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The Tudor Dynasty

The Tudor Dynasty. For AP World History. Title. Introduction. Designed by. Task. Matthew Lang Ben Karam Kevin Rittenhour Alison Clement Jacob Pope. Process. Evaluation. Conclusion. Credits. Introduction. Witness one of the most powerful families in history!

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The Tudor Dynasty

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  1. The Tudor Dynasty For AP World History Title Introduction Designed by Task Matthew Lang Ben Karam Kevin Rittenhour Alison Clement Jacob Pope Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  2. Introduction Witness one of the most powerful families in history! The father who started it all! And the brave young son! A brother that took his wife! And the most powerful sisterhood of traveling pants the world has ever seen! The Tudors: Virtues for the whole family! Tune in. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoS7bgF5SNnoA3TaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFycjcyZHB2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkNmZhNjg4NTBhMWMwYjk1ZTQ1MmJiZTdlYzk5OWRhMARncG9zAzU4?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dtudor%2Bdynasty%26fr%3Dyfp-t-600%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D58&w=402&h=600&imgurl=www.posterenvy.com%2Fcatalog%2Fss092_The_Tudors.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.posterenvy.com%2Fservlet%2Fthe-1831%2FThe-Tudor-Dynasty--dsh-%2FDetail&size=87.3KB&name=The+%3Cb%3ETudor+Dynasty+%3C%2Fb%3E-+Social+Studies+Poster&p=tudor+dynasty&oid=d6fa68850a1c0b95e452bbe7ec999da0&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-600&tt=The+%3Cb%3ETudor+Dynasty+%3C%2Fb%3E-+Social+Studies+Poster&b=31&ni=72&no=58&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=129nb4ghp&sigb=1379ao1m9&sigi=11f7dv9a4&.crumb=CuLIFb5cz8E&fr=yfp-t-600 Credits

  3. The Task • There were five members of the Tudor family that ruled England. • King Henry VII • King Henry VIII • King Edward VI • Queen Mary I • Queen Elizabeth I • Your task is to learn about and analyze all those who ruled during the Tudor Dynasty. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  4. Henry VII (r. 1485-1509) Title Introduction Henry VII, the first monarch of the Tudor Dynasty was well-known for his fiscal and political prowess. Henry VII strengthened his own weak claim to the throne of England after his famous defeat of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field, by bringing querulous nobles to heal, marrying into the powerful House of York (one of the lead contenders for the throne), raising revenues to the crown, and by forming strategic alliances with foreign kingdoms (i.e. Spain, France, and the Holy Roman Empire). Although considered calculating and somewhat ruthless, Henry VII’s success defined the House of Tudor and set the stage for England in the 16th century. You will split into a group of 4 and analyze the links and primary documents below to gain a better understanding of life in England under Henry VII, the first Tudor ruler. Who was Henry VII? What did he do? Was he successful and why (i.e. what tools and methods did he use to strengthen himself)? What is your opinion of this Tudor? When you have read up on Henry VII, discuss his legacy. Your final task is to role play a scenario from the late 15th century; one of you will play Henry VII, one Margaret Beaufort, one Elizabeth of York, and the rest will be advisors. Consider the Warbeck Insurrection, what would you do as Henry VII? Pretend you have called your advisors to the Star Chamber to discuss the matter. How would you react to someone threatening your throne? Decide how best to act to put down this rebellion. Draw up your royal decree and prepare to send it to your nobles. Keep in mind that you have a weak claim to the throne, that your finances are weak, and that your government and family hinges on your success. While viewing the documents and links remember Henry VII’s motives, his perspectives, and the dangers of the time period. ENJOY and HAVE FUN! Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Henry VII: A BBC & Britannica Production— http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/henry_vii http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/261900 /Henry-VII/3120/Foreign-policy?anchor=ref246023 The House of Tudor: http://www.timeref.com/tree1251.htm Credits Photo taken from: http://cookit.e2bn.org/historycookbook/32-337-Life-in-tudors.html

