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England and its colonies. Chapter 3 in The Americans. Journal:. If you were leaving England for North America, which colony would you go to and why?. Mercantilism. England’s economic goal Acquire gold and silver Export more than import (sell more than buy) = favorable balance of trade
England and its colonies Chapter 3 in The Americans
Journal: • If you were leaving England for North America, which colony would you go to and why?
Mercantilism • England’s economic goal • Acquire gold and silver • Export more than import (sell more than buy) = favorable balance of trade • England needed its colonies to achieve this goal
Economic Activities in the Colonies • New England Colonies: • Shipbuilding, shipping, fishing, lumber, rum, meat, livestock, foodstuffs, iron, snuff • Middle Colonies: • Furs, wheat, glass, shoes, livestock, shipping, shipbuilding, flax, copper, beer, rum • Southern Colonies: • Tobacco, wheat, cattle, iron, snuff, Naval supplies, furs, rice, indigo, silk, lumber
English Politics Hurt Colonial Trade • Parliament: England’s legislature (makes England’s laws) • Navigation Acts: passed because colonists were selling these products to other countries and England wasn’t making money off of them • No country could trade with the colonies unless the goods were shipped either in colonial or British ships • All vessels had to be operated by crews that were at least ¾ English or colonists • The colonies could export certain products ONLY to England • Almost all goods traded between the colonies and Europe had to pass through an English port • Many colonists (esp. in MA) did not approve of the Navigation Acts because they made colonial trade more difficult and less profitable.
Dominion of New England • James II came to power and united Maine-New Jersey (called Dom. Of NE) • Sir Edmond Andros: Strict English ruler who was sent to DNE • The colonists sent Increase Mather as a representative to England to get Andros repealed but the Glorious Revolution happened while he was there
Glorious Revolution • James II: • Colonists hated him because of the Navigation Acts (and bc of his father and grandfather) • British people hated him because he was a strict Roman Catholic and didn’t support Anglicanism or strong Parliamentary Rights - he was a tyrant • He had a son and everyone feared a long line of kings like him • The British people invite William of Orange and his wife Mary to challenge James II for the throne • James fled before they even arrived in England • This was called the Glorious Revolution because there was no fighting
The End of the Dominion of New England • After the Glorious Revolution, MA Colonists arrested Andros and his counselors • William and Mary Abolished the Dominion of New England • William and Mary forced MA to be more religiously tolerant but left their trade alone • This was the beginning of a time of salutary neglect – England did not interfere in the economic activity of the colonies