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September 24 th , 2007

Implementation of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) Presentation to Town of Tillsonburg Council. September 24 th , 2007. Legislative Context. The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990

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September 24 th , 2007

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  1. Implementation of the 2005 Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) Presentation to Town of Tillsonburg Council September 24th, 2007

  2. Legislative Context • The Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990 • provides legislative authority for municipalities to regulate land use based on a system led by provincial policy • Requires that all planning decisions be ‘consistent with’ the PPS, replacing the former requirement to ‘have regard to’ the PPS. • Other legislation also plays a role, for example the Nutrient Management Act, Clean Water Act & Environmental Protection Act. • Provincial Policy Statement (PPS) • Current PPS came into effect on March 1st, 2005 • Provides policy direction on matters of provincial interest related to land use planning and development • Local Official Plans are the primary vehicle for implementation • Supersedes municipal planning documents in case of conflict

  3. Highlights of the PPS Changes • Greater emphasis on managing and directing land use development through intensification and redevelopment, including brownfield sites and designated growth areas, and establishing intensification targets; • A stronger policy framework for designating and maintaining employment lands and for establishing targets for affordable housing; • Greater restrictions on lot creation in prime agricultural areas and on development outside of existing settlement areas. • Incorporation of policies to permit alternative and renewable energy systems in settlement areas & prime agricultural areas; and • More detailed policies on water quality and quantity.

  4. Proposed Official Plan Changes Chapter 8 – Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Policies • Intensification • Greater emphasis on residential intensification (conversions, infill, redevelopment, existing plans etc.) • Establishes a target of 10% of all new residential units which are to be created through intensification • Intensification target to be achieved prior to approval of new development in designated growth areas • Affordability • Increased focus on affordable housing • Establishes a target of 15% of all housing which is to be affordable • Above targets to be monitored annually and reviewed during each 5 year OP review.

  5. Town of Tillsonburg Residential Land Supply Figure 4-1 2006 Vacant Land Study

  6. Proposed Official Plan Changes Chapter 8 – Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Policies • Stronger policies to protect designated industrial lands, including the requirement for a comprehensive review to redesignate such lands for non-industrial purposes; and • Clarification of the distinction between the PPS defined term “employment areas” and other categories of employment lands.

  7. Town of Tillsonburg Land Use Plan Official Plan Schedule “T-1”

  8. Alternative and/or Renewable (A&R) Energy Systems • Area Council may permit individual solar, wind & geothermal energy systems as secondary to a permitted use in the Zoning By-Law. • Smaller scale, non-commercial systems, primarily intended to off-set or replace on-site domestic consumption • Zoning • In zones where permitted, provisions shall restrict the type and scale of system and ensure compliance with Provincial and Federal requirements. • Such provisions may include restrictions on size and height, min. setbacks, min. lot size, open storage, maximum generation capacity etc. • SPA may be required to address such issues as land area, landscaping, access and location of buildings & structures. • Larger scale A & R energy systems permitted in accordance with the policies for industrial uses.

  9. Proposed Official Plan Changes Section 3.2 – Environmental Resource Policies Natural Heritage Features • Minor text changes, primarily to ensure various terms and definitions, such as significant, are consistent with the PPS • No changes to mapping, such as those that might arise from the Oxford Natural Heritage Study (ONHS) Groundwater Protection Policies • Updated policies for watershed & subwatershed planning and storm water management; • Incorporation of Municipal Well Head Protection Area (WHPA) mapping into the OP land use schedules; • Establishing a list of prohibited land uses within the WHPA’s or parts thereof. (Prohibitions do not apply to existing uses)

  10. Groundwater ProtectionPolicies Continued • Requirement for science based risk assessment for new uses requiring development approval within a WHPA; • Policies for risk management plans for high risk development, in accordance with the Clean Water Act; • Introduction of performance criteria for new development, such as proper abandonment of wells, removal of UST’s and use of BMP’s. • Introduction of water quantity policies for new development within areas with municipal services. • Incorporation of policies for conservation of water supplies and establishment of new municipal supply wells.

  11. Town of Tillsonburg Wellhead Protection Area Plan Official Plan Schedule “T-5”

  12. Settlement Area Expansion Policies • Added comprehensive review and associated policy requirements for evaluating settlement area expansions. • justification analysis (need, land area, intensification, phasing) • agricultural impact (MDS, specialty crops, lesser quality soils, mitigation of impacts) • servicing implications • environmental considerations • mineral and petroleum resources • growth management policies.

  13. Proposed Official Plan Changes Chapter 5 – Functional Support Elements • Greater emphasis on the protection of planned transportation and infrastructure corridors; and • Stronger integration of planning for infrastructure with planning for growth, including the optimization of existing infrastructure prior to creating new infrastructure, where feasible.

  14. Public Consultation and Timing • Public Consultation • OPA document and background reports have been circulated to various public agencies for comment (Provincial Ministries, utilities, Area Municipalities etc.) • Approximately 4 month circulation period (June –September) • Presentations to Area Councils, where requested • Incorporate any changes resulting from agency review • Open House(s) and Public Meeting to be held this fall • Final Approval • Targeting the end of 2007

  15. Questions, Feedback and Additional Information • Contact: Paul Michiels, Senior Policy Planner Community & Strategic Planning Office County of Oxford 415 Hunter Street Woodstock, Ontario N4S 7Y3 (519) 539-9800 Ext. 3209 Email: pmichiels@county.oxford.on.ca • A complete copy of the OPA is on the County Website at: http://www.county.oxford.on.ca/site/2365/default.aspx

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