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Tuesday, Sept. 3 rd mardi , le 3 septembre. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTa70hqGBf4&list=PL0789EB56BD25FE85&index=5&feature=plpp_video. French is the language of culture ! . French is the international language of cooking, fashion, theatre, the visual arts, dance and architecture.
Tuesday, Sept. 3rdmardi, le 3 septembre http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTa70hqGBf4&list=PL0789EB56BD25FE85&index=5&feature=plpp_video
French is the language of culture! French is the international language of cooking, fashion, theatre, the visual arts, dance and architecture. It offers access to great works of literature, as well as films and songs, in the original French. French is the language of Victor Hugo, Molière, Edith Piaf, Jean-Paul Sartre, and ZinedineZidane. People all over the world know Monet, Renoir, Coco Chanel, Marion Cotillard & more!
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Sept. 3-6th week (2nd week of 1st 6 weeks)
Les règles de la classe! (CLASS RULES) • 1. Students must ARRIVE ON TIME, BE SEATED AT THE BELL! Students will be counted tardy if they’re running into the classroom as the tardy bell rings. • 2. Students must CHECK THE BOARD, GET OUT H/W & PASS UP HOMEWORK, or START WARM-UP OR NOTES –Remember: INK ONLY & FULL HEADING/NUMBER. • 3. Students must raise their hand to speak, and it must related to what we are learning & appropriate, unless I have called upon you to speak & USE TIMEOUT SIGN FOR RR. • 4. Students are to stay in desk and room at the dismissal bell until I dismiss the class. The bell does NOT mean you can run out the door! • 5. NO Passes UNTIL END OF CLASS! Students must go to the restroom between classes & if late, take a tardy or go at the very end of class, but NOT during roll call, collection of homework or instruction. You are allowed just ONE pass per week!
Rules PG. 2 • 6. NO GUM, FOOD, DRINK, WATER BOTTLES! Should a student chew it, it’s an “N” in conduct. After that, it’s a write up for NON-COMPLIANCE! Students must eat at lunchtime & in commons area only! • 7. No electronic devices, musical devices, CD players, mp3 players, any type of headphones, wires, playing cards, grooming in class, or sleeping in class.. ALL Phones that ring or are visible will be collected immediately to give to AP. • 8. Students must turn in work at BEGINNING of the class, not when we are learning new material. If you have it, it’s a 100 for completion or if I grade it, it starts at 100. If the student does not don’t have it, he/she MUST submit a blank paper with title of the work-with both his your name/number on it anyway, and then he/she will get a ZERO. The next day when the student turns it in, it’s worth a 50. After that, it is a ZERO. • 9. If the student is absent, he/she gets ONE day for each day absent to make it up the work. ALL MAKE UPS TESTS ARE DONE THE DAY THE STUDENT RETURNS FROM AN EXCUSED ABSENCE. RE-TESTS are done by appointment with me within 5 days of grade notification, or you can schedule with another foreign language teacher. Students can only earn up to a 75%. • 10. ALWAYS respect your teacher, classmates & KISD rules! Strike 1-warning. Strike 2-Parent contact. Strike 3-Office referral!
SUPPLY LIST-LABEL ALL ITEMS! Choose one! • 1 Binder (1”) soft or hard OR • 1 plastic folder • 1 THREE subject WIRELESS WIDE RULE notebook (Can be found at Walgreens, not Walmart!) • 1 pkg. of WIDE RULE white paper • 4-5 black or blue pens (use daily) • 2+ red grading pens • 4-5 Pencils (Only use for scantron tests) • French 1 & 2 only: 300-400 flashcards (lined or unlined, any color) • French 1 only- 10+ colored pencils • ALL- 1 large box of Kleenex • OPTIONAL: FLASHDRIVE!
F 3-1 • Stylo/papier (nom, class, date, titre, #, phrases-13)- put aside. • Les sons *** • 5 verbes: ** 4. Corrigez les phrases et les verbes! H/W: Corrigez les papiers! (donnez-moi les 1er pages et les papiers nouveaux!)
F 2 PreAP • Les sons (sounds)** • Stylo/papier/ etc. –corrigez… • Gallicisms: F 2 Borrowed words G.docx • F 1 vocabulaire: f_1_vocabulary_unit_1 (2).docx • Les questions-répondez avec votrepartenaire • Les devoirs: Les phrases (re-write sentences), Gallicisms “G” et les Q & R***!
F 2, 3 Phonics review ** L LL M N O OeOeuOiOinOu On P Ph Q Qu R S T ThTion U Ui Un V W X Y Z A À Ä Ai Ais Au An Ain B C Ca Co Cu Ç CeCi Ch D E É Et, Er, Ez, È, Ê, Ë, Eu, Eau, En, Eil, Euil(le) F G Ga Go GuGiGeGn H I in ien J K
F 2, 3-**Try these sounds: EU - bleu – blue OU - rouge - red IN - lapin - rabbit AIN - pain - bread O - rose – pink, Radio EAU - eau - water AU - jaune – yellow J - jaune – yellow CH - cheval - horse H - huit - eight Ç - français - French È - frère - brother • (È is like the 'e' in pet.) É - thé - tea • (É is like the 'ay' in day.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nup5VwH3YaE&list=TLo-0ka5DrNKE
F2 R (4,7) • Paper/Pen out, do heading, “ME”, & save • Warmup: write out 10 questions in French *** • Sounds & phonics ** • Skit***(move to Tuesday) • If time: Vocabulary: f_1_vocabulary_unit_1 (2).docx LES DEVOIRS: Re-writes! (turn in rough draft and perfect page)
**French 2- warmup: • 1. Comment t'appelles-tu? 2. Es-tu un garçon ou une fille? 3. Quel âge as-tu? 4. Quelle est ta nationalité? 5. Où et avec qui habites-tu? 6. Quelle est la date de ta naissance/ Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire? Où es-tu né(e)?7. Quelle est ta cuisine préférée?8. Quels sont tes loisirs préférés/Tu aimes faire??? 9. Quel est ton numéro de téléphone? 10. As-tu des frères ou des soeurs? Copiez les questions! Répondez ce soir!
***F 2-R Mini-SKIT(if time) • 1. Je m’appelle…(name) • 2. J’ai ….ans (#) • 3. Je suis de…(state/country) • 4. Je suis ….(adjective or nationality) • 5. J’aime…..(verb or thing)
F 1 • Supplies, syllabus, sentences check etc. • Notes * accent marks • Notes * greetings • Review: Colors, ABC’s, 123’s • H/W: Handout on colors and fix your sentences! (turn in rough draft and your new perfect page!!!)
1. Bonjour hello 2. Je m’appelle … My name is … 3. Comment t’appelles-tu? What’s your name? 4. Moi me 5. Et toi? and you? ex: - Comment t’appelles-tu? - Je m’appelle Marie. Et toi? - Moi, Je m’appelle Marc.
F 1: review- Colors http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYfvJ32syxk
blanc/blanche noir/noire bleu/bleue rouge jaune
vert/verte gris/grise marron orange rose http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsvt2Mg6rys
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsvt2Mg6rys http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsvt2Mg6rys
F 1- Review-ABC’s & 123’s • http://www.languageguide.org/french/alphabet/ • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lWNWobUPAtM #’s: • http://lexiquefle.free.fr/numero.swf
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 12 14 16 17 18 19 20 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsc3qLMaCu8&feature=fvwrel (number song) Pouvez-vouscompter jusqu’àvingt? (Can you count to 20?)