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Biology. Earth - dictionary. A atmosféra – atmosphere B biosféra – biosphere býložravec - herbivore bytost - being D dusík – nitrogen džungle - jungle E energie - energy G galaxie - galaxy H hmotnost – weight hydrosféra - hydrosphere hvězda – star J jezero – lake jíst - eat K
Earth - dictionary A atmosféra – atmosphere B biosféra – biosphere býložravec - herbivore bytost - being D dusík – nitrogen džungle - jungle E energie - energy G galaxie - galaxy H hmotnost – weight hydrosféra - hydrosphere hvězda – star J jezero – lake jíst - eat K koryto - trough kyslík – oxygen L les - forest louka - meadow M masožravec - carnivore minerál – mineral močál - swamp moře - sea N nepravidelnost O objevit - discover oblak - cloud obloha – sky obvod – perimetr oceán – ocean odliv – low tide organismus - organism osa - axis otáčet se – rotate P pára - steam pevnina – land, mainland planeta – planet plyn – gas podzemí – underground poledník – meridian polokoule – hemispehre potravní řetězec – food chain povrch - surface pozorovat – observe prales – virgin forest příliv – high tide přírodní katastrofa – natural disaster průmysl - industry R reprodukovat - reproduce rotace - rotation rovník – equator rovnoběžka – parallel rovnodennost – equinox rozložit – decompose růst - grow rychlost - speed S Slunce - sun Sluneční soustava – Solar system slunovrat - solstice sopka – vulcano strom – tree sucho - draught světlo - light T tajga - taiga teplo – warmth tundra – tundra tvar – shape U údolí - valley V vesmír – space vítr - wind vrstva – layer všežravec - omnivore výměna - exchange vzdálenost – distance Z zemřít - die
Discussion Where is the Earth? What colour does it have? Why? What parts of the Earth can you name? What kind of climate can people live in? What places do animals live in? What conditions do most animals and plants need for their life? Can you name any animals that live under water, in the mountains, in the desert or in the sky? http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?searchterm=earth&search_group=&lang=cs&search_source=search_form#id=118337104&src=OGvpIrcaMK5Rd_mpHQPiZw-1-1 • Answer these questions • What is the original source of energy? • What is the surface of the Earth covered with? • Why do organisms consume food? • What is a food chain? • What is a herbivore? • What is a carnivore? • What in an omnivore? • What is a decomposer? • Does every organism need food? • Why do we need sunlight? • Do all organisms reproduce? • What happens when an organism doesn´t have enough nutrients? Ecosystems - dicussion What kinds of ecosystems do you know? What are their typical features? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Say a little bit about... LIFE IN THE MOUNTAINS LIFE IN THE OCEANS LIFE IN THE DESERT LIFE IN FROZEN PLACES LIFE IN GREAT PLAINS AND GRASSLANDS LIFE IN THE JUNGLE LIFE IN THE FRESH WATER LIFE IN THE CAVES Where can I find ..... and what do you know about it? pandas ______________________________________________ bamboo ______________________________________________ volcano ______________________________________________ polar desert ______________________________________________ polar bear ______________________________________________ seal ______________________________________________ plankton ______________________________________________ microorganism ______________________________________________ prairie ______________________________________________ bat ______________________________________________ fish ______________________________________________ salamander ______________________________________________ You and biology Why are you interested in biology? What are you interested in the most... animals, plants, ecosystems, environmental problems? Is biology popular at schools? Why yes, why not? What can we do to make children interested in biology?
Earth – links and resources • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006mywy - planeta Země • http://nineplanets.org/earth.html - informace o planetě • http://planetearth.nerc.ac.uk/ - planeta Země rozcestník • http://www.bbcamerica.com/planet-earth/ - planeta Země videa • http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-system/earth/ - planeta Země, prostředí, problémy, prehistorie a člověk • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/collections/p00fxg1n - kolekce videí • http://syzygyastro.hubpages.com/hub/Evolution-of-Animals-and-Plants-Changed-Planet-Earth - vývoj zvířat a jejich vliv na vývoj Země • http://news.discovery.com/adventure/tags/ocean.htm - život pod vodou • http://animals.about.com/od/zoologybasics/a/howmanyspecies.htm - zvířecí druhy a jejich počet • http://planetearthherald.com/top-10-environmental-issues/ - problémy, kterým planeta čelí • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074sh2 - video jeskyně • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074tgb - video džungle • http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074shj - video pouště • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/habitats/Tropical_and_subtropical_moist_broadleaf_forests - deštné pralesy
Food chain - dictionary A absorbovat – absorb adaptace – adaptation archebakterie – archea B bakterie – bacteria C cukr – sugar D dominantní - dominant E efektivní - efficient elektron – electron energie - energy F fotosyntéza - photosynthesis CH chlorofyl – chrolophyll chloroplast – chloroplast J jídlo - food K kámen – stone konzumovat – consume kořist - prey krmit - feed kyslík - oxygene M membrána – membrane minerál - mineral N nepřímo - indirectly O objevit se – occur odpad - waste organela – organelle organismus - organism oxid uhličitý – carbon dioxide P parasitismus - parasitism pohon – fuel predátor – predator primární - primary proces – process produkovat - produce protein – protein přeměnit – convert přímo – directly půda - soil R reakce – reaction redukovat - reduce rostlina - plant Ř řasy – algae S sekundární - secondary sinice - cyanobacteria složka – compound slunce – sun snížit - decrease stravitelný - digestive světlo - light T tělo - body termální vřídlo – hydrotermal vent tok - flow V virus - virus voda - water výjimka – exception Z zakořeněný – embedded zdroj – source zvýšit - increase Ž život - life životně důležitý - vital
Discussion • What is the food chain? • Describe photosynthesis in your own • words. • Name things necessary for photosynthesis. • What is photosynthesis good for? • How does water take part in the • photosynthesis? • 6. Is light important in photosynthesis? Why? • 7. Is suger needed for photosynthesis? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-108116966/stock-vector-vector-process-of-photosynthesis.html?src=YSOW2tZh386J5Yn0MBLA5w-1-3 What food do these animals eat? Are they carnivores, omnivores or herbivores? DOG _________________________________________ OCTOPUS _________________________________________ TIGER _________________________________________ ANT _________________________________________ BEE _________________________________________ SHARK _________________________________________ WHALE _________________________________________ SNAIL _________________________________________ MOUSE _________________________________________ CAMEL _________________________________________ LLAMA _________________________________________ KANGAROO _________________________________________ MOLE _________________________________________ COBRA _________________________________________ COW _________________________________________ Can you name any decomposing animals or organisms? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
Do you know the answer? Where do plants get their energy from? Describe what would happen if one link of a food chain were to die off. Are there any animals that don´t eat anything? Is the toad a producer or a consumer? Is the lion part of the food chain? What is the food chain in Antarctica fragile? What is the position of worms in the food chain? Is there any special term for animals eating only insect? Who eats snakes? What kind of examples of the food chain can be found on the beach? Would anything change of all insect would disappear? What/Who is on the top of the food chain? What are primary consumers? What are secondary consumers? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-109796303/stock-photo-estremadura-griffon-vulture-in-a-detailed-portrait-standing-on-a-rock-overseeing-his-territory.html?src=88WVkbMJeg8nGNOjsaK3Wg-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-61613566/stock-photo-tentacles-octopus-in-back-light.html?src=dqg2Z_WS8b3cytOAC8m9NQ-1-17 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-114499252/stock-photo-elephant-isolated-on-white.html?src=BZSs1DQQlS3RzHCFb_JIDQ-1-0 Can you explain these words? Can you comment them as well? CHAIN ________________________________________________ CONSUME ________________________________________________ DIET ________________________________________________ EQUILIBRIUM ________________________________________________ FOOD ________________________________________________ INSECT ________________________________________________ DIE ________________________________________________ KILL ________________________________________________ PLANT ________________________________________________ PREY ________________________________________________ Name these animals, talk about their food, environment, position in the food chain and some other features of their lives.
