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The Tudor Monarchs

The Tudor Monarchs. 1485 - 1603. The War of the Roses. Civil War in England 1455-1485 The House of Lancaster vs. the House of York Ultimately, the House of Lancaster won. Henry Tudor VII. Defeated King Richard III (House of York) at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485.

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The Tudor Monarchs

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Tudor Monarchs 1485 - 1603

  2. The War of the Roses • Civil War in England 1455-1485 • The House of Lancaster vs. the House of York • Ultimately, the House of Lancaster won

  3. Henry Tudor VII • Defeated King Richard III (House of York) at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485 • Married a lady of the House of York to unite the families

  4. Henry VIII • Wanted a son to secure the Tudor line • He married six times • Three children: • Mary • Elizabeth • Edward

  5. Catherine of Aragon • Married 1509 • Daughter to the king of Spain • She bore Mary • Henry decided to divorce Catherine

  6. Henry’s Break with the Church • At this time, England was a Catholic nation and a monarch could only gain a divorce with the permission of the pope • Furious, Henry decided to break with the Catholic Church and established a Protestant Church of England with himself at the head • However, the pope refused to grant permission. (partly because of Catherine’s powerful allies) This created many troubles down the road…

  7. Anne Boleyn • Married 1533 • She bore Elizabeth • Protestant • Henry accused her of infidelity and had her beheaded in 1536

  8. Jane Seymour • Married 1536 (11 days after execution of Anne) • Bore Edward but died soon after • Henry probably loved her best of all his wives

  9. Anne of Cleves • Married 1540 • An arranged marriage • Henry thought she was ugly • Divorced 1540 – the same year!

  10. Catherine Howard • Married 1540 • She was 20, Henry was 49 • The Duke of Norfolk vouched for her character and convinced the king to marry her

  11. Catherine’s Howard’s Downfall • It was discovered that Catherine was having an affair with the king’s courtier, Thomas Culpeper, and that she had been with other men before her marriage • The king blamed the Duke of Norfolk for what happened • The king was very fond of Catherine and took the news very hard; however, he still had her executed for treason in 1542

  12. Catherine Parr • Married 1543 • Looked after Henry’s children • Outlived Henry

  13. Edward VI • Main characters in The Prince and the Pauper • Became king at the age of nine • Protestant • Illness caused him to die after only six years

  14. Lady Jane Grey • Edward named his cousin Jane Grey as his successor • She was queen for only nine days – Mary took the throne and had her beheaded

  15. Mary I • Determined to return England to the one true faith…Roman Catholic. • Referred to as “Bloody Mary” • Reigned for only 5 years before her death

  16. Elizabeth I • A strong ruler • Never married • Ruled during the time of Shakespeare • Ruled for 45 years

  17. The end of the Tudor line • Since Elizabeth had no children, the crown passed on to the Stewart family • In 1603 James I became king

  18. The End

  19. Life in Tudor England

  20. Mini-Research Project • You will be assigned a topic to research for the class • Decide what is most important/most interesting about your topic • Create a PowerPoint/Prezi/Glogster/Any other sort of “visual” and an oral presentation • 4 images minimum

  21. Mini-Research Groups 1. Tudor Entertainment 2. Tudor Education 3. Tudor Crime & Punishment 4. Tudor Food & Medicine 5. Tudor Towns 6. Tudor Clothing

  22. Resources • http://www.localhistories.org/tudor.html • http://www.the-tudors.org.uk/tudor-england.htm • http://www.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/Homework/tudors/dailylife.htm

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