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THE TUDOR DINASTY. HENRY VII. In the wars of roses defeated the last Yorkist , Richard III and became king Henry VII in 1485. Before he arrived there is the obscure age and he did of the England a modern state.
HENRY VII In the warsofrosesdefeated the last Yorkist, Richard III and becameking Henry VII in 1485. Beforehearrivedthereis the obscureage and hedidof the England a modern state. Heencouraged the tradealsowith the France, especiallyof the cloths Hefounded the english navalpower, spendinghismoney building sheepswithverymodernstructuretoincrease the commerce and militarypower. The cheap were more importantfor the trasportthan the war. Hesponsored John Cabot in 1497 for the discoveryof the North.
HENRY VIII Was the second son of Henry VII. Hewaspopularbothwith english elitè and english public. Called “goldprince” forhisnaturalgoodlooks and chivarlyeducation. Hewasintersting in the defending the sacraments and forthisreason the had the titleof “Defenderof the fight” by the Pope in 1251 Hewasmarriedwith Caterina D’Aragona and shegavehim the daughter Mary I. Heasked the divorcetomarry Anna Bolena, and brokewithRomewhen the Pope refusedtogivehim the divorce. Hedeclaredhim “Supreme Head of the Church of England” with the actofSupremacy in 1534. The dissolutionof the monasteriesbroughtmoneyto the crown and kingspentthemfor the inflaction and the war. Irelandremaincatholiccountry. Hehad 6 wifes.
EDWARD VI Wasthe son of Jane Seymour and Henry VIII. Becameking in 1547 , whenhewas 9 yearsold and hewasscholarly and sickly. Hisuncle, Edward Seymour became Lord Protector. Replacethe old latin with the book of common player. Used the confiscatedwealthofconventstobuildschool MadeProtestantdoctrine more accepted. Hedied at the ageof 11.
MARY I Wasdaughterof Caterina D’Aragonaand Henry VII. Refusedtoabandone the Catholicfaight. Triedtorestore England topapalobbedience . MarriedwithFilippe II of the Spainbutdiedwithoutanheir. Wascalled “bloody Mary” because a lotofprotestantwereburnedforheresyduringherreign.
ELIZABETH I Wasthe daughterof Henry VIII and Anna Bolena and shesuccededhersister Mary in 1558 and became the MOST POPULAR RULER . Queen of a dividednation : twoparts = anti-Catholic and anti-Spanish. Shewas 25 yearsold and had a strong personality, wasintelligent and had a passionatecharacter. Acceptedprotestant and catholicreligion. Shereceivedanexcellenteducation and spoke : french, german, spanish, english, latin and italian. Politicalweapon : wasunmarriedbut lover herpepole EXPLORATION OVERSEAS : 1)searchgold, silver and otheraround the world 2) sent his people tocolonizeotherterritory 3) usepirate in facttheytoldothrpirates the secret of the ship Ispiratedliterature, music,drama, poetry and duringthisperiodwehave Shakespeare. Encouraged the capitan Francis Drack and Walter Releigh in theirpiracyagainstSpainships and tookprofits Spainwashermaintraderival. Defeated the SPANISH ARMADA in 1558. 7 campaniestocolonize in the nameoftrade.