  5. Henry VIII The second in the Tudor Dynasty, Henry VIII was born in 1491 to Henry VII and Elisabeth. Henry was the second son of the king of England. His brother Arthur was expected to be king until he died as a teenager.. In order to keep ensure relations with Spain, before he died, Henry the seventh had his son marry Arthur’s widowed wife. Henry became the newly crowned king in 1509 at age 17. Title Introduction Task Process The King of England was a very athletic and intelligent man. He was fierce and strong. People were afraid of him, and for good reason. He was famous for beheading people! Especially his wife, whom out of six, he beheaded two. Undoubtedly, the thing Henry VIII was most famous for was having six wives! He spent most of his life frustrated at the lack of male children his wives were supplying him with. Evaluation Conclusion Many historians see Henry VIII as one of the most ruthless of the Tudor regime. Changing the relationship between church and state as he saw fit. Before dying in 1547 the king mad sure that his only son Edward was educated in the Protestant faith rather than Catholic. Consequently England’s main religion was Protestant. https://www.google.com/search?q=henry+the+8th&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=l85VUqSaNLS-4APA64CIDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDoQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=968&dpr=1 Credits

  6. Activity Game Directions: Get in a group of four to five kids. The link shows all the six wives of Henry VIII. They are listed in order of first to last wife. Have the teacher time each of you for 10-20 seconds (up to you) to look at the site and then click out of the site. Then see who can match the picture with the number of the wife. Then see who can name them. The winner is the one with most correct answers. http://tudorhistory.org/wives/ Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation A B C Conclusion G E F 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) H) Anne Boleyn I) Kathryn Howard J) Jane Seymour K) Anne of Cleves L) Katherine Parr M) Catherine of Aragon http://www.royal.gov.uk/historyofthemonarchy/kingsandqueensofengland/thetudors/henryviii.aspx http://www.biography.com/people/henry-viii-9335322 http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/henry_viii Credits

  7. King Edward VI (1537-1553) King Edward VI was the only legitimate son of King Henry VIII and his third wife, Jane Seymour. Edward VI became King at a every young age due to his father’s death. His father had arranged that a council of regency should rule on his behalf but Edward’s uncle, Duke of Somerset, decided to take power and establish himself as protector. He soon fell to power and the Earl of Warwick who created Duke of Northumberland. Edward VI was sick and they knew he did not have much time left so Northumberland pushed for Edward to nominated Lady Jane Grey as queen because she was his daughter-in-law even though Mary I was the daughter of Henry VIII and Edward’s VIII half sister. When King Edward VI soon died at the age of 15. Lady Jane Grey took over only for a couple days then Mary I took the thrown by popular support. YOUR ASSISNGMENT: • Get into groups of 2 • Go to the following websites: • http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/edward_vi_king.shtml • http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/kingedward.htm • http://www.britroyals.com/tudor.asp?id=edward6 3. With using these websites, creating a timeline and put the following events in chronological order with the correct dates: • French sends over 6,000 troops declaring war • Earl of Warwick takes over as Protector • King Edward VI take throne after father’s death • Second Book of Common Prayer • Duke of Northumberland pushes Edward VI to nominate his daughter-in-law as his heir to throne • Birth of King Edward VI • First Book of Common Prayer is introduced • Kett’s Rebellion in Norfolk • Death of King Edward VI from tuberculosis • Duke of Somerset takes over as Protector Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  8. Mary I (r. 1553-1558) Title Mary I was the only child of Henry VIII by his first wife: Katherine of Aragon. The birth of Mary brought with it mixed emotions. Henry VIII, disappointed at the birth of a girl, sought to divorce his wife and marry another in order to gain a son. Mary’s mother, Queen Katherine, fought hard for her rights, but arguably died unsuccessful. From an early age, Mary was downtrodden and neglected, but she was well educated and she used that education to shape her future. Mary was also raised a staunch Catholic. Her faith would define her for the rest of her life. Mary’s future was always in doubt; would she rule? Would she marry? What was her life to be like after her bastardization? Many Acts of Parliament were passed with regards to the succession, but eventually, Mary was inserted in the line after her half-brother: Edward. Mary came to the throne under trying circumstances and reigned for a short time. You decide why posterity knows her as “Bloody Mary.” Your task is to split into groups and discuss Mary’s life, her accomplishments and her failures. Follow the links below to gauge her life. On the following page, you will find a Wordsearch, the team that completes the Wordsearch first AND can answer one question about Mary Tudor will receive 5 bonus point on the next exam. Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Overview of Mary Tudor: http://tudorhistory.org/mary/ Queen Mary I: http://www.luminarium.org/ encyclopedia/queenmary.htm Credits Scanned from Hearn, Karen, ed. Dynasties: Painting in Tudor and Jacobean England 1530-1630. New York: Rizzoli, 1995. ISBN 0-8478-1940-X.