Food chain - links • http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/foodchain/ - potravinový řetězec • http://www.vtaide.com/png/foodchains.htm - potravinový řetězec, pyramida i rozdělení zvířat • http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/science/living_things/food_chains/play/ - hra na potravinový řetězec pro děti • http://biology.about.com/od/plantbiology/a/aa050605a.htm - fotosyntéza • http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/marssim/simhtml/info/whats-a-carnivore.html - masožravci • http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/marssim/simhtml/info/whats-an-omnivore.html - všežravci • http://www.qrg.northwestern.edu/projects/marssim/simhtml/info/whats-a-herbivore.html - býložravci • http://www.thestar.ie/star/more-must-be-done-to-predict-food-chain-problems/ - jak ochránit potravinový řetězec • http://ocean.nationalgeographic.com/take-action/marine-food-chain/ - potravinové řetězce v oceánech • http://www.ecomare.nl/en/ecomare-encyclopedie/man-and-the-environment/ecology/ecological-processes/food-chains/ - potravinové řetězce v různých prostředích
Water cycle - dictionary B bažinatý - swampy břečka - slush D déšť – rain E energie - energy G gejzír- geyser H hurikán – hurricane CH chladný - cool J jezero - lake jinovatka - frost K kaluž - puddle kanál – canal kapka – drop kroupy - hail L led - ice liják – downpour M mokrý – wet mokřina - wetlands monzun – monsoon moře - sea mrholit - drizzle N nádrž - reservoir náledí – black ice námraza - rime navlhlost – dump nepromokavý - impermeable O oblak - cloud oceán - ocean odvodnit - drain orosení - condensation P pára - steam pitný - drinkable povodí – basin promočit – drench přeháňka – shower překážka - obstacle příliv - tide přeháňka – shower překážka - obstacle příliv - tide R rampouch - icicle rosa – dew rybník - pond Ř řeka - river říčka - brook S sněhová bouře – blizzard sněhová vločka – snow flake sníh – snow srážky - precipitation studna – well T tajfun – typhoon tekutina - liquid tok - flow V vařit – boil (ve vodě) vlhký – humid vlhkost – humidity vlna - wave voda – water vodopád – waterfall vypařování – evaporation Z záplava – flood zavlažit – irrigate zkapalnění - condensation
http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-139536968/stock-vector-easy-to-edit-vector-illustration-of-water-cycle.html?src=K9KdI5p4a3gRbgJKVQRbwg-1-12http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-139536968/stock-vector-easy-to-edit-vector-illustration-of-water-cycle.html?src=K9KdI5p4a3gRbgJKVQRbwg-1-12 Discussion What forms of water do you know? What is the water cycle? Can you describe the picture? What verbs connected to water do you know? What is drinkable water? What kinds of bodies of water do you know? Which natural disasters are connected to water anyhow? How do people use water? What are some problems of the mankind connected to water? What animals and plants can be found in the water? Use these words in sentences DEW RAINBOW TYPHOON OCEAN DROP RIVER STORM BLACK ICE EVAPORATE STEAM FLOW FLOOD LEAK HAIL FOG SURFACE WATER FRESH DRIZZLE
Finish these sentences... or find out the beginning... Water vapor that condenses on cool surfaces is _____________ Clouds are formed by _____________ Water droplets that are too heavy to float make _____________ Moisture that falls to the ground is _____________ Most of the water that evaporates on the earth comes from ____________ Weather that is so dry that nothing can grow is called _____________ The water cycle is possible because of ___________ (planet / star) The continuous movement of water from the oceans and freshwater sources to the air and land and back to the oceans is called the ____________ A man-made body of fresh water used as a source of drinking water is called a ______________ ________________ is the process by which liquid water changes to water vapor. ________________ is the process by which water evaporates from the leaves of plants. ________________ is the process by which water vapor changes to liquidwater. ________________ is the process by which water flows over the surface of the ground. ________________ is the process by which water, in any form, falls from the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface. Can you choose the correct answer?
Water cycle - links • http://water.org/ - informace o vodě, charita • http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/water - zprávy o počasí a vodě • http://earth.rice.edu/mtpe/hydro/hydrosphere/hydrosphere_what.html - hydrosféra • http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/encyclopedia/hydrosphere/?ar_a=1 – hydrosféra – informace a video • http://www.geography4kids.com/files/water_intro.html - voda, informace pro děti • http://www.fcwa.org/story_of_water/html/3forms.htm - formy vody • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_pollution - znečištění vody • http://water.org/water-crisis/water-facts/water/ - fakta o problémech s vodou • http://www.globalissues.org/article/601/water-and-development - spotřeba a problémy vody – další odkazy • http://www.un.org/en/globalissues/water/ - voda jako mezinárodní problém • http://www.nestle-waters.com/media/featuredstories/water-in-natural-disasters - voda v přírodních katastrofách • http://sites.securemgr.com/folder19546/index.cfm?fuseaction=browse&id=3658&pageid=72 – kvalita vody při přírodních katastrofách
Plants – dictionary and phrases A absorbovat - absorb B barva – colour bílkovina - protein buničina – cellulose Ccérní - vascular D dělení - classification dub - oak dužnatý – herbaceous dvouletá rostlina - biennial F fáze - stage G glukóza – glucose H houba - fungi CH chloupky – hairs J jehličnan - conifer K kapradina - fern klíčit – germinate kmen - trunk kopretina – daisy kořen – root květina – flower kvést - bloom L list – leaf M mech – moss N nános - sediment O obranný - immune obsahovat – contain opadavý - deciduous oplodnění – fertilization opylení – pollintion organický - organic ovoce - fruit P parazitický – parasitic pastvina - grazing podmínky – conditions prostor - space půda – soil původ - origin pyl - pollent R reprodukce - reproduction rostlina - plant S semeno – seed skupina - group stéblo - straw stonek – stem struktura - structure Š šiška - cone škrob - starch T teplo - warmth teplota – temperature tkáň – tissue trvalka - perennial tvar - shape V vejce – egg velikost - size vést – conduct vrstva – layer výtrus - spore vyvinout – develop výživná látka – nutrient Z zachovat - store zakořenit – anchor zárodečný vak – ovule zelenina - vegetable zrno - grain
Parts of a plant and their function – explain the function and say what you know about it • What is a root? • What is a stem? • What is a leaf? • What is a flower? • What is a seed? • What is fruit? Comment these statements In one year, the average tree gives off enough oxygen to allow four people to breathe for a year. Bamboo plants can grow up to 90 cm in one day. There is a flower called the Scarlet Pimpernel that can forecast the weather. If the flower is closed up, rain is coming and if it is opened up, the day will be sunny. A maple tree yields 2 pounds of sugar a year and can be productive for a century. There are 30,000 species of edible plants in the world. But just 20 of them, including corn, rice, and wheat provide 90% of the world’s food. No tree dies of old age. Plants and herbs used in the kitchen – look at the names of the plants and herbs and comment their use and place of origin OREGANO _____________________________________________ CELERY _____________________________________________ PERSLEY _____________________________________________ MINT _____________________________________________ GREEN ONION _____________________________________________ ROSEMARY _____________________________________________ DILL _____________________________________________ SORREL _____________________________________________ CORIANDER _____________________________________________ SCALLION _____________________________________________
