU/BU with FLC OK status can be exported into excel filefrom Unit Details 2. This excel file should be imported into NIC’s randomization software for First level randomization. EVM Tracking Application 20 EVM Tracking Application
1. DEO will create AC level strong room Warehouse (STRONG ROOM AC)2. The DEO has to generate Intra district transfer order from Dist level Warehouse(STRONG ROOM) to these Warehouses (STRONG ROOMAC)3.Normal Intra district transfer cycle will be followed EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 21
1. DEO will generate an Intra-District Transfer order from the Strong Room Warehouse to Strong Room AC.2. The WI(Strong room) will send CUs/BUs from the warehouse as per the order generated.3. As soon as the order is selected, the After First Randomization panel appears on the screen for transferring CUs/BUs as per the requirement of the AC for elections as well as training purpose.4. The After First Randomization section clearly indicates the name and no. of the AC for which the order has been generated and the actual requirement of the CUs/BUs required for poll and the percentage of EVMs required for poll. All this data will be available to the WI (Strong room) as per the no. of contesting candidates provided in the Genesys Pre-Counting application EVM Tracking Application
5. The warehouse in-charge (STRONG ROOM) must now only select the CUs/BUs individually to be transferred against the order. He must then select if the chosen no. of units are being sent for the purpose of elections or for the purpose of training. Once done, the user must click on save EVM Tracking Application
After Second Level Randomization : 1. The list of BU/BU with ELECTION status can be exported into excel file2. This excel file can be imported into separate randomization software for Second level randomization.3. Based on Second level randomization report, Polling stations wise mapping and Reserve CU/BU id can be allocated. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 24
Intra – District/Intra State Transfer from Strong Room AC : 1. After receiving CUs/BUs Dist level Warehouse(Strong Room), the status of all units sent for the purpose of elections is updated to Elections and those sent for the purpose of training is updated to Training/Awareness.2. Any Intra- District / Intra- State Transfer order generated from the Strong Room AC must be executed now. All these units can be chosen against an order for transfer.3. It must be noted that only units with the status Elections or Training/Awareness can be transferred from the Strong Room AC.4. The WI ( Strong Room AC) will then assign the units to the Polling Stations/ Reserve.5. All the units once allocated to the Polling Stations will have their status updated to In the Polling. All the remaining units will be marked as In the Reserve. EVM Tracking Application
Assign Polling Stations by Units1.Based on BU requirement per polling station, BU and CU id have to be entered and saved.2. BU id will be based on the BU required per polling stations.3. Status for BU’s and CU will be changed to “In the Polling“ EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 26
Assign Units for Reserve/Training1. After allocation of CU/BU to polling stations remaining CU/BU have to be marked as “In the Strong room AC, Reserve2.Scan the Unit id via barcode reader or type the BU/CU id and press select button after selecting “In the strong room AC reserve”/ “Training-Awareness” EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 27
Allocate Reserve Units used in Polling1. During polling if set of BU and CU is required to be replaced with the reserve CU and BU then input CU/BU id via barcode reader or by manual typing, choose the manufacturer name, provide the votes polled in the EVM to be replaced and also the date of replacement. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 28
Second Randomization Report :WI can view the Units in Polling Stations and Reserve Units through units in Polling Stations and Units marked as Reserve reports respectively. EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 29
Polling Station Detail report1. Polling station details General and Auxiliary can be monitored from this report EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 30
First Randomization-> Prerequisites Steps Finalize candidates in Webgenesys. This is to determine the Ballot Units to be used per polling station. Complete FLC at District Level Strong room-> Only FLC Ok units will be considered for First Randomization. Make sure that all the polling stations are mapped in Control Tables Use DEO login for First Randomization
First Randomization -> Step 1 Select Elections menu. DEO->Elections • A popup will open. Select the election corresponding to your state. • Select the relevant elections from the list
First Randomization -> Step 2 • After Selecting the election, a new form will open as shown below. • You should create one AC Level Strong room for each AC listed in your state. Only then you can proceed with randomization. To create a warehouse use DEO->Warehouse Master. • Please check if all the data displayed in the form is correct. • Enter percentage for the training and reserve units required. • Click on Randomise button.
First Randomization -> Step 2 • After Clicking on Randomise button a popup will be shown with summary of number of units that will be randomized. • If you are sure with the information. Click yes.