  9. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  10. Elizabeth I Title Introduction Elizabeth I (1553-1603) was the final monarch of the Tudor Dynasty and had an impressive 45 year reign. She was one of the most respected and influential rulers, and led England into its “Golden Age”. http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/elizabeth_I http://tudorhistory.org/elizabeth/ Task Process Evaluation Conclusion What were the happenings during Elizabeth’s rule that make historians refer to it as “The Golden Age”? What were some challenges she faced while on the throne? What qualities did Elizabeth posses that made her a successful ruler? The links provided will help you discover the answers to these important questions. • Activity: • Explore the websites provided to learn about the famous Elizabeth I. • 2. Choose what you believe to be her most important act as Queen or notable happening during her rule. • 3. Write a paraghraph to explain your choice. Credits

  11. Evaluation Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

  12. Conclusion The House of Tudor was one that undoubtedly altered the course of British history. Without people like Henry VIII and Elizabeth I, Great Britain would not be what it is today. The Tudors ruled England for over a century and put their mark on every Englishman’s heart. Through the domestic and foreign policies pursued by these five monarchs, not only the British Isles were changed. The religious and dynastic strategies of the Tudors changed the course of events for the entire world. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Photo taken from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/history/tudors_stuarts/henry_viii/revision/3/ Credits

  13. Credits & References Henry VII: A BBC & Britannica Production: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/henry_vii http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/261900/Henry-VII/3120/Foreign-policy?anchor=ref246023 The House of Tudor: http://www.timeref.com/tree1251.htm Henry VIII: Royal Family: http://www.royal.gov.uk/historyofthemonarchy/kingsandqueensofengland/thetudors/henryviii.aspx http://www.biography.com/people/henry-viii-9335322 http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/people/henry_viii Royal Family History (2013). Tudors-King Edward VI. Retrieved from: http://www.britroyals.com/tudor.asp?id=edward6 Luminarium: Encyclopedia Project (2010). England Under the Tudors-Edwards VI. Retrieved from: http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/kingedward.htm BBC (2013). History-Edward VI. Retrieved from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/edward_vi_king.shtml Overview of Mary Tudor: http://tudorhistory.org/mary/ Queen Mary I: http://www.luminarium.org/encyclopedia/queenmary/htm Pictures Royal Family Collage: http://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0PDoS7bgF5SNnoA3TaJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTFycjcyZHB2BHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZANkNmZhNjg4NTBhMWMwYjk1ZTQ1MmJiZTdlYzk5OWRhMARncG9zAzU4?back=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3Dtudor%2Bdynasty%26fr%3Dyfp-t-600%26fr2%3Dpiv-web%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D58&w=402&h=600&imgurl=www.posterenvy.com%2Fcatalog%2Fss092_The_Tudors.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.posterenvy.com%2Fservlet%2Fthe-1831%2FThe-Tudor-Dynasty--dsh-%2FDetail&size=87.3KB&name=The+%3Cb%3ETudor+Dynasty+%3C%2Fb%3E-+Social+Studies+Poster&p=tudor+dynasty&oid=d6fa68850a1c0b95e452bbe7ec999da0&fr2=piv-web&fr=yfp-t-600&tt=The+%3Cb%3ETudor+Dynasty+%3C%2Fb%3E-+Social+Studies+Poster&b=31&ni=72&no=58&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=129nb4ghp&sigb=1379ao1m9&sigi=11f7dv9a4&.crumb=CuLIFb5cz8E&fr=yfp-t-600 Henry VIII- https://www.google.com/search?q=henry+the+8th&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=l85VUqSaNLS-4APA64CIDQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDoQsAQ&biw=1920&bih=968&dpr=1 Queen Mary I-  ISBN 0-8478-1940-X (Scanned) Other- http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks3/history/tudors_stuarts/henry_viii/revision/3 Permissions: We all benefit by collaborating with each other in order to share our work. Permission is granted for others to access, as well as modify this WebQuest for educational, non-commercial purposes as long as the author is credited. This WebQuest was created using that same formula. Title Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Credits

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