Can you name... all the kinds of berries you know? all the types of flowers you know? all the types of trees you know? plants you can see in the desert? plants you can see in the jungle? plants you can see in Greenland? plants you can see in the Czech Republic? plants you can see under water? • Match the plant with its seed / fruit • APPLE TREE 1) CHERRIES • CHERRY TREE 2) LEMON • HAZEL 3) CONE • LEMON TREE 4) GRAPES • GROUND NUT 5) APPLE • SPRUCE 6) PEANUT • GRAPEVINE 7) BEECHMAST • PALM TREE 8) COCONUT • OAK 9) ACORN • BEECH 10) HAZELNUT Plant alphabet – try to find one or more plants for these letters of the alphabet A ________________________________________________________ B ________________________________________________________ C ________________________________________________________ E ________________________________________________________ H ________________________________________________________ L ________________________________________________________ M ________________________________________________________ O ________________________________________________________ P ________________________________________________________ R ________________________________________________________ T ________________________________________________________
Plants - links • http://www.biology4kids.com/files/plants_main.html - rostliny pro děti, vysvětlení a rozdělení • http://plants.usda.gov/java/ - databáze rostlin • http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/ - biologie rostlin • http://www.theplantlist.org/ - rozdělení rostlin • http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/animal-poison-control/toxic-and-non-toxic-plants-na - toxické a netoxické rostliny • http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/plants/plantae.html - zelené království - rozdělení rostlin a popis • http://www.plantcell.org/ - biologie – rozcestník • http://www.botany.com/ - biologie – všeobecná • http://www.pfaf.org/user/default.aspx - rostliny budoucnosti • http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/scienceclips/ages/5_6/growing_plants.shtml - biologie pro děti, cvičení • http://ec.europa.eu/food/plant/index_en.htm - rostliny vs. Evropská Unie • http://www.srl.caltech.edu/personnel/krubal/rainforest/Edit560s6/www/plants.html - rostliny deštných pralesů • http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/desert_plant_page.htm - rostliny pouští • http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/ - jedovaté rostliny
Animals – dictionary and phrases ANIMALS aligátor - alligator anakonda – anaconda babočka – peacock bažant - pheasant blecha – flea buvol - buffalo býk – bull cvrček - cricket činčila - chinchilla čáp – stork daněk – fallow deer datel - woodpecker delfín - dolphin dikobraz – porcupine gazela - gazelle gekon - gecko gibon - gibbon gorila – gorilla had – snake havran - raven hlemýžď – snail holub - pigeon hroch – hippopotamus husa – goose hyena – hyena jelen - deer ještěrka - lizard ježek - hedgehog kachna - duck klokan - kangaroo kočka - cat komár - mosquito koza - goa křeček - hamster krokodýl - crocodile krtek - mole krysa - rat kůň - horse labuť - swan lachtan - seal lev - lion liška - fox medvěd – bear mravenec - ant myš - mouse neropýr - bat nosorožec - rhino nutrie - coypu orel - eagle osel - donkey ovce - sheep panda - panda papoušek - parrot pelikán - pelican pes - dog pijavice - leech prase - pig racek - seagull ropucha - toad sépie - cuttlefish slepýš - blindworm slimák - slug slon - elephant sova - owl tuleň - seal tygr - tiger úhoř - eel varan - goanna velryba - whale veverka - squirrel vlk - wolf vrána - crow zajíc - rabbit zebra - zebra zmije - viper želva - turtle žirafa - giraffe žralok - shark TĚLO čenich - snout dráp - claw hlava - head jazyk - tongue kopyto - hoof kůže - skin ocas - tail oko - eye ploutev - fin srst – hair, fur šupiny - scale tlama – mouth, muzzle ucho - ear zuby - teeth žaludek - stomach
What is in the picture? Where do they live? What do they eat? What do they do all day long? What do they do during winter months? Can they swim? Why are they endangered? Are they dangerous? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-83440657/stock-photo-polar-she-bear-with-cubs-a-polar-she-bear-with-two-small-bear-cubs-around-snow-black-and-white.html?src=Pg_L0MKwyTgqQ0vABcNjxA-1-55 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-129934385/stock-photo-green-winged-macaw-ara-chloropterus-year-old-flying-in-front-of-white-background.html?src=Pg_L0MKwyTgqQ0vABcNjxA-3-28 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-63976522/stock-photo-cobra-on-white-background.html?src=MasnO9YblUDTmm4d_lDwKQ-1-81 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-44738329/stock-photo-killer-whale-jumping-out-of-the-water.html?src=l5rt1WlPq2d-J3Fg_dxhAw-1-35 What is it? What does it eat? Where does it live? What do you know about their reproduction? What are some special abilities of these creatures? Are they endangered? Can they talk? Would you like to have this animal at home? What kind of animal is this? Where can we meet it? How does it move? Is it dangerous? Why? Can you name any kinds of snakes? Why are people afraid of them? Do we have snakes in the Czech Republic? What do they eat? What do they do during winter months? Is their tongue anyhow special? Where is this animal? Does it live alone or in groups? What does it eat? Where can we see it? Can you name some parts of its body? Is it endangered? Why? How many „babies“ do they have? Do they prefer hot or cold water? Do they eat other big fish? How do they hunt?
Discussion Can you name any animals that live in Australia? Can you name any African animals? Can you name animals that love cold weather? Can you name any animals that live under water? Can you name any animals that have fur? Can you name any animals with big ears? Can you name any animals having a hoof? Which are some of the biggest animals of all? Which are some of the smallest animals of all? Which animals are almost extinct? Which animal has a long neck? Which animals can be found on the South Pole? Which animals can jump? Which animals drink people´s blood? Can you name any farm animals? Can you name dangerous animals? Why are they dangerous? What would you do if you saw a tiger? What would you do if you saw a lion running towards you? What would you do if a snake bit you? What would you do if a shark was coming closer to you? Would you eat insect? Would you eat alive animals? How would you feel if you had to be in one cage with a tiger? Guess the animal A______ I start with an Aand live in a colony.You can call me a workaholic. B ______ Once I was a caterpillarand now I am an insect.B is my first letter … B ______ I’m big and I have brown fur. I live in the forest in Alaska. I like eating salmon. D ______ I´m the men´s best friend. E ______ They say I am the biggest. I have a trunk, males have two tusks. H ______ I’m small and white or brown. I live on the farm. I lay eggs. H ______ I like bathing in the mudand my mouth is very big. S ______ I’m a very large fish. I have very sharp teeth and a triangular fin on my back. W _____ I can breathe through a hole on top of my head.