First Randomization -> Step 3 • After Clicking on Yes. A new form will open that will show the list of all the randomized units.(Both BU and CU) as shown below • In this form you can randomize as many time as you like. • Once satisfied with randomization process. Print BU and CU report for distribution. • The last step will be to save the randomized units in database. For that you have to click on Finalize and Save Randomization button. PLEASE NOTE ONCE FINALISED YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RE-RANDOMISE.IF YOU CLOSE THIS SCREEN WITHOUT SAVING YOU HAVE TO EITHER DISTRIBUTE EVMS MANUALLY OR YOU HAVE TO RE-RANDOMISE
First Randomization -> Step 4 • Once finalized an automatic Warehouse supply order will be generated. You can print the order from DEO->History->Supply Order From. • If there are more than one District level strong room then you can login from each warehouse and print list of BU(s) and CU(s) allocated after randomization. • All the units allocated will have 0 as box number. • So while receiving from Dist level Strong room you can edit the box numbers. ----------------END OF FIRST RANDOMIZATION----------
Second Randomization • After you have received all the units in AC level strong room, you are ready for second randomization • Make sure that all polling stations are entered and mapped in control tables. • Login from AC Strong room Warehouse associated with AC • Click on Elections menu, select current election from the popup
Second Randomization(Step 1) • After selecting current election from the popup a new screen will open as shown below • Check if data is shown correctly. If sure press Randomise button to continue.
Second Randomization(Step 1) • After clicking on Randomise button, a new form will open that will show the randomised EVM. Please note this can take few minutes depending upon connection speed and load on server. • Please make sure all the units sent for training are marked as Training/Awareness, so that these are not considered for randomization. • Check if data is shown correctly. If sure press Randomise button to continue. • After pressing the button a new form will open as shown in next slide
Second Randomization(Step 2) • In this form you can randomize as many time as you like. • Once satisfied with randomization process. Print BU and CU report for distribution. • The last step will be to save the randomized units in database. For that you have to click on Finalize and Save Randomization button. PLEASE NOTE ONCE FINALISED YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO RE-RANDOMISE.IF YOU CLOSE THIS SCREEN WITHOUT SAVING YOU HAVE TO DISTRIBUTE EVMS MANUALLY TO POLLING STATIONS
EP Pending Cases • The CEO of the state can now update the status of the Strong Room AC warehouses which have an EP pending in Court. • Depending on the court case, the CEO can update the status of the Strong Room AC as ‘EP Not Filed’ , ’EP Filed’ and ‘EP Disposed’ EVM Tracking Application
Summary • Separate Menu at Admin/CEO/DEO/WI level • Various reports for monitoring available at ECI admin/CEO/DEO/WI • Inter State supply order initiated at ECI admin level ( from one state to other state ) • Intra State supply order initiated at CEO level ( District to District of same state) • Intra District supply order initiated at DEO level ( Warehouse to Warehouse of same district) • First level check at Warehouse In-charge [Strong Room] and Second level randomization at Warehouse In-charge [Strong Room AC] for election going states. • Intra-district and intra-state transfer for CU/BU from Strong Room and Strong Room AC EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 43
After Training for EVM Tracking 1. Understand clearly the importance of EVM Tracking application. 2. Correct Data Entry of CU and BU details like box number and manufacturing year is to be ensured. 3. Please resolve all the EVM conflict received with your state districts and with districts of other states. 3. CU/BU pending for receiving should be completed to populate warehouse stock 4. DEO of poll going states should create the warehouse [Strong Room] immediately and transfer CU/BU’s for marking FLC OK/FLC Failed EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 44
Help-desk / Support • Decentralized approach – ECI, CEO, DEO & SLA to handle trouble shooting • E-mail support at ECI • genesys@eci.gov.in • Attach print screens, log-files etc. as attachments • Voice support at ECI • (011) - 23355620(Direct), 23052041, 23052042 • or (011) - 23717391, 23717392 ….. 23717398, Ext. 274 • Contact Persons at ECI • Prabhat Gaurav / Kunal Arora / Dinesh Kumar / Dr Abhishek Sharma EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 45
Thank You for your valuable time ! EVM Tracking Application EVM Tracking Application 46