Animals - links • http://a-z-animals.com/animals/ - zvířata od A-Z • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/ - zvířata, informace a videa • http://animal.discovery.com/ - zajímavosti o zvířatech • http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/animals - zprávy ze světa zvířat • http://www.oie.int/ - organizace pro záchranu zvířat • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/web_games_trivia_animal.htm - rozdělení zvířat a informace pro děti • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/ - videa zvířat ze všech koutů země • http://photography.nationalgeographic.com/photography/photos/underwater-creatures/ - zvířata pod vodou • http://www.adventure-caves-usa.com/cave-animals.html - zvířata v jeskyních • http://www.desertanimals.net/ - pouštní zvířata • http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/list-of-jungle-animals - zvířata v džungli • http://www.mountainprofessor.com/mountain-animals.html - zvířata v horách • http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/bugs/ - hmyz • http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2009/10/photogalleries/new-species-underground-creatures-missions/photo8.html - zvířata pod zemí
Fish – dictionary and phrases A akvárium – aquarium B bezčelistý – jawless buňka - cell Č čelist – jaw čich - smell D dýchání - respiration dýchat - breathe H hbitý – agile hibernace - hibernation hltan - pharynx hluboký - deep hojně se vyskytující – abundant hřbetní – dorsal J jícen – esophagus jikry - roe K klec – cage kořist - prey kost – bone kousat – bite kyslík - oxygen kytovec – catacean L larva - larva losos - salmon M mečoun – swordfish mělký – shallow místo výskytu - habitat moč - urine mořský koník – sea horse mozek – brain N nozdra - nostril O obojživelník - amphibian obratlovec – vertebrate obrněný - armoured oceán – ocean oko – eye oplodnění – fertilization hark P páteř - spine plaz – reptile plíce – lungs potopit se - sink prostředí – environment R rybaření – fishing rybník - pond Ř říčka - stream S savec – mammal slezina - spleen srdeční komona - ventriclestudenokrevný – cold-blooded sumec - catfish T teplota – temperature trávící - digestive tuňák – tuna U udusit se - suffocate úhoř – eel ultrafialový - ultraviolet V váha – weight vaječník - ovary varle - testis vejce – egg vlhký - damp vodní – aquatic vylučování - excretion vývoj – evolution Z zárodek - nucleus zrak - sight Ž žábry – gill zdroj - resource žralok - shark
Discussion Can you name any fish found in the Czech Republic? Can you name any sea fish? What can you say about a shark? What can you say about an octopus? What can you say about a sea-horse? What can you say about a crab? What can you say about a jelly-fish? What can you say about a carp? What can you say about whales? What can you say about eels? Choose which of those can be seen under the water and comment them... SHELL SAND CAT SEA GRASS CORALS BOOKS SWORDFISH STARFISH TROUT CAR ICEBERG TURTLE GOAT SEAL CAVES HORSE SHIPWRACK TRUCK PENGUIN SUBMARINE MERMAID BATTLE-SHIP SHARK HOUSE JELLY-FISH MILK SNAKE SNAIL CARP Comment these facts Most fish reproduce by laying eggs, though some fish, such as great white sharks, give birth to live babies called pups. Most brands of lipstick contain fish scales. Some fish, such as the great white shark, can raise their body temperature. This helps them hunt for prey in cold water. Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids. Most fish have taste buds all over their body. An estimated one third of male fish in British waters are changing sex due to pollution in human sewage. A fish can drown in water. Like humans, fish need oxygen, so if there isn’t enough oxygen in the water, they will suffocate. The most poisonous fish in the world is the stone fish. Its sting can cause shock, paralysis, and even death if not treated within a few hours. The fastest fish is the sailfish. It can swim as fast as a car travels on the highway.
Are these statements true of false? Some fish do not have scales. Shark can see above and below water at the same time. Fish have gills that extract oxygen from the water around them. Tuna can swim at speeds of up to 100 kph. Jellyfish and crayfish aren’t actually fish. Over 1000 fish species are threatened by extinction. Octopuses have 3 hearts. A Giant squid's eye can be as big as a football ball. Dolphins sleep with one eye open! A jellyfish is 85 percent water. 1T 2F 3T 4F (70kmh) 5T 6T 7T 8F (basketball) 9T 10F (95%) http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-114959806/stock-photo-scorpion-fish-on-the-reef.html?src=EkRsH7VSotLzXnaPZtdXoQ-1-23 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-128045141/stock-photo-group-of-light-blue-jellyfish.html?src=4j5UCQu_PDefGhawYOLzKQ-1-2 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-127967549/stock-photo-blowfish-or-diodon-holocanthus-underwater-in-ocean-in-tropical-destination.html?src=4j5UCQu_PDefGhawYOLzKQ-1-16 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-65905798/stock-photo-honeycomb-moray-gymnothorax-favagineus.html?src=4j5UCQu_PDefGhawYOLzKQ-1-28 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-114904588/stock-photo-the-blue-lionfish-in-the-sea-aquarium.html?src=4j5UCQu_PDefGhawYOLzKQ-2-9 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-72606031/stock-vector-manta-ray-fish-flying-underwater-above-the-seabed.html?src=-1-61 Can you comment these creatures? What do you know about them? What can you judge from their appearance? stonefish jellyfish blowfish honeycomb lionfish manta rey fish -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fish- links • http://www.seafoodsource.com/seafoodhandbook-list.aspx - seznam ryb a vodních živočichů • http://thekitchenista.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=88%3Aall-about-fish&catid=43%3Aingrdient-guides&Itemid=126&limitstart=3 – druhy ryb a jejich využití • http://www.outdoorlife.com/photos/gallery/fishing/2012/08/dangerous-fish-10-fish-you-need-handle-care - 10 nejnebezpečnejších ryb • http://www.hotelclub.com/blog/the-10-most-dangerous-animals-in-australia/ - 10 nebezpečných ryb Austrálie • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4QShq4aHFNA – jedovaté ryby – video • https://sites.google.com/site/venomousdangerous/sharks/most-venomous-fish - jedovaté ryby a jejich výskyt • http://animal.discovery.com/fish/fishing/top-10-most-endangered-fish.htm - nejvíce ohrožené rybí druhy • http://animal.discovery.com/endangered-species/no-more-fish.htm - krize ryb • http://web.utah.edu/umed/students/clubs/international/presentations/dangers.html - podmořští tvorové a jejich život a nástrahy • http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2010/10/seafood-crisis/greenberg-text - krize nedostatku ryb, rybolov
Bacteria and Fungi – dictionary and phrases A antibiotika - antibiotic B bakterie – bacterium, pl. bacteria buňka – cell C cyklus - cycle D délka – length E enzym - enzym F fermentace – fermentation forma - mold H háček - hook hnití – putrefaction CH cholera – cholera choroba - disease choroboplodný – pathogenic I infekce – infection J jedlý – edible jedovatý - poisonous jogurt - yoghurt K koule – sphere kvasnice - yeast L lanýž – truffle lék - medicine lepra – leprosy lišejník - lichen M mech - moss metabolismus - metabolism mikroorganizmus – microorganism mikroskopický - microscopic mor – plague mykologie - mycology N nakažlivý – infectious nestálost - flux neškodný – harmless O odolnost – resistance ochrana - preservation P pigment - pigment pivo - beer podmínky – conditions prospěšný - beneficial prospívat – thrive příprava - preparation přizpůsobivý - adaptable průsak - seep přežít – survive psychotropní - psychotropic půda – soil R reprodukce – reproduction růst – growth Ř řasy - algae S sediment – sediment sliz - slime spirála – spirale spora - spore symbióza – symbiosis sýr - cheese T teplý pramen – hot spring tuberkulóza – tuberculosis tuk (v tkáni) - lipid tvar – shape V víno - wine voda – water vnitřnosti - gut Ž životně důležitý - vital
BACTERIA - Discussion Where can bacteria be found? Are they good of bad? Can you comment bacteria vs. our health? Can you comment bacteria vs. our food? What can we do not to catch any serious illnesses? In what food processes are bacteria used? Look at the following image – there are words written in it – try to explain those words, comment their meaning and use – choose 10 words and put them into sentences. 1) ___________________________________ 2) ___________________________________ 3) ___________________________________ 4) ___________________________________ 5) ___________________________________ 6) ___________________________________ 7) ___________________________________ 8) ___________________________________ 9) ___________________________________ 10) ___________________________________ http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-99777395/stock-photo-wash-your-hands.html?src=3QClbnOqgOmSGwczgtDMAA-1-73 Try to find answers to these questions What is yeast used for? Why should cooked and uncooked foods be stored separately? Are pathogens organisms that cause disease? Is Microbiology the branch of science that studies stars and planets? Are bacteria used as a pesticide to kill insects? Is chocolate prepared with the help of microbes? Measles is an example of a disease caused by a bacteria. True or false? Can the growth of potentially dangerous bacteria be controlled by sterilization? Can certain viruses cause cancer in animals? Can bacteria recycle and decompose dead material? Are cyanobacteria found throughout the world? Is fruit mould harmful to people?
Fungi – Comment these statements Unlike plants, fungi don’t have chlorophyll and get nourishment by playing parasites to hosts. According to archaeologists, people have been consuming the products of fungal fermentation (beer and wine) for at least 25,000 years. Moulds and bacteria growing together in sawdust can generate enough heat to make it catch fire. It takes 50-100 years for fungi to reduce a hardwood trunk to dust. There are more than 60 species of fungi that exhibit the phenomenon of emitting light from their bodies known as bioluminescence. Some mushrooms can stay inactive for centuries without dying, if provided with right conditions. Fungi – Discussion What is usually the role of fungi in an ecosystem? How do fungi reproduce? Why aren´t fungi considered plants? Can fungi live only in the soil? What do fungi eat? How do you call an organism abusing another organism for getting food? Do all fungi have roots? Do fungi reproduce sexually? • Fungi – Can you find the correct translation? • EDIBLE a) RŮST • POISONOUS b) REPRODUKCE • MEDICINE c) LÉK • CHEESE d) INFEKČNÍ • SLIME e) JEDLÝ • REPRODUCTION f) JEDOVATÝ • MYCOLOGY g) MYKOLOGIE • HARMLESS h) SLIZ • SOIL i) NESTÁLOST • GROWTH j) NEŠKODNÝ • INFECTIOUS k) SÝR • FLUX m) PŮDA
Bacteria and Fungi - links • http://www.microbeworld.org/types-of-microbes/bacteria - bakterie a jejich rozdělení • http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/bacterialinfections.html - bakteriální infekce • http://www.naturalnews.com/bacteria.html - novinky ze světa bakterií • http://www.sciencedaily.com/news/plants_animals/bacteria/ - vědecké články o bakteriích • http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/news-10-deadliest-bacteria - nejnebezpečnější bakterie světa • http://akorra.com/2010/10/13/top-10-most-dangerous-germs/ - bakterie a nemoci s nimi spojené • http://www.mykoweb.com/ - rozdělení hub • http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/fungalinfections.html - houby vs. infekce • http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/life/Fungus - informace a videa o houbách • http://www.fungimag.com/ - novinky ze světa hub • http://mdc.mo.gov/discover-nature/outdoor-recreation/mushrooming/poisonous-mushrooms - jedovaté houby • http://www.first-nature.com/fungi/facts/poisonous.php - jedovaté houby, obrázky a komentáře
Human evolution – dictionary and phrases B buňka - cell D demografie - demography důkaz – evidence E etnický - ethnic G gen - gene genetický - genetic gorila – gorilla H hypotéza – hypothesis CH choroba – desease chudokrevnost - anemia J jistota - confidence K kmen – tribe kontroverzní - controversial kůže – skin L lebka – skull M molekulární - molecular mozek – brain mutace - mutation N nadočnicový oblouk – brow ridge nález - finding nástroj – tool nevýhoda - disadvantage nezávislý - independent O objevit se – occur odhadovat – estimate odolnost - resistance opice – monkey, ape orangutan – orangutan P platnost - validity podobný – similar potomek - offspring povaha – temperament proces - process prodloužit – elongate průměrný - average předek – ancestor přenést - transmit R rasový – racial rozdělení – split rozšířit se - spread rys – trait S savec - mammal schopnost – ability smrtelný - deadly sourozenec – sibling společný - common Š šimpanz – chimpanzee T tvar - shape U úlomek - fragment umístění - location určit – determine V velikost – size věk – age výhoda - advantage vzor – pattern vzorek - sample vztah - relationship Z zkamenělina – fossil změna - change zuby – teeth Ž žebříček – ladder Člověk zručný – homo habilis Člověk vzpřímený – homo erectus Člověk rozumný – homo sapiens
Discussion What do you know about human evolution? When did everything start? Where did it start? Did we really evolve from apes? Has the evolution finished? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-93798283/stock-photo-homo-erectus.html?src=bSCIo7R92m12TRnkw5YSPw-1-13 http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?lang=cs&search_source=search_form&search_tracking_id=mXK5bNqcXgEzZQxruChVwQ&version=llv1&anyorall=all&safesearch=1&searchterm=homo+habilis&search_group=&orient=&search_cat=&searchtermx=&photographer_name=&people_gender=&people_age=&people_ethnicity=&people_number=&commercial_ok=&color=&show_color_wheel=1#id=119800765&src=y2jXiNLbJkB-4cGjmI7ldA-1-32 http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?lang=cs&search_source=search_form&version=llv1&anyorall=all&safesearch=1&searchterm=homo+sapiens&search_group=#id=75753388&src=jc3KEYbpuJ-oTzoM9BSdcQ-1-18 Homo habilis Where did he live? What did he eat? What did he look like? Did he live in groups? What tools did he use? What were some everyday problems he was facing? Homo erectus Where did he live? Did he build houses? What did he eat? Did he hunt? What did he look like? Did he live in groups? Were there families? What tools did he use? What were some everyday problems he was facing? What was the weather like? Homo sapiens Where did he live? Did he live in caves? What did he eat? Did he hunt or was he a farmer? What did he look like? What did he wear? Did he live in groups? Were there families? What tools did he use? What were some everyday problems he was facing? What was the weather like? Did he live through the last ice-age?
Can you answer these questions? What is evolution? What is the relationship between humans and apes? Where did first people come from? How do we know that? Which materials were used for making tools? Where were human fossils found? Why do you think that people started waking in the upright posture? Why do you think that people started talking? Why did people start drawing? Why did human brain get bigger? What did modern humans leave Africa? How much was the evolution affected by the climate? Does everyone believe in evolution? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-40647358/stock-vector-global-faces.html?src=95WQpNUEPxtNhxjSaZrxLQ-1-50 What makes US different from animals? Can you comment these facts? SPEECH _______________________________________________ UPRIGHT POSTURE _______________________________________________ NAKEDNESS _______________________________________________ HANDS _______________________________________________ BRAIN _______________________________________________ CLOTHES _______________________________________________ FIRE _______________________________________________ LONG CHILDHOOD _______________________________________________ There are images of 4 main races of people. Can you say something about them? What do they look like? Can you compare them? What is special about them? Is any of these groups getting bigger / smaller? Why? Say something about the environment these groups live in. Which group do you belong to?
Human evolution - links • http://humanorigins.si.edu/resources/intro-human-evolution - lidská evoluce • http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/prehistoric_life/human/human_evolution/ - evoluce a jednotlivá období • http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/275670/human-evolution - evoluce, obrázky a grafy • http://anthro.palomar.edu/homo2/mod_homo_4.htm - evoluce a naleziště, počty obyvatel apod. • http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/darwin_charles.shtml - Charles Darwin • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_(human_classification) – klasifikace lidských ras • http://www.buzzle.com/articles/list-of-human-races.html - charakteristika jednotlivých ras • http://someinterestingfacts.net/human-evolution-facts/ - fakta a zajímavosti lidské evoluce • http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wilderness-resources/stories/projecting-human-evolution-5-traits-we-might-possess-in - budoucnost evoluce, možnosti, schopnosti • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_extinction - vyhynutí lidské rasy • http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/2013/06/08/human-face-future_n_3407600.html - lidstvo za 100 let
Human body - dictionary and phrases B bok – hip brada - chin bradavka – nipple Č čelist - jaw čelo – forehead D dlaň - palm H hlasivky – vocal cords hlava – head holeň - shin hrdlo – throat hrudník – chest hýždě - buttocks CH chodidlo – sole J játra - liver jazyk - tongue K kloub - joint koleno – knee kostra - skeleton kotník - ankle krk – neck L lebka – skull ledvina - kidney loket – elbow lýtko – calf M mozek - brain N nehet – nail nerv - nerve noha – leg noha – foot (spodní část) nos - nose O obličej – face obočí – eyebrow oční řasa - eyelash oční víčko – eye lid oko - eye P palec - thumb palec na noze – big toe pánev - pelvis pas – weist pata - heel paže – arm plíce - lungs podpaží - armpit pohlavní orgány - genitals prs – breast prst na noze – toe prst na ruce - finger pupek – navel R rameno – shoulder ret - lip ruka - hand S slezina - spleen spánek – temple srdce - heart stehno – thigh střevo – intenstine sval - muscle Š šlacha - tendon T tepna - artery tříslo – groin tvář - cheek U ucho – ear ústa - mouth V vlasy - hair Z záda - back zápěstí – wrist zuby - teeth Ž žaludek – stomach žebro – rib žíla - vein žláza - gland
Discussion Can you name some parts of the head? Can you name some organs? Can you name some of the most important parts of the human body? Can you say something about the function of the heart? What is the brain good for? What happens when my lungs get ill? Is it a problem when my kidneys don´t work? Why? What kind of injuries can happen to our legs? What do you know about human teeth? What are muscles? What do you know about the skeleton? How would you describe human skull? • What is it? • They are on the ends of your fingers and toes. _______ • The fleshy part of your body that you sit on. _______ • The joint connecting foot with leg. _______ • It is inside our mouth. We use it to speak and taste food. _______ • The edges of the mouth. We use them to kiss somebody. _______ • You brush them every day. We use them for biting and chewing. _______ • The hair above your eyes. _______ • It is on our head. It can be short, long, curly or wavy. _______ • Part of our leg. It is between knee and ankle. _______ • It is in the middle of our hand. It´s got lot of lines on it. _______ • Do you know the answer? • How many bones are there in the human body? • Howmuch blood does an average adult have? • How many muscles are there in the human body? • How much does an average newborn baby weight? • Which organ is the largest one? • Where is genetical information stored? • How many parts does a heart have? • What is genetics? • What is mental intelligence? • What is DNA?
What activities do people do with their... NOSE ____________________________________________ EYES ____________________________________________ EARS ____________________________________________ MOUTH ____________________________________________ TEETH ____________________________________________ FINGERS ____________________________________________ KNEES ____________________________________________ BUTTOCKS ____________________________________________ NECK ____________________________________________ ELBOWS ____________________________________________ What do you think about these statements? The higher your IQ, the more you dream. Fingernails grow nearly four times faster than toe nails. The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve zinc. It doesn't destroy the stomach because because the stomach walls constantly renews itself. Women blink twice as many times as men do. Women are born better smellers than men and remain better smellers over life. The largest cell in the body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm. Babies are always born with blue eyes. Everyone has a unique smell, unique finger print and unique tongue print. We are about 1cm taller in the mornings than in the evenings. Humans shed and regrow outer skin every 27 days. http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?lang=cs&search_source=search_form&search_tracking_id=75_4fkbl5xmYiVzT1Gh_Nw&version=llv1&anyorall=all&safesearch=1&searchterm=woman+body&search_group=&orient=&search_cat=&searchtermx=&photographer_name=&people_gender=&people_age=&people_ethnicity=&people_number=&commercial_ok=&color=&show_color_wheel=1#id=129712223&src=e5HLNdQGS479t70DPsC2Mg-1-96 Try to write as many parts of the body that you can remember.
Human body - links • http://www.innerbody.com/ - lidské tělo • http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/ - lidské tělo a mysl • http://www.organsofthebody.com/ - lidské orgány • http://www.webmd.com/heartburn-gerd/your-digestive-system - zažívací systém • http://www.innerbody.com/image/endoov.html - krevní oběh • http://www.human-body-facts.com/muscular-system.html - soustava svalů • http://www.livescience.com/26854-muscular-system-facts-functions-diseases.html - svaly, informace, zajímavosti • http://www.innerbody.com/image/skelfov.html - lidská kostra • http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/factfiles/skeleton_anatomy.shtml - lidské tělo a kostra • http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2013/jan/27/20-human-body-facts-science - zajímavá fakta o lidském těle • http://listverse.com/2013/06/11/10-lesser-known-amazing-human-body-facts/ - méně známá fakta o lidském těle • http://www.merckmanuals.com/home/fundamentals/the_human_body/anatomy_and_disease.html - nemoci lidského těla • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lists_of_diseases - seznam lidských nemocí
Human senses - dictionary and phrases B barvoslepý – colour-blind boltec (ušní) – auricle Č čich - smell D dalekozraký – long-sighted dvojité vidění – double vision H hluchota – deafness hluchý – deaf hmat - touch hořký - bitter CH chuť – taste J jazyk - tongue K krátkozraký – short-sighted krvácení z nosu – nosebleed kůže – skin kýchat - sneeze kyselý – sour M mrkat - wink N naslouchadlo – hearing aid necitlivost – numbness němý - mute nos – nose nosní dírka - nostril O oko – eye P pach - scent R rovnováha - balance S sladký – sweet slaný - salty slepý – blind sluch - hearing Š šedý zákal - cataract šilhat – squint špička jazyka – tip of the tongue U ucho – ear ústa - mouth ušní bubínek – eardrum Z zánět – inflamation závrať - dizziness zelený zákal – glaucoma zrak – sight ztráta sluchu – hearing loss ztráta zraku – vision loss zub – tooth (pl. teeth) EYE mrkat – wink vidět – see zírat – stare plakat - cry otevřít – open zavřít – close MOUTH mluvit – speak jíst – eat zavřít – close otevřít – open zpívat – sing hvízdat – whistle foukat – blow NOSE čichat – smell dýchat – breathe smrkat – blow sb´s nose EAR slyšet – hear čistit ucho – clean the ear FINGER dotknout se – touch cítit – feel spálit se – burn yourself položit – put ukazovat - point
EYES - sight How many eyes do we have? What are their functions? Can you name any parts of an eye? What is the function of eyebrows? What eye colours do you know? Which eye colour will probably become extinct one day? How would you call a person who can´t see? How do people become blind? Can you imagine the life of a blind person? What problems might he/she have every day? Can blind people have children? How do you imagine the everyday care? MOUTH - taste What can I see in the mouth? Can you name any sweet things? Can you name any bitter things? Can you name any sour things? Can you name any salty things? What is the function of teeth? What is the function of the tongue? What problems can we have with our teeth? What would change if we had no teeth? Do lips have any function? Which illnesses can be transmitted by lips? Why should we clean the teeth? EAR - hearing What can I do with my ears? What is piercing? Is it good for your body? What is balance? How is it connected to our ears? Can you imagine your life without hearing? What can people do to protect their hearing? What do people use when they can´t hear very well? Does loud music or noisy work environment effect our hearing? How? Do deaf people have any language? How do they communicate?
NOSE – smell Where is the nose? What does it look like? What can I do with it? What happens when I´m sick? Why is smell important? If you had to live without one sense, which one would you choose? TOUCH What parts of the body do we use for touching? How would our life change if we couldn´t touch things? Can you imagine living without hands, legs or fingers? What is the difference betwen toes and fingers? How do people lose their hands / legs most often? Which jobs and activities are the most dangerous? Which animals use their touch to move around? • Humans have 5 basic senses – but there are more senses that we posess, can you comment each of them? • AWARENESS OF BALANCE (EQUILIBRIOCEPTION) • 2. PRESSURE • 3. TEMPERATURE • PAIN • AWARENESS OF MUSCLES (MUSCLE COORDINATION) • 6. SYNESTHESIA (ABILITY TO PICTURE SOUND AS A COLOUR OR SMELL AS A SHAPE)
Human senses - links • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sense - co jsou to smysly • http://www.scientificpsychic.com/workbook/chapter2.htm - lidské smysly a jejich charakteristika • http://listverse.com/2013/04/30/10-lesser-known-but-important-human-senses/ - méně známé smysly člověka • http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/tv/humansenses/ - lidské smysly na BBC • http://www.unique-design.net/library/word/sense.html - rozdělení a charakteristika smyslů • http://www.cracked.com/article_19986_the-5-weirdest-sixth-senses-humans-have-without-knowing-it.html - smysly, které máme a nevíme o tom • http://www.theworld.org/2012/11/engineering-extra-senses-technology-and-the-human-body/ - technologie vs. smysly • http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/143478-ibm-predicts-computers-will-have-the-five-human-senses-within-five-years - počítače vs. lidské smysly • http://www.sirc.org/publik/smell_human.html - lidský čich • http://www.discoveryeducation.com/teachers/free-lesson-plans/the-incredible-human-body-the-five-senses.cfm - jednoduchá lekce pro děti na téma smysly • http://www.intelihealth.com/IH/ihtIH/WSIH/35263/35264/347117.html?d=dmtContent&b= - změny smyslů s věkem
Reproduction - dictionary and phrases A adaptace – adaptation analogie - analogy B bakterie – bacteria bezobratlý - invertebrate bezpohlavní – asexual D dělení – division dítě - baby dospělost – maturity, adulthood F fáze - stage forma - form G genetický – genetic H hermafrodit – hermaphrodite hojný - abundant CH choroba – disease chovat - breed chromozom chromosome J jednotlivec – individual K klon – clone kombinace - combination kopie – copy kukla - pupa M materiál - material množení – propagation mšice - aphid N náchylný - susceptible O okolnosti - circumstainces oplodnění - fertilization P plaz – reptile počet - number podstoupit - undergo pohlaví - sex pohlavní – sexual porod - labour potomek - offspring proces – process pták - bird pučení - budding R rodiče – parents rostlina - plant rozdělení – division rozdělit – divide ryba - fish S samčí – male sasanka - anemone semeno – seed samičí - female spermie – sperm spoléhat - rely spora - spore stvořit – create Š štěpení – fission V váček - cyst vejce - egg vajíčko - ovum vegetativní – vegetative výběr - selection vývoj – development Z zajistit - ensure zdědit – inherit zemřít - die
Discussion What kinds of reproduction do you know? What can you say about plant deproduction? What can you say about animal reproduction? What is the difference between sexual and asexual reproduction? What are seeds good for? What are eggs food for? How do bacteria reproduce? Can a plant use its stem for reproduction? Which animals / plants use their spores for reproduction? What are some advantages and disadvantages of asexual reproduction? What does it mean „mature“? What does „fertile“ mean? What are internal and external fertilizations? Who/What is a hermaphrodite? Can you give an example of an invertebrate animal? What is fragmenation? Is it a type of reproduction? What can you say about ants / bees and their reproduction? Which animals / plants have the most interesting way of reproduction? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-119405701/stock-photo-green-anaconda-eunectes-murinus.html?src=V_CioWHgAo1aq43WSnMrRA-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-55670971/stock-photo--fly-on-a-white.html?src=iL-O3ez6v3_jwscnLDNSng-1-13 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-114499252/stock-photo-elephant-isolated-on-white.html?src=BZSs1DQQlS3RzHCFb_JIDQ-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-112916902/stock-photo-boletus-mushroom-on-a-white-background.html?src=nqcqU7co6whtrwWM5gC3RQ-1-28 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-111825731/stock-photo-bacteria-under-microscope-high-quality-d-render.html?src=3QClbnOqgOmSGwczgtDMAA-1-3 http://www.shutterstock.com/cat.mhtml?lang=cs&search_source=search_form&search_tracking_id=3QClbnOqgOmSGwczgtDMAA&version=llv1&anyorall=all&safesearch=1&searchterm=coral&search_group=&orient=&search_cat=&searchtermx=&photographer_name=&people_gender=&people_age=&people_ethnicity=&people_number=&commercial_ok=&color=&show_color_wheel=1#id=70320076&src=n4ToydDr1bNNLJx5bNT1pA-1-31 Can you say something about the reproduction of these animals and plants?
Human reproduction – discussion Is human reproduction sexual or asexual? How does the pregnancy start? How long is the pregnancy? How does the embryo evolve inside the mother? Say something about the newbord baby. Can you compare human baby with animal babies, their abilities and appearance? What can go wrong during the pregnancy? What are some DOs and DON´Ts for the mother-to-be? 1T 2F 3F 4T 5T 6F Are these statements true or false? Human fingerprints are formed in the first trimester. Pregnant women can drink some alcohol. Exercise is dangerous for pregnant women and should be avoided during pregnancy. High blood pressure caused by pregnancy is called preeclampsia. Folic acid is a very important vitamin to take during pregnancy. Since a pregnant woman is eating for two, she needs an additional 1,000 calories per day. More questions What happens in the second trimester? What happens in the third trimester? How does a woman know that the baby is coming? Do you think women should have their baby in the hospital or at home? How many children does an average woman have? How does having 10 children change the woman´s body? Is it normal to live in monogamy according to the nature? Do the fathers prefer girls or boys? Why? Who do the children usually take after? What do the children inherit from their parents? Can we change our inborn traits and features? Why does a woman have a limited number of ovules? Why are women able to have children only until certain age but men can have them till being very old? What are twins, triples and quadruplets?
Reproduction - links • http://www.biotopics.co.uk/human2/reprsy.html - lidský reprodukční systém • http://www.biology-online.org/7/1_fertilisation.htm - lidská reprodukce a oplodnění • http://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/your-pregnancy-week-by-week-weeks-1-4 - těhotenství týden za týdnem • http://www.justmommies.com/getting-pregnant/understanding-your-cycle - těhotenství, známky a problémy • http://biology.about.com/od/basicgenetics/a/aa062708a.htm - reprodukce • http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultranet/BiologyPages/A/AsexualReproduction.html - bezpohlavní reprodukce • http://www.biology4kids.com/files/plants_reproduction.html - reprodukce rostlin • http://library.thinkquest.org/28751/review/plants/6.html - rozcestník - reprodukce rostlin • http://www.microbeworld.org/types-of-microbes/fungi/fungal-growth-and-reproduction - reprodukce hub • http://biology.about.com/od/bacteriology/a/aa080907a.htm - reprodukce bakterií • http://www.ecomare.nl/en/ecomare-encyclopedie/organisms/animals/fish/fish-biology/reproduction-of-fish/ - reprodukce ryb
Endangered species- dictionary and phrases C celosvětový – worldwide D divočina – wild divoký - wild dopad – effect druh - kind E ekosystém - ecosystem F faktor – factor farma - farm G globální – global H hodnota – value K klesat - decline L léčivý - medicinal les - forest lovec - hunter lovit - hunt M množení - breeding množství – amount N narušit – disrupt následek - consequence negativní - negative O obava – concern obchodní - commercial odlesnění - deforestation odhad - estimation odkázaný - reliant ochrana – conservation ochraňovat - protect omezit - restrict organismus – organism oteplování - warming P pálit - burn polemika – controversy pomoc - help postavení - rank populace – population průmysl - industry přemýstit – remove přežít – survive příčina – cause přítomnost - presence přizpůsobit se - adjust půda - land R riziko – risk rodný - native rostlina – plant rozsah – scale S suchozemský - terrestrial Š škodlivý - harmful T teplota - temperature tlak - pressure V vědec – scientist vodní - aquatic vyhlazení - elimination vyhubení – extinction výstavba - construction v zajetí žijící - captive Z zákon – law záviset – depend zdraví – health zdravý - healthy zemědělský - agriculture zničit - destroy změna - change zotavení – recovery zranitelný – vulnerable ztráta - loss zvíře – animal
Discussion Why do some animals become extinct? Who/What causes the extinction of animals? What can we do to help them? Is it a good solution to put those animals into ZOOs and reservations? What do you think about ZOOs in general? Do plants also disappear from our planet? Why? What are the medicinal reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the agricultural reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the acological reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the commercial reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the recreational reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What are the aeshetic reasons for animals and plants becoming extinct? What is in the picture? Where does this animal live? What do you know about them? Why are they endangered? Can they be helped anyhow? Are there any legends connected to whales? What do people do with their bodies? Do they spend their lives in one place? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-123954787/stock-photo-sperm-whale.html?src=l5rt1WlPq2d-J3Fg_dxhAw-1-49 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-112873393/stock-photo-male-silverback-gorilla-portrait.html?src=Rh2HOhuA_jF-MqUPj-v7lA-1-6 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-124559284/stock-photo-portrait-of-a-siberian-tiger.html?src=Dgs-H_ybOMTp93mVwfNNEg-1-2 What is in the picture? Where does this animal live? Do they live in groups? What can you say about their life and activities? Why are they endangered? Do people help them or harm them? Why do some rich people want baby gorillas or gorilla heads? What is in the picture? Where does this animal live? What does it eat? Why do people kill it? How is it protected? What will happen if they disappear completely? Are they dangerous? How do they hunt?
What is in the picture? Where is it from? What does it eat? Do they live in reservations or in the wild? Do people kill them? Why are they endangered? Which country is their home? What does this animal do all day long? http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-120544951/stock-photo-sleeping-giant-panda-baby.html?src=hE0TwhQb7uWcFuyb5-b1LQ-1-0 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-118980562/stock-photo-white-rhinoceros-or-square-lipped-rhinoceros-ceratotherium-simum-with-her-baby-in-lake-nakuru.html?src=M4_gczuRgxFrNAU0QhMVhA-1-2 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-112351595/stock-photo-malachite-kingfisher.html?src=iYhv-S1w-sz5EueWt0Y-3A-1-1 http://www.shutterstock.com/pic-127906310/stock-photo-a-young-whale-shark-rhincodon-typus-cruises-through-the-tropical-waters-of-the-caribbean-sea.html?src=8fGxQDIPdFLmsXelOulEzg-1-0 What is this? Where is it? What do they eat? Why do people kill them? What is their natural habitat? Can we see them in the ZOO? Do you think it´s natural for animals to become extinct? This is a kingfisher bird – do you know it? Where does it live? How does it get its food? Why do you think birds become extict? Do you think that some animals are useless or do you think that all animals have their purpose? Why do male birds have colourful feathers while famale birds don´t? What is this? Where is it? Why do fish become extinct? Why do people catch fish that they know are endangered? Do people always catch fish for food? What do you know about sharks? What do they eat and how do they hunt? Are people afraid of the sharks? Why?
Endangered species - links • http://www.fws.gov/endangered/ - ohrožená zvířata • http://www.kidsplanet.org/factsheets/map.html – ohrožená zvířata - rozcestník pro děti • http://www.africanwildlifeconservationfund.org/projects/gonarezhou-predator-project/ - ochrana afrických zvířat • http://worldwildlife.org/species - světová organizace pro ochranu • http://www.earthsendangered.com/ - ohrožená zvířata v jednotlivých kontinentech • http://bagheera.com/ - informace o ohrožených druzích • http://www.allaboutwildlife.com/endangered-species-in-the-rainforest - ohrožená zvířata v deštném pralese • http://www.nmfs.noaa.gov/pr/laws/esa/ - ohrožená zvířata v mořích • http://www.epa.gov/espp/ - programy k ochraně zvířat • http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/endangeredspecies - zprávy a novinky ze světa ohrožených zvířat • http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/endangered_species/ - jednotlivé druhy a stádium jejich ohrožení • http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/endangered_animals/endangeredanimals_1.htm - amazonský prales a jeho ohrožené druhy • http://worldwildlife.org/species/directory?sort=extinction_status&direction=desc – celkový seznam všech ohrožených druhů
Environmental problems – dictionary and phrases A atomová elektrárna – nuclear plant B bahno - mud blesk - lightning bouře - storm E efekt - effect epidemie - epidemy erupce – eruption existence - existence explodovat – explode exploze – explosion H hladomor – famine hrom - thunder hurikán - hurricane CH chemikálie - chemical chránit - protect chvění - shake K katastrofa – disaster klima - climate kontaminace - contamination kouř – smoke kyselý déšť – acid rain L láva - lava lavina – avalanche M masa - mass mrak - cloud N nepředvídatelný – unpredictible nestabilita - instability O oběť – victim odpadky - rubbish oheň – fire ohrožený – endangered ochrana - protection P počasí - weather problém - problem prostředí – environment přelidnění - overpopulation přežít - survive příčina – cause příroda - nature Ř řešení - solution S sesuv půdy - landslide smog - smog sopka – volcano sněhová bouře – snowstorm stupnice - scale sucho – drought svah - slope T tajfun – typhoon terén - terrain tornádo – tornado toxický - toxic trpět – suffer from tsunami – tsunami V varovat – warn vliv – influence vlna - wave vyhubení – extinction výsledek - result Z záchranář - rescuer zachránit – rescue záplava - flood zemětřesení - earthquake zkáza - destruction zničit – destory HLAVNÍ PROBLÉMY – MAIN PROBLEMS změna klimatu – climate change ochrana prostředí – conservation energie – energy zdravé prostředí – healthy environment genetické inženýrství – genetic engineering farmaření – farming nanotechnologie – nanotechnology přelidnění – overpopulation nukleární energie – nuclear energy znečištění – pollution krize zdrojů – resource crisis odpad